951 resultados para Pharyngoesophageal Reconstruction


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This paper provides a review of the last five years of policymaking in the area of health and safety law; this includes multiple reviews, legislative reform, and the reframing of rhetoric around the issue. It characterises this as a process of social construction of a new ‘universe of meaning’ around health and safety regulation, which provides a basis for a particular, narrow, neoliberal conception of regulation and responsibility to permeate the mainstream. Deliberative and public-facing policymaking processes have been utilised as a key element of this process.


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INTRODUCTION Breast reconstruction is routinely offered to women who undergo mastectomy for breast cancer. However, patient-reported outcomes are mixed. Child abuse has enduring effects on adults’ well-being and body image. As part of a study into damaging effects of abuse on adjustment to breast cancer, we examined: (i) whether women with history of abuse would be more likely than other women to opt for reconstruction; and (ii) whether mood problems in women opting for reconstruction can be explained by greater prevalence of abuse. PATIENTS AND METHODS We recruited 355 women within 2-4 days after surgery for primary breast cancer; 104 had mastectomy alone and 29 opted for reconstruction. Using standardised questionnaires, women self-reported emotional distress and recollections of childhood sexual abuse. Self-report of distress was repeated 12 months later. RESULTS Women who had reconstruction were younger than those who did not. Controlling for this, they reported greater prevalence of abuse and more distress than those having mastectomy alone. They were also more depressed postoperatively, and this effect remained significant after controlling for abuse. CONCLUSIONS One interpretation of these findings is that history of abuse influences women's decisions about responding to the threat of mastectomy, but it is premature to draw inferences for practice until the findings are replicated. If they are replicated, it will be important to recognise increased vulnerability of some patients who choose reconstruction. Studying the characteristics and needs of women who opt for immediate reconstruction and examining the implications for women's adjustment should be a priority for research.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report results from a rape trial reconstruction in Ireland. Design/methodology/approach – A studio audience of 100 members of the Irish public were selected to attend a TV programme by the Republic of Ireland’s national broadcasting organisation. This involved the examination of the sentencing of a rape case. The audience’s sentencing preferences were measured at the outset, when they had been given only summary information about the case, and later, when full details had been disclosed. Findings – Previous research examining changes in public attitudes to crime and punishment has shown that deliberation, including the provision of new information and discussion with others and experts, tends to decrease public punitiveness and increase public leniency towards sentencing. An experiment in Ireland, however, showed that providing information does not invariably and necessarily moderate punitive attitudes. This paper presents the results, and offers some explanations for the anomalous outcome. Research limitations/implications – The pre/post design, in which the audience served as their own controls, is a weak one, and participants may have responded to what they took to be the agenda of the producers. Due to the quality of the sample, the results may not be generalisable to the broader Irish population. Practical implications – Policy makers should recognise that the public is not uniformly punitive for all crimes. There is good research evidence to show that the apparent public appetite for tough punishment is illusory, and is a function of the way that polls measure public attitudes to punishment. Sentencers and those responsible for sentencing policy would benefit from a fuller understanding of the sorts of cases which illicit strong punitive responses from the public, and the reasons for this response. However any such understanding should not simply translate into responsiveness to the public’s punitive sentiments – where these exist. Innovative survey methods – like this experiment – which attempt to look beyond the top-of-the-head opinions by providing information and opportunities for deliberation should be welcomed and used more widely. Originality/value – There have been limited research studies which reports factors which may increase punitiveness through the provision of information and deliberation.


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This paper looks at the blockages to the publication of children’s literature caused by the intellectual climate of the postwar era, through a case study of the editorial policy of Hachette, the largest publisher for children at this time. This period witnessed heightened tensions surrounding the social and humanitarian responsibilities of literature. Writers were blamed for having created a culture of defeatism, and collaborationist authors were punished harshly in the purges. In the case of children’s literature, the discourse on responsibility was made more urgent by the assumption that children were easily influenced by their reading material, and by the centrality of the young to the discourse on the moral reconstruction of France. As the politician and education reformer Gustave Monod put it: “penser l’avenir, c’est penser le sort des enfants et de la jeunesse.” These concerns led to the expansion of associations and publications dedicated to protecting children and promoting “good” reading matter for them, and, famously, to the 1949 law regulating publications for children, which banned the depiction of crime, debauchery and violence that might demoralise young readers. Using the testimonials of former employees, along with readers’ reports and editorial correspondence preserved in the Hachette archives, this paper will examine how individual editorial decisions and self-censorship strategies were shaped by the 1949 law with its attendant discourse of moral panic on children’s reading, and how national concerns for future citizens were balanced with commercial imperatives.


