1000 resultados para Pagès, Jaume -- Intervius


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Aquest projecte és l’exemplificació del punt on la teoria i la pràctica s’uneixen. Mostra com la tasca socioeducativa que es duu a terme a un recurs on es dóna atenció residencial a joves (majors d’edat) amb una mesura judicial de règim obert, pot encaixar perfectament amb el que teoria de la resiliència argumenta. S’utilitza el model resilient de la casita el qual es fa servir de cinc possibles àrees d’intervenció. Es tracta d’un estudi on es justifiquen les raons de per què el Pis de Joves d’Emancipació pot ser definit com una Institució Resilient


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Not much has been said about the grammar of Iraqi Arabic. This research is an attempt to shed light on the nature of IA relative clauses. The research focuses on the behavior of the resumptive strategy as opposed to the gap strategy. We consider islandhood, Weak and Strong CrossOver, reconstruction and scope binding, in order to further understand the behavior of resumption. The final conclusion reached is that in Iraqi Arabic the resumptive strategy is actually related to the gap strategy in several respects; and in those where it differs we propose that gaps (traces) are replaced by trace+pronoun complex


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L'objectiu del projecte consisteix en desenvolupar estratègies de teràpia gènica per al tractament de la neuropatia diabètica. Per a la teràpia gènica és necessària la utilització de vectors per tal d'introduir el material genètic exogen en les cèl•lules diana. En aquest projecte s'utilitzen vectors derivats de virus adenoassociats i es fan estudis de tropisme de diferents serotips de vectors administrant-los per diferents vies. D’aquesta manera es pot escollir quin és el millor vector i la millor via d'administració per a cada cas, i en el cas d'aquest projecte, per a tractar les cèl•lules afectades en la neuropatia diabètica. La neuropatia diabètica és una complicació de la diabetis per a la qual no hi ha cap tractament. Afecta les cèl•lules del sistema nerviós perifèric (neurones sensorials, neurones motores i cèl•lules de Schwann) i és la causa la major part de les amputacions d'extremitats inferiors. En aquest projecte es pretén estudiar quines són les possibles causes del desenvolupament de la neuropatia diabètica analitzant canvis a nivell de l'expressió gènica en models de ratolins diabètics i també en els models in vitro dissenyats per al projecte. Posteriorment es vol proposar un tractament de teràpia gènica mitjançant els resultats dels estudis de tropisme dels vectors virals i dels estudis d'expressió gènica dels models de diabetis.


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Introducción Estudios en colecistectomías y cáncer colorrectal demostraron que la laparoscopia genera menor respuesta inflamatoria sistémica. Escasos trabajos en cáncer gástrico evalúan el impacto inflamatorio en laparoscopia y emplean metodología deficiente. Hipótesis Demostrar mediante el estudio de tejido peritoneal la menor respuesta inflamatoria(protein-arrays) en pacientes gastrectomizados por laparoscopia vs. vía abierta. Material y métodos 26 pacientes: laparoscópica (12) vs. abierta (14); 2010-2012. Resultados Basados en TNF muestran incremento similar de respuesta a la agresión quirúrgica (aunque hubo diferencias en valores finales en ambos abordajes). Conclusiones Resultados preliminares apuntan hacia conclusiones estadísticamente significativas que apoyen nuestra hipótesis: menor respuesta inflamatoria en laparoscopia y correlación con datos clínicos.


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Se plantea un ensayo clínico a fin de determinar la utilidad de una matriz estructural biodegradable (ME, en trámite de licencia de patente) enriquecida con fibrina y/o plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) para restitución de volumen y regeneración tisular. Consta de dos fases. La primera in vitro, donde se definen las características físicas y químicas de la matriz estructural. La segunda, in vivo, que consiste en el análisis de la matriz enriquecida implantada en el tejido subcutáneo abdominal de animales de experimentación, mediante pruebas de imágenes, histología y pruebas de biodistribución.


