981 resultados para Normal colonic mucosa


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We consider the radially symmetric nonlinear von Kármán plate equations for circular or annular plates in the limit of small thickness. The loads on the plate consist of a radially symmetric pressure load and a uniform edge load. The dependence of the steady states on the edge load and thickness is studied using asymptotics as well as numerical calculations. The von Kármán plate equations are a singular perturbation of the Fӧppl membrane equation in the asymptotic limit of small thickness. We study the role of compressive membrane solutions in the small thickness asymptotic behavior of the plate solutions.

We give evidence for the existence of a singular compressive solution for the circular membrane and show by a singular perturbation expansion that the nonsingular compressive solution approach this singular solution as the radial stress at the center of the plate vanishes. In this limit, an infinite number of folds occur with respect to the edge load. Similar behavior is observed for the annular membrane with zero edge load at the inner radius in the limit as the circumferential stress vanishes.

We develop multiscale expansions, which are asymptotic to members of this family for plates with edges that are elastically supported against rotation. At some thicknesses this approximation breaks down and a boundary layer appears at the center of the plate. In the limit of small normal load, the points of breakdown approach the bifurcation points corresponding to buckling of the nondeflected state. A uniform asymptotic expansion for small thickness combining the boundary layer with a multiscale approximation of the outer solution is developed for this case. These approximations complement the well known boundary layer expansions based on tensile membrane solutions in describing the bending and stretching of thin plates. The approximation becomes inconsistent as the clamped state is approached by increasing the resistance against rotation at the edge. We prove that such an expansion for the clamped circular plate cannot exist unless the pressure load is self-equilibrating.


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The fine-scale seismic structure of the central Mexico, southern Peru, and southwest Japan subduction zones is studied using intraslab earthquakes recorded by temporary and permanent regional seismic arrays. The morphology of the transition from flat to normal subduction is explored in central Mexico and southern Peru, while in southwest Japan the spatial coincidence of a thin ultra-slow velocity layer (USL) atop the flat slab with locations of slow slip events (SSEs) is explored. This USL is also observed in central Mexico and southern Peru, where its lateral extent is used as one constraint on the nature of the flat-to-normal transitions.

In western central Mexico, I find an edge to this USL which is coincident with the western boundary of the projected Orozco Fracture Zone (OFZ) region. Forward modeling of the 2D structure of the subducted Cocos plate using a finite-difference algorithm provides constraints on the velocity and geometry of the slab’s seismic structure in this region and confirms the location of the USL edge. I propose that the Cocos slab is currently fragmenting into a North Cocos plate and a South Cocos plate along the projection of the OFZ, by a process analogous to that which occurred when the Rivera plate separated from the proto-Cocos plate 10 Ma.

In eastern central Mexico, observations of a sharp transition in slab dip near the abrupt end of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) suggest a possible slab tear located within the subducted South Cocos plate. The eastern lateral extent of the USL is found to be coincident with these features and with the western boundary of a zone of decreased seismicity, indicating a change in structure which I interpret as evidence of a possible tear. Analysis of intraslab seismicity patterns and focal mechanism orientations and faulting types provides further support for a possible tear in the South Cocos slab. This potential tear, together with the tear along the projection of the OFZ to the northwest, indicates a slab rollback mechanism in which separate slab segments move independently, allowing for mantle flow between the segments.

In southern Peru, observations of a gradual increase in slab dip coupled with a lack of any gaps or vertical offsets in the intraslab seismicity suggest a smooth contortion of the slab. Concentrations of focal mechanisms at orientations which are indicative of slab bending are also observed along the change in slab geometry. The lateral extent of the USL atop the horizontal Nazca slab is found to be coincident with the margin of the projected linear continuation of the subducting Nazca Ridge, implying a causal relationship, but not a slab tear. Waveform modeling of the 2D structure in southern Peru provides constraints on the velocity and geometry of the slab’s seismic structure and confirms the absence of any tears in the slab.

In southwest Japan, I estimate the location of a possible USL along the Philippine Sea slab surface and find this region of low velocity to be coincident with locations of SSEs that have occurred in this region. I interpret the source of the possible USL in this region as fluids dehydrated from the subducting plate, forming a high pore-fluid pressure layer, which would be expected to decrease the coupling on the plate interface and promote SSEs.


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Close to equilibrium, a normal Bose or Fermi fluid can be described by an exact kinetic equation whose kernel is nonlocal in space and time. The general expression derived for the kernel is evaluated to second order in the interparticle potential. The result is a wavevector- and frequency-dependent generalization of the linear Uehling-Uhlenbeck kernel with the Born approximation cross section.

