918 resultados para Non-governmental organizations - Malaysia


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Rural Popular experiences, socially organized on the constructions of the dams at Espinharas River, Serra Negra do Norte, which have been investigated, have reached in positive results. Several institutions, such as the City and State Power, multilaterals, governmental and non-governmental financial organizations, commonly refer to the success of such experiences. What success are they referring to? Is it recognized by family rural workers? What about institutional parts, how do they evaluate such experience? Is there legal continuity on such association structure? What kinds of gains have there been with such experiences? Has the association structure become any stronger? In search for demystifying the process, it has been made a research on classic and contemporaneous authors, as well as the interview of ten institutional parts, and twenty rural parts involved on the process, as well as the analysis of thirty-eight of the associations. It was concluded that the applied social public policies had resulted in heterogeneous social-economical process that has fulfilled the first step of a planning (not yet documented, but know by some institutional parts which lead, and still lead such social initiative). In the coming years the associations are to have a great potential for development, with the dams, as well as other projects. This persistence and external support, when integrated may have great deeds come to reality


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Historically the provision of childcare facilities in Brazil was short of demand. This problem affects a large part of the population and has a tendency to worsen, due to the accelerated decline in the number of parents of dedication exclusive family. The program called "Nova Semente" seeks to accelerate the creation of childcare facilities in the county, enabling the opening of units at low cost and in record time, through partnerships between government, non-governmental and civil society organizations. This study conducted a process evaluation of the implementation of public policy, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the policy. In real terms, this paper seeks to understand the motivation for the development of the program, identifying the reasons set out in the project match what is being sent; Understand how it is giving practical partnership between the government entity and the entities "non-state"; Identify the degree of achievement of goals that should be met even in the implementation phase; verify employment of instruments provided for its implementation. For this, the literature of public policy evaluation is used, and fits the criteria and mechanisms for analysis in the assessment of efficacy, to answer the question motivating the work, which deals with uncertainty about the durability of the Program. the framework is the criteria and mechanisms for analysis in the assessment of efficacy, to answer the question motivating the work, which deals with uncertainty about the durability of the Program


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As florestas tropicais da Amazônia historicamente foram alvo de práticas pouco sustentáveis de uso da terra, restando-lhes as cicatrizes de degradação advinda da exploração madeireira predatória, do uso indiscriminado do fogo, das altas taxas de desmatamento e de outras atividades que interferem nas ações de conservação da biodiversidade desta floresta. A atuação do Estado neste cenário é necessária através de políticas que incentivem formas de uso mais sustentáveis, como é o caso das concessões florestais que buscam através do manejo florestal, contribuir para a conservação dos recursos naturais e da manutenção da biodiversidade. A geração de produtos como o Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada, Modelo Linear de Mistura Espectral e Fração de Abertura de Dossel foram realizados no intuito de criar elementos de interpretação e análise da variável abertura de dossel. Esta pesquisa teve como área de estudo a Unidade de Manejo Florestal I no Conjunto de Glebas Mamuru-Arapiuns, região oeste do estado do Pará; onde foram quantificados e avaliados a abertura de dossel nessa área de concessão florestal, através de imagens multiespectrais e fotos hemisféricas, com vistas a analisar a degradação e a qualidade do manejo executado nesta área. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que é possível estabelecer um processo de monitoramento com o uso dos sensores e técnicas aplicados, uma vez que os dados de MLME, em especial a imagem-fração solo apresentaram forte relação de covariância com os dados obtidos em campo através de fotos hemisféricas, permitindo considera-lo como uma boa ferramenta de alerta para as ações de monitoramentos das florestas amazônicas. Desta forma é possível tornar a gestão florestal mais acessível tanto ao poder público, quanto a entidades não governamentais ou privadas visando fiscalizar as ações de exploração florestal e agregar as populações que vivem nestas áreas tanto oportunidades de renda quanto a conservação florestal.