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We apply the Coexistence Approach (CoA) to reconstruct mean annual precipitation (MAP), mean annual temperature (MAT), mean temperature of thewarmestmonth (MTWA) and mean temperature of the coldest month (MTCO) at 44 pollen sites on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. The modern climate ranges of the taxa are obtained (1) from county-level presence/absence data and (2) from data on the optimum and range of each taxon from Lu et al. (2011). The CoA based on the optimumand range data yields better predictions of observed climate parameters at the pollen sites than that based on the county-level data. The presence of arboreal pollen, most of which is derived fromoutside the region, distorts the reconstructions. More reliable reconstructions are obtained using only the non-arboreal component of the pollen assemblages. The root mean-squared error (RMSE) of the MAP reconstructions are smaller than the RMSE of MAT, MTWA and MTCO, suggesting that precipitation gradients are the most important control of vegetation distribution on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Our results show that CoA could be used to reconstruct past climates in this region, although in areas characterized by open vegetation the most reliable estimates will be obtained by excluding possible arboreal contaminants.


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Background: Bilateral mammaplasty or mastopexy is frequently used for oncoplastic objectives. However, little information has been available regarding outcome following immediate and delayed reconstruction. Method: Patients were divided into Group I (immediate reconstruction) and Group II (delayed reconstruction). Retrospective review was performed to compare complications, length of hospital stay, revision surgeries, and satisfaction. The associations between the complications with potential risk factors (timing, age, body mass index, smoking, and comorbid medical conditions) were analyzed. Results: There were a total of 144 patients with a mean follow-up of 47 months. Of the 106 patients in Group I, complications occurred in 24 (22.6%), skin necrosis was observed in 7.5%, fat necrosis in 5.6%, and 6.6% patients developed local recurrence. Mean period of hospitalization was 1.89 days. Of the 38 patients of the Group II, complications occurred in 12 (31.5%), skin necrosis was observed in 7 (18.4%), fat necrosis in 4 (10.5%), and 5.2% patients developed local recurrence. Mean period of hospitalization was 1.35 days. Increased length of hospital stay greater than 1 day (P < 0.001) and the number of revision surgeries (P = 0.043) were associated with the timing of the reconstruction. In univariate analysis, no difference between groups was found with respect to complication incidence (P = 0.275); however, after adjusting for other risk factors, the probability of complications tend to be higher for Group II (OR = 2.65; 95% confidence interval - 1.01-7.00; P = 0.049). Conclusions: On the basis of the results of our study, the probability of complications tends to be higher for delayed reconstructions, and it is demonstrated that obesity and smoking are risk factors for complications. Ultimately, these data may facilitate the provision of individualized risk information for shared medical decision-making.


