765 resultados para Oligo-fructose
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius [Poepp. & Endl.] H. Robinson) is an under-exploited native root crop of the Andes, which stores oligofructans (fructo-oligosaccharides, FOS) as its main component of dry matter (DM). FOS are of increasing economic interest because of their low caloric value in human diets and bifidogenic benefits on colon health. Two on-farm experiments were conducted to: (i) determine the effect of shaded, short-term storage at 1990 and 2930 m a.s.l. in the Andean highlands; and (ii) address the effects of a traditional sunlight exposure (‘sunning’) on the carbohydrate composition in the DM of tuberous yacon roots. After a 6-day shade storage FOS concentrations were smaller at the lower (36–48% of DM) than at the higher altitude (39–58% of DM). After 12 days FOS concentrations were nearly equal at both sites (27–39% of DM). The concentration of free sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose) increased accordingly from 29–34 to 48–52%. During the 6-day sunning experiment FOS concentrations decreased from 50–62 to 29–44% and free sugars increased from 29–34 to 45–51%. The results indicate that partial hydrolysis of oligofructans starts shortly after harvest. Storage in highland environments should wherever possible exploit the cooler temperatures at higher altitudes. Sunning of yacon’s tuberous roots effectively reduces much of the roots’ water content, in this experiment 40%, and thus allows energy to be saved if yacon is processed into dehydrated products.
While protein microarray technology has been successful in demonstrating its usefulness for large scale high-throughput proteome profiling, performance of antibody/antigen microarrays has been only moderately productive. Immobilization of either the capture antibodies or the protein samples on solid supports has severe drawbacks. Denaturation of the immobilized proteins as well as inconsistent orientation of antibodies/ligands on the arrays can lead to erroneous results. This has prompted a number of studies to address these challenges by immobilizing proteins on biocompatible surfaces, which has met with limited success. Our strategy relates to a multiplexed, sensitive and high-throughput method for the screening quantification of intracellular signalling proteins from a complex mixture of proteins. Each signalling protein to be monitored has its capture moiety linked to a specific oligo âtag’. The array involves the oligonucleotide hybridization-directed localization and identification of different signalling proteins simultaneously, in a rapid and easy manner. Antibodies have been used as the capture moieties for specific identification of each signaling protein. The method involves covalently partnering each antibody/protein molecule with a unique DNA or DNA derivatives oligonucleotide tag that directs the antibody to a unique site on the microarray due to specific hybridization with a complementary tag-probe on the array. Particular surface modifications and optimal conditions allowed high signal to noise ratio which is essential to the success of this approach.
En el presente estudio se analizan los efectos de los fotoperiodos ambientales de otoño e invierno y los fotoperiodos experimentales de 24, 12 y 0 horas de luz artificial sobre la calidad del semen de machos reproductores porcinos de raza Landrace. El estudio se realizó sobre 30 machos postpuberales de 8 meses de edad y testados con el fin de comprobar la homogeneidad. Los machos fueron distribuidos aleatóriamente en los 3 grupos de luz artificial durante 3 meses. El tratamiento de 12 horas de luz artificial fue considerado como grupo control. Previamente al inicio de cada tratamiento, se sometió a cada grupo de machos al fotoperiodo ambiental correspondiente a la época del año; así, se caracterizó también la calidad seminal en otoño e invierno, manteniendo la temperatura constante. La nave experimental que acogió a los machos tiene una superficie de 100 m2 y una altura de 3,5 m. Un pasillo central divide la nave en dos hileras de 5 y 6 celdas respectivamente. En una de las celdas pequeñas se instaló el maniquí y fue utilizada para las extracciones de semen. La iluminación artificial se consiguió con la instalación de 6 lámparas fluorescentes en el techo del pasillo central que proporcionaron una luz homogénea superior a 200 lux. Así mismo, la nave se mantuvo en todo momento a 21±1ºC y la humedad relativa osciló entre el 60-75%. A todos los verracos se les proporcionó una dieta nutritiva y equilibrada y se les sometió a un regimen de extracciones de semen de 2 veces por semana, habiendo sido previamente entrenados en la monta del maniquí. Les muestras de semen fueron recogidas según la técnica de la mano enguantada (Martín, 1982; Daza, 1992) y se analizaron los siguientes parámetros: el volumen y el pH seminales, la concentración, la vitalidad y la motilidad espermáticas, la resistencia acrosómica de los espermatozoides, la morfología espermàtica a partir de la frecuencia de los espermatozoides