971 resultados para Peripheral Membrane-protein
We propose antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) as an alternative strategy to reduce the use of antibiotics in shrimp larviculture systems. The growth of a multiple antibiotic resistant Vibrio harveyi strain was effectively controlled by treating the cells with Rose Bengal and photosensitizing for 30 min using a halogen lamp. This resulted in the death of > 50% of the cells within the first 10 min of exposure and the 50% reduction in the cell wall integrity after 30 min could be attributed to the destruction of outer membrane protein of V. harveyi by reactive oxygen intermediates produced during the photosensitization. Further, mesocosm experiments with V. harveyi and Artemia nauplii demonstrated that in 30 min, the aPDT could kill 78.9% and 91.2% of heterotrophic bacterial and Vibrio population respectively. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that aPDT with its rapid action and as yet unreported resistance development possibilities could be a propitious strategy to reduce the use of antibiotics in shrimp larviculture systems and thereby, avoid their hazardous effects on human health and the ecosystem at large.
Lipid droplets (LDs) are the universal storage form of fat as a reservoir of metabolic energy in animals, plants, bacteria and single celled eukaryotes. Dictyostelium LD formation was investigated in response to the addition of different nutrients to the growth medium. LDs were induced by adding exogenous cholesterol, palmitic acid (PA) as well as growth in bacterial suspension, while glucose addition fails to form LDs. Among these nutrients, PA addition is most effective to stimulate LD formation, and depletion of PA from the medium caused LD degradation. The neutral lipids incorporated into the LD-core are composed of triacylglycerol (TAG), steryl esters, and an unknown neutral lipid (UKL) species when the cells were loaded simultaneously with cholesterol and PA. In order to avoid the contamination with other cellular organelles, the LD-purification method was modified. The isolated LD fraction was analysed by mass spectrometry and 100 proteins were identified. Nineteen of these appear to be directly involved in lipid metabolism or function in regulating LD morphology. Together with a previous study, a total of 13 proteins from the LD-proteome were confirmed to localize to LDs after the induction with PA. Among the identified LD-proteins, the localization of Ldp (lipid droplet membrane protein), GPAT3 (glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3) and AGPAT3 (1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate-acyltransferase 3) were further verified by GFP-tagging at the N-termini or C-termini of the respective proteins. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that PA-treatment stimulated the translocation of the three proteins from the ER to LDs. In order to clarify DGAT (diacylglycerol acyltransferase) function in Dictyostelium, the localization of DGAT1, that is not present in LD-proteome, was also investigated. GFP-tagged DGAT1 localized to the ER both, in the presence and absence of PA, which is different from the previously observed localization of GFP-tagged DGAT2, which almost exclusively binds to LDs. The investigation of the cellular neutral lipid level helps to elucidate the mechanism responsible for LD-formation in Dictyostelium cells. Ldp and two short-chain dehydrogenases, ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) and Ali (ADH-like protein), are not involved in neutral lipid biosynthesis. GPAT, AGPAT and DGAT are three transferases responsible for the three acylation steps of de novo TAG synthesis. Knock-out (KO) of AGPAT3 and DGAT2 did not affect storage-fat formation significantly, whereas cells lacking GPAT3 or DGAT1 decreased TAG and LD accumulation dramatically. Furthermore, DGAT1 is responsible for the accumulation of the unknown lipid UKL. Overexpression of DGAT2 can rescue the reduced TAG content of the DGAT1-KO mutant, but fails to restore UKL content in these cells, indicating that of DGAT1 and DGAT2 have overlapping functions in TAG synthesis, but the role in UKL formation is unique to DGAT1. Both GPAT3 and DGAT1 affect phagocytic activity. Mutation of GPAT3 increases it but a DGAT1-KO decreases phagocytosis. The double knockout of DGAT1 and 2 also impairs the ability to grow on a bacterial lawn, which again can be rescued by overexpression of DGAT2. These and other results are incorporated into a new model, which proposes that up-regulation of phagocytosis serves to replenish precursor molecules of membrane lipid synthesis, whereas phagocytosis is down-regulated when excess fatty acids are used for storage-fat formation.
Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) malaria causes 200 million cases worldwide, 8 million being severe and complicated leading to similar to 1 million deaths and similar to 100,000 abortions annually. Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) has been implicated in cytoadherence and infected erythrocyte rosette formation, associated with cerebral malaria; chondroitin sulphate-A attachment and infected erythrocyte sequestration related to pregnancy-associated malaria and other severe forms of disease. An endothelial cell high activity binding peptide is described in several of this similar to 300 kDa hypervariable protein's domains displaying a conserved motif (GACxPxRRxxLC); it established H-bonds with other binding peptides to mediate red blood cell group A and chondroitin sulphate attachment. This motif (when properly modified) induced PfEMP1-specific strain-transcending, fully-protective immunity for the first time in experimental challenge in Aotus monkeys, opening the way forward for a long sought-after vaccine against severe malaria.
Generalidades. Las encefalopatías espongiformes transmisibles son enfermedades neurodegenerativas ocasionadas por la acumulación anormal de una variante mal plegada de la proteína priónica, lo cual induce la formación de conglomerados proteicos resistentes a la degradación. Además, son responsables de la disfunción sináptica, daño neuronal y de la sintomatología clásica acompañante. Esta proteína de membrana es codificada por el exón 2 del gen PRNP, ubicado en el brazo corto del cromosoma 20 y parece estar involucrada en la trasmisión sináptica, la transducción de señales, la actividad antioxidante de la superoxidodismutasa, neuroplasticidad y sobrevida celular. Un polimorfismo en el codón 129 se asocia con una susceptibilidad diferencial a la enfermedad Creutzfeldt-Jakob esporádica. Objetivo. Estudio clínico, patológico y molecular de un caso de una mujer de 58 años con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Creutzfeldt- Jakob esporádica. Métodos y resultados. Se presenta el caso de una mujer en quien aparece un trastorno depresivo del afecto con demencia progresiva y sintomatología general. Al final de la enfermedad, el cuadro progresó a un déficit neurológico focalizado en el área visual. La RMN mostró hiperintensidades inespecíficas córtico-subcorticales en el núcleo estriado; en el EEG se encontró pérdida de ritmos de fondo, patrón de descargas periódicas generalizadas y complejos trifásicos; en la biopsia cerebral postmorten se evidenció pérdida severa de la población neuronal en todas las capas, vacuolas en el neuropil, en el soma neuronal y en la glía. El análisis de secuencia del gen PRNP, a partir de extracción de DNA de sangre periférica, identificó homocigosis para metionina en el codón 129. La paciente fallece a los 3 meses del inicio de la sintomatología. Conclusión. Por epidemiología, curso clínico y exámenes paraclínicos se confirma el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Creutzfeldt- Jakob esporádica.La determinación del genotipo para los polimorfismos de riesgo se convierte en una herramienta útil para complementar por medios moleculares el diagnóstico y para profundizar la comprensión de la fisiopatología de la enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob, tanto para formas esporádicas como para la nueva variante.
The L-glutamate transporter GLT-1 is an abundant CNS membrane protein of the excitatory amino acid transporter (EAAT) family which controls extracellular L-glutamate levels and is important in limiting excitotoxic neuronal death. Using RT-PCR, we have determined that four mRNAs encoding GLT-1 exist in mouse brain, with the potential to encode four GLT-1 isoforms that differ in their N- and C-termini. We expressed all four isoforms (termed MAST-KREK, MPK-KREK, MAST-DIETCI and MPK-DIETCI according to amino acid sequence) in a range of cell lines and primary astrocytes and show that each isoform can reach the cell surface. In transfected HEK-293 or COS-7 cells, all four isoforms support high-affinity sodium-dependent L-glutamate uptake with identical pharmacological and kinetic properties. Inserting a viral epitope (V5, HA or FLAG) into the second extracellular domain of each isoform allowed co-immunoprecipitation and tr-FRET studies using transfected HEK-293 cells. Here we show for the first time that each of the four isoforms are able to combine to form homomeric and heteromeric assemblies, each of which are expressed at the cell surface of primary astrocytes. After activation of protein kinase C by phorbol ester, V5-tagged GLT-1 is rapidly removed from the cell surface of HEK-293 cells and degraded. This study provides direct biochemical evidence for oligomeric assembly of GLT-1 and reports the development of novel tools to provide insight into the trafficking of GLT-1.
