946 resultados para Normal cone


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Sleep and wakefulness are complex behaviors that are influenced by many genetic and environmental factors, which are beginning to be discovered. The contribution of genetic components to sleep disorders is also increasingly recognized as important. Point mutations in the prion protein, period 2, and the prepro-hypocretin/orexin gene have been found as the cause of a few sleep disorders but the possibility that other gene defects may contribute to the pathophysiology of major sleep disorders is worth in-depth investigations. However, single gene disorders are rare and most common disorders are complex in terms of their genetic susceptibility, environmental effects, gene-gene, and gene-environment interactions. We review here the current progress in the genetics of normal and pathological sleep.


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Recent clinical trials with type 2 diabetic patients and the quest of normal glyceamic values, have revealed difficulties and limitations. These too normal glyceamic targets corresponding to the physiological standards are associated with very high rate of hypoglycemia and an increase of mortality. A too simplistic view of treatment: "the lowest, the better is in the diabetes" is no longer defensible. The knowledge from complex systems behavior invites us to search targets adapted to a new state of equilibrium due to loss of self-regulation. These targets should not aim the physiological standards but to be adapted to patient's situation. Shared decision-making and consensus are the two pillars of this new strategy supported by the new ADA-EASD guidelines.


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A synthetic human atrial natriuretic peptide of 26 aminoacids [human (3-28)ANP or hANP] was infused into normal male volunteers. Six subjects were infused for 4 h at 1-wk intervals with either hANP at the rate of 0.5 or 1.0 microgram/min or its vehicle in a single-blind randomized order. Human (3-28)ANP at the dose of 0.5 microgram/min raised immunoreactive plasma ANP levels from 104 +/- 17 to 221 +/- 24 pg/ml (mean +/- SEM), but it induced no significant change in blood pressure, heart rate, effective renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate, or renal electrolyte excretion. At the rate of 1.0 microgram/min, human (3-28)ANP increased immunoreactive plasma ANP levels from 89 +/- 12 to 454 +/- 30 pg/ml. It reduced effective renal plasma flow from 523 +/- 40 to 453 +/- 38 ml/min (P less than 0.05 vs. vehicle), but left glomerular filtration rate unchanged. Natriuresis rose from 207 +/- 52 to 501 +/- 69 mumol/min (P less than 0.05 vs. vehicle) and urinary magnesium excretion from 3.6 +/- 0.5 to 5.6 +/- 0.5 mumol/min (P less than 0.01 vs. vehicle). The excretion rate of the other electrolytes, blood pressure, and heart rate were not significantly modified. At both doses, human (3-28)ANP tended to suppress the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. In 3 additional volunteers, the skin blood flow response to human (3-28)ANP, infused for 4 h at the rate of 1.0 microgram/min, was studied by means of a laser-doppler flowmeter. The skin blood flow rose during the first 2 h of peptide administration, then fell progressively to values below baseline. After the infusion was discontinued, it remained depressed for more than 2 h. Thus, in normal volunteers, human (3-28)ANP at the dose of 1.0 microgram/min produced results similar to those obtained previously with rat (3-28)ANP. It enhanced natriuresis without changing the glomerular filtration rate while effective renal plasma flow fell. It also induced a transient vasodilation of the skin vascular bed.


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Aproximadamente 10 a 15% dos recém-nascidos (RNs) apresentam dificuldades de adaptação ao nascimento, o que requer habilidade e prontidão dos profis-sionais para intervir nessas situações. Este estudo observacional, transversal objetivou descrever as práticas assistenciais empregadas em reanimação neo-natal em um Centro de Parto Normal de um hospital público de São Paulo. Observou-se 100 atendimentos prestados pela equipe profissional e os dados foram registrados em um instrumento checklist. A presença de líquido meconial foi constatada em 24 (24,0%) partos e a aspiração das vias respiratórias foi realizada em 47 (47,0%) RNs. Desse total, 3 (6,4%) tiveram a traquéia aspirada e 26 (26,0%) RNs receberam oxigenação, sendo que 5 (19,2%) com máscara aberta e pressão positiva. Massagem cardíaca foi realizada em 1 (1,0%) RN. Após a reanimação neonatal inicial, 6 (6,0%)RNs foram transferidos à UTI neonatal devido desconforto respiratório.


