960 resultados para PME.BOX
The 6 cylinder servo-hydraulic loading system of CEDEX's track box (250 kN, 50 Hz) has been recently implemented with a new piezoelectric loading system (±20 kN, 300 Hz) allowing the incorporation of low amplitude high frequency dynamic load time histories to the high amplitude low frequency quasi-static load time histories used so far in the CEDEX's track box to assess the inelastic long term behavior of ballast under mixed traffic in conventional and high- speed lines. This presentation will discuss the results obtained in the first long-duration test performed at CEDEX's track box using simultaneously both loading systems, to simulate the pass-by of 6000 freight vehicles (1M of 225 kN axle loads) travelling at a speed of 120 km/h over a line with vertical irregularities corresponding to a medium quality lin3e level. The superstructure of the track tested at full scale consisted of E 60 rails, stiff rail pads (mayor que 450 kN/mm), B90.2 sleepers with USP 0.10 N/mm and a 0.35 m thick ballast layer of ADIF first class. A shear wave velocity of 250 m/s can be assumed for the different layers of the track sub-base. The ballast long-term settlements will be compared with those obtained in a previous long-duration quasi- static test performed in the same track, for the RIVAS [EU co-funded] project, in which no dynamic loads where considered. Also, the results provided by a high diameter cyclic triaxial cell with ballast tested in full size will be commented. Finally, the progress made at CEDEX's Geotechnical Laboratory to reproduce numerically the long term behavior of ballast will be discussed.
The yawing moment acting on the box-girder deck of reinforced concrete bridges constructed using the balanced cantilever method during the erection stage has been experimentally analyzed by testing different types of bridge cross-sections. Experimental results show that the yawing moment coefficient decreases as the bridge decks become streamlined, and that the yawing moment coefficient reaches a maximum when the bridge deck length is nearly twice the deck width.
l objeto de este trabajo es investigar sobre la arquitectura futurista mediante la figura de Jan Kaplický, el cual realizó planteamientos y arquitecturas que todavía hoy son realmente innovadoras e impactantes, centrando el tema en sus propuestas de vanguardia sobre lo doméstico. La obra elegida para este análisis es la House for a Helicopter Pilot (1979), una arquitectura nómada y cinética en que se habitaría una cápsula modular que puede elevar o bajar sus brazos hidráulicos y luego, una vez cansado el usuario del entorno, podría abandonarlo y encontrar otro lugar salvaje en que situarse. Al ser una obra no construida y utópica, sobre la que no hay apenas documentación, se propone como objetivo indagar sobre esta arquitectura alternativa que hoy en día sigue resultando innovadora, y realizar hipótesis explorando los detalles y objetos que aparecen en la escasa documentación existente, profundizando en las ideas utópicas de Jan Kaplicky
Activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) is controlled by proteolysis of its inhibitory subunit (IκB) via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Signal-induced phosphorylation of IκBα by a large multisubunit complex containing IκB kinases is a prerequisite for ubiquitination. Here, we show that FWD1 (a mouse homologue of Slimb/βTrCP), a member of the F-box/WD40-repeat proteins, is associated specifically with IκBα only when IκBα is phosphorylated. The introduction of FWD1 into cells significantly promotes ubiquitination and degradation of IκBα in concert with IκB kinases, resulting in nuclear translocation of NF-κB. In addition, FWD1 strikingly evoked the ubiquitination of IκBα in the in vitro system. In contrast, a dominant-negative form of FWD1 inhibits the ubiquitination, leading to stabilization of IκBα. These results suggest that the substrate-specific degradation of IκBα is mediated by a Skp1/Cull 1/F-box protein (SCF) FWD1 ubiquitin-ligase complex and that FWD1 serves as an intracellular receptor for phosphorylated IκBα. Skp1/Cullin/F-box protein FWD1 might play a critical role in transcriptional regulation of NF-κB through control of IκB protein stability.
Splicing of nuclear precursors of mRNA (pre-mRNA) involves dynamic interactions between the RNA constituents of the spliceosome. The rearrangement of RNA–RNA interactions, such as the unwinding of the U4/U6 duplex, is believed to be driven by ATP-dependent RNA helicases. We recently have shown that spliceosomal U5 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) from HeLa cells contain two proteins, U5–200kD and U5–100kD, which share homology with the DEAD/DEXH-box families of RNA helicases. Here we demonstrate that purified U5 snRNPs exhibit ATP-dependent unwinding of U4/U6 RNA duplices in vitro. To identify the protein responsible for this activity, U5 snRNPs were depleted of a subset of proteins under high salt concentrations and assayed for RNA unwinding. The activity was retained in U5 snRNPs that contain the U5–200kD protein but lack U5–100kD, suggesting that the U5–200kD protein could mediate U4/U6 duplex unwinding. Finally, U5–200kD was purified to homogeneity by glycerol gradient centrifugation of U5 snRNP proteins in the presence of sodium thiocyanate, followed by ion exchange chromatography. The RNA unwinding activity was found to reside exclusively with the U5–200kD DEXH-box protein. Our data raise the interesting possibility that this RNA helicase catalyzes unwinding of the U4/U6 RNA duplex in the spliceosome.