maduros, inmaduros y aberrantes, la producción testicular y el número de dosis seminales. Se analizó, además, bioquímicamente el plasma seminal al principio y al final de cada tratamiento experimental de luz artificial a partir de la concentración de proteína total, de la identificación de residuos fosforilados de proteína y del contenido de azúcares. También se determinaron los índices de fertilidad y prolificidad. El volumen y el pH de los eyaculados se utilizaron como marcadores del estado funcional de las glándulas sexuales accesorias; la concentración espermàtica como un indicador de la actividad testicular (Pinart y col., 1999). La vitalidad y la motilidad espermáticas fueron estimadores del grado de diferenciación del espermatozoide tanto a nivel testicular como epididimario; la resistencia acrosómica fue utilizada para valorar el nivel de diferenciación de la membrana acrosómica durante la espermiogénesis y/o maduración epididimària (Briz i col., 1996; Pinart i col., 1999). Referente a la morfología espermática, los espermatozoides inmaduros fueron marcadores de anomalías en la maduración de éstos a lo largo del conducto epididimario y los espermatozoides aberrantes se utilizaron como marcadores de una diferenciación defectuosa a nivel de testículo (anomalías primarias) y a nivel de conducto epididimario (anomalías secundarias) (Briz i col., 1996). La concentración de proteína total se utilizó para valorar la integridad funcional de las membranas del espermatozoide y la actividad de las glándulas sexuales accesorias. La identificación de proteínas con residuos de tirosina fosforilados fue un estimador de la viabilidad celular y la actividad de las glándulas sexuales, y el contenido de azúcares como un indicador de la producción de las vesículas seminales. La determinación del volumen y el pH de los eyaculados se realizó en las instalaciones de la granja a partir de semen fresco el mismo día de la extracción. El resto de parámetros se analizaron en el laboratorio durante las 48 horas posteriores a la extracción a partir de semen diluido en BTS (diluyente de Bestville) (Daza, 1992) y transportado y conservado a 15ºC. Las muestras fueron previamente filtradas con el fin de eliminar la tapioca. El estudio estadístico de los resultados obtenidos se realizó a partir del análisis de la varianza (ANOVA) con un nivel de significación de =0,05. En cuanto al estudio comparativo de los fotoperiodos ambientales estacionales se ha observado un incremento significativo del pH del eyaculado en los machos expuestos a otoño (P0,0001), mientras que el volumen seminal se mantiene en valores similares en ambos tratamientos (P=0,1650). La concentración espermàtica, la producción espermàtica y el número de dosis seminales que se pueden preparar a partir de un eyaculado se duplica en los verracos sometidos al fotoperiodo de primavera (P0,0001). La vitalidad y la motilidad espermáticas no experimentan cambios significativos entre tratamientos (P=0,3440 y P=0,9220, respectivamente). La resistencia osmótica de los acrosomas desciende únicamente en los machos expuestos a condiciones estacionales de otoño (P0,0001). En referencia a la morfología espermàtica aunque no se observan diferencias entre primavera y otoño (P0,05), sí se detecta un incremento de los porcentajes de espermatozoides inmaduros y aberrantes en ambos fotoperiodos estacionales, y en especial en los machos expuestos a condiciones fotoperiódicas de otoño. Según los resultados obtenidos en este estudio la calidad seminal de los verracos es inferior en el fotoperiodo de otoño debido a un descenso de la concentración y la producción espermáticas, un aumento del pH seminal, una disminución de la resistencia de la membrana acrosómica y a un incremento en la frecuencia de espermatozoides inmaduros y aberrantes. Parece ser, pues, que en el otoño tiene lugar la disminución de la producción testicular, cambios en la actividad de las glándulas sexuales accesorias y disfunciones en el proceso de diferenciación testicular y epididimària de los espermatozoides y especialmente del acrosoma. En relación a los resultados obtenidos en el estudio de los diferentes fotoperiodos artificiales se observa que la iluminación continua provoca un aumento significativo del volumen del eyaculado en el primer y segundo mes de tratamiento (P0,0001), disminuyendo en el tercer mes. La oscuridad absoluta no modifica este parámetro (P0,05). En cuanto al pH seminal la iluminación continua provoca un incremento progresivo del valor del pH a lo largo del periodo experimental (P0,0001), mientras que la oscuridad absoluta tiene un efecto más irregular. La exposición de los machos a iluminación continua y a oscuridad absoluta se manifiesta en un descenso de la concentración y la producción espermáticas que se mantiene hasta el segundo mes de tratamiento (P0,0001), observándose un incremento en el tercer mes de exposición de los machos a oscuridad absoluta (P=0,1010). De todas maneras, este descenso es mas severo en los machos sometidos a iluminación continua ya que no presentan