912 resultados para Phonological processing


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Dendritic cells are unique in their capacity to process antigens and prime naive CD8(+) T cells. Contrary to most cells, which express the standard proteasomes, dendritic cells express immunoproteasomes constitutively. The melanoma-associated protein Melan-A(MART1) contains an HLA-A2-restricted peptide that is poorly processed by melanoma cells expressing immunoproteasomes in vitro. Here, we show that the expression of Melan-A in dendritic cells fails to elicit T-cell responses in vitro and in vivo because it is not processed by the proteasomes of dendritic cells. In contrast, dendritic cells lacking immunoproteasomes induce strong anti-Melan-A T-cell responses in vitro and in vivo. These results suggest that the inefficient processing of self-antigens, such as Melan-A, by the immunoproteasomes of professional antigen-presenting cells prevents the induction of antitumor T-cell responses in vivo.


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This study examines the effects of a borderline-specific treatment, called general psychiatric management, on emotional change, outcome and therapeutic alliance of an outpatient presenting with borderline personality disorder. Based on the sequential model of emotional processing, emotional states were assessed in a 10-session setting. The case showed an increase in expressions of distress and no change in therapeutic alliance and tended towards general deterioration. Results suggest emotional processing may play a lesser role in general psychiatric management in early phase treatment than previously hypothezised. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The processing of biological motion is a critical, everyday task performed with remarkable efficiency by human sensory systems. Interest in this ability has focused to a large extent on biological motion processing in the visual modality (see, for example, Cutting, J. E., Moore, C., & Morrison, R. (1988). Masking the motions of human gait. Perception and Psychophysics, 44(4), 339-347). In naturalistic settings, however, it is often the case that biological motion is defined by input to more than one sensory modality. For this reason, here in a series of experiments we investigate behavioural correlates of multisensory, in particular audiovisual, integration in the processing of biological motion cues. More specifically, using a new psychophysical paradigm we investigate the effect of suprathreshold auditory motion on perceptions of visually defined biological motion. Unlike data from previous studies investigating audiovisual integration in linear motion processing [Meyer, G. F. & Wuerger, S. M. (2001). Cross-modal integration of auditory and visual motion signals. Neuroreport, 12(11), 2557-2560; Wuerger, S. M., Hofbauer, M., & Meyer, G. F. (2003). The integration of auditory and motion signals at threshold. Perception and Psychophysics, 65(8), 1188-1196; Alais, D. & Burr, D. (2004). No direction-specific bimodal facilitation for audiovisual motion detection. Cognitive Brain Research, 19, 185-194], we report the existence of direction-selective effects: relative to control (stationary) auditory conditions, auditory motion in the same direction as the visually defined biological motion target increased its detectability, whereas auditory motion in the opposite direction had the inverse effect. Our data suggest these effects do not arise through general shifts in visuo-spatial attention, but instead are a consequence of motion-sensitive, direction-tuned integration mechanisms that are, if not unique to biological visual motion, at least not common to all types of visual motion. Based on these data and evidence from neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies we discuss the neural mechanisms likely to underlie this effect.


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Maps of Iowa's Biodiesel and Ethanol Processing Plants.