Current intakes of very long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are low in most individuals living in Western countries. A good natural source of these fatty acids is seafood, especially oily fish. Fish oil capsules contain these fatty acids also. Very long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are readily incorporated from capsules into transport (blood lipids), functional (cell and tissue), and storage (adipose) pools. This incorporation is dose-dependent and follows a kinetic pattern that is characteristic for each pool. At sufficient levels of incorporation, EPA and DHA influence the physical nature of cell membranes and membrane protein-mediated responses, lipid-mediator generation, cell signaling, and gene expression in many different cell types. Through these mechanisms, EPA and DHA influence cell and tissue physiology and the way cells and tissues respond to external signals. In most cases the effects seen are compatible with improvements in disease biomarker profiles or health-related outcomes. As a result, very long-chain omega-3 fatty acids play a role in achieving optimal health and in protection against disease. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids not only protect against cardiovascular morbidity but also against mortality. In some conditions, for example rheumatoid arthritis, they may be beneficial as therapeutic agents. On the basis of the recognized health improvements brought about by long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, recommendations have been made to increase their intake. The plant omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), can be converted to EPA, but conversion to DHA appears to be poor in humans. Effects of ALA on human health-related outcomes appear to be due to conversion to EPA, and since this is limited, moderately increased consumption of ALA may be of little benefit in improving health outcomes compared with increased intake of preformed EPA + DHA.
Current intakes of very long chain omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DNA) are low in most individuals living in Western countries. A good natural source of these fatty acids is seafood, especially oily fish. Fish oil capsules contain these fatty acids too. Very long chain w-3 fatty acids are readily incorporated from capsules into transport, functional, and storage pools. This incorporation is dose-dependent and follows a kinetic pattern that is characteristic for each pool. At sufficient levels of incorporation, EPA and DHA influence the physical nature of cell membranes and membrane protein-mediated responses, eicosanoid generation, cell signaling and gene expression in many different cell types. Through these mechanisms, EPA and DHA influence cell and tissue physiology, and the way cells and tissues respond to external signals. In most cases, the effects seen are compatible with improvements in disease biomarker profiles or in health-related outcomes. As a result, very long chain omega-3 fatty acids play a role in achieving optimal health and in protection against disease. Long chain omega-3 fatty acids protect against cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and might be beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, childhood learning, and behavior, and adult psychiatric and neurodegenerative illnesses. DHA has an important structural role in the eye and brain, and its supply early in life is known to be of vital importance. On the basis of the recognized health improvements brought about by long chain omega-3 fatty acids, recommendations have been made to increase their intake. (C) 2009 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Volume 35, Number 3, May/June 2009, Pages 266-272. E-mail: pcc@soton.ac.uk
Background: The large-scale production of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) for functional and structural studies remains a challenge. Recent successes have been made in the expression of a range of GPCRs using Pichia pastoris as an expression host. P. pastoris has a number of advantages over other expression systems including ability to post-translationally modify expressed proteins, relative low cost for production and ability to grow to very high cell densities. Several previous studies have described the expression of GPCRs in P. pastoris using shaker flasks, which allow culturing of small volumes (500 ml) with moderate cell densities (OD600 similar to 15). The use of bioreactors, which allow straightforward culturing of large volumes, together with optimal control of growth parameters including pH and dissolved oxygen to maximise cell densities and expression of the target receptors, are an attractive alternative. The aim of this study was to compare the levels of expression of the human Adenosine 2A receptor (A(2A)R) in P. pastoris under control of a methanol-inducible promoter in both flask and bioreactor cultures. Results: Bioreactor cultures yielded an approximately five times increase in cell density (OD600 similar to 75) compared to flask cultures prior to induction and a doubling in functional expression level per mg of membrane protein, representing a significant optimisation. Furthermore, analysis of a C-terminally truncated A2AR, terminating at residue V334 yielded the highest levels (200 pmol/mg) so far reported for expression of this receptor in P. pastoris. This truncated form of the receptor was also revealed to be resistant to C-terminal degradation in contrast to the WT A(2A)R, and therefore more suitable for further functional and structural studies. Conclusion: Large-scale expression of the A(2A)R in P. pastoris bioreactor cultures results in significant increases in functional expression compared to traditional flask cultures.