recuperación. La vitalidad y la motilidad espermáticas no se ven alteradas por la iluminación continua y la oscuridad absoluta, ni tampoco el contenido de los azúcares mayoritarios del plasma seminal (P0,005). La glucosa aparece como un azúcar minoritario y sí que presenta concentraciones inferiores en los tratamientos experimentales de luz continua y de oscuridad absoluta (P0,0001 y P=0,0002, respectivamente). La resistencia osmótica de los acrosomas desciende en ambos tratamientos artificiales extremos de luz continua y oscuridad total (P0,0001), aunque en los machos expuestos a iluminación continua se produce una recuperación a partir del segundo mes de tratamiento (P=0,4930). Dado que tampoco se han observado diferencias significativas en las concentraciones de proteína total (P0,05), es probable que las anomalías de la membrana acrosómica se originen durante el proceso de espermiogénesis y/o maduración epididimària. La exposición de los verracos a oscuridad absoluta no altera la morfología espermàtica de los eyaculados, aunque se observa un aumento de la frecuencia de espermatozoides con anomalías en la forma de la cola en el primer mes (P0,0001), y un aumento de la frecuencia de espermatozoides inmaduros con gota distal y de espermatozoides con anomalías en el número de colas en el tercer mes de experimentación (P=0,0030 y P0,0001). La luz continua, sin embargo, provoca un incremento de la frecuencia de espermatozoides inmaduros con gota distal (P0,0001) y de espermatozoides con anomalías en la forma de la cola (P=0,0040) ya en el primer mes. El fotoperiodo provoca un descenso de la fertilidad de los machos expuestos a oscuridad absoluta en el tercer mes de tratamiento (P0,0001) y un incremento de ésta en los machos sometidos a iluminación continua (P=0,0005). La prolificidad no se ve modificada por ambas condiciones extremas de luz artificial (P0,05). Así pues, los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el fotoperiodo afecta la actividad testicular, provoca alteraciones en la actividad de las glándulas sexuales accesorias, altera el proceso de expulsión de la gota citoplasmática y provoca anomalías en el proceso de diferenciación de la cola tanto a nivel testicular como epididimario, siendo los verracos expuestos a luz continua más sensibles a estos parámetros que los verracos sometidos a oscuridad absoluta. El fotoperiodo, sin embargo, no altera de forma esencial la integridad de las membranas del espermatozoide ni la capacidad fecundante de éste.
En aquest estudi s'ha determinat que al augmentar el ritme d'extraccions de semen es produeixen canvis en el patró d'absorció i secreció del fluid epididimari, que provoquen alteracions en la maduració epididimaria dels espermatozoides i un desenvolupament anòmal de la motilitat espermàtica. La concentració de glutamat i carnitina al fluid epididimari augmenten al llarg del conducte epididimari, alhora que la concentració de myo-inositol disminueix. El contingut de myo-inositol a l'interior dels espermatozoides disminueix, mentre que el contingut de glutamat augmenta a partir del caput distal i el contingut de carnitina no varia al llarg del conducte. S'ha determinat la presència de la ruta del poliol a l'epidídim de porcí. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que la glucosa difon de la sang cap al fluid epididimari, és convertida a sorbitol per l'aldosa reductasa, i aquest sorbitol s'acumula al fluid luminal i és convertit a fructosa per l'acció de la sorbitol deshidrogenasa.
The Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous dragonfly family Tarsophlebiidae is revised. The type species of the type genus Tarsophlebia Hagen, 1866, T eximia (Hagen, 1862) from the Upper Jurassic Solnhofen Limestones, is redescribed, including important new information on its head, legs, wings, anal appendages and male secondary genital apparatus. The type specimen of Tarsophlebiopsis mayi Tillyard, 1923 is regarded as an aberrant or unusually preserved Tarsophlebia eximia. One new species of Tarsophlebia and three new species of Turanophlebia are described, i.e. Tarsophlebia minor n. sp., Turanophlebia anglicana n. sp., T mongolica n. sp., and T. vitimensis n. sp. A new combination is proposed for Turanophlebia neckini (Martynov, 1927) n. comb. The phylogenetic relationships of the Mesozoic Tarsophlebiidae are discussed on the basis of new body and wing venation characters. The present analysis supports a rather derived position for the Tarsophlebiidae, as sister group of the the Epiproctophora rather than of (Zygoptera + Epiproctophora). Also, through the present discussion, the Oligo-Miocene family Sieblosiidae seems to be more closely related to the Epiproctophora than to the Zygoptera. But the present study and previous analyses suffer of the lack of informations concerning the more inclusive groups of Odonatoptera, viz. Protozygoptera, Triadophlebiomorpha, Protanisoptera, etc. The significance of the tarsophlebiid secondary male genital apparatus for the reconstruction of the evolution of odonate copulation is discussed.
