OBJECTIVE: to evaluate discharge in a group of patients with cutaneous melanoma according to recently established criteria. METHODS: we conducted an observational, cross-sectional study with 32 patients at the Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho (HUCFF) / Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), between 1995 and 2013, in the following stages: IA (17 cases, 53.12%), IB (4 cases, 12.5%), IIA (3 cases, 9.37%), IIC (1 case, 3.12%), IIIB (1 case, 3.12%), IIIC (3 cases, 9.37%), melanomas in situ (2 cases, 6.25%), Tx (1 case, 3.12%). RESULTS: the follow-up time varied from one to 20 years (stage IA), five to 15 years (stage IB), six to 17 years (stage IIA), 20 years (stage IIC), 23 years (stage IIIB) and 14 to 18 years (stage IIIC). One melanoma in situ (subungueal) was discharged in the fourth year of follow-up and the other was promptly discharged. The Tx melanoma was followed for 12 years. We observed no relapses or recurrences in the period. CONCLUSION: although a controversial issue, it was possible to endorse the discharge of the patients since our follow-up time had already exceeded the one recommended by the other authors.
This paper describes the use of a panel of antibodies (CD117, CD3, CD79a, CD45, cytokeratin, vimentin and E-cadherin) on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of canine cutaneous round cell tumours. Neoplastic tumours were diagnosed by histology and histochemical stains and included 107 mast cell tumours, 31 cutaneous histiocytomas, two localized histiocytic sarcomas, 21 cutaneous lymphomas, three plasma cell tumours, one transmissible venereal tumour and seven unclassified round cell tumours. The histologic diagnosis was modified in 39.5% of the total 172 neoplasms. The staining for CD45 and Ecadherin were variable, and therefore, the final diagnoses of cutaneous histiocytoma and localized histiocytic sarcoma were made based on histology in association with negative results for CD3, CD79a, CD117 and cytokeratin. The cellular origin of unclassified round cell tumours was defined in all cases. Cutaneous B-cell lymphoma and plasma cell tumours were CD79a-positive and could be distinguished from each other by the morphological characteristics. Mast cell tumours and T cell lymphoma were CD117 and CD3 positive, respectively. The positive staining for vimentin and the negative staining for CD3, CD79a, CD117 and cytokeratin favoured the diagnosis of transmissible venereal tumours. Thus, the final diagnosis of cutaneous round cell tumours should be based on the interpretation of immunohistochemical results together with the cellular morphology observed by histology. Therefore, more studies to optimize the specific markers in formalin-fixed, paraffinembedded tissues (especially for histiocytes) are required for definitive diagnosis of round cell tumours in dogs.
Canine oral papillomavirus (COPV), also known as Canine Papillomavirus type 1 (CPV1), induces papillomas at the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and at the haired skin of dogs. The classification of Papillomavirus (PV) types is based on the L1 capsid protein and nucleotide sequence; so far, 14 CPV types have been described in several countries, but the molecular characterization of CPV in Brazil is lacking. This study investigated the presence of the PV in seven papillomas from four mixed breed dogs from Londrina/PR, Southern Brazil, by partial sequencing of the L1 gene. Seven exophytic cutaneous lesions were surgically removed and processed for histopathological and molecular characterization. Histopathology confirmed the lesions as viral papillomas due to typical histological features. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay using the FAP59 and FAP64 primers targeted the L1 gene followed by sequence analysis of the amplicons identified CPV1 in all evaluated papilloma samples. This study represents the first description of CPV1 DNA associated with canine papillomatosis in Brazil.