Extensive studies of the β-phaseolin (phas) gene in transgenic tobacco have shown that it is highly active during seed embryogenesis but is completely silent in leaf and other vegetative tissues. In vivo footprinting revealed that the lack of even basal transcriptional activity in vegetative tissues is associated with the presence of a nucleosome that is rotationally positioned with base pair precision over three phased TATA boxes present in the phas promoter. Positioning is sequence-dependent because an identical rotational setting is obtained upon nucleosome reconstitution in vitro. A comparison of DNase I and dimethyl sulfate footprints in vivo and in vitro strongly suggests that this repressive chromatin architecture is remodeled concomitant with gene activation in the developing seed. This leads to the disruption of histone-mediated DNA wrapping and the assembly of the TATA boxes into a transcriptionally competent nucleoprotein complex.
The basal transcription factor IIE (TFIIE) is thought to be one of the last factors to be assembled into a preinitiation complex (PIC) at eukaryotic promoters after RNA polymerase II and TFIIF have been incorporated. It was shown that a primary function of TFIIE is to recruit and cooperate with TFIIH in promoter melting. Here, we show that the large subunit of TFIIE (E56) can directly stimulate TBP binding to the promoter in the absence of other basal factors. The zinc-finger domain of E56, required for transcriptional activity, is critical for this function. In addition, the small subunit of TFIIE (E34) directly contacts DNA and TFIIA and thus providing a second mechanism for TFIIE to help binding of a TBP/IIA complex to the promoter, the first critical step in the PIC assembly. These studies suggest an alternative PIC assembly pathway in which TFIIE affects both TBP and TFIIH functions during initiation of RNA synthesis.
The SCF ubiquitin ligase complex of budding yeast triggers DNA replication by catalyzing ubiquitination of the S phase cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor SIC1. SCF is composed of three proteins—ySKP1, CDC53 (Cullin), and the F-box protein CDC4—that are conserved from yeast to humans. As part of an effort to identify components and substrates of a putative human SCF complex, we isolated hSKP1 in a two-hybrid screen with hCUL1, the closest human homologue of CDC53. Here, we show that hCUL1 associates with hSKP1 in vivo and directly interacts with both hSKP1 and the human F-box protein SKP2 in vitro, forming an SCF-like particle. Moreover, hCUL1 complements the growth defect of yeast cdc53ts mutants, associates with ubiquitination-promoting activity in human cell extracts, and can assemble into functional, chimeric ubiquitin ligase complexes with yeast SCF components. Taken together, these data suggest that hCUL1 functions as part of an SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in human cells. Further application of biochemical assays similar to those described here can now be used to identify regulators/components of hCUL1-based SCF complexes, to determine whether the hCUL2–hCUL5 proteins also are components of ubiquitin ligase complexes in human cells, and to screen for chemical compounds that modulate the activities of the hSKP1 and hCUL1 proteins.
RAP74, the large subunit of transcription factor IIF, associates with a preinitiation complex containing RNA polymerase II (pol II) and other general initiation factors. We have mapped the location of RAP74 in close proximity to promoter DNA at similar distances both upstream and downstream of a DNA bend centered on the TATA box. Binding of RAP74 induces a conformational change that affects the position of pol II relative to that of the DNA. This reorganization of the preinitiation complex minimally requires the N-terminal region of RAP74 containing both its RAP30-binding domain and another region necessary for accurate transcription in vitro. We propose a role for RAP74 in controlling the topological organization of the pol II preinitiation complex.
The prolamin box (P-box) is a highly conserved 7-bp sequence element (5′-TGTAAAG-3′) found in the promoters of many cereal seed storage protein genes. Nuclear factors from maize endosperm specifically interact with the P-box present in maize prolamin genes (zeins). The presence of the P-box in all zein gene promoters suggests that interactions between endosperm DNA binding proteins and the P-box may play an important role in the coordinate activation of zein gene expression during endosperm development. We have cloned an endosperm-specific maize cDNA, named prolamin-box binding factor (PBF), that encodes a member of the recently described Dof class of plant Cys2-Cys2 zinc-finger DNA binding proteins. When tested in gel shift assays, PBF exhibits the same sequence-specific binding to the P-box as factors present in maize endosperm nuclei. Additionally, PBF interacts in vitro with the basic leucine zipper protein Opaque2, a known transcriptional activator of zein gene expression whose target site lies 20 bp downstream of the P-box in the 22-kDa zein gene promoter. The isolation of the PBF gene provides an essential tool to further investigate the functional role of the highly conserved P-box in regulating cereal storage protein gene expression.
