987 resultados para PRODUCT ENGINEERING
Immunological systems have been an abundant inspiration to contemporary computer scientists. Problem solving strategies, stemming from known immune system phenomena, have been successfully applied to chall enging problems of modem computing. Simulation systems and mathematical modeling are also beginning use to answer more complex immunological questions as immune memory process and duration of vaccines, where the regulation mechanisms are not still known sufficiently (Lundegaard, Lund, Kesmir, Brunak, Nielsen, 2007). In this article we studied in machina a approach to simulate the process of antigenic mutation and its implications for the process of memory. Our results have suggested that the durability of the immune memory is affected by the process of antigenic mutation.and by populations of soluble antibodies in the blood. The results also strongly suggest that the decrease of the production of antibodies favors the global maintenance of immune memory.
This chapter explores the impact of innovation technologies such as simulation, modelling, and rapid prototyping on engineering practice. Innovation technologies help redefine the role of engineers in the innovation process, creating a new division of innovative labour both with and across organizations. This chapter also explores the boundaries of experimentation and inertia within particular domains of problem-solving to create new opportunities and value.
This paper describes a practical application of MDA and reverse engineering based on a domain-specific modelling language. A well defined metamodel of a domain-specific language is useful for verification and validation of associated tools. We apply this approach to SIFA, a security analysis tool. SIFA has evolved as requirements have changed, and it has no metamodel. Hence, testing SIFA’s correctness is difficult. We introduce a formal metamodelling approach to develop a well-defined metamodel of the domain. Initially, we develop a domain model in EMF by reverse engineering the SIFA implementation. Then we transform EMF to Object-Z using model transformation. Finally, we complete the Object-Z model by specifying system behavior. The outcome is a well-defined metamodel that precisely describes the domain and the security properties that it analyses. It also provides a reliable basis for testing the current SIFA implementation and forward engineering its successor.
Our long-term objective is to devise reliable methods to generate biological replacement teeth exhibiting the physical properties and functions of naturally formed human teeth. Previously, we demonstrated the successful use of tissue engineering approaches to generate small, bioengineered tooth crowns from harvested pig and rat postnatal dental stem cells (DSCs). To facilitate characterizations of human DSCs, we have developed a novel radiographic staging system to accurately correlate human third molar tooth developmental stage with anticipated harvested DSC yield. Our results demonstrated that DSC yields were higher in less developed teeth (Stages 1 and 2), and lower in more developed teeth (Stages 3, 4, and 5). The greatest cell yields and colony-forming units (CFUs) capability was obtained from Stages 1 and 2 tooth dental pulp. We conclude that radiographic developmental staging can be used to accurately assess the utility of harvested human teeth for future dental tissue engineering applications.
Codes C-1,...,C-M of length it over F-q and an M x N matrix A over F-q define a matrix-product code C = [C-1 (...) C-M] (.) A consisting of all matrix products [c(1) (...) c(M)] (.) A. This generalizes the (u/u + v)-, (u + v + w/2u + v/u)-, (a + x/b + x/a + b + x)-, (u + v/u - v)- etc. constructions. We study matrix-product codes using Linear Algebra. This provides a basis for a unified analysis of /C/, d(C), the minimum Hamming distance of C, and C-perpendicular to. It also reveals an interesting connection with MDS codes. We determine /C/ when A is non-singular. To underbound d(C), we need A to be 'non-singular by columns (NSC)'. We investigate NSC matrices. We show that Generalized Reed-Muller codes are iterative NSC matrix-product codes, generalizing the construction of Reed-Muller codes, as are the ternary 'Main Sequence codes'. We obtain a simpler proof of the minimum Hamming distance of such families of codes. If A is square and NSC, C-perpendicular to can be described using C-1(perpendicular to),...,C-M(perpendicular to) and a transformation of A. This yields d(C-perpendicular to). Finally we show that an NSC matrix-product code is a generalized concatenated code.
In this note we show by counter-example that the direct product of two weak uniquely completable partial latin squares is not necessarily a uniquely completable partial latin square. This counter-example rejects a conjecture by Gower (see [3]) on the direct product of two uniquely completable partial latin squares.
For products sold with warranty, preventive maintenance actions by manufacturers and/or buyers have an impact on the total costs for both parties. This paper develops a framework to study preventive maintenance actions when items are sold under warranty and reviews the models that have appeared in the literature. It then develops a new model and carries out its analysis.