The theory is formulated in terms of second-quantized phase space operators whose equilibrium averages are the n-particle Wigner distribution functions. Convenient expressions for the commutators and anticommutators of the phase space operators are obtained. The two-particle equilibrium distribution function is analyzed in terms of momentum-dependent quantum generalizations of the classical pair distribution function h(k) and direct correlation function c(k). The kinetic equation is presented as the equation of motion of a two -particle correlation function, the phase space density-density anticommutator, and is derived by a formal closure of the quantum BBGKY hierarchy. An alternative derivation using a projection operator is also given. It is shown that the method used for approximating the kernel by a second order expansion preserves all the sum rules to the same order, and that the second-order kernel satisfies the appropriate positivity and symmetry conditions.


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I. The attenuation of sound due to particles suspended in a gas was first calculated by Sewell and later by Epstein in their classical works on the propagation of sound in a two-phase medium. In their work, and in more recent works which include calculations of sound dispersion, the calculations were made for systems in which there was no mass transfer between the two phases. In the present work, mass transfer between phases is included in the calculations.

The attenuation and dispersion of sound in a two-phase condensing medium are calculated as functions of frequency. The medium in which the sound propagates consists of a gaseous phase, a mixture of inert gas and condensable vapor, which contains condensable liquid droplets. The droplets, which interact with the gaseous phase through the interchange of momentum, energy, and mass (through evaporation and condensation), are treated from the continuum viewpoint. Limiting cases, for flow either frozen or in equilibrium with respect to the various exchange processes, help demonstrate the effects of mass transfer between phases. Included in the calculation is the effect of thermal relaxation within droplets. Pressure relaxation between the two phases is examined, but is not included as a contributing factor because it is of interest only at much higher frequencies than the other relaxation processes. The results for a system typical of sodium droplets in sodium vapor are compared to calculations in which there is no mass exchange between phases. It is found that the maximum attenuation is about 25 per cent greater and occurs at about one-half the frequency for the case which includes mass transfer, and that the dispersion at low frequencies is about 35 per cent greater. Results for different values of latent heat are compared.

II. In the flow of a gas-particle mixture through a nozzle, a normal shock may exist in the diverging section of the nozzle. In Marble’s calculation for a shock in a constant area duct, the shock was described as a usual gas-dynamic shock followed by a relaxation zone in which the gas and particles return to equilibrium. The thickness of this zone, which is the total shock thickness in the gas-particle mixture, is of the order of the relaxation distance for a particle in the gas. In a nozzle, the area may change significantly over this relaxation zone so that the solution for a constant area duct is no longer adequate to describe the flow. In the present work, an asymptotic solution, which accounts for the area change, is obtained for the flow of a gas-particle mixture downstream of the shock in a nozzle, under the assumption of small slip between the particles and gas. This amounts to the assumption that the shock thickness is small compared with the length of the nozzle. The shock solution, valid in the region near the shock, is matched to the well known small-slip solution, which is valid in the flow downstream of the shock, to obtain a composite solution valid for the entire flow region. The solution is applied to a conical nozzle. A discussion of methods of finding the location of a shock in a nozzle is included.


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Combinatorial configurations known as t-designs are studied. These are pairs ˂B, ∏˃, where each element of B is a k-subset of ∏, and each t-design occurs in exactly λ elements of B, for some fixed integers k and λ. A theory of internal structure of t-designs is developed, and it is shown that any t-design can be decomposed in a natural fashion into a sequence of “simple” subdesigns. The theory is quite similar to the analysis of a group with respect to its normal subgroups, quotient groups, and homomorphisms. The analogous concepts of normal subdesigns, quotient designs, and design homomorphisms are all defined and used.

This structure theory is then applied to the class of t-designs whose automorphism groups are transitive on sets of t points. It is shown that if G is a permutation group transitive on sets of t letters and ф is any set of letters, then images of ф under G form a t-design whose parameters may be calculated from the group G. Such groups are discussed, especially for the case t = 2, and the normal structure of such designs is considered. Theorem 2.2.12 gives necessary and sufficient conditions for a t-design to be simple, purely in terms of the automorphism group of the design. Some constructions are given.

Finally, 2-designs with k = 3 and λ = 2 are considered in detail. These designs are first considered in general, with examples illustrating some of the configurations which can arise. Then an attempt is made to classify all such designs with an automorphism group transitive on pairs of points. Many cases are eliminated of reduced to combinations of Steiner triple systems. In the remaining cases, the simple designs are determined to consist of one infinite class and one exceptional case.


