396 resultados para PCI-6224
Foram conduzidos dois experimentos com o intuito de se avaliar o desempenho, características de carcaça e parâmetros ruminais de bovinos Nelore recebendo dietas contendo grãos de milho flint processados de diferentes formas em associação a diferentes aditivos e níveis de FDN de silagem de milho (FDNf). No Experimento 1, 239 tourinhos (PCI=350±26,79kg) foram alojados em 40 baias de acordo com o peso corporal inicial e receberam dietas contendo dois tipos de processamento dos grãos de milho (moagem fina e floculação) e diferentes aditivos (monensina sódica; 25 ppm e formulação A062 a base de virginiamicina; produto teste, não comercial, fornecido pela Ourofino Saúde Animal; nas dosagens de 17 e 25 ppm), totalizando 8 tratamentos. Os dados foram analisados pelo PROC MIXED do SAS. A floculação aumentou o peso final, o ganho de peso diário, a eficiência alimentar, o peso da carcaça quente e tendeu a aumentar o rendimento de carcaça em comparação a moagem fina. Houve tendência de interação entre processamento e fornecimento de aditivos para a ingestão de matéria seca e ganho de peso diário. A floculação reduziu o teor de amido fecal, aumentou a digestibilidade do amido no trato total, aumentou os valores de energia liquida para manutenção e ganho da dieta e o numero médio de papilas ruminais. Os aditivos aumentaram a altura, largura e área das papilas e reduziram a espessura de faixa de queratina em relação ao tratamento controle. Houve tendência das formulações a base de virginiamicina aumentarem o peso da carcaça quente dos animais em comparação com a monensina sódica, mas não em relação ao tratamento controle sem aditivo. A floculação foi mais efetiva para aumentar a digestiblidade do amido no trato total, o valor energético do milho e o desempenho dos bovinos enquanto que os aditivos não foram efetivos para aumentar o valor energético das dietas e a eficiência alimentar dos animais. No Experimento 2, 237 tourinhos (PCI=350±28,49kg) foram alojados em 32 baias de acordo com o peso corporal inicial e receberam dietas contendo dois tipos de processamento (moagem grosseira e floculação) e diferentes níveis de FDNf (4; 7; 10 e 13% MS), totalizando 8 tratamentos. Os dados foram analisados pelo PROC MIXED do SAS. A floculação tendeu a aumentar a eficiência alimentar, o peso da carcaça quente e a espessura de gordura subcutânea, reduziu o teor de amido fecal, aumentou a digestibilidade do amido no trato total como também aumentou os valores de energia liquida para manutenção e para ganho das dietas. Os níveis de FDNf afetaram ingestão de matéria seca e o peso da carcaça quente independente do método de processamento. Houve tendência de aumento linear no GPD e tendência de redução quadrática na eficiência alimentar com inclusão crescente de FDNf. A inclusão de silagem de milho em dietas com alto teor de milho flint reduziu a eficiência alimentar dos animais, mas aumentou o peso da carcaça quente. A floculação aumentou o valor energético do cereal para tourinhos Nelore em dietas com alto teor de energia.
O processo tradicional de recuperação de metais de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos (REEE) geralmente envolve processamento pirometalúrgico. Entretanto, o uso desta tecnologia para processar placas de circuito impresso (PCI) obsoletas pode levar à liberação de dioxinas e furanos, devido à decomposição térmica de retardantes de chama e resinas poliméricas presentes no substrato das placas. Portanto, este trabalho propõe uma rota hidrometalúrgica para recuperação de metais. O comportamento dos metais, com destaque para cobre, zinco e níquel, durante a lixiviação ácida, foi estudado em três temperaturas diferentes (35ºC, 65ºC e 75ºC), com e sem adição de um agente oxidante (peróxido de hidrogênio H2O2). A cinética de dissolução ácida desses metais foi estudada baseada na análise química por ICP-OES (Espectrometria de emissão ótica por plasma acoplado indutivamente) e EDX (Espectroscopia de fluorescência de raios-X por energia dispersiva). O balanço de massa e a análise química indicaram que a etapa de lixiviação sem adição de oxidante é pouco eficaz na extração dos metais, sendo responsável pela dissolução de menos do que 6% do total extraído. A 65ºC e H2SO4 1 mol/L, com adição de 5 mL de H2O2 (30%) a cada quinze minutos e densidade de polpa de 1 g / 10 mL, 98,1% do cobre, 99,9% do zinco e 99,0% do níquel foram extraídos após 4 horas. A cinética de dissolução desses metais é controlada pela etapa da reação química, seguindo, dependendo da temperatura, a equação 1 (1 XB)1/3 = k1.t ou a equação ln (1 XB) = k4.t.