Monomer-sequence information in synthetic copolyimides can be recognised by tweezer-type molecules binding to adjacent triplet-sequences on the polymer chains. In the present paper different tweezer-molecules are found to have different sequence-selectivities, as demonstrated in solution by 1H NMR spectroscopy and in the solid state by single crystal X-ray analyses of tweezer-complexes with linear and macrocyclic oligo-imides. This work provides clear-cut confirmation of polyimide chain-folding and adjacent-tweezer-binding. It also reveals a new and entirely unexpected mechanism for sequence-recognition which, by analogy with a related process in biomolecular information processing, may be termed "frameshift-reading". The ability of one particular tweezer-molecule to detect, with exceptionally high sensitivity, long-range sequence-information in chain-folding aromatic copolyimides, is readily explained by this novel process.
The effect of honey oligosaccharides on the growth of fecal bacteria was studied using an in vitro fermentation system. Prior to treatment, glucose and fructose (31.73 and 21.41 g/100 g of product, respectively) present in honey, which would be digested in the upper gut, were removed to avoid any influence on bacterial populations in the fermentations. Nanofiltration, yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) treatment, and adsorption onto activated charcoal were used to remove monosaccharides. Prebiotic (microbial fermentation) activities of the three honey oligosaccharide fractions and the honey sample were studied and compared with fructooligosaccharide (FOS), using 1% (w/v) fecal bacteria in an in vitro fermentation system (10 mg of carbohydrate, 1.0 mL of basal medium). A prebiotic index (PI) was calculated for each carbohydrate source. Honey oligosaccharides seem to present potential prebiotic activity (PI values between 3.38 and 4.24), increasing the populations of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, although not to the levels of FOS (PI of 6.89).
Thirty genuine honey samples were analyzed for pH, acidity, water, ash, net absorbance, total polyphenols (Folin-Ciocalteau method) and glucose, fructose, melezitose and erlose (as their trimethylsilyl oximes and trimethylsilyl ethers) by capillary gas chromatography. The resulting data were used, along with palynological analysis, to characterize the samples in relation to their possible source (nectar, honeydew and mixture honeys). Some minor components (carboxylic acids and cyclitols), eluting before monosaccharides, were also determined. One of these compounds was quercitol (1,3,4/2,5-cyclohexane-pentol), a deoxyinositol which has been previously determined in Quercus sp. samples. Quercitol was present in a broad concentration range (0.01-1.50 g/100 g) in honeys whose major source was honeydew but it was never higher than 0.01 g/100 g in samples characterized as nectar honeys. Quercitol concentrations appear to be related to the presence and amount of Quercus sp. honeydew as honey source, although further research is required to confirm this. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sugars and related substances, namely sugar phosphates and ribonucleotides, are important meat flavour precursors. In particular, ribose and ribose 5-phosphate have been shown to be important in aroma development in heated model systems. There are few quantitative data on the concentrations and the variations of sugars and related substances in meat. This paper will report on the analysis of glucose, fructose, ribose, ribose 5-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate and inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) in aged beef. Sugars and related compounds were extracted from lean meat and derivatised to the corresponding TMS ethers. Analysis and quantitation of the sugars and sugar phosphates were performed using GC and GC/MS, while IMP analysis was performed using capillary electrophoresis (CE).