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Levando em conta os vários estudos e reflexões a respeito do novo modelo de assistência ao parto e nascimento (assistência humanizada), e trabalhando como enfermeira obstétrica em um Centro de Parto Normal, surgiu o questionamento a respeito desse conceito, devido às diversas conotações dadas a esse termo. Este artigo foi produzido com a finalidade de divulgar nossa proposta de substituição da expressão "assistência humanizada ao parto", por "assistência obstétrica centrada nas necessidades da parturiente", e de discorrer como essa assistência é prestada no Centro de Parto Normal do Hospital Geral de Itapecerica da Serra (SP), que segue um protocolo de condutas obstétricas e normas preconizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde.


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We have currently studied the changes induced by administration of a fructose-rich diet (FRD) to normal rats in the mass and the endocrine function of abdominal (omental) adipose tissue (AAT). Rats were fed ad libitum a standard commercial chow and tap water, either alone (control diet, CD) or containing fructose (10%, w/vol) (FRD). Three weeks after treatment, circulating metabolic markers and leptin release from adipocytes of AAT were measured. Plasma free fatty acids (FFAs), leptin, adiponectin, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) levels were significantly higher in FRD than in CD rats. AAT mass was greater in FRD than in CD rats and their adipocytes were larger, they secreted more leptin and showed impaired insulin sensitivity. While leptin mRNA expression increased in AAT from FRD rats, gene expression of insulin receptor substrate, IRS1 and IRS2 was significantly reduced. Our study demonstrates that administration of a FRD significantly affects insulin sensitivity and several AAT endocrine/metabolic functions. These alterations could be part of a network of interacting abnormalities triggered by FRD-induced oxidative stress at the AAT level. In view of the impaired glucose tolerance observed in FRD rats, these alterations could play a key role in both the development of metabolic syndrome (MS) and beta-cell failure.


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Inúmeros estudos têm sido realizados com a finalidade de contribuir para a prevenção do trauma perineal no parto normal. O objetivo do presente estudo foi relacionar a altura do períneo, duração do período expulsivo, variedade de posição no desprendimento cefálico, tipo de puxo, presença de circular de cordão, peso do recém-nascido e ardor na vulva ao urinar com a ocorrência de lacerações perineais. A pesquisa foi realizada em 2003, no Centro de Parto Normal do Amparo Maternal, com uma amostra de 67 parturientes sem partos vaginais anteriores. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante em relação às variáveis analisadas.


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Este estudo objetivou identificar e comparar o traço e estado de ansiedade, no 10º dia pós-parto e estado de ansiedade no 30º dia puerperal, das nutrizes primíparas e multíparas que apresentaram indicadores de hipogalactia e nutrizes com galactia normal; verificar possíveis relações entre o estado de ansiedade das nutrizes nesses dois momentos com a presença dos indicadores de hipogalactia. É um estudo exploratório/descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos com 168 nutrizes e seus filhos, por meio de entrevistas realizadas em consulta de enfermagem nos 10º e 30º dias pós-parto. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as primíparas e multíparas hipogalactas e as primíparas com galactia normal apresentaram traço de ansiedade mais elevado do que os estados de ansiedade por ocasião do 10º e 30º dia pós-parto. Houve remissão dos sinais maternos de ansiedade, com o passar do tempo, que pode ter sido decorrente da correção da técnica da amamentação e apoio às nutrizes.