El trabajo analiza la incorporación de medios tecnológicos, en particular la radio, en el proceso de divulgación del conocimiento sobre la salud infantil durante la Segunda República española. En el marco de la campaña sanitaria contra la mortalidad infantil que puso en marcha la Segunda República en la década del 30, la Asociación Española de Médicos Puericultores Titulados, en colaboración con Unión Radio, organizó dos ciclos de conferencias radiofónicas que pretendían explicar, a través de un discurso divulgativo de tono descriptivo dirigido a las clases populares, las nociones fundamentales de la higiene y la alimentación infantil, e impulsar una cultura de la prevención, guiada y orientada por los dictados de los expertos. Se trataba de una acción de propaganda y divulgación que tenía su continuidad en el medio familiar y comunitario a través de la actuación de las enfermeras visitadoras puericultoras, contemplando a las madres como población diana.
The continuous plankton recorder (CPR) survey is an upper layer plankton monitoring program that has regularly collected samples, at monthly intervals, in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas since 1946. Water from approximately 6 m depth enters the CPR through a small aperture at the front of the sampler and travels down a tunnel where it passes through a silk filtering mesh of 270 µm before exiting at the back of the CPR. The plankton filtered on the silk is analyzed in sections corresponding to 10 nautical miles (approx. 3 m**3 of seawater filtered) and the plankton microscopically identified (Richardson et al., 2006 and reference therein). In the present study we used the CPR data to investigate the current basin scale distribution of C. finmarchicus (C5-C6), C. helgolandicus (C5-C6), C. hyperboreus (C5-C6), Pseudocalanus spp. (C6), Oithona spp. (C1-C6), total Euphausiida, total Thecosomata and the presence/absence of Cnidaria and the Phytoplankton Colour Index (PCI). The PCI, which is a visual assessment of the greenness of the silk, is used as an indicator of the distribution of total phytoplankton biomass across the Atlantic basin (Batten et al., 2003). Monthly data collected between 2000 and 2009 were gridded using the inverse-distance interpolation method, in which the interpolated values were the nodes of a 2 degree by 2 degree grid. The resulting twelve monthly matrices were then averaged within the year and in the case of the zooplankton the data were log-transformed (i.e. log10 (x+1).
Contiene: T. 1 -- T. 2 -- T. 3.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar algunos aspectos metodológicos y las series del producto interno bruto (pib) de América Latina y el Caribe con respecto al período 2005-2013, expresadas en paridades del poder adquisitivo (ppa), y señalar algunas limitaciones de este tipo de ejercicio. Se realizan comparaciones con las series (a precios corrientes y constantes) expresadas en dólares con tipos de cambio de mercado, y también con los resultados de la ronda del Programa de Comparación Internacional (pci) efectuada en 2005. Asimismo, se adelantan algunas hipótesis interpretativas sobre el comportamiento de las principales variables económicas calculadas en el estudio.
To determine the influence of fire and thermokarst in a boreal landscape, we investigated peat cores within and adjacent to a permafrost collapse feature on the Tanana River Floodplain of Interior Alaska. Radioisotope dating, diatom assemblages, plant macrofossils, charcoal fragments, and carbon and nitrogen content of the peat profile indicate ~600 years of vegetation succession with a transition from a terrestrial forest to a sedge-dominated wetland over 100 years ago, and to a Sphagnum-dominated peatland in approximately 1970. The shift from sedge to Sphagnum, and a decrease in the detrended tree-ring width index of black spruce trees adjacent to the collapse coincided with an increase in the growing season temperature record from Fairbanks. This concurrent wetland succession and reduced growth of black spruce trees indicates a step-wise ecosystem-level response to a change in regional climate. In 2001, fire was observed coincident with permafrost collapse and resulted in lateral expansion of the peatland. These observations and the peat profile suggest that future warming and/or increased fire disturbance could promote permafrost degradation, peatland expansion, and increase carbon storage across this landscape; however, the development of drought conditions could reduce the success of both black spruce and Sphagnum, and potentially decrease the long-term ecosystem carbon storage.