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The aim of this dissertation is to provide a translation from English into Italian of a handbook published online by the non-governmental organization Ilga-Europe, which aims to strengthen human rights and equality for LGBTI people at European level. Translating the whole handbook was not possible for this project, this is the reason why I decided to translate the introduction, the first chapter and one of the three appendices listed in the handbook. This work is divided into six chapters. The first one introduces the main themes of the text, i.e. what does the acronym LGBT stands for, the issue of homophobia and the measures taken against it at international and national level. The second one provides a description of the three organizations ILGA, ILGA-Europe and Arcigay, focusing on their roles and purposes. The third chapter contains the description of specialized languages, with special attention to the juridical one; moreover, it provides an analysis of the text type. The fourth chapter focuses on the resources used to translate this text. The fifth chapter includes the source text, alongside with its actual translation. Finally, the sixth and last chapter offers a detailed comment on translation difficulties and translation choices.


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Diminuir o consumo de produtos oriundos da economia informal e conscientizar os consumidores acerca dos malefícios do mesmo tem sido um imperativo para os órgãos governamentais, organizações privadas e instituições não governamentais que prezam pela melhoria no ambiente de negócios. No entanto, apesar do apelo feito aos consumidores para não adquirirem produtos do mercado informal, é possível notar nas calçadas das ruas e avenidas a existência de inúmeros pontos de venda informais. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar e analisar os fatores influenciadores do comportamento do consumidor de produtos adquiridos na economia informal da Região do Grande ABC Paulista. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo qualitativo, de caráter exploratório, cujos dados primários foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e os dados secundários extraídos da literatura acerca do comportamento do consumidor considerando-se os fatores influenciadores: cultura, ética e responsabilidade social, bem como, a economia informal. Participaram das entrevistas pessoas economicamente ativas com idade entre 25 e 44 anos, consumidoras de produtos oriundos do comércio informal e residentes na Região do Grande ABC Paulista. Com base nos resultados da pesquisa empírica é possível inferir que os consumidores efetuam compras no comércio informal devido ao preço e acessibilidade ao ponto de venda. Trata-se de um consumo culturalmente estabelecido, devido à disseminação do mesmo entre as redes sociais das quais os consumidores fazem parte. De maneira geral, os entrevistados mostram-se conscientes sobre os malefícios sociais, ambientais e éticos da economia informal, mas pouco os consideram no momento da compra.


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Low-income settlements have high incidences of social and environmental problems due to lack of government intervention; low-income settlements usually rely on community organizations or non-governmental entities to survive. In order to improve the quality of life in these communities, urban upgrading plans must be designed to achieve adequate living conditions. ^ This thesis proposes an urban intervention plan for a low-income settlement called Vila da Barca. This thesis contains three document parts. The first part defines the country, city, and settlement background, including housing and urban issues. The second part contains information gathered from case studies and theories on how similar urban cities around the world have solved their urban development problems. Lastly, the third part proposes a residential development plan that enhances the citizen's needs, such as shelter and safety. The proposed set of criteria applicable to Vila da Barca will serve as an example for other urban intervention projects. ^


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This mixed method case study explored the capacity challenges of neighbourhood based community centres related to the areas of governance and leadership, program delivery, financial management and human resources. The study involved the examination of three community centres with multi-mandates (i.e., provide programs and services to individuals from pre-school to seniors in the areas of social, educational, recreational and health) and utilized three phases of data collection: 1) surveys with board members; 2) focus groups with all boards and staff; and 3) document review which examined pertinent organizational policies and procedures. Questions were aimed at gaining an understanding of some of the challenges faced by staff and administrators of neighbourhood based community centres, as there a gap in the research in this particular area. Research findings identified a number of related challenges facing non-profit organizations specifically in the areas of funding and staffing and how these challenges impact both day to day operations and longer term sustainability. More research is needed with nonprofit organizations that have these broader mandates and diverse operational challenges, hence greater capacity building challenges.


