992 resultados para Plan quinquenal. 1952-1955
The DADAISM project brings together researchers from the diverse fields of archaeology, human computer interaction, image processing, image search and retrieval, and text mining to create a rich interactive system to address the problems of researchers finding images relevant to their research. In the age of digital photography, thousands of images are taken of archaeological artefacts. These images could help archaeologists enormously in their tasks of classification and identification if they could be related to one another effectively. They would yield many new insights on a range of archaeological problems. However, these images are currently greatly underutilized for two key reasons. Firstly, the current paradigm for interaction with image collections is basic keyword search or, at best, simple faceted search. Secondly, even if these interactions are possible, the metadata related to the majority of images of archaeological artefacts is scarce in information relating to the content of the image and the nature of the artefact, and is time intensive to enter manually. DADAISM will transform the way in which archaeologists interact with online image collections. It will deploy user-centred design methodologies to create an interactive system that goes well beyond current systems for working with images, and will support archaeologists’ tasks of finding, organising, relating and labelling images as well as other relevant sources of information such as grey literature documents.
Social scientists have used agent-based models (ABMs) to explore the interaction and feedbacks among social agents and their environments. The bottom-up structure of ABMs enables simulation and investigation of complex systems and their emergent behaviour with a high level of detail; however the stochastic nature and potential combinations of parameters of such models create large non-linear multidimensional “big data,” which are difficult to analyze using traditional statistical methods. Our proposed project seeks to address this challenge by developing algorithms and web-based analysis and visualization tools that provide automated means of discovering complex relationships among variables. The tools will enable modellers to easily manage, analyze, visualize, and compare their output data, and will provide stakeholders, policy makers and the general public with intuitive web interfaces to explore, interact with and provide feedback on otherwise difficult-to-understand models.
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In 2003, twelve marine protected areas were established in state waters (0-3 nmi) surrounding the Channel Islands. NOAA is considering extending this network (3-6 nmi) into deeper waters of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS). In order for effective long-term management of the deep water reserves to occur, a well-structured monitoring program is required to assess effectiveness. The CINMS and the National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) hosted a 2-day workshop in April 2005 to develop a monitoring plan for the proposed federal marine reserves in that sanctuary. Conducted at the University of California at Santa Barbara, participants included scientists from academic, state, federal, and private research institutions. Workshop participants developed project ideas that could answer priority questions posed by the NMSP. This workshop report will be used to develop a monitoring plan for the reserves. (PDF contains 47 pages.)
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Planning a scenario planning workshop
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In October 2000 the government of Cambodia announced a major change in fisheries management policy. The core elements of the new policy are the reduction of fishing lot concession areas by 56%, the broader participation of fishing communities in the management of fisheries and a focus on the efficient, sustainable and equitable use of the living aquatic resources. To facilitate the establishment and development of the Community Fisheries, support and monitor their activities, the Department of Fisheries was authorized1 to establish a Community Fisheries Development Office (CFDO). (Pdf contains 19 pages).
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ENGLISH: Yellowfin and skipjack tuna occur in commercial quantities in the Eastern Pacific Ocean from California to Chile. They are captured in the high seas at distances from the mainland up to several hundred miles (see Alverson, 1960). The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission has been engaged for several years in research on the biology, ecology, and population dynamics of the stocks of these species supporting the commercial fishery, in order to elucidate the effects of the fishery and of fishery independent factors on their abundance and behavior, to provide the scientific basis for rational management of the fishery. An important aspect of this research is the investigation of the migrations of these species in the Eastern Pacific, and the determination of whether each consists of but a single population or is composed of various sub-populations. One direct means of approaching these problems is the tagging, and subsequent recovery, of specimens in the region of the commercial fishery. This also provides direct information on growth rates, by comparison of sizes of specimens at tagging and upon later recovery, and can furnish the basis of estimating rates of mortality. These are two of the important elements of the vital statistics of the tuna populations. SPANISH: El atún aleta amarilla y el barrilete se encuentran en cantidades comerciales en el Océano Pacífico Oriental, desde California hasta Chile. Estos peces son capturados en alta mar a varios cientos de millas de distancia de tierra firme (ver Alverson, 1960). La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical ha estado dedicada durante varios años a la investigación de la biología, ecología y dinámica de las poblaciones de los stocks de las indicadas especies que mantienen la pesquería comercial, a fin de elucidar los efectos de ésta y de los factores independientes de la explotación sobre la abundancia y hábitos de estos peces, para obtener una base científica que permita una administración racional de la pesquería. Un aspecto importante de esta investigación es el estudio de los movimientos migratorios de estas especies en el Pacífico Oriental, y la determinación de que si cada una constituye una sola población o está compuesta de varias subpoblaciones. Un medio directo de abordar estos problemas es el de la marcación, y subsecuente recuperación, de especímenes en la región de la pesquería comercial. Esto también proporciona una información directa sobre la tasa de crecimiento, por la comparación de los tamaños de los especímenes al ser marcados y recuperados más tarde y puede proveer la base para estimar las tasas de mortalidad. Estos son dos de los elementos importantes de las estadísticas vitales de las poblaciones de atún.
This document is in Spanish. Catch statistics for Mexican waters 1952. Explotaciones pesqueras en aguas mexicanas durante el año de 1952. (PDF has 227 pages.)