Members of the polo subfamily of protein kinases play pivotal roles in cell-cycle control and proliferation. In addition to a high degree of sequence similarity in the kinase domain, polo kinases contain a strikingly conserved motif termed “polo-box” in the noncatalytic C-terminal domain. We have previously shown that the mammalian polo-like kinase Plk is a functional homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc5. Here, we show that, in a polo-box- and kinase activity-dependent manner, ectopic expression of Plk in budding yeast can induce a class of cells with abnormally elongated buds. In addition to localization at spindle poles and cytokinetic neck filaments, Plk induces and localizes to ectopic septin ring structures within the elongated buds. In contrast, mutations in the polo-box abolish both localization to, and induction of, septal structures. Consistent with the polo-box-dependent subcellular localization, the C-terminal domain of Plk, but not its polo-box mutant, is sufficient for subcellular localization. Our data suggest that Plk may contribute a signal to initiate or promote cytokinetic event(s) and that an intact polo-box is required for regulation of these cellular processes.
β-catenin, the vertebrate homolog of the Drosophila Armadillo protein, has been shown to have dual cellular functions, as a component of both the cadherin-catenin cell adhesion complex and the Wnt signaling pathway. At Wnt signaling, β-catenin becomes stabilized in the cytoplasm and subsequently available for interaction with transcription factors of the lymphocyte enhancer factor-1/T-cell factor family, resulting in a nuclear localization of β-catenin. Although β-catenin does not bind DNA directly, its carboxyl- and amino-terminal regions exhibit a transactivating activity still not well understood molecularly. Here we report the identification of an interaction partner of β-catenin, a nuclear protein designated Pontin52. Pontin52 binds β-catenin in the region of Armadillo repeats 2–5 and, more importantly, also binds the TATA box binding protein. We provide evidence for an in vivo multiprotein complex composed of Pontin52, β-catenin, and lymphocyte enhancer factor-1/T-cell factor. Our results suggest involvement of Pontin52 in the nuclear function of β-catenin.
Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are a large family of eukaryotic RNAs that function within the nucleolus in the biogenesis of ribosomes. One major class of snoRNAs is the box C/D snoRNAs named for their conserved box C and box D sequence elements. We have investigated the involvement of cis-acting sequences and intranuclear structures in the localization of box C/D snoRNAs to the nucleolus by assaying the intranuclear distribution of fluorescently labeled U3, U8, and U14 snoRNAs injected into Xenopus oocyte nuclei. Analysis of an extensive panel of U3 RNA variants showed that the box C/D motif, comprised of box C′, box D, and the 3′ terminal stem of U3, is necessary and sufficient for the nucleolar localization of U3 snoRNA. Disruption of the elements of the box C/D motif of U8 and U14 snoRNAs also prevented nucleolar localization, indicating that all box C/D snoRNAs use a common nucleolar-targeting mechanism. Finally, we found that wild-type box C/D snoRNAs transiently associate with coiled bodies before they localize to nucleoli and that variant RNAs that lack an intact box C/D motif are detained within coiled bodies. These results suggest that coiled bodies play a role in the biogenesis and/or intranuclear transport of box C/D snoRNAs.
The nucleolar localization elements (NoLEs) of U17 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA), which is essential for rRNA processing and belongs to the box H/ACA snoRNA family, were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. Injection of mutant U17 transcripts into Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei revealed that deletion of stems 1, 2, and 4 of U17 snoRNA reduced but did not prevent nucleolar localization. The deletion of stem 3 had no adverse effect. Therefore, the hairpins of the hairpin–hinge–hairpin–tail structure formed by these stems are not absolutely critical for nucleolar localization of U17, nor are sequences within stems 1, 3, and 4, which may tether U17 to the rRNA precursor by base pairing. In contrast, box H and box ACA are major NoLEs; their combined substitution or deletion abolished nucleolar localization of U17 snoRNA. Mutation of just box H or just the box ACA region alone did not fully abolish the nucleolar localization of U17. This indicates that the NoLEs of the box H/ACA snoRNA family function differently from the bipartite NoLEs (conserved boxes C and D) of box C/D snoRNAs, where mutation of either box alone prevents nucleolar localization.
Changes in genes encoding transcriptional regulators can alter development and are important components of the molecular mechanisms of morphological evolution. MADS-box genes encode transcriptional regulators of diverse and important biological functions. In plants, MADS-box genes regulate flower, fruit, leaf, and root development. Recent sequencing efforts in Arabidopsis have allowed a nearly complete sampling of the MADS-box gene family from a single plant, something that was lacking in previous phylogenetic studies. To test the long-suspected parallel between the evolution of the MADS-box gene family and the evolution of plant form, a polarized gene phylogeny is necessary. Here we suggest that a gene duplication ancestral to the divergence of plants and animals gave rise to two main lineages of MADS-box genes: TypeI and TypeII. We locate the root of the eukaryotic MADS-box gene family between these two lineages. A novel monophyletic group of plant MADS domains (AGL34 like) seems to be more closely related to previously identified animal SRF-like MADS domains to form TypeI lineage. Most other plant sequences form a clear monophyletic group with animal MEF2-like domains to form TypeII lineage. Only plant TypeII members have a K domain that is downstream of the MADS domain in most plant members previously identified. This suggests that the K domain evolved after the duplication that gave rise to the two lineages. Finally, a group of intermediate plant sequences could be the result of recombination events. These analyses may guide the search for MADS-box sequences in basal eukaryotes and the phylogenetic placement of new genes from other plant species.