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O presente trabalho tem como propósito responder a questão "qual o interesse estratégico de empresas do distrito de Aveiro se internacionalizarem para os Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP) e/ ou Brasil - Ceará?". O objeto de estudo surgiu após a integração num estágio curricular na AIDA - Associação Industrial do Distrito de Aveiro - e levou à revisão da literatura dos temas estratégia e internacionalização, assim como ao trabalho de campo (6 entrevistas a colaboradoras da AIDA), proporcionando as componentes conceptual e empírica. Verificou-se que o setor de atividade é fundamental para o sucesso das empresas nas missões. Designadamente, bastantes empresas ligadas ao setor metalomecânico, que tendem a recorrer a estes mercados dos PALOP e/ ou Brasil - Ceará, alcançaram, em muitos casos, o sucesso - isto é, a concretização de negócios com novos clientes e / ou o investimento direto nesses países. O contributo do presente trabalho reside também na perspetiva, resultante de um inquérito desenvolido no âmbito do estágio no Gabinete de Relações Exteriores da AIDA, de que ainda que se verifique uma janela de oportunidade para algumas das empresas nos referidos mercados (PALOP e Brasil - Ceará), entende-se que, para o sucesso efetivo destas empresas, outras formas de empreender poderiam ser colocadas em prática, nomeadamente alianças estratégicas entre pequenas e médias empresas (PME) de setores semelhantes, a nível local (Portugal), para competirem a nível internacional com os respetivos líderes de mercado. Desta forma, sugere-se lutar pela competitividade não só nos PALOP mas também nos mercados desenvolvidos, tais como Alemanha, Estados Unidos da América e/ ou países escandinavos - pois somente com clientes exigentes e com a pressão de concorrentes fortes poder-se-ão criar indústrias desenvolvidas e capazes de competir ao mais elevado nível e pelos melhores clientes, com poder de compra e fontes de inovação (Porter, 1990). Estas lições parecem, por ezes, esquecidas, mas segundo Gibbs (2007) um dos propósitos da investigação é também o de lembrar o que foi esquecido e/ ou ignorado. As entrevistas realizadas ofereceram contributo na medida em que proporcionam a compreensão dos motivos para as empresas portuguesas escolherem estes mercados, das razões para o sucesso ou insucesso nos PALOP e/ ou Brasil - Ceará, do investimento e esforço por parte das entidades não-governamentais portuguesas em internacionalizar empresas do setor da metalomecânica, das forças e fraquezas das missões empresariais, de que aspetos fazem da AIDA um agente de mudança e das áreas em que poderia haver maior diligência por parte da AIDA.São também sugeridas recomendações a associação, entre outras, a inclusão das questões culturais de cada país nos estudos de mercado não só sobre PALOP e Brasil - Ceará, mas também nos estudos de mercado do distrito de Aveiro, assim como de Portugal, para fazer divulgação a potenciais importadores; melhoria de processos, implementando-se um software de gestão/ partilha de conhecimento das várias oportunidades de negócio, rentabilizando o processo de estabelecimento de interesse em realizar negócio, no âmbito do EEN (Entelprise Eumpe Netwrk); intervenção na plataforma do IAPMEI por informáticos habilitados; e armazenamento de dados em cloud storage - um serviço do género da Dropbox, de modo a rentabilizar o tempo dispendido, assim como a tornar as pastas acedidas via intranet mais pequenas.


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Organizations and individuals dealing with non-commercial initiatives are in permanent search for funding. Crowdfunding is an alternative way of collecting funds from general public through Internet-based platforms, which is currently gaining popularity all over the world. There are several research initiatives in that field that show the influence of different factors on the success of campaigns, both with commercial and non-commercial objectives. Non-profit nature of the project is named among key predictors of positive outcome. In this context, the purpose of this work is to check whether the tendencies detected by scholars are valid for non-commercial initiatives, especially those having socially aware objectives, posted on the Belarusian crowdfunding platform Ulej. The method used for validation of the research hypotheses is binary logistic regression and statistical test. The results showed that the dependent variable success is influenced by such independent variables as the funding goal, the sum collected, the number of sponsors and the average pledge. On the other hand, the effect of the duration period is not significant. Inferential analysis shows that there is no difference in the level of success between commercial and non-commercial projects and that social orientation does not increase the likelihood of meeting financial goals. The findings are opposite to those provided in literature. However that could be explained by the short period of functioning of platform and the small number of projects.