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A mathematical model is proposed in this thesis for the control mechanism of free fatty acid-glucose metabolism in healthy individuals under resting conditions. The objective is to explain in a consistent manner some clinical laboratory observations such as glucose, insulin and free fatty acid responses to intravenous injection of glucose, insulin, etc. Responses up to only about two hours from the beginning of infusion are considered. The model is an extension of the one for glucose homeostasis proposed by Charette, Kadish and Sridhar (Modeling and Control Aspects of Glucose Homeostasis. Mathematical Biosciences, 1969). It is based upon a systems approach and agrees with the current theories of glucose and free fatty acid metabolism. The description is in terms of ordinary differential equations. Validation of the model is based on clinical laboratory data available at the present time. Finally procedures are suggested for systematically identifying the parameters associated with the free fatty acid portion of the model.


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La enfermedad celíaca es una intolerancia permanente al gluten, proteína que forma parte de algunos cereales como trigo,cebada, centeno, triticale, kamut, espelta y probablemente, avena. Esta proteína puede producir una lesión severa en la mucosa del intestino de los individuos celiacos que influye en la adecuada absorción de los nutrientes de los alimentos (proteínas, grasas, hidratos de carbono, sales minerales y vitaminas), provocando en ocasiones desequilibrios nutricionales. Los síntomas más habituales de la enfermedad son diarrea, malnutrición, distensión abdominal, rechazo alimentario, anemia, osteoporosis y en niños, retraso en el crecimiento. En España la prevalencia de la enfermedad celíaca es del 1% aunque hay que tener en cuenta que según estudios recientes el 75% de los celíacos están sin diagnosticar. En la actualidad el único tratamiento posible es mantener de por vida una alimentación libre de gluten. Cuando se sigue una dieta estricta sin gluten, las personas celíacas recuperan la estructura normal del intestino y desaparecen los síntomas descritos. El enfermo celíaco debe retirar de su dieta habitual los cereales que contienen gluten y todos los derivados de éstos. Algunos alimentos se identifican fácilmente, como por ejemplo, harinas, pastas alimenticias, productos de bollería y pastelería, panes, etc. Sin embargo, otros derivados forman parte de los alimentos como ingredientes y no se reconocen fácilmente. Dentro de este grupo se encuentran féculas, malta, sémolas, aditivos espesantes, etc.


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Part I

Phenol oxidase is the enzyme responsible for hardening and pigmentation of the insect cuticle. In Drosophila, phenol oxidase is a latent enzyme. Enzyme activity is produced by the interaction of a number of protein components. A minimal activation scheme consisting of six protein components, designated Pre S, S activator, S, P. P' and Ʌ1 is described. Quantitative assays have been developed for the S activator, S, P and P' proteins and these components have been partially purified. Experiments describing the interactions of the six components have been conducted and a model for the activation of phenol oxidase in a minimal system is proposed. Possible mechanisms of the reactions between the constituents of the activating system and potential regulatory mechanisms involved in phenol oxidase production and function are discussed.

Part II

A method has been developed for the partial purification of insulin from human serum. A procedure for the determination of the electrophoretic mobility of serum insulin on polyacrylamide gels is described. An electrophoretic analysis of insulin isolated from a normal subject is reported and in addition to a major band, the existence of a number of minor bands of immunoreactive insulin is described. A comparison of the electrophoretic patterns of insulin isolated from normal and diabetic subjects was carried out and indications that differences between them may occur are reported.


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A Doença Celíaca (DC) é uma doença autoimune que afeta o intestino delgado de indivíduos geneticamente susceptíveis após contato com o glúten. Diversos estudos têm relatado aumento da prevalência ao longo dos anos. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de DC em pacientes adultos sem diarreia encaminhados à Disciplina de Gastroenterologia do HUPE da UERJ para serem submetidos a Endoscopia Digestiva Alta (EDA).Comparar os resultados do histopatológico das biópsias duodenais com os resultados sorológicos, utilizando o anticorpo antitransglutaminase tecidual IgA (ATGt IgA). Métodos: Pacientes que foram encaminhados ao nosso serviço para serem submetidos a EDA entre Julho de 2008 e Julho de 2010, com idade entre 18 e 85 anos foram aceitos no estudo. Critérios de exclusão foram cirrose, neoplasias do trato gastrointestinal, HIV, uso de imunossupressores e anticoagulantes, diarreia, hemorragia digestiva e DC. Coleta de sangue para pesquisa do anticorpo ATGt IgA (utilizando KIT ORGENTEC - Alemanha), avaliação endoscópica e exame histopatológico das biópsias de segunda porção duodenal foram feitos para cada paciente. Biópsias foram avaliadas de acordo com o critério de Marsh modificado. Resultados: Trezentos e noventa e nove pacientes consecutivos (112 homens, 287 mulheres), média de idade 49,616,4 anos, variando de 18-85 anos, sem diarreia, foram prospectivamente aceitos. Os sintomas clínicos mais prevalentes foram dor abdominal em 99,5%, pirose em 41,1%, plenitude pós prandial em 30,6%, náuseas e vômitos em 21,3%. Os achados endoscópicos foram: normais em 41,6%, lesões pépticas (esofagite, gastrite, duodenite e úlceras) em 41,6%, hérnia hiatal em 5,5%, pólipos gástricos em 3%, neoplasias em 1,3% e miscelânea em 7%. DC foi endoscopicamente diagnosticada em 13 pacientes (3,3%) com mucosa duodenal exibindo serrilhamento das pregas em 8 (2%), diminuição do pregueado em 2 (0,5%) e mucosa exibindo padrão nodular e mosaico em 3 (0,75%). Os achados histopatológicos de duodeno foram normais em 96,7%, duodenites inespecíficas em 2,7% e 3 pacientes (0,75%) confirmaram DC pelos critérios de Marsh modificado (IIIa, IIIb e IIIc). O anticorpo ATGt IgA foi positivo (>10 U/ml) em 1,3% (5/399). Conclusão: Este estudo mostrou que a prevalência de DC em pacientes dispépticos sem diarreia atendidos na Disciplina de Gastroenterologia e Endoscopia do HUPE/UERJ foi de 0,75% (1:133). A acurácia diagnóstica do anticorpo ATGt IgA é boa para pacientes com Marsh III e achados endoscópicos sugestivos. Nenhum dos pacientes tinha alterações Marsh I ou II. A EDA se mostrou um excelente método de triagem para definir os pacientes com graus mais acentuados de atrofia e que se beneficiariam de biópsia e sorologia para confirmação diagnóstica. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho não justificam uma triagem rotineira de DC.