Background: The Lescol Intervention Prevention Study (LIPS) was a multinational randomized controlled trial that showed a 47% reduction in the relative risk of cardiac death and a 22% reduction in major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) from the routine use of fluvastatin, compared with controls, in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI, defined as angioplasty with or without stents). In this study, MACEs included cardiac death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and subsequent PCI and coronary artery bypass graft. Diabetes was the greatest risk factor for MACEs. Objective: This study estimated the cost-effectiveness of fluvastatin when used for secondary prevention of MACEs after PCI in people with diabetes. Methods: A post hoc subgroup analysis of patients with diabetes from the LIPS was used to estimate the effectiveness of fluvastatin in reducing myocardial infarction, revascularization, and cardiac death. A probabilistic Markov model was developed using United Kingdom resource and cost data to estimate the additional costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) gained over 10 years from the perspective of the British National Health Service. The model contained 6 health states, and the transition probabilities were derived from the LIPS data. Crossover from fluvastatin to other lipid-lowering drugs, withdrawal from fluvastatin, and the use of lipid-lowering drugs in the control group were included. Results: In the subgroup of 202 patients with diabetes in the LIPS trial, 18 (15.0%) of 120 fluvastatin patients and 21 (25.6%) of 82 control participants were insulin dependent (P = NS). Compared with the control group, patients treated with fluvastatin can expect to gain an additional mean (SD) of 0.196 (0.139) QALY per patient over 10 years (P < 0.001) and will cost the health service an additional mean (SD) of 10 (E448) (P = NS) (mean [SD] US $16 [$689]). The additional cost per QALY gained was;(51 (US $78). The key determinants of cost-effectiveness included the probabilities of repeat interventions, cardiac death, the cost of fluvastatin, and the time horizon used for the evaluation. Conclusion: Fluvastatin was an economically efficient treatment to prevent MACEs in these patients with diabetes undergoing PCI.
The chromosomal ß-lactamase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa SAlconst (a derepressed laboratory strain) was isolated and purified. Two peaks of activity were observed on gel permeation chromatography (one major peak mol. wt. 45 kD and one minor peak of 54 kD). Preparations from 12 clinical derepressed strains showed identical results. Chromosomal ß-lactamase production in both normal and derepressed P. aeruginosa strains was induced both by iron restricted growth conditions and by penicillin G. The majority of the enzyme (80-90%) was found in the periplasm and cytoplasm but a significant amount (2-20%) was associated with the outer membrane (OM). The growth conditions did not affect the distribution of the enzyme between subcellular fractions although higher activity was found in the cells grown under iron limitation and/ or in the presence of ß-lactams. The penicillanate sulphone inhibitor, tazobactam, displayed irreversible kinetics whilst cloxacillin, cefotaxime, ampicillin and penicillin G were all competitive inhibitors of the enzyme. Similar results were obtained for the Enterobacter cloacae P99 [ß-lactamase, but tazobactam displayed a non-classical kinetic pattern for the Staphylococcus aureus PC1 ß-lactamase. The residues involved in ß-lactam hydrolysis by the P aeruginosa SAlconst enzyme were detennined by affinity labelling with tazobactam. A tryptic digestion fragment of the inhibited enzyme contained the amino acids D, T, S, E, P, G, A, C, V, M, I, Y, F, H, K, R. This suggests the involvement of the conserved SVSK, DAE and KTG motifs found in all penicillin sensitive proteins. A model of the 3-D structure of the active site of the P aeruginosa SAlconst chromosomal ß-!actamase was constructed from the published amino acid sequence of P aeruginosa chromosomal ß-lactamase and the a-carbon coordinates of the S. aureus PCI ß-lactamase by homology modelling and energy minimisation. The crystal structure of tazobactam was determined and energy minimised. Computer graphics docking identified Ser 72 as a possible residue involved in a secondary attack on the C5 position of tazobactam after initial ß-lactam hydrolysis by serine 70. The enhanced activity of tazobactam over sulbactam might be explained by the triazole substituent which might participate in favourable hydrogen bonding between N3 and active site residues.