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Double Degree


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2015.


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G20 outreach processes, in the form of the Think 20, Labour 20, Business 20, and Civil 20, Youth 20, and Women 20, are a formal attempt by G20 leaders to engage various social sectors with G20 policymaking. This essay contends that G20 outreach processes are best understood as transnational policy networks, which are involved in widening the field of policy communication and deliberation. The importance of these transnational policy networks rest upon their role in developing and disseminating G20 policy priorities and principles; and are an attempt to enhance the legitimacy and influence of the G20 and its policy proposals.

"We agree that, in order to strengthen its ability to build and sustain the political consensus needed to respond to challenges, the G20 must remain efficient, transparent and accountable. To achieve this, we decide to … pursue consistent and effective engagement with non-members, regional and international organisations, including the United Nations, and other actors, and we welcome their contribution to our work as appropriate. We also encourage engagement with civil society.G20 Cannes Summit Final Declaration 2011 (G20 2011)"

The difficulty in balancing the effectiveness and representativeness of the Group of Twenty (G20) has led to sustained questions about its legitimacy (Cooper 2010; Rudd 2011; Cooper and Pouliot 2015). Consequently, while leaders have long sought external advice about the agendas of Group of Seven (G7) summits since 1975, and about the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors’ meetings (G20 FM/CBG) since 1999, there has been intensification, elaboration, and institutionalization of transnational networks of policymakers with respect to the G20 in recent years. These networks are especially evident in the form of the G20 working groups and G20 outreach processes involved in the G20 FM/CBG and the G20 leaders’ forum created in 2008.

G20 working groups include transgovernmental groups of government officials and outside experts within a specific policy area who are charged with preparing material for G20 deliberations. G20 outreach processes are a recent and more formal attempt by G20 leaders to engage various social sectors with the policymaking activity of the G20 and were first considered by the G20 membership in 2010 with a more formal engagement with business interests. This led to the formal development of G20 outreach groups in 2013 in the form of the Think 20 (think tanks), Labour 20, Business 20, Civil 20 and Youth 20, which include representatives from these sectors. In 2015, a Women 20 outreach group was also added. These outreach processes are best understood as transnational policy networks which have been built to support the G20’s capacity to be effective and legitimate.

This essay focuses on G20 outreach processes and examines why and how the G20 has sought to augment its intergovernmental summitry and transgovernmental working groups with transnational policy networks, purposely involving a range of societal interests. Transnational policy networks demonstrate the existence of policymaking practices which include the policy influence of experts and advocates outside government. These networks also indicate the ways in which governments, International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) and summits like the G20 engage society, or where elements of society engage themselves with the policymaking process (Stone 2008). These networks intersect with the intergovernmental activities of leaders and key diplomats, and overlap with the transgovernmental relationships of various levels of government bureaucrats (Baker 2009). One of the principle features of transnational policy networks is the way they create and channel the communication of political ideas and priorities. However, it is important to keep in the mind the purpose and power of actors involved in the network and consider who has the discretion and motivation to create the network in the first instance. As the G20 members stated in 2012, the aspiration for outreach is founded upon an intent to strengthen the G20’s capacity “to build and sustain the political consensus”. Consequently, it is important to consider how the development of transnational policy networks in the form of G20 outreach processes are able to sustain the effectiveness and legitimacy of the G20.

This essay contends that G20 outreach processes are best understood as transnational policy networks. These networks have been built to widen the field of policy communication and deliberation. Furthermore, these outreach processes and networks are an attempt to enhance the legitimacy and influence of the G20 and its policy proposals. While there is no doubt that outreach practices are “ad hoc responses to the widespread charge that the G20 reproduces the politics of exclusion in global governance” (Cooper and Pouliot 2015, 347), these practices have the potential to improve both the effectiveness and legitimacy of the G20. The G20 possesses uncertain legitimacy and members of the G20 demonstrate an awareness of this and a corresponding willingness to actively develop various political practices to support the capacity and legitimacy of the G20.