Changes in glycolytic metabolites, nucleotide degradation products, free amino acids and other amino compounds were monitored in beef muscle (M. longissimus lumborum), stored for 21 days at 4 degrees C, in order to evaluate how post-mortem conditioning may affect flavour formation in beef. The major effects observed in sugar-related substances were the dephosphorylation of the phosphates of glucose, fructose and mannose, to yield their free sugars, as well as the breakdown of inosine 5'-monophosphate, to give a sixfold increase in ribose. Total reducing sugars increased by only 15% during conditioning, while glycogen levels remained unchanged from 2 days post-slaughter. Free amino acids increased during conditioning, particularly between days 7 and 14. Phenylalanine, methionine, lysine, leucine and isoleucine were the amino acids showing the greatest increase with conditioning time, with methionine, in particular, showing a sevenfold increase during the conditioning period. The effects of these precursor changes on cooked beef flavour are discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of different sugars and glyoxal on the formation of acrylamide in low-moisture starch-based model systems was studied, and kinetic data were obtained. Glucose was more effective than fructose, tagatose, or maltose in acrylamide formation, whereas the importance of glyoxal as a key sugar fragmentation intermediate was confirmed. Glyoxal formation was greater in model systems containing asparagine and glucose rather than fructose. A solid phase microextraction GC-MS method was employed to determine quantitatively the formation of pyrazines in model reaction systems. Substituted pyrazine formation was more evident in model systems containing fructose; however, the unsubstituted homologue, which was the only pyrazine identified in the headspace of glyoxal-asparagine systems, was formed at higher yields when aldoses were used as the reducing sugar. Highly significant correlations were obtained for the relationship between pyrazine and acrylamide formation. The importance of the tautomerization of the asparagine-carbonyl decarboxylated Schiff base in the relative yields of pyrazines and acrylamide is discussed.
Oligofructose (OF), comprised of fructose oligomers with a terminal glucose unit, is a family Of oligosaccharides derived from the hydrolysis of inulin. Consumption of OF in animals and humans increases colonic bifidobacteria levels. The present study evaluates the safety of OF in both a 13 week rat feeding Study and Using in Vitro mutagenicity tests. Fecal bifidobacteria levels were also determined by in situ hybridization to assess a biological function of OF. Rats received either a control diet OF diets containing one of four doses of OF. Total, HDL, and LDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower at several time points during the study in groups receiving OF compared to controls with the largest effects Occurring in the high dose male animals. Weight gain in the male high dose group was significantly lower at early time points compared to controls but]lot Significantly different at the end of study. As expected, cecal weights increased in a dose-related manner and fecal bifidobacteria levels also demonstrated a dose-related increase. There were no consistent differences in gross pathology or histopathology related to dietary OF. OF did not induce a positive response in the Ames test or chromosomal aberration test with CHO cells. These results demonstrate no adverse effects of OF. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Acrylamide forms from free asparagine and sugars during cooking, and products derived from the grain of cereals, including rye, contribute a large proportion of total dietary intake. In this study, free amino acid and sugar concentrations were measured in the grain of a range of rye varieties grown at locations in Hungary, France, Poland, and the United Kingdom and harvested in 2005, 2006, and 2007. Genetic and environmental (location and harvest year) effects on the levels of acrylamide precursors were assessed. The data showed free asparagine concentration to be the main determinant of acrylamide formation in heated rye flour, as it is in wheat. However, in contrast to wheat, sugar, particularly sucrose, concentration also correlated both with asparagine concentration and with acrylamide formed. Free asparagine concentration was shown to be under genetic (G), environmental (E), and integrated (G × E) control. The same was true for glucose, whereas maltose and fructose were affected mainly by environmental factors and sucrose was largely under genetic control. The ratio of variation due to varieties (genotype) to the total variation (a measure of heritability) for free asparagine concentration in the grain was 23%. Free asparagine concentration was closely associated with bran yield, whereas sugar concentration was associated with low Hagberg falling number. Rye grain was found to contain much higher concentrations of free proline than wheat grain, and less acrylamide formed per unit of asparagine in rye than in wheat flour.
Selected water-soluble precursors, including sugars, free amino acids and nucleotides, were quantified in raw and cooked goat meat, as a part of a study which the main aim was to better understand the aroma formation in goat meat. When compared with the same precursors in beef, lamb and chicken, levels in goat meat were generally similar, except for fructose and glycine, which were present at higher concentrations in goat meat. Fructose, glucose, IMP, and cysteine suffered the greatest losses during the cooking process and seem to be most involved in aroma formation in goat meat. The effects of these precursor changes on the volatile compound composition and formation process of them on cooked goat meat are discussed.
Five strains of an unusual catalase-negative Gram-positive asporogenous rod-shaped bacterium from human sources were subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study. The presence of fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase, a key enzyme of bifidobacterial hexose metabolism, indicated the strains were members of the genus Bifidobacterium but they did not correspond to any of the recognized species of this genus on the basis of biochemical profiles and whole-cell protein analyses. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing confirmed the placement of the isolates in the genus Bifidobacterium, and demonstrated they represent a hitherto unknown subline within the genus displaying > 5% sequence divergence with recognized species. Based on both phenotypic and phylogenetic criteria, it is proposed that the isolates recovered from human sources be classified as a new species, Bifidobacterium scardovii sp. nov.; the type strain is CCUG 13008T (= DSM 13734T).