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Résumé II y a cinq ans, la découverte d'un nouveau domaine, le PYD domaine, lié aux domaines de la mort, a permis la description de la nouvelle famille des NALP protéines. L'analyse structurelle de cette famille de protéines révéla la présence de deux autres domaines, impliqués dans l'oligomerisation, NACHT, et la détection des ligands, Leucine rich repeats ou LRR. Cette architecture protéique est homologue à celle qui est décrite pour les NODs, les Tol1 récepteurs et tes protéines de résistance chez les plantes. Cette homologie suggère une possible implication des NALPs dans la régulation de l'immunité innée. Premièrement, nous avons décrit les composants minimaux qui permettent à l'inflammasomeNALP3 d'activer la caspase pro-inflammatoire, caspase-1. En comparaison à NALP1, NALP3 ne contient pas de FIIND domaine, ni de CARD domaine en C-terminus et n'interagit pas avec caspase-5. Nous avons découvert une protéine très homologue au C-terminus de NALP1, Cardinal, qui se lie au NACHT domaine de NALP2 et NALP3 par l'intermédiaire de son FIIND domaine. Cardinal possède la capacité d'interagir avec caspase-l, mais seul ASC semble être nécessaire à la maturation de la prointerleukine-1β suite à la stimulation de NALP3. Deuxièmement, notre étude s'est concentrée sur la nature du stimulus capable d'induire la formation et l'activation de l'inflammasome-NALP3. Nous avons démontré que l'ajout de muramyl dipeptide (MDP), produit à partir de la digestion enzymatique de peptidoglycaris bactériens, induit à la fois l'expression de la proIL-1β par la voie NOD2 et sa maturation en IL-1β active par la voie NALP3. Bien que le MDP active l'inflammasome-NALP3, il est incapable d'induire la sécrétion de l'IL-1β mature dans la lignée cellulaire THP1, comparé aux monocytes primaires humains. Cette différence pourrait être liée à l'absence, dans les THP1, de la protéine Filamin, qui est proposée d'interagir avec Cardinal. L'implication de NALP3 dans la maturation de l'IL-lb est confirmée suite à la découverte de mutations sur le gène CIAS1/NALP3/cryopyrin associées à trois maladies auto-inflammatoires : le syndrome de Muckle-Wells (MWS), l'urticaire familial au froid (FCU) et le syndrome CINCA/NOMID. Une élévation constitutive de la maturation et de la sécrétion de la proIL-1β en absence de stimulation MDP est détectée dans les macrophages des patients Muckle-Wells. En conclusion, nos études ont démontré que l'inflammasome-NALP3 doit être finement régulé pour éviter une activité incontrôlée qui représente la base moléculaire des symptômes associés aux syndromes auto-inflammatoires liés à NALP3. Summary Five years ago, the description of the NALP family originated from the discovery of a new death-domain fold family, the PYD domain. NALP contains aprotein-protein interaction domain (PYD), an oligomerization domain (NACHT) and a ligand-sensing domain, leucine rich repeats or LRR. This protein architecture shares similarity with receptors involved in immunity, such as NODS, Toll receptors (TLRs) and related plant resistance proteins, and points to an important role of NALPs in defense mechanisms. We first described the minimal complex involved in the pro-inflammatory Interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) cytokine maturation, called the inflammasome, which contains NALP3. In contrast to NALP1, NALP3, like other members of the NALP family, is devoid of C-terminal FIIND and CARD domains and does not interact with the pro-inflammatory caspase-5. Interestingly, a homolog of the C-terminal portion of NALP1 was found in the human genome and was named Cardinal. We found that NALP2 and NALP3 interact with the CARD-containing proteins Cardinal. Cardinal is able to bind to caspase-1 but is not required for IL-1β maturation through NALP3 activation, as demonstrated for the adaptor ASC. Secondly, our study focused on the stimuli involved in the activation of the NALP3 inflammasome. MDP was shown to induce the expression of proIL1β through NOD2 and then the maturation into active IL-1β by activation of the NALP3 inflammasome. However, in the monocytic THP1 cell line, secretion of IL-1β upon MDP stimulation seems to be independent of the inflammasome activation compared to human primary monocytes. This difference might be linked to a Cardinal-interacting protein, filamin. Until now, the role of Cardinal and filamin is still unknown and remains to be elucidated. Finally, mutations in the NALP3/cryopyrin/CIAS1 gene are associated with three autoinflammatory diseases: Muckle-Wells syndrome, familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome, and CINCA. Constitutive, elevated IL-1β maturation and secretion, even in the absence of MDP stimulation, was observed in macrophages from Muckle-Wells patients and confirmed a key role for the NALP3 inflammasome in innate immunity In conclusion, our studies describes the formation of the NALP3 inflammasome and suggests that this complex has to be tightly regulated to avoid an increased deregulated inflammasome activity that is the molecular basis for the symptoms associated with NALP3-dependent autoinflammatory disorders.


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This paper studies the determinants of school choice, focusing on the role of information. Weconsider how parents' search efforts and their capacity to process information (i.e., tocorrectly assess schools) affect the quality of the schools they choose for their children. Usinga novel dataset, we are able to identify parents' awareness of schools in their neighborhoodand measure their capacity to rank the quality of the school with respect to the officialrankings. We find that parents education and wealth are important factors in determiningtheir level of school awareness and information gathering. Moreover, these search effortshave important consequences in terms of the quality of school choice.


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Dorsal and ventral pathways for syntacto-semantic speech processing in the left hemisphere are represented in the dual-stream model of auditory processing. Here we report new findings for the right dorsal and ventral temporo-frontal pathway during processing of affectively intonated speech (i.e. affective prosody) in humans, together with several left hemispheric structural connections, partly resembling those for syntacto-semantic speech processing. We investigated white matter fiber connectivity between regions responding to affective prosody in several subregions of the bilateral superior temporal cortex (secondary and higher-level auditory cortex) and of the inferior frontal cortex (anterior and posterior inferior frontal gyrus). The fiber connectivity was investigated by using probabilistic diffusion tensor based tractography. The results underscore several so far underestimated auditory pathway connections, especially for the processing of affective prosody, such as a right ventral auditory pathway. The results also suggest the existence of a dual-stream processing in the right hemisphere, and a general predominance of the dorsal pathways in both hemispheres underlying the neural processing of affective prosody in an extended temporo-frontal network.