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Investigar a forma como a Congregação da Escola Normal se legitimou no cenário político-educacional nos últimos anos do século XIX e nos primeiros anos do século XX é o objetivo de meu estudo. Surgida no Regulamento de criação da Escola Normal a Congregação, era composta pelos professores da instituição que ministravam aulas no curso de formação de professores para as escolas públicas primárias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Estes professores eram intelectuais de procedências diversas, com experiência educacional, que se reuniam em sessões, sob a presidência e convite do Diretor da Escola Normal. A legitimação da Congregação foi conquistada pelo Regulamento de 1880, outorgado pelo Governo Imperial e, face ao trabalho e experiência dos congregados à frente desta instituição durante todo um ano, foi-lhes conferido ainda mais poder político, pela elaboração de um novo Regulamento para a Escola Normal, criando-se, então, um grupo diferenciado formado no campo intelectual, pelo conhecimento da formação de professores primários. A Congregação foi extinta em 1888. (Re) conquistando a legitimidade foi criado o Regulamento de 1890, elaborado por Benjamin Constant Botelho de Magalhães, ex- congregado, ex- presidente da Congregação por cinco anos consecutivos e na República ocupando o cargo de Ministro da Instrução Pública, Correios e Telégrafos. Esta pesquisa foi instigada por alguns documentos, ainda não investigados, do Centro de Memória Institucional do Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, que possibilitaram conhecer a ação política- educacional desses intelectuais da Congregação. Tais fontes, confrontadas com outras de várias instituições de guarda de memória, possibilitaram uma visão não só da ação dos congregados, como de sua rede de sociabilidade dentro e fora da Escola Normal, assim como sua procedência, as estratégias utilizadas como instrumento político e o papel de Benjamin Constant Botelho de Magalhães, líder mais antigo deste grupo. A intervenção política da Congregação, advinda do trabalho realizado na Escola Normal, possibilitou que criassem uma autoimagem de executores do processo civilizador em curso no final do Império e início da República. Os embates travados por este grupo mostram a defesa intransigente da legitimação e o uso de instrumentos próprios da intelectualidade para não perdê-la outra vez.


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O emprego de técnicas imunoistoquímicas, utilizando marcadores biológicos como o Ki67, que permite a avaliação do índice de proliferação celular em neoplasias malignas, vem sendo preconizado como um importante caminho de investigação do comportamento biológico das neoplasias malignas, tendo como consequências contribuições para o estabelecimento do prognóstico e desenvolvimento de novos protocolos terapêuticos. Neste trabalho, utiliza-se o método imunoistoquímico da avidina-biotina-peroxidase avaliada a expressão de Ki67 no parênquima de amostras de carcinomas de células escamosas da mucosa bucal com diferentes graus de diferenciação histológica. Além disso, a quantificação da área de infiltrado inflamatório foi avaliada. Os resultados demonstraram que a resposta imunológica celular é o principal mecanismo de defesa no carcinoma de células escamosas da mucosa bucal, expressada pelo grande número de linfócitos T e macrófagos e a expressão de Ki67 está relacionado ao índice mitótico e, consequentemente, à proliferação celular e, também, à diferenciação da neoplasia.