Sunlight is part of our everyday life and most people accept it as beneficial to our health. With the advance of our knowledge in cutaneous photochemistry, photobiology and photomedicine over the past four decades, the terrestrial solar radiation has become a concern of dermatologists and is considered to be a major damaging environmental factor for our skin. Most photobiological effects (e.g., sunburn, suntanning, local and systemic immunosuppression, photoaging or dermatoheliosis, skin cancer and precancer, etc.) are attributed to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and more particularly to UVB radiation (290-320 nm). UVA radiation (320-400 nm) also plays an important role in the induction of erythema by the photosensitized generation of reactive oxygen species (singlet oxygen (1O2), superoxide (O2.-) and hydroxyl radicals (.OH)) that damage DNA and cellular membranes, and promote carcinogenesis and the changes associated with photoaging. Therefore, research efforts have been directed at a better photochemical and photobiological understanding of the so-called sunburn reaction, actinic or solar erythema. To survive the insults of actinic damage, the skin appears to have different intrinsic defensive mechanisms, among which antioxidants (enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems) play a pivotal role. In this paper, we will review the basic aspects of the action of UVR on the skin: a) photochemical reactions resulting from photon absorption by endogenous chromophores; b) the lipid peroxidation phenomenon, and c) intrinsic defensive cutaneous mechanisms (antioxidant systems). The last section will cover the inflammatory response including mediator release after cutaneous UVR exposure and adhesion molecule expression
Patients with American cutaneous leishmaniasis were studied before therapy (active lesion) and at the end of therapy (cured patients). Assays of lymphocyte proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells induced in vitro by Leishmania braziliensis promastigote antigens (Lb) were performed. Antigen-stimulated cells were harvested for CD4 and CD8 phenotype analysis and the levels of gamma interferon (IFN-g) and interleukin 4 (IL-4) produced were also determined in the culture supernatants. Two different patterns of Lb-induced T cell responses were observed: a) predominance of responding CD4+ cells and mixed type 1 and type 2 cytokine production (IFN-g and IL-4) during the active disease, and b) similar proportions of responding CD4+ and CD8+ cells, and type 1 cytokine production (presence of IFN-g and very low IL-4) at the end of therapy (healed lesions). This last pattern is probably associated with a beneficial T cell response
The pentavalent antimonial (Sb5+) meglumine is the drug of choice for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Brazil. Although the cardiotoxicity of high-dose, long-term Sb5+ therapy is well known, the use of low-dose, short-term meglumine has been considered to be safe and relatively free from significant cardiac effects. In order to investigate the cardiotoxicity of low-dose, short-term therapy with meglumine in cutaneous leishmaniasis, 62 CL patients treated with meglumine were studied. A standard ECG was obtained before and immediately after the first cycle of treatment (15 mg Sb5+ kg-1 day-1). The electrocardiographic interpretation was carried out blindly by two investigators using the Minnesota Code. There were no significant differences in qualitative ECG variables before and after meglumine treatment. However, the corrected QT interval was clearly prolonged after antimonial therapy (420.0 vs 429.3 ms, P<10-6). QTc augmentation exceeded 40 ms in 12 patients, 7 of whom developed marked QTc interval enlargement (500 ms) after meglumine therapy. This previously unrecognized cardiac toxicity induced by short-term, low-dose antimonial therapy has potentially important clinical implications. Since sudden death has been related to QTc prolongation over 500 ms induced by high-dose antimonial therapy, routine electrocardiographic monitoring is probably indicated even in CL patients treated with short-term, low-dose meglumine schedules. Until further studies are conducted to establish the interactions between pentavalent antimonials and other drugs, special care is recommended when using meglumine in combination with other medications, in particular with drugs that also increase the QTc interval.
In order to study the role of natural killer (NK) cells during the early period of Leishmania infection, BALB/c mice were selectively and permanently depleted of NK cells by injection with 90Sr and subsequently infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis (HSJD-1 strain). 90Sr is known to selectively deplete NK cells, leaving an intact T- and B-cell compartment and preserving the ability to produce both interferon alpha and IL-2. This method of depletion has advantages when compared with depletion using anti-NK cell monoclonal antibodies because the effect is permanent and neither activates complement nor provokes massive cell death. In the present study, after one month of treatment with 90Sr, the depletion of NK cells was shown by a more than ten-fold reduction in the cytotoxic activity of these cells: 2 x 106 spleen cells from NK-depleted animals were required to reach the same specific lysis of target cells effected by 0.15 x 106 spleen cells from normal control animals. The histopathology of the skin lesion at 7 days after Leishmania infection showed more parasites in the NK cell-depleted group. This observation further strengthens a direct role of NK cells during the early period of Leishmania infection.
