996 resultados para Odorico, da Pordenone, 1265?-1331.


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This ethnographic work studies the experiences of patients admitted in public (PUH) and private (PRH) hospitals in the Brazilian northeastern region. 28 adult patients of different clinics participated in the study. Data were analyzed by the patient path method, consisting in a combination of complemented and articulated techniques free observation, participating observation, ethnographic interview and patient testimonials collected prospectively during the patients admissions, from their arrival and until their discharge. The analysis was carried out according to the Thematic Categories Analysis Technique and the data were interpreted pursuant to medical anthropology, healthcare humanization and healthcare promotion theoretical references. The ethical principles of Resolution 196/96 were followed. The human hospital, as revealed by the patient, highlights the significance of subjectivity. 225 (54.7%) out of 411 mentioned concepts were collected in a public hospital (PUH) and 186 (45.3%) in a private institution (PRH). The results show that the patient at the PUH and PRH ethnoevaluates different aspects of the healthcare professionals´ human and technical competence, the hospital´s functioning structure, the access to and the ethics in the financial management, and develops overcoming strategies for his stay at the hospital. This ethnoevaluation is mediated by different factors, namely: social and economic status, personality, religiosity, ironic speech, somber diagnosis and satisfied needs, prior hospital experiences and the conditions under which the interview was carried out. A pedagogic proposal for the hospital humanization must include structural, managerial and organizational changes of the offered services and use active methodologies aimed to the political resolution of problematic situations at work and the inclusion of affective and subjective factors, and become as well a tool for the collective learning. This study shows the importance for the user´s ethnoevaluation to be incorporated into the hospital management and care as a guideline in the decision making and clinical action, thus promoting practices that shall lead to a decent and humanized care. The multidisciplinary nature of this study allowed a wide understanding of the user´s perspective as a socially critical ethnoevaluator


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A total of 2629 individuals of Arenaeus cribrarius (1293 males and 1336 females) were captured in Ubatuba (SP), from August 1996 to July 1997. Individuals were distributed in 5 mm size class carapace width (CW), to verify sex-specific growth-age equations. The Von Bertalanffy model was chosen to determine the growth rate and expressed by CW=120.52[1-e(-1.80t)] for males and CW=100.81[1-e(-1.60t)] for females. The age estimated for the first juvenile stage (t(o)) was 6.1 and 8.3 days for males and females, respectively. The maximum age determined was 1.8 years for males and 2 years for females, which correspond to a maximum size of 115.8 and 96.7 mm, respectively. The maximum size (CWmax) estimated using 95% of asymptotic size was 114.5 mm for males and 95.8 mm for females. Males have a precocious sexual maturity (5 months) when compared to females (6.8 months). The growth rate and size of A. cribrarius are higher than other portunid species, with great interest for aquaculture.


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Performance and economic indicators of a large scale fish farm that produces round fish, located in Mato Grosso State, Brazil, were evaluated. The 130.8 ha-water surface area was distributed in 30 ponds. Average total production costs and the following economic indicators were calculated: gross income (GI), gross margin (GM), gross margin index (GMI), profitability index (PI) and profit (P) for the farm as a whole and for ten ponds individually. Production performance indicators were also obtained, such as: production cycle (PC), apparent feed conversion (FC), average biomass storage (ABS), survival index (SI) and final average weight (FAW). The average costs to produce an average 2.971 kg.ha-1 per year were: R$ 2.43, R$ 0.72 and R$ 3.15 as average variable, fixed and total costs, respectively. Gross margin and profit per year per hectare of water surface were R$ 2,316.91 and R$ 180.98, respectively. The individual evaluation of the ponds showed that the best pond performance was obtained for PI 38%, FC 1.7, ABS 0.980 kg.m-2, TS 56%, FAW 1.873 kg with PC of 12.3 months. The worst PI was obtained for the pond that displayed losses of 138%, FC 2.6, ABS 0.110 kg.m-2, SI 16% and FAW 1.811 kg. However, large scale production of round-fish in farms is economically feasible. The studied farm displays favorable conditions to improve performance and economic indicators, but it is necessary to reproduce the breeding techniques and performance indicators achieved in few ponds to the entire farm.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O sucesso de um programa de perda de peso para animais de estimação depende da colaboração do proprietário. A adesão deste é fundamental para a correta instituição do manejo alimentar do paciente. Este trabalho teve por objetivo comparar a efetividade de um programa de perda de peso em dois grupos de cães, um mantido sob condições experimentais e outro com seus proprietários. Empregou-se a mesma ração hipocalórica para todos os animais. A quantidade fornecida foi restrita a 60% da necessidade energética de manutenção estimada para o peso corporal meta, definido como o peso autal reduzido em 15%. Os animais foram acompanhados durante 90 dias. Por meio de um questionário padronizado, estudou-se a percepção dos proprietários quanto à obesidade e seu tratamento. Verificou-se que o protocolo e a dieta empregados foram eficazes. Os animais controle apresentaram uma perda de peso média de 1,39% por semana. Os cães de proprietário perderam, em média, 0,75% do peso vivo por semana, resultado estatisticamente menor (P<0,05), o que sugere uma indisponibilidade dos mesmos em cumprir rigorosamente o tratamento. Mesmo com esta perda de peso modesta, foi perceptível a satisfação dos proprietários com os resultados obtidos. O uso de questionários demonstrou ser uma ferramenta importante na investigação das causas e no acompanhamento do tratamento da obesidade canina.