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The dissertation accomplishes two aims: 1) to diagnose what prevents true beliefs from being knowledge; 2) to give an positive account of knowledge. Concerning the first aim, it offers an account of the notion of luck. It defends the view that luck is a form of risk and distinguishes two types of luck. Then, it applies the account to the problem of epistemic luck and distinguishes, accordingly, two types of epistemic luck. It is argued that these two types of epistemic luck explain the whole range of cases of not-known true belief. Concerning the second aim, the dissertation advances an account of knowledge in terms of the notion of cognitive control that deals with the two forms of epistemic luck distinguished.


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L´ecocardiografia per a estimar volums i funció ventricular dreta en malalts amb Tetralogia de Fallot (TF) està limitada per la importància del tracte de sortida de ventricle dret (TSVD).Objectiu: comparar diferents paràmetres ecocardiogràfics amb la RMN en malalts amb TF i IP severa. Resultats: L´excursió de l´anell tricuspidi i el valor de la ona S per Doppler tissular no es correlacionen amb la FE de VD calculada per RMN (FEVD). L´àrea fraccional a l´eix curt mostra una tendència no significativa (p=0,07) a correlacionarse amb la FEVD. Conclusions: els paràmetres ecocardiogràfics que inclouen el TSVD mostren una tendència a correlacionarse amb la FEVD, al contrari dels paràmetres de l´anell tricuspidi.


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Utilitzant una base de dades amb informació clínica extreta de l’historial d’Atenció Primària (AP) a Catalunya, hem portat a terme un estudi de cohorts retrospectiu l’any 2009, incloent individus  50 anys. Hem identificat les fractures osteoporòtiques majors utilitzant codis CIE-10. 2.011.430 individus van ser inclosos. La incidència total va ser de 10’91/1.000 persones-any. La fractura més freqüent entre les dones va ser la d’avantbraç i entre els homes la vertebral simptomàtica. Totes les fractures van augmentar amb l’edat però es van observar diferents patrons segons localització. Aquesta informació és rellevant per la planificació dels serveis d’AP al nostre país.


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El projecte estudia la influència de la família en el procés de creació d’una marca cooperativa (branding) d’una empresa familiar turística, així com en l’activitat empresarial que desenvolupa. Aquest es centra en el Grup Mas de Torrent


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El principal objectiu d'aquest treball consisteix en establir els perfils sociodemogràfics i territorials de cadascun dels tres principals grups lingüístics de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona. Per fer-ho es compta amb les dades de l'Enquesta de Condicions de Vida i Hàbits de la Població.


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BACKGROUND Based on the mechanism of action, combining somatostatin analogues (SSAs) with mTOR inhibitors or antiangiogenic agents may provide synergistic effects for the treatment of patients with neuroendocrine tumours (NETs). Herein, we investigate the use of these treatment combinations in clinical practice. METHODS This retrospective cross-sectional analysis of patients with NETs treated with the SSA lanreotide and targeted therapies at 35 Spanish hospitals evaluated the efficacy and safety of lanreotide treatment combinations in clinical practice. The data of 159 treatment combinations with lanreotide in 133 patients was retrospectively collected. RESULTS Of the 133 patients, with a median age of 59.4 (16-83) years, 70 (52.6 %) patients were male, 64 (48.1 %) had pancreatic NET, 23 (17.3 %) had ECOG PS ≥2, 41 (30.8 %) had functioning tumours, 63 (47.7 %) underwent surgery of the primary tumour, 45 (33.8 %) had received prior chemotherapy, and 115 (86.5 %) had received prior SSAs. 115 patients received 1 lanreotide treatment combination and 18 patients received between 2 and 5 combinations. Lanreotide was mainly administered in combination with everolimus (73 combinations) or sunitinib (61 combinations). The probability of being progression-free was 78.5 % (6 months), 68.6 % (12 months) and 57.0 % (18 months) for patients who only received everolimus plus lanreotide (n = 57) and 89.3 % (6 months), 73.0 % (12 months), and 67.4 % (18 months) for patients who only received sunitinib and lanreotide (n = 50). In patients who only received everolimus plus lanreotide the median time-to-progression from the initiation of lanreotide combination treatment was 25.8 months (95 % CI, 11.3, 40.3) and it had not yet been reached among the subgroup of patients only receiving sunitinib plus lanreotide. The safety profile of the combination treatment was comparable to that of the targeted agent alone. CONCLUSIONS The combination of lanreotide and targeted therapies, mainly everolimus and sunitinib, is widely used in clinical practice without unexpected toxicities and suggests efficacy that should be explored in randomized prospective clinical trials.