Human localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL), induced by Leishmania braziliensis, ranges from a clinically mild, self-healing disease with localized cutaneous lesions to severe forms which can present secondary metastatic lesions. The T cell-mediated immune response is extremely important to define the outcome of the disease; however, the underlying mechanisms involved are not fully understood. A flow cytometric analysis of incorporation of 7-amino actinomycin D and CD4+ or CD8+ T cell surface phenotyping was used to determine whether different frequencies of early apoptosis or accidental cell death occur at different stages of LCL lesions. When all cells obtained from a biopsy sample were analyzed, larger numbers of early apoptotic and dead cells were observed in lesions from patients with active disease (mean = 39.5 ± 2.7%) as compared with lesions undergoing spontaneous healing (mean = 17.8 ± 2.2%). Cells displaying normal viability patterns obtained from active LCL lesions showed higher numbers of early apoptotic events among CD8+ than among CD4+ T cells (mean = 28.5 ± 3.8 and 15.3 ± 3.0%, respectively). The higher frequency of cell death events in CD8+ T cells from patients with LCL may be associated with an active form of the disease. In addition, low frequencies of early apoptotic events among the CD8+ T cells were observed in two patients with self-healing lesions. Although the number of patients in the latter group was small, it is possible to speculate that, during the immune response, differences in apoptotic events in CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets could be responsible for controlling the CD4/CD8 ratio, thus leading to healing or maintenance of disease.
More precise and rapid diagnostic methods for American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) are necessary because of the growing number of cases observed in Brazil, including the northeastern region of the State of São Paulo. We applied PCR to 54 skin or mucosal biopsies from patients with a clinical and/or laboratory diagnosis of ACL using primers 13A and 13B, with positive results being obtained for 82% of the samples. When the PCR results were compared to those of histopathological leishmania detection, PCR showed superior results with 81.5% sensitivity and 95% CI of 68.0-95.1%. The Montenegro skin test (MST) was positive in 88.7% of patients. Since MST cannot be used as a diagnostic tool in endemic areas, the present results strongly suggest the use of PCR for the etiological confirmation of ACL, with emphasis on the mucosal form.
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) consists 20% of keratinocytederived non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC), the incidence of which is increasing globally. cSCC is the most common metastatic skin cancer and it causes approximately 20% of skin cancer-related deaths. At present, there are no molecular markers for predicting which cSCC lesions are aggressive or metastasize rapidly. UV radiation is the most important risk factor for cSCC. During the development of cSCC, normal epidermal keratinocytes are transformed and form actinic keratosis (AK), which progresses to cSCC in situ (cSCCIS, Bowen’s disease) and finally to invasive and metastatic cSCC. Inflammatory factors and cells are a part of cancer microenvironment and cSCC can develop in the chronically irritated skin or in the context of chronic inflammation. The complement system is a central part of innate immunity and it regulates normal immunological and inflammatory processes. In this study, the role of complement system components and inhibitors were studied in the progression of cSCC in culture and in vivo. Elevated expression of complement factor H (CFH), complement factor I (CFI), complement component C3 and complement factor B (CFB) was noted in cSCC cells in culture. The analysis with immunohistochemistry (IHC) revealed that the expression of CFH, CFI, C3 and CFB was specifically noted in tumor cells in vivo. The staining intensity of CFH, CFI, C3 and CFB was also stronger in invasive cSCC than in AK or cSCCIS samples. The knockdown of CFH, CFI and CFB with specific siRNAs decreased cSCC cell viability and migration, whereas the knockdown of C3 reduced only cSCC cell migration. Moreover, the knockdown of CFI, C3 and CFB inhibited growth of cSCC xenograft tumors established in SCID mice in vivo. In these tumors, CFI, C3 and CFB knockdown decreased the number of proliferating cells. Moreover, the knockdown of CFI increased local inflammation and complement activation. This study provides evidence for the roles of CFH, CFI, C3 and CFB in the tumor progression indicating these as molecular biomarkers and putative therapeutic targets of cSCC.
The T helper cell type 1 (Th1) response is essential to resist leishmaniasis, whereas the Th2 response favors the disease. However, many leishmanial antigens, which stimulate a Th1 immune response during the disease or even after the disease is cured, have been shown to have no protective action. Paradoxically, antigens associated with an early Th2 response have been found to be highly protective if the Th1 response to them is generated before infection. Therefore, finding disease-associated Th2 antigens and inducing a Th1 immune response to them using defined vaccination protocols is an interesting unorthodox alternative approach to the discovery of a leishmania vaccine.