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The jointly voluntary and involuntary control of respiration, unique among essential physiological processes, the interconnection of breathing with and its influence on the autonomic nervous system, and disease states associated with the interface between psychology and respiration (e.g., anxiety disorders, hyperventilation syndrome, asthma) make the study of the relationship between respiration and emotion both theoretically and clinically of great relevance. However, the respiratory behavior during affective states is not yet completely understood. We studied breathing pattern responses to 13 picture series varying widely in their affective tone in 37 adults (18 men, 19 women, mean age 26). Time and volume parameters were recorded with the LifeShirt system (VivoMetrics Inc., Ventura, California, USA, see image). We also measured end-tidal pCO2 (EtCO2) with a Microcap Handheld Capnograph (Oridion Medical 1987 Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel) to determine if ventilation is in balance with metabolic demands and spontaneous eye-blinking to investigate the link between respiration and attention. At the end of each picture series, the participants reported their subjective feeling in the affective dimensions of pleasantness and arousal. Increasing self-rated arousal was associated with increasing minute ventilation but not with decreases in EtCO2, suggesting that ventilatory changes during picture viewing paralleled variations in metabolic activity. EtCO2 correlated with pleasantness, and eye-blink rate decreased with increasing unpleasantness in line with a negativity bias in attention. Like MV, inspiratory drive (i.e., mean inspiratory flow) increased with arousal. This relationship reflected increases in inspiratory volume rather than shortening of the time parameters. This study confirms that respiratory responses to affective stimuli are organized to a certain degree along the dimensions of pleasantness and arousal. It shows, for the first time, that during picture viewing, ventilatory increases with increasing arousal are in balance with metabolic activity and that inspiratory volume is modulated by arousal. MV emerges as the most reliable respiratory index of self-perceived arousal. Finally, end-tidal pCO2 is slightly lower during processing of negative as compared to positive picture contents, which is proposed to enhance sensory perception and reflect a negativity bias in attention.


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Maturation of the arenavirus GP precursor (GPC) involves proteolytic processing by cellular signal peptidase and the proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin isozyme 1 (SKI-1)/site 1 protease (S1P), yielding a tripartite complex comprised of a stable signal peptide (SSP), the receptor-binding GP1, and the fusion-active transmembrane GP2. Here we investigated the roles of SKI-1/S1P processing and SSP in the biosynthesis of the recombinant GP ectodomains of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and Lassa virus (LASV). When expressed in mammalian cells, the LCMV and LASV GP ectodomains underwent processing by SKI-1/S1P, followed by dissociation of GP1 from GP2. The GP2 ectodomain spontaneously formed trimers as revealed by chemical cross-linking. The endogenous SSP, known to be crucial for maturation and transport of full-length arenavirus GPC was dispensable for processing and secretion of the soluble GP ectodomain, suggesting a specific role of SSP in the stable prefusion conformation and transport of full-length GPC.


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Biosynthesis of active endothelin-1 (ET-1) implies an enzymatic processing of the inactive precursor Big ET-1 (1-39) into the mature, 21 amino acid peptide. The aim of this study was to characterize in airway and alveolar epithelial cells the enzymes responsible for this activation. BEAS-2B and A549 cells, which both produce ET-1, were studied in vitro as models for bronchiolar and alveolar cells, respectively. Both cell lines were able to convert exogenously added Big ET-1 (0.1 microM) into ET-1, suggesting a cell surface or an extracellular processing. The conversion was inhibited by phosphoramidon in both cell lines with an IC50 approximately 1 microM, but not by thiorphan, a specific inhibitor of neutral endopeptidase 24.11 (NEP). The endogenous production of serum-stimulated BEAS-2B and A549 cells was not inhibited by thiorphan, and phosphoramidon showed inhibition only at high concentration (>100 microM). Western blotting following electrophoresis in reducing conditions demonstrated a protein of MR 110 corresponding to the ECE-1 monomer in both BEAS-2B and A549 cells, as well as in whole lung extracts. By RT-PCR we revealed the mRNA encoding for the ECE-1b and/or -1c subtype, but not ECE-1a, in both cell lines. We conclude that BEAS-2B and A549 cells are able to process either endogenous or exogenous Big ET-1 by ECE-1 and that isoforms 1b and 1c could be involved in this processing with no significant role of NEP.


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Iowa Grain Facilities Map


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Selostus: Prosessoinnin vaikutus vehnän sivutuotteita sisältävien rehuseosten aminohappojen ohutsuolisulavuuteen sioilla