574 resultados para Oksanen, Antero


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OBJETIVO: rever a experiência (2011 e 2012) do Centro de Feridas da Cirurgia Plástica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo com tratamento de feridas traumáticas complexas na região perineal, pela associação da terapia com pressão negativa seguida de procedimento cirúrgico para cobertura cutânea. MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva de dez pacientes com ferida complexa no períneo consequente a traumatismo atendidas pelo Serviço de Cirurgia Plástica no HC-FMUSP. A terapia por pressão negativa foi utilizada como alternativa para melhoria das condições locais visando o tratamento definitivo com enxertos de pele ou retalhos. RESULTADOS: a terapia por pressão negativa foi empregada para o preparo do leito da ferida. Nos pacientes atendidos, o tempo médio de utilização do sistema de pressão negativa foi 25,9 dias, com trocas de curativos a cada 4,6 dias. Após a terapia por pressão negativa, foram realizados 11 retalhos locais em nove pacientes, com o retalho fáscio-cutâneo antero-lateral da coxa utilizado em quatro destes pacientes. O tempo médio de internação hospitalar foi 58,2 dias e de acompanhamento no Serviço da Cirurgia Plástica foi 40,5 dias. CONCLUSÃO: a utilização da terapia por pressão negativa levou à melhoria das condições locais da ferida mais rapidamente do que curativos tradicionais, sem complicações significativas, demonstrando ser a melhor alternativa adjuvante atualmente para o tratamento deste tipo de lesão, seguida sempre por reconstrução cirúrgica com enxertos e retalhos.


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kuv., 18 x 23 cm


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kuv., 18 x 23 cm


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kuv., 20 x 28 cm


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Vesienhoidon tavoitteena on vesien hyvän tilan turvaaminen. Vesienhoito on koko Euroopan laajuista, vesipolitiikan puitedirektiiviin pohjautuvaa työtä. Vesipolitiikan puitedirektiivi on Suomessa pantu toimeen lailla vesienhoidon järjestämisestä (2004) ja siihen liittyvillä asetuksilla vesienhoitoalueista (2004), vesienhoidon järjestämisestä (2006) ja ympäristölle vaarallisista ja haitallisista aineista (2006). Lisäksi on soveltuvin osin muutettu ympäristönsuojelulakia ja vesilakia. Näillä säädöksillä vesipuitedirektiivin mukainen toiminta on liitetty osaksi suomalaista vesien käyttöön, hoitoon ja suojeluun liittyvää toimintaa, jonka olennaisena perustana on edelleen ympäristönsuojelulain ja vesilain mukainen lupajärjestelmä. Vesienhoitotyöhön kuuluva biologista näkökulmaa painottava vesien tilan arviointi, tilan seuranta, tilatavoitteiden asettaminen ja tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi tarpeelliset toimenpiteet kootaan vesienhoitosuunnitelmaksi, joka tehdään jokaiselle ns. vesienhoitoalueelle. Toimenpiteistä laaditaan erillinen toimenpideohjelma, jonka yhteenveto on osa vesienhoitosuunnitelmaa. Vesienhoidossa ja toimenpideohjelmien laadinnassa pyritään seuraaviin tavoitteisiin: • Pinta- ja pohjavesien tila ei heikkene • Pintavesien ekologinen ja kemiallinen tila on vuoteen 2015 mennessä vähintään hyvä • Pohjavesien kemiallinen ja määrällinen tila on vuoteen 2015 mennessä vähintään hyvä • Keinotekoisten ja voimakkaasti muutettujen vesien ekologinen tila on vuoteen 2015 mennessä vähintään niin hyvä kuin näiden vesien muuttunut tila mahdollistaa (ns. ”hyvä saavutettavissa oleva tila”) • Pilaavien sekä muiden haitallisten ja vaarallisten aineiden pääsyä vesiin rajoitetaan • Tulvien ja kuivuuden haitallisia vaikutuksia vähennetään


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Globalization, pervasiveness of technology and ICT, and the buildup of information societies and policies have lead to a growing abundance of knowledge and highly educated labour supply that is distributed widely. These changes have shifted the foundation of competitiveness to valuable knowledge resources which are now distributed widely across the globe, across actors in the value chain and across educated individuals in multiple organizations. Against this backdrop, the paradigm of open innovation (OI) has emerged as a new response to managing the increased amount of boundary-spanning knowledge flows in and out of the innovation process. The outbound mode of open innovation, that is to say the external exploitation of knowledge assets outside of the firm’s own products and services, has been the less-researched aspect of the concept and so far typically seen as concerning the outlicensing of unused technological assets to generate additional revenue. Given that open innovation is essentially a framework for the holistic structuring and management of crossboundary knowledge flows to improve a firm’s innovative performance, a close integration to corporate strategy seems imperative in order to fully benefit from it. Integrating open innovation to strategy leads to elevating its role from a fringe activity to a central innovation management issue that needs to be systematically managed. Building a structure that allows effective management necessitates linking open innovation activities to each phase of the innovation process. Previously, the connection between outbound OI and the earlier stages of innovation has not been studied. The thesis finds that connecting outbound OI to the entire innovation process of the firm, including the fuzzy front end of innovation, is critical for attaining strategic objectives and to the successful implementation and management of the activity. The practical purpose for the research is to enable companies to fully utilize their potential for outbound open innovation and to be able to implement and manage it from a strategic standpoint.


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Insufficient understanding of entrepreneurial opportunities characterizes entrepreneurship research (Companys & McMullen 2006, 302). Subsequently, the purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of entrepreneurial opportunity and to explore and synthetize the integrated theory of entrepreneurial opportunity. A theoretical and concept analytical approach was adapted. Findings of this study was that entrepreneurial opportunity concept was used for variety of different phenomena. No commonly accepted definition existed. Altogether 24 attributes that described the concept were found. The most frequently attached attributes were agent and action, new goods and services, market, value, new means ends or both, and future. Further, the results implied that opportunity could be best understood as a part of a process. Opportunity emerges out of intervened factors. Changes in the environment together with factors related to knowledge, cognition and social ties are the most important drivers of opportunity. Preventing factors that impeded the emergence of opportunity were typically related to cognitive and organizational factors. This study found a tendency towards more integrated theory of entrepreneurial opportunity. The integrated theory acknowledged the usefulness of both discovery and creation theories of opportunity in explaining opportunity. Yet three argument types of integrating two different opportunity theories were identified. These were process category, contextual category and complementing category. Opportunity is at the same time cognitive, social and linguistic construct, although it is shaped by the objective environment. Opportunity requires linguistic endeavors to become explicit. Materialization of opportunity occurs in a social context. Moreover, it is always characterized by some extent of subjectivity, as opportunities cannot appear without the agent and their action. Due to these the concept remains always to some extent ambiguous. Tolerating and harnessing change and investing in human and social capital create the preeminent environment for the entrepreneurial opportunity to be identified.


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Tässä artikkelissa kuvatussa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin sitä, onko aineen- ja luokanopettajiksi valmistuneiden itsensä mielestä pro gradu -työn aiheella, arvosanalla tai tutkimusmenetelmien hallinnalla ollut merkitystä heidän työllistymiseensä.


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