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The efficacy of breast-conserving Surgery for the local control of early breast cancer has been repeatedly evidenced. Although immediate reconstruction following breast-conserving Surgery has been described, little information is available regarding surgical management in reoperative settings due to positive margins. We studied the influence of intraoperatively assessed and postoperatively controlled Surgical margin status on the type of breast-conserving Surgery and report our results regarding complications in a reoperative breast reconstruction scenario. All patients were seen by a multidisciplinary team who recommended breast-conserving surgery. According to the breast volume, ptosis and tumor size/location, the patients were also evaluated by a plastic Surgeon, who recommended reconstruction with the appropriate technique. Intraoperative assessment Of Surgical margins was determined by histological examination of frozen sections. The mean follow-up time was 48 months. Two hundred and eighteen patients (88.5%) underwent breast-conserving Surgery and immediate reconstruction. Twelve (5.5%) patients had a positive tumor margin after review of the permanent section. All patients underwent re-exploration. In 1.3%, a second reconstructive technique was indicated and in 2.2% a skin-sparing mastectomy with total reconstruction was performed. Our findings support the important role of the intraoperative assessment of surgical margins and its interference in the selection of reconstruction techniques and negative margins: however, it will not guarantee complete excision of the tumor. Success depends on coordinated planning with the oncologic Surgeon and careful intraoperative management, (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Although the use of local flaps in conservative breast surgery (CBS) reconstruction is a reliable technique, little information has been available regarding outcome following the use of perforator flaps. The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility, surgical planning and outcome following CBS reconstruction with intercostal artery perforator (ICAP) flap. Patients/methods: Thirteen patients underwent CBS reconstructions with an ICAP flap. These flaps were raised from adjacent tissue located on the lateral and thoracic region and based on perforators originating from the costal and muscular segment of the intercostal vessels. The technique was indicated in patients with small/moderate volume breasts. Results: Mean time of follow-up was 32 months. Flap complications were evaluated and information on patient satisfaction were collected. 61.5 percent had tumors located in the lower-outer quadrants and 69.2 percent had tumors measuring 2 cm or less (T1). Complications occurred in 3 patients (23%), including wound dehiscence in 2 patients and fat necrosis in one. All cases were treated by conservative approach with a good result. No flap loss or wound infection were reported. 90 percent were either satisfied or very satisfied with their result. Conclusion: The ICAP flap is a reliable technique for immediate CBS reconstruction. The technique is advantageous because it does not require the use of muscle transfer, with minimum donor site morbidity. Success depends on patient selection, coordinated planning with the oncological surgeon and careful intra-operative management. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although the biodimensional anatomical expander-implant system (BEIS) is a reliable technique, little information has been available regarding outcome following nipple-areola sparing mastectomy (NSM). To perform the resection of glandular tissue, while improving the surgical access and maintaining the nipple-areola vascularization we have developed a new approach for NSM based on the double concentric periareolar incision (DCPI). The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility, surgical planning and its outcome following NSM. 18 patients underwent NSM reconstructions. Mean time of follow-up was 29 months. The technique was indicated in patients with small/moderate volume breasts. Flap complications were evaluated and information on aesthetic results and patient satisfaction were collected. 83.3% had tumors measuring 2 cm or less (T1) and 72.1% were stage 0 and 1. All patients presented peripherally tumors located (at least 5 cm from the nipple). Skin complications occurred in 11.1%. One patient (5.5%) presented small skin necrosis and a wound dehiscence was observed in one patient (5.5%). The aesthetic result was good/very good in 94.4 percent and the majority of patients were very satisfied/satisfied. No local recurrences were observed. All complications except one were treated by a conservative approach. DCPI-BEIS is a simple and reliable technique for NSM reconstruction. The success depends on patient selection, coordinated planning with the oncologic surgeon and careful intra-operative and post-operative management. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Neotropical forests have brought forth a large proportion of the world`s terrestrial biodiversity, but the underlying evolutionary mechanisms and their timing require further elucidation. Despite insights gained from phylogenetic studies, uncertainties about molecular clock rates have hindered efforts to determine the timing of diversification processes. Moreover, most molecular research has been detached from the extensive body of data on Neotropical geology and paleogeography. We here examine phylogenetic relationships and the timing of speciation events in a Neotropical flycatcher genus (Myiopagis) by using calibrations from modern geologic data in conjunction with a number of recently developed DNA sequence dating algorithms and by comparing these estimates with those based on a range of previously proposed molecular clock rates. We present a well-supported hypothesis of systematic relationships within the genus. Our age estimates of Myiopagis speciation events based on paleogeographic data are in close agreement with nodal ages derived from a ""traditional"" avian mitochondrial 2%/My clock, while contradicting other clock rates. Our comparative approach corroborates the consistency of the traditional avian mitochondrial clock rate of 2%/My for tyrant-flycatchers. Nevertheless, our results argue against the indiscriminate use of molecular clock rates in evolutionary research and advocate the verification of the appropriateness of the traditional clock rate by means of independent calibrations in individual studies. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this study, the ovary morphology of newly emerged ant queens of Atta sexdens rubropilosa was studied in whole mount preparations by confocal microscopy. The ovaries are composed of approximately 40 ovarioles, showing non-synchronic oocyte maturation. The terminal filament with clusters of undifferentiated cells was found at the distal end of the ovarioles. Next to this region is the germarium, composed of several elongated cystocytes interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges. The nurse cells (23-28 cells) result from asymmetric mitosis. Cytoskeleton analysis showed F-actin concentrated at the muscle cells of the external tunica and in fusomes inside the ovarioles. Microtubules were concentrated around the nuclei of the nurse and follicular cells. In contrast, the oocytes and the external tunica showed faint staining for tubulin.


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Motivation: DNA assembly programs classically perform an all-against-all comparison of reads to identify overlaps, followed by a multiple sequence alignment and generation of a consensus sequence. If the aim is to assemble a particular segment, instead of a whole genome or transcriptome, a target-specific assembly is a more sensible approach. GenSeed is a Perl program that implements a seed-driven recursive assembly consisting of cycles comprising a similarity search, read selection and assembly. The iterative process results in a progressive extension of the original seed sequence. GenSeed was tested and validated on many applications, including the reconstruction of nuclear genes or segments, full-length transcripts, and extrachromosomal genomes. The robustness of the method was confirmed through the use of a variety of DNA and protein seeds, including short sequences derived from SAGE and proteome projects.