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Two new forms of non-specific crossreacting antigens (NCAs) were identified in the Nonidet P40 (NP-40) extracts of normal granulocytes by precipitation with the monoclonal antibody (MAb) 192 directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and already known to crossreact with the perchloric acid soluble NCA-55. The NP-40 soluble NCAs recognized by MAb 192 have apparent mol. wts of 90,000 and 160,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Both NCAs appear to consist of a single monomeric polypeptide chain, since they have the same electrophoretic mobility in SDS-PAGE under reduced and non-reduced conditions. When granulocytes were extracted with perchloric acid instead of NP-40, only the 55,000 mol. wt antigen, corresponding to the previously described NCA-55, was precipitated by MAb 192. Furthermore, it was shown that NCA-55 is not a degradation product of NCA-90 or NCA-160 due to the perchloric acid treatment because exposure to perchloric acid of NCA preparations purified from NP-40 extracts did not change their apparent mol. wts in SDS-PAGE. It was also shown that NCA-160 is not a granulocytic form of CEA because it was not precipitated by the MAb 35 reacting exclusively with CEA. Immunocytochemical studies of granulocytes and macrophages showed that MAb 192 stained both types of cells whereas MAb 47 stained only the granulocytes and MAb 35 none of these cells. In granulocytes both MAbs reacted with antigens associated with granules and also present at the periphery of the nucleus as well as in the Golgi apparatus. The NCA-90 identified by MAb 192 was found by sequential immunodepletion to be antigenically distinct from the NCA-95 precipitated by MAb 47. The epitope recognized by MAb 192 on CEA and NCA molecules appears to be on the peptidic moiety because the antigens deglycosylated by the enzyme Endo F were still precipitated by this MAb. Taken together, the results indicate that MAb 192 identifies two novel forms of NCA (NCA-90 and NCA-160) in NP-40 extracts of granulocytes, which are distinct from CEA and the previously described NCA-55 and NCA-95 identified by MAbs 192 and 47, respectively, in perchloric acid extracts of granulocytes.


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Postsynaptic density-95/disks large/zonula occludens-1 (PDZ) domains are relatively small (80-120 residues) protein binding modules central in the organization of receptor clusters and in the association of cellular proteins. Their main function is to bind C-terminals of selected proteins that are recognized through specific amino acids in their carboxyl end. Binding is associated with a deformation of the PDZ native structure and is responsible for dynamical changes in regions not in direct contact with the target. We investigate how this deformation is related to the harmonic dynamics of the PDZ structure and show that one low-frequency collective normal mode, characterized by the concerted movements of different secondary structures, is involved in the binding process. Our results suggest that even minimal structural changes are responsible for communication between distant regions of the protein, in agreement with recent NMR experiments. Thus, PDZ domains are a very clear example of how collective normal modes are able to characterize the relation between function and dynamics of proteins, and to provide indications on the precursors of binding/unbinding events.


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PURPOSE: The outer limiting membrane (OLM) is considered to play a role in maintaining the structure of the retina through mechanical strength. However, the observation of junction proteins located at the OLM and its barrier permeability properties may suggest that the OLM may be part of the retinal barrier. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Normal and diabetic rat, monkey, and human retinas were used to analyze junction proteins at the OLM. Proteome analyses were performed using immunohistochemistry on sections and flat-mounted retinas and western blotting on protein extracts obtained from laser microdissection of the photoreceptor layers. Semi-thin and ultrastructure analyses were also reported. RESULTS: In the rat retina, in the subapical region zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), junction adhesion molecule (JAM), an atypical protein kinase C, is present and the OLM shows dense labeling of occludin, JAM, and ZO-1. The presence of occludin has been confirmed using western blot analysis of the microdissected OLM region. In diabetic rats, occludin expression is decreased and glial cells junctions are dissociated. In the monkey retina, occludin, JAM, and ZO-1 are also found in the OLM. Junction proteins have a specific distribution around cone photoreceptors and Müller glia. Ultrastructural analyses suggest that structures like tight junctions may exist between retinal glial Müller cells and photoreceptors. CONCLUSIONS: In the OLM, heterotypic junctions contain proteins from both adherent and tight junctions. Their structure suggests that tight junctions may exist in the OLM. Occludin is present in the OLM of the rat and monkey retina and it is decreased in diabetes. The OLM should be considered as part of the retinal barrier that can be disrupted in pathological conditions contributing to fluid accumulation in the macula.