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O muricizeiro (Byrsonima cydoniifolia A. Juss) é árvore de pequeno porte que apresenta múltiplas potencialidades na produção de alimentos, de lenha e na medicina popular. Sua reprodução é por sementes que estão contidas em endocarpo pétreo constituindo o pirênio, popularmente denominado caroço, que ocasiona baixa e desuniforme taxa de germinação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do estádio de desenvolvimento da semente, da temperatura, da integridade do endocarpo e do ácido giberélico na germinação dessa espécie. Para tanto, três experimentos foram instalados em delineamentos inteiramente casualizados. O primeiro considerou dois estádios de maturação do fruto, dois estados de integridade do endocarpo e duas concentrações de ácido giberélico (GA3); o segundo envolveu a utilização de envelhecimento acelerado e a presença ou ausência de ácido giberélico (GA3), e o terceiro, dois estádios de maturação do fruto, duas concentrações de ácido giberélico (GA3) e presença ou ausência de aeração. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que as sementes apresentaram melhor qualidade fisiológica quando oriundas de frutos maduros e que sofreram abscisão natural. A pré-embebição de pirênios íntegros em ácido giberélico, na concentração de 1 g.L-1 por 24 horas sob alternância de temperatura de 25/35 ºC, favoreceu a germinação. Resultados satisfatórios ocorreram sob alternância de temperatura em câmara de germinação ou a céu aberto, em substrato constituído por areia lavada com fornecimento de água no período mais quente do dia.


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Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com diferentes fontes de energia e de compostos nitrogenados sobre o crescimento e produção de bacteriocinas de bactérias ácido-láticas in vitro. As incubações foram conduzidas utilizando-se fluido ruminal originado de um novilho Holandês-Zebu fistulado no rúmen. O animal foi mantido em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens recebendo 200 g/dia de proteína bruta suplementar. Os substratos e o inóculo foram acondicionados em frascos de vidro considerando-se oito tratamentos: celulose, celulose e caseína, celulose e peptona de soja, celulose e ureia, amido, amido e caseína, amido e peptona de soja e amido e ureia. Incubações sucessivas foram conduzidas para seleção dos microrganismos em função das fontes energéticas e de compostos nitrogenados. O amido favoreceu o crescimento de bactérias ácido-láticas em comparação à celulose. A suplementação com proteína verdadeira (peptona de soja e caseína) estimulou o crescimento dessas bactérias em comparação ao controle (sem suplementação com compostos nitrogenados). A adição de ureia não estimulou o crescimento de bactérias ácido-láticas. Nenhuma atividade antimicrobiana foi detectada a partir das colônias de bactérias ácido-láticas isoladas. Fontes de proteína verdadeira incrementam a competição entre bactérias fermentadoras de carboidratos estruturais e não-estruturais.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Botryosphaeran, a (1 -> 3; 1 -> 6)-beta-D-glucan produced by Botryosphaeria rhodina, and laminarin were hydrolysed by two fungal beta-glucanases predominantly of the 1,3-type produced by B. rhodina and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai grown on botryosphaeran as sole carbon source. Both beta-glucanase preparations presented different modes of attack on botryosphaeran and laminarin. Laminarin was hydrolysed to the extent of similar to 50% in 1 hand 100% within 24 h, and its hydrolysis products were mainly glucose and gentiobiose, and lesser amounts of laminaribiose and oligosaccharides of DP 3-4 during the early stages of hydrolysis, while botryosphaeran 'yielded mainly glucose and gentiobiose with some trisaccharide, but no laminaribiose or tetrasaccharide when hydrolysed by the T. harzianum enzyme. By contrast, B. rhodina beta-1,3-glucanases produced predominantly glucose during all stages of botryosphaeran hydrolysis. Some physicochemical properties of the 1,3- and 1,6-beta-glucanases, and beta-glucosidases contained in the two fungal P-glucanase preparations are also described for the first time. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo aperfeiçoar a técnica de reprodução induzida existente para rã-touro, com o intuito de aumentar a taxa de fecundidade e viabilizar seu uso pelo produtor. As doses hormonais para a indução da ovulação e espermiação seguiram as propostas de FALCON e CULLEY (1995) e ALONSO (1997); entretanto, a técnica de fertilização artificial foi adaptada da metodologia para reprodução artificial de peixes com ovos não-aderentes (WOYNAROVICH e HORVÁTH, 1983). A técnica proposta apresenta as seguintes etapas: I) sincronização da ovulação e da espermiação, por meio de hormônio liberador de gonadotropina ((Des-Gli10, D-His(Bzl)6, Pro-NHEt9)-LHRH)); II) extração dos óvulos de cada fêmea (1 a 2 minutos); III) fertilização dos óvulos (2 minutos) com líquido espermático diluído em 100 mL de água; IV) hidratação dos ovos em 10 a 20 litros de água; e V) incubação dos ovos em quadros de tela de 1x 0,70 m, com malha de 1 mm. As taxas de fertilização obtidas com as modificações propostas foram superiores a 60%. Ressalta-se ainda que a técnica propiciou a obtenção, a partir de um mesmo animal, de várias desovas, sendo que cada fêmea pode ovular em intervalos de, aproximadamente, 45 dias.