This study determined the effects of gallium-aluminum-arsenide laser (GaAlAs), gallium-arsenide laser (GaAs) and Dersani® healing ointment on skin wounds in Wistar rats. The parameters analyzed were: type I and III collagen fiber concentrations as well as the rate of wound closure. Five wounds, 12 mm in diameter, were made on the animals’ backs. The depth of the surgical incision was controlled by removing the epithelial tissue until the dorsal muscular fascia was exposed. The animals were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine via intraperitoneal injection. The rats were randomly divided into five groups of 6 animals each, according to the treatment received. Group 1 (L4): GaAs laser (4 J/cm²); group 2 (L30): GaAlAs laser (30 J/cm²); group 3 (L60): GaAlAs laser (60 J/cm²); group 4 (D): Dersani® ointment; group 5 (control): 0.9% saline. The applications were made daily over a period of 20 days. Tissue fragments were stained with picrosirius to distinguish type I collagen from type III collagen. The collagen fibers were photo-documented and analyzed using the Quantum software based on the primary color spectrum (red, yellow and blue). Significant results for wound closing rate were obtained for group 1 (L4), 7.37 mm/day. The highest concentration of type III collagen fibers was observed in group 2 (L30; 37.80 ± 7.10%), which differed from control (29.86 ± 5.15%) on the 20th day of treatment. The type I collagen fibers of group 1 (L4; 2.67 ± 2.23%) and group 2 (L30; 2.87 ± 2.40%) differed significantly from control (1.77 ± 2.97%) on the 20th day of the experiment.
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a relatively significant number of radiological accidents have occurred in recent years mainly because of the practices referred to as potentially high-risk activities, such as radiotherapy, large irradiators and industrial radiography, especially in gammagraphy assays. In some instances, severe injuries have occurred in exposed persons due to high radiation doses. In industrial radiography, 80 cases involving a total of 120 radiation workers, 110 members of the public including 12 deaths have been recorded up to 2014. Radiological accidents in industrial practices in Brazil have mainly resulted in development of cutaneous radiation syndrome (CRS) in hands and fingers. Brazilian data include 5 serious cases related to industrial gammagraphy, affecting 7 radiation workers and 19 members of the public; however, none of them were fatal. Some methods of reconstructive dosimetry have been used to estimate the radiation dose to assist in prescribing medical treatment. The type and development of cutaneous manifestations in the exposed areas of a person is the first achievable gross dose estimation. This review article presents the state-of-the-art reconstructive dosimetry methods enabling estimation of local radiation doses and provides guidelines for medical handling of the exposed individuals. The review also presents the Chilean and Brazilian radiological accident cases to highlight the importance of reconstructive dosimetry.
Roles of novel biomarkers was studied in progression of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) as the most common metastatic skin cancer. The incidence of cSCC is increasing worldwide due to lifestyle changes such as recreational exposure to sunlight and the aging of the population. Because of an emerging need for molecular markers for the progression of cSCC, we set our goal to characterize three distinct novel markers overexpressed in cSCC cells. Our results identified overexpression of serpin peptidase inhibitor clade A member 1 (SerpinA1), EphB2 and absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2) in cSCC cell lines compared with normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEKs). Immunohistochemical analysis of SerpinA1, EphB2 and AIM2 revealed abundant tumor cell-specific expression of cytoplasmic SerpinA1 and AIM2 and cytoplasmic and membranous EphB2 in cSCC tumors in vivo. The staining intensity of SerpinA1, EphB2 and AIM2 was significantly stronger in cSCC as compared with carcinoma in situ (cSCCIS) and actinic keratosis (AK). Tumor cell-associated SerpinA1 and EphB2 was noted in chemically induced mouse skin SCC, and the staining intensity was stronger in mouse cSCCs than in untreated skin. AIM2 staining intensity was significantly more abundant in cSCC of organ transplant recipients (OTR) than in sporadic cSCC in vivo. EphB2 knockdown resulted in inhibition of migration in cSCC cells. In addition, knockdown of EphB2 and AIM2 was found to inhibit the proliferation and invasion of cSCC cells and to delay the growth and vascularization of cSCC xenografts in vivo. Altogether, these findings identify SerpinA1 as a novel biomarker for cSCC. In addition, characterization of the roles of EphB2 and AIM2 in the progression of cSCC was implicated them as possible therapeutic targets for the treatment of cSCC particularly in unresectable and metastatic tumors.