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Investiga-se a percepção de enfermeiras obstétricas sobre sua competência na atenção ao parto normal (PN) hospitalar. Os dados foram coletados em pesquisa qualitativa, através de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas, realizadas em um hospital universitário de Porto Alegre, e submetidos à análise de conteúdo. A análise foi embasada nos referenciais que definem competência profissional como a capacidade de mobilizar diferentes conhecimentos, dependendo dos problemas da prática a resolver. Para as entrevistadas, a competência para atender o PN hospitalar é multidimensional, embora tenham enfatizado sua dimensão técnica. Essa ênfase é justificada pela insegurança resultante da falta de espaço para realizarem este atendimento, em função de disputas com médicos e deficiências na formação. O desejo de serem competentes no atendimento ao PN não se traduz, porém, na consciência das suas responsabilidades na transformação deste cenário. Isso sugere que, para agir nesta direção, seria necessário, não só desenvolver competência técnica, mas também ético-política.


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O objetivo foi descrever os resultados maternos e perinatais da assistência no Centro de Parto Normal Casa de Maria (CPN-CM), na cidade de São Paulo. A amostra probabilística foi de 991 parturientes e seus recém-nascidos, assistidos entre 2003 e 2006. Os resultados mostraram que 92,2% das parturientes tiveram um acompanhante de sua escolha e as práticas mais utilizadas no parto foram banho de aspersão ou imersão (92,9%), amniotomia (62,6%), deambulação (47,6%), massagem de conforto (29,8%) e episiotomia (25,7%). Com relação aos recém-nascidos, 99,9% apresentaram índice de Apgar = 7 no quinto minuto; 9,3% receberam aspiração das vias aéreas superiores; nenhum necessitou ser entubado; e 1,4% foram removidos para o hospital. O modelo de assistência praticado no CPN-CM apresenta resultados maternos e perinatais esperados para mulheres com baixo risco obstétrico, sendo alternativa segura e menos intervencionista no parto normal.


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Activated CD 3+ enriched human peripheral blood T cells exhibited potent capacity for transendothelial migration through HUVEC layers in the absence of T cell ***. In contrast, malignant human T cell lines *** no or negligible ability of transendothelial migration in the absence of chemoattractants. Time lapse studies of transendothelial migration of activated CD 3+ enriched peripheral blood T cells through a HUVEC layer showed that the first T cells were detected in the lower compartment of a tissue culture insert after 1 hour and that migration increased to reach a maximum of 25 x 10(4) T cells/hr after 24 hours. Adhesion assays of human T cell lines demonstrated that all T cell lines were capable of adhesion to HUVEC and that adhesion of T cells to HUVECs was primarily mediated by CD11a/CD18 and ICAM-1 interactions. Furthermore, transendothelial migration of CD 3+ enriched human peripheral blood T cells was inhibited by pretreating the T cells with anti-CD 18 monoclonal antibodies. The inability of malignant T cells to migrate through HUVEC layers in the absence of chemoattractants was not due to poor motility per se, since both normal and malignant T cells migrated well on extracellular matrix components as determined by using Boyden chambers. Crosslinking of alpha 1 beta 2 and alpha 4 beta 1 with immobilized monoclonal antibodies induced motile behaviour in activated CD 3 enriched human peripheral blood T cells but not in malignant T cell lines. In conclusion, the differences in the ability of transendothelial migration between normal and malignant human T cells in the absence of chemoattractants is primarily due to the differences in the capacity of alpha 1 beta 2 and alpha 4 beta 1 to trigger motile behaviour in the separate cell types.