However, G20 outreach also enables the G20 to place some limit upon the policy narratives and ideas that develop within these policy networks. The G20 is liable to be misunderstood without examining the activity of these transnational networks because the G20 is fundamentally a deliberative policy forum rather than a negotiating forum of binding regulations. Transnational policy networks have the potential to scrutinize and amplify relevant policy ideas and thereby enhance the legitimacy of the G20 and strengthen the capacity of the G20 to address an array of global economic and social problems. However, while some narrative control is important to amplify the G20 agenda, too much narrative control will undermine its legitimacy and capacity to develop broad-based responses to global problems. This essay explores the formation of these transnational policy networks by first outlining the evolution of the purpose and configuration of the G20, then it considers the ways G20 outreach processes constitute transnational policy networks and why they have been established, and lastly, analyses how these networks operate to enhance the legitimacy and effectiveness of the G20.


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The project aimed to understand how young people in different socio-demographic categories (age, gender, rurality) conceptualise and negotiate employment relations and the structural mechanisms (education, industry, legislation) through which youth are socialised in employment citizenship. The study extends previous research on youth employment in that it combines data from young people with that from other key actors in education and employment; that is, schools, employers, government, unions and non-government organizations. Despite the disparate nature of these groups there were some common themes regarding young workers. All agreed, for example, that there was a need for a greater level of employment knowledge and understanding among young people and that the current provisions for information dissemination on this subject are inadequate. There was also general consensus that, despite the need for some further clarifications and some potential limitations, the Child Employment Act 2006 (Qld) was beneficial.


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Background: There is overwhelming scientific evidence that human activities have changed and will continue to change the climate of the Earth. Eco-environmental health, which refers to the interdependencies between ecological systems and population health and well-being, is likely to be significantly influenced by climate change. The aim of this study was to examine perceptions from government stakeholders and other relevant specialists about the threat of climate change, their capacity to deal with it, and how to develop and implement a framework for assessing vulnerability of eco-environmental health to climate change.---------- Methods: Two focus groups were conducted in Brisbane, Australia with representatives from relevant government agencies, non-governmental organisations, and the industry sector (n = 15) involved in the discussions. The participants were specialists on climate change and public health from governmental agencies, industry, and nongovernmental organisations in South-East Queensland.---------- Results: The specialists perceived climate change to be a threat to eco-environmental health and had substantial knowledge about possible implications and impacts. A range of different methods for assessing vulnerability were suggested by the participants and the complexity of assessment when dealing with multiple hazards was acknowledged. Identified factors influencing vulnerability were perceived to be of a social, physical and/or economic nature. They included population growth, the ageing population with associated declines in general health and changes in the vulnerability of particular geographical areas due to for example, increased coastal development, and financial stress. Education, inter-sectoral collaboration, emergency management (e.g. development of early warning systems), and social networks were all emphasised as a basis for adapting to climate change. To develop a framework, different approaches were discussed for assessing eco-environmental health vulnerability, including literature reviews to examine the components of vulnerability such as natural hazard risk and exposure and to investigate already existing frameworks for assessing vulnerability.---------- Conclusion: The study has addressed some important questions in regard to government stakeholders and other specialists’ views on the threat of climate change and its potential impacts on eco-environmental health. These findings may have implications in climate change and public health decision-making.


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This paper is a summary of a PhD thesis proposal. It will explore how the Web 2.0 platform could be applied to enable and facilitate the large-scale participation, deliberation and collaboration of both governmental and non-governmental actors in an ICT supported policy process. The paper will introduce a new democratic theory and a Web 2.0 based e-democracy platform, and demonstrate how different actors would use the platform to develop and justify policy issues.