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A problem in the archaeometric classification of Catalan Renaissance pottery is the fact, thatthe clay supply of the pottery workshops was centrally organized by guilds, and thereforeusually all potters of a single production centre produced chemically similar ceramics.However, analysing the glazes of the ware usually a large number of inclusions in the glaze isfound, which reveal technological differences between single workshops. These inclusionshave been used by the potters in order to opacify the transparent glaze and to achieve a whitebackground for further decoration.In order to distinguish different technological preparation procedures of the single workshops,at a Scanning Electron Microscope the chemical composition of those inclusions as well astheir size in the two-dimensional cut is recorded. Based on the latter, a frequency distributionof the apparent diameters is estimated for each sample and type of inclusion.Following an approach by S.D. Wicksell (1925), it is principally possible to transform thedistributions of the apparent 2D-diameters back to those of the true three-dimensional bodies.The applicability of this approach and its practical problems are examined using differentways of kernel density estimation and Monte-Carlo tests of the methodology. Finally, it istested in how far the obtained frequency distributions can be used to classify the pottery


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Aplicació que permet la gestió i el manteniment de les dades corresponents als accionistes i les seves accions i permet també operacions de forma remota.


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A key issue in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive is the classification of streams and rivers using biological quality parameters and type-specific reference conditions. Four groups of stream types were defined in NE Spain on the basis of 152 diatom samples by means of detrended correspondence analysis and classification techniques. Diatom analysis was restricted to epilithic taxa, and the sites included gradients ranging from near-natural streams to sites with poor ecological quality. The main gradient shows a clear separation of sites in relation to the degree of human influence: polluted streams (mainly located in the lowlands) differ from streams in mountainous areas and in the Pyrenees. A second gradient is related to physiographical features. Headwater streams can be distinguished by their catchment geology. The type-specific diatom taxa for the stream types studied were determined by using indicator species analysis (IndVal). The type-specific taxa from near-natural streams are coincident with the indicator taxa for high ecological status. Human impact reduced the typological heterogeneity of the diatom community composition. Overall, the diatom communities in NE Spain exhibit a regional distribution pattern that closely corresponds with that observed in river systems elsewhere. Physiographical differences are only evident in undisturbed sites, while nutrient enrichment and other human disturbances may mask the regional differences in the distribution of diatom communities


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In the ornamental plant production region of Girona (Spain), which is one of the largest of its kind in southern Europe, most of the surface is irrigated using wide blocked-end furrows. The objectives of this paper were: (1) to evaluate the irrigation scheduling methods used by ornamental plant producers; (2) to analyse different scenarios inorder to assess how they affect irrigation performance; (3) to evaluate the risk of deep percolation; and (4) to calculategross water productivity. A two-year study in a representative commercial field, planted with Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’, was carried out. The irrigation dose applied by the farmers was slightly smaller than the required water dose estimated by the use of two different methods: the first based on soil water content, and the second based on evapotranspiration. Distribution uniformity and application efficiency were high, with mean values above 87%. Soil water contentmeasurements revealed that even at the end of the furrow, where the infiltrated water depth was greatest, more than 90% of the infiltrated water was retained in the shallowest 40 cm of the soil; accordingly, the risk of water loss due to deep percolation was minimal. Gross water productivity for ornamental tree production was € 11.70 m–3, approximately 20 times higher than that obtained with maize in the same region