Introduction - Monocytes, with 3 different subsets, are implicated in the initiation and progression of the atherosclerotic plaque contributing to plaque instability and rupture. Mon1 are the “classical” monocytes with inflammatory action, whilst Mon3 are considered reparative with fibroblast deposition ability. The function of the newly described Mon2 subset is yet to be fully described. In PCI era, fewer patients have globally reduced left ventricular ejection fraction post infarction, hence the importance of studying regional wall motion abnormalities and deformation at segmental levels using longitudinal strain. Little is known of the role for the 3 monocyte subpopulations in determining global strain in ST elevation myocardial infarction patients (STEMI). Conclusion In patients with normal or mildly impaired EF post infarction, higher counts of Mon1 and Mon2 are correlated with GLS within 7 days and at 6 months of remodelling post infarction. Adverse clinical outcomes in patients with reduced convalescent GLS were predicted with Mon1 and Mon2 suggestive of an inflammatory role for the newly identified Mon2 subpopulation. These results imply an important role for monocytes in myocardial healing when assessed by subclinical ventricular function indices. Methodology - STEMI patients (n = 101, mean age 64 ± 13 years; 69% male) treated with percutaneous revascularisation were recruited within 24 h post-infarction. Peripheral blood monocyte subpopulations were enumerated and characterised using flow cytometry after staining for CD14, CD16 and CCR2. Phenotypically, monocyte subpopulations are defined as: CD14++CD16-CCR2+ (Mon1), CD14++CD16+CCR2+ (Mon2) and CD14+CD16++CCR2- (Mon3). Phagocytic activity of monocytes was measured using flow cytometry and Ecoli commercial kit. Transthoracic 2D echocardiography was performed within 7 days and at 6 months post infarct to assess global longitudinal strain (GLS) via speckle tracking. MACE was defined as recurrent acute coronary syndrome and death. Results - STEMI patients with EF ≥50% by Simpson’s biplane (n = 52) had GLS assessed. Using multivariate regression analysis higher counts of Mon1 and Mon 2 and phagocytic activity of Mon2 were significantly associated with GLS (after adjusting for age, time to hospital presentation, and peak troponin levels) (Table 1). At 6 months, the convalescent GLS remained associated with higher counts of Mon1, Mon 2. At one year follow up, using multivariate Cox regression analysis, Mon1 and Mon2 counts were an independent predictor of MACE in patients with a reduced GLS (n = 21)
A multivariate statistical analysis was applied to a 10 year, multiparameter data set in an effort to describe the spatial dependence and inherent variation of water quality patterns in the mangrove estuaries of Ten Thousand Islands – Whitewater Bay area. Principal component analysis (PCA) of 16 water quality parameters collected monthly resulted in five groupings, which explained 72.5% of the variance of the original variables. The “Organic” component (PCI) was composed of alkaline phosphatase activity, total organic nitrogen, and total organic carbon; the “Dissolved Inorganic N” component (PCII) contained NO 3 − , NO 2 − , and NH 4 + ; the “Phytoplankton” component (PCIII) was made up of total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, and turbidity; dissolved oxygen and temperature were inversely related (PCIV); and salinity and soluble reactive phosphorus made up PCV. A cluster analysis of the mean and SD of PC scores resulted in the spatial aggregation of the 47 fixed stations into six classes having similar water quality, which we defined as: Mangrove Rivers, Whitewater Bay, Gulf Islands, Coot Bay, Blackwater River, and Inland Waterway. Marked differences in physical, chemical, and biological characteristics among classes were illustrated by this technique. Comparison of medians and variability of parameters among classes allowed large scale generalizations as to underlying differences in water quality in these regions. A strong south to north gradient in estuaries from high N - low P to low N - high P was ascribed to marked differences in landuse, freshwater input, geomorphology, and sedimentary geology along this tract. The ecological significance of this gradient discussed along with potential effects of future restoration plans.
Prostate cancer, the leading cause of cancer in men, has positive survival rates and constitutes a challenge to men with its side effects. Studies have addressed the bivaritate relationships between prostate cancer treatment side effects masculinity, partner relationship, and quality of life (QOL). However, few studies have highlighted the relationships among prostate cancer treatment side effects (i.e., sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence), masculinity, and relationship with the partner together on QOL in men. Most studies were conducted with predominately Caucasian sample of men. Miami is a unique multiethnic setting that hosts Cuban, Columbian, Venezuelan, Haitian, other Latin American and Caribbean communities that were not represented in previous literature. The purpose of this study was to examine relative contributions of age, ethnicity, sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, masculinity, and perception of the relationship with the partner on the quality of life in men diagnosed with prostate cancer. Data were collected using self administered questionnaires measuring demographic variables, sexual and urinary functioning (UCLA PCI), masculinity (CMNI), partner relationship (DAS), and QOL (SF-36). A total of 117 partnered heterosexual men diagnosed with prostate cancer were recruited from four urology clinics in Miami, Florida. Men were 67.47 (SD = 8.42) years old and identified themselves to be of Hispanic origin (54.3 %, n = 63). Findings demonstrated that there was a significant moderate negative relationship between urinary and sexual functioning of men. There was a significant strong negative association between men's perceived relationship with partner and masculinity. There was a weak negative relationship between the partner relationship and QOL. Hierarchal multiple regression showed that the partner relationship (β = -.25, t (91) = -2.28, p = .03) significantly contributed overall to QOL. These findings highlight the importance of the relationship satisfaction in the QOL of men with prostate cancer. Nursing interventions to enhance QOL for these men should consider strengthening the relationship and involving the female partner as an active participant.^
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