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The CLSI M100-S19 document has recommended the disuse of vancomycin disks for staphylococci and informed that studies on the action of teicoplanin in disk-diffusion testing should be performed. We describe the comparison of two methods, disk diffusion and broth microdilution, for determining teicoplanin susceptibility in clinical isolates of staphylococci. Overall results showed an aggregation rate of 96.8%; Staphylococcus aureus showed total agreement while S. epidermidis showed 93.8% of agreement. According to these local results, disk diffusion can still be employed to teicoplanin susceptibility determination for staphylococci in our institution.


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As an application of the new realistic three-dimensional (3D) formalism reported recently for three-nucleon (3N) bound states, an attempt is made to study the effect of three-nucleon forces (3NFs) in triton binding energy in a non partial wave (PW) approach. The spin-isospin dependent 3N Faddeev integral equations with the inclusion of 3NFs, which are formulated as function of vector Jacobi momenta, specifically the magnitudes of the momenta and the angle between them, are solved with Bonn-B and Tucson-Melbourne NN and 3N forces in operator forms which can be incorporated in our 3D formalism. The comparison with numerical results in both, novel 3D and standard PW schemes, shows that non PW calculations avoid the very involved angular momentum algebra occurring for the permutations and transformations and it is more efficient and less cumbersome for considering the 3NF.


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Pristimerin has been shown to be cytotoxic to several cancer cell lines. In the present work, the cytotoxicity of pristimerin was evaluated in human tumor cell lines and in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). This work also examined the effects of pristimerin (0.4; 0.8 and 1.7 mu M) in HL-60 cells, after 6, 12 and 24 h of exposure. Pristimerin reduced the number of viable cells and increased number of non-viable cells in a concentration-dependent manner by tripan blue test showing morphological changes consistent with apoptosis. Nevertheless, pristimerin was not selective to cancer cells, since it inhibited PBMC proliferation with an IC50 of 0.88 PM. DNA synthesis inhibition assessed by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation in HL-60 cells was 70% and 83% for the concentrations of 0.4 and 0.8 mu M, respectively. Pristimerin (10 and 20 mu M) was not able to inhibit topoisomerase 1. In AO/EB (acridine orange/ethidium bromide) staining, all tested concentrations reduced the number of HL-60 viable cells, with the occurrence of necrosis and apoptosis in a concentration-dependent manner, results in agreement with trypan blue exclusion findings. The analysis of membrane integrity and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation by flow cytometry in the presence of pristimerin indicated that treated cells underwent apoptosis. The present data point to the importance of pristimerin as representative of an emerging class of potential anticancer chemicals, exhibiting an antiproliferative effect by inhibiting DNA synthesis and triggering apoptosis. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)