A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed to detect Chlamydia psittaci DNA in faeces and tissue samples from avian species. Primers were designed to amplify a 264 bp product derived from part of the 5' non-translated region and part of the coding region of the ompA gene which encodes the major outer membrane protein. Amplified sequences were confirmed by Southern hybridization using an internal probe. The sensitivity of the combined assay was found to be between 60 to 600 fg of chlamydial DNA (approximately 6 to 60 genome copies). The specificity of the assay was confirmed since PCR product was not obtained from samples containing several serotypes of C. trachomatis, strains of C. pneumoniae, the type strain of C. pecorum, nor from samples containing microorganisms commonly found in the avian gut flora. In this study, 404 avian faeces and 141 avian tissue samples received by the Central Veterinary Laboratory over a 6 month period were analysed by PCR, antigen detection ELISA and where possible, cell culture isolation. PCR performed favourably compared with ELISA and cell culture, or with ELISA alone. The PCR assay was especially suited to the detection of C. psittaci DNA in avian faeces samples. The test was also useful when applied to tissue samples from small contact birds associated with a case of human psittacosis where ELISA results were negative and chlamydial isolation was a less favourable method due to the need for rapid diagnosis.
In order to understand the role of the mar locus in Salmonella with regard to multiple antibiotic resistance, cyclohexane resistance, and outer membrane protein F (OmpF) regulation, a marA::gfp reporter mutant was constructed in an antibiotic-sensitive salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 background. Salicylate induced marA, whereas a number of antibiotics, disinfect ants, and various growth conditions did not. Increased antibiotic resistance was observed upon salicylate induction, although this was shown to be by both mar-dependent and mar-independent pathways. Cyclohexane resistance, however, was induced by salicylate by a mar-dependent pathway. Complementation studies with a plasmid that constitutively expressed marA confirmed the involvement of map in Salmonella with low-level antibiotic resistance and cyclohexane resistance, although the involvement of mar in down regulation of OmpF was unclear. However, marA overexpression did increase the expression of a ca. 50-kDa protein, but its identity remains to be elucidated Passage of the marA::gfp reporter mutant with increasing levels of tetracycline, a method reported to select for mar mutants in Escherichia coli, led to both multiple-antibiotic and cyclohexane resistance. Collectively, these data indicate that low-level antibiotic resistance, cyclohexane resistance, and modulation of OMPs in Salmonella, as in E. coli, can occur in both a mar-dependent and mar-independent manner.
Chromosomally encoded systems involved in low level resistance of bacteria to different classes of antibiotics (mainly beta-lactams, chloramphenicol, quinolones and tetracycline), disinfectants and in resistance to organic solvents have been the focus of considerable interest in recent years. The multiple antibiotic resistance (mar) locus of Escherichia coli and Salmonella is perhaps the best described system involved in this type of resistance which is induced by MarA, the activator protein encoded by the marRAB locus. The mar-locus is reported to mediate resistance primarily by up-regulating efflux of some antibiotics, disinfectants and organic solvents via the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump and down regulating influx through Outer Membrane Protein F (OmpF). Whilst the level of antibiotic resistance conferred by marRAB is only low level, there are increasing data to suggest that marRAB and related systems are important in clinical antibiotic resistance, possibly as a 'stepping stone' to higher levels of resistance. Other related systems include up-regulation of RobA, SoxS and AcrAB which give rise to a similar resistance phenotype to that conferred by up-regulation of MarA. The aim of this paper is to review the function and significance of the mar-locus and related systems with a particular focus on its implications in veterinary medicine. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Intimin, an outer membrane protein encoded by eaeA, is a key determinant for the formation of attaching and effacing (AE) lesions by enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). To investigate the role of intimin in adherence, the eaeA gene was insertionally inactivated in three EHEC O157:H7 strains of diverse origin. The absence or presence of intimin did not correlate with the extent of adhesion of mutant or wild-type O157:H7 in tissue culture and neonatal calf gut tissue explant adherence assays. Adherence of the eaeA mutants to HEp-2 cells was diffuse with no evidence of intimate attachment whereas wild-type bacteria formed microcolonies and AE lesions. Intimin-independent adherence to neonatal calf gut explants was demonstrated by eaeA mutants and wild-type strains which adhered in the greatest numbers to colon but least well to rumen tissue. These results confirm that intimin is necessary for intimate attachment and that additional adherence factors are involved in intimin-independent adherence.
Treponema have been implicated recently in the pathogenesis of digital dermatitis (DID) and contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) that are infectious diseases of bovine and ovine foot tissues, respectively. Previous analyses of treponemal 16S rDNA sequences, PCR-amplified directly from DID or CODD lesions, have suggested relatedness of animal Treponema to some human oral Treponema species isolated from periodontal tissues. In this study a range of adhesion and virulence-related properties of three animal Treponema isolates have been compared with representative human oral strains of Treponema denticola and Treponema vincentii. In adhesion assays using biotinylated treponemal cells, T denticola cells bound in consistently higher numbers to fibronectin, laminin, collagen type 1, gelatin, keratin and lactoferrin than did T. vincentii or animal Treponema isolates. However, animal DID strains adhered to fibrinogen at equivalent or greater levels than T denticola. All Treponema strains bound to the amino-terminal heparin l/fibrin I domain of fibronectin. 16S rDNA sequence analyses placed ovine strain UB1090 and bovine strain UB1467 within a cluster that was phylogenetically related to T vincentii, while ovine strain UB1466 appeared more closely related to T denticola. These observations correlated with phenotypic properties. Thus, T denticola ATCC 35405, GM-1, and Treponema UB1466 had similar outer-membrane protein profiles, produced chymotrypsin-like protease (CTLP), trypsin-like protease and high levels of proline iminopeptidase, and co-aggregated with human oral bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis and Streptococcus crista. Conversely, T vincentii ATCC 35580, D2A-2, and animal strains UB1090 and UB1467 did not express CTLP or trypsin-like protease and did not co-aggregate with P. gingivalis or S. crista. Taken collectively, these results suggest that human oral-related Treponema have broad host specificity and that similar control or preventive strategies might be developed for human and animal Treponema-associated infections.
An efflux system, CmeABC, in Campylobacter jejuni was previously described, and a second efflux system, CmeDEF, has now been identified. The substrates of CmeDEF include ampicillin, ethidium bromide, acridine, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), deoxycholate, triclosan, and cetrimide, but not ciprofloxacin or erythromycin. C. jejuni NCTC11168 and two efflux pump knockout strains, cmeB::Kan(r) and cmeF::Kan(r), were exposed to 0.5 to 1 mu g of ciprofloxacin/ml in agar plates. All mutants arising from NCTC11168 were resistant to ciprofloxacin but not to other agents and contained a mutation resulting in the replacement of threonine 86 with isoleucine in the quinolone resistance-determining region of GyrA. Mutants with two distinct phenotypes were selected from the efflux pump knockout strains. Mutants with the first phenotype were resistant to ciprofloxacin only and had the same substitution within GyrA as the NCTC11168-derived mutants. Irrespective of the parent strain, mutants with the second phenotype were resistant to ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, ethidium bromide, acridine orange, and SDS and had no mutation in gyrA. These mutants expressed levels of the efflux pump genes cmeB and cmeF and the major outer membrane protein gene porA similar to those expressed by the respective parent strains. No mutations were detected in cmeF or cmeB. Accumulation assays revealed that the mutants accumulated lower concentrations of drug. These data suggest the involvement of a non-CmeB or -CmeF efflux pump or reduced uptake conferring multiple-antibiotic resistance, which can be selected after exposure to a fluoroquinolone.
The effect of glucose on the intracellular pH (pH(i)) recovery rate (dpH(i)/dt) and Na(+)-glucose transporter (SGLT) localization was investigated in HEK-293 cells, a cell line that expresses endogenous NHE1, NHE3, SGLT1, and SGLT2 proteins. The activity of the Na(+)/H(+) exchangers (NHEs) was evaluated by using fluorescence microscopy. The total and membrane protein expression levels were analyzed by immunoblotting. In cells cultivated in 5 mM glucose, the pH(i) recovery rate was 0.169 +/- A 0.020 (n = 6). This value did not change in response to the acute presence of glucose at 2 or 10 mM, but decreased with 25 mM glucose, an effect that was not observed with 25 mM mannitol. Conversely, the chronic effect of high glucose (25 mM) increased the pH(i) recovery rate (similar to 40%, P < 0.05), without changes in the total levels of NHE1, NHE3, or SGLT1 expression, but increasing the total cellular (similar to 50%, P < 0.05) and the plasma membrane (similar to 100%, P < 0.01) content of SGLT2. Treatment with H-89 (10(-6) M) prevented the stimulatory effect of chronic glucose treatment on the pH(i) recovery rate and SGLT2 expression in the plasma membrane. Our results indicate that the effect of chronic treatment with a high glucose concentration is associated with increased NHEs activity and plasma membrane expression of SGLT2 in a protein kinase A-dependent way. The present results reveal mechanisms of glucotoxicity and may contribute to understanding the diabetes-induced damage of this renal epithelial cell.