978 resultados para Nitrate concentration


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The results of the present investigation reveal that the presence of anions in the reacting medium greatly modify the reactions between soil and solution P. Associating anions reduce considerably the retention of phosphate in soils. Citrate, tartrate, and silicate are found to be superior to arsenate, oxalate, and fluoride in reducing phosphate retention in soil. The performance of associating anions depends on the pH and P concentration of the reacting medium. The nature and properties of soil also play a highly significant role on the effectiveness of associating anions.


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1. A detailed polarographic study of cadmium has been made employing glycine, α-alanine, β-alanine, valine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and asparagine as complexing agents at various pH values. The effect of incorporating sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate and ammonium nitrate + ammonium hydroxide, on the polarographic behaviour of amino acid complexes of cadmium has also been investigated. 2. The reduction process has been found to be reversible in all systems. 3. The small shifts in the half-wave potentials noticed due to increase in the concentration of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate in presence of amino acids have been explained on the basis of formation of mixtures of pure and mixed amino acid complexes of cadmium. Mixed complexes have also been noticed in presence of ammonium hydroxide and ammonium nitrate and amino acids. 4. Polarographic evidence has been obtained for the formation of over 30 pure and mixed complexes. The dissociation constant Kd, the Δ F° value for the dissociation, and standard potential value for the formation, of each complex have been computed. 5. It has been found that cadmium can be polarographically estimated in amino acid solutions.


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1. The polarographic behaviour of glycine, α-alanine, β-alanine, valine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and asparagine complexes of lead has been studied at various pH values and in presence of (1) NaOH, (2) Na2CO3 and (3) NH4 NO3+NH4OH. All the polarographic waves have been found to be reversible. 2. Experiments conducted on the effect of variation of pH, i.e., 7concentration of amino-acid have indicated the formation of Pb A and Pb A2. The data have been analysed employing the equations developed by DeFord and Hume as modified by McKenzie and Mellor. 3. Only pure complexes are produced below pH 11·2 in the case of aspartic acid, glutamic acid and glycine, while mono hydroxy complexes are produced in α-alanine, valine and asparagine systems. 4. It has been found that no mixed hydroxy and mixed ammonia complexes are produced in presence of sodium hydroxide and ammonia-ammonium nitrate, respectively. However evidence is obtained for the formation of mixed carbonate complexes in glycine and aspartic acid systems in presence of sodium carbonate. 5. Thermodynamic data have been calculated from polarographic measurements for 18 complexes. 6. The suitability of incorporating amino acids in base solutions for the polarographic estimation of lead has been tested.


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Raman spectra of single crystals of diglycine hydrochloride, diglycine hydrobromide and diglycine nitrate have been recorded for the first time. λ 2536·5 resonance radiation of mercury has been used as exciter. The spectrum of diglycine hydrochloride exhibits 10 low frequency lines and 41 lines due to internal oscillations, while that of diglycine hydrobromide exhibits 11 lines and 41 lines respectively. In the case of diglycine nitrate 46 lines have been recorded, of which 10 belong to the lattice spectrum. These spectra are compared with the Raman spectra of triglycine sulphate and α-glycine and proper assignments have been given to the internal oscillations.


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The crystal structure of the complex La(NO3)3.4(CH3)2SO has been solved by the heavy-atom method. The complex crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/e with four formula units in a unit cell of dimensions a= 14.94, b= 11.04, c= 15.54 A and fl= 109 ° 10'. The parameters have been refined by threedimensional least-squares procedures with anisotropic thermal parameters for all atoms except hydrogen. The final R index for 1257 observed reflexions is 0.094. The La 3 + ion is coordinated by ten oxygen atoms with La-O distances varying from 2.47 to 2.71 A. The geometry of the coordination polyhedron is described.


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Recent single molecule experiments have suggested the existence of a photochemical funnel in the photophysics of conjugated polymers, like poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethylhexyl)oxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV). The funnel is believed to be a consequence of the presence of conformational or chemical defects along the polymer chain and efficient non-radiative energy transfer among different chromophore segments. Here we address the effect of the excitation energy dynamics on the photophysics of PPV. The PPV chain is modeled as a polymer with the length distribution of chromophores given either by a Gaussian or by a Poisson distribution. We observe that the Poisson distribution of the segment lengths explains the photophysics of PPV better than the Gaussian distribution. A recently proposed version of an extended particle-in-a-box' model is used to calculate the exciton energies and the transition dipole moments of the chromophores, and a master equation to describe the excitation energy transfer among different chromophores. The rate of energy transfer is assumed to be given here, as a first approximation, by the well-known Forster expression. The observed excitation population dynamics confirms the photochemical funneling of excitation energy from shorter to longer chromophores of the polymer chain. The time scale of spectral shift and energy transfer for our model polymer, with realistic values of optical parameters, is in the range of 200-300 ps. We find that the excitation energy may not always migrate towards the longest chromophore segments in the polymer chain as the efficiency of energy transfer between chromophores depends on the separation distance between the two and their relative orientation.


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The temperature dependence of the critical micelle concentration (CMC) and a closed-loop coexistence curve are obtained, via Monte Carlo simulations, in the water surfactant limit of a two-dimensional version of a statistical mechanical model for micro-emulsions, The CMC and the coexistence curve reproduce various experimental trends as functions of the couplings. In the oil-surfactant limit, there is a conventional coexistence cure with an upper consolute point that allows for a region of three-phase coexistence between oil-rich, water-rich and microemulsion phases.


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The electrochemical reduction of oxygen has been studied on gold, boron-doped diamond (BDD) and glassy carbon (GC) electrodes in a ternary eutectic mixture of acetamide (CH3CONH2), urea (NH2CONH2) and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). Cyclic voltammetry (CV), differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), chronoamperometry and rotating disk electrode (RDE) voltammetry techniques have been employed to follow oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The mechanism for the electrochemical reduction of oxygen on polycrystalline gold involves 2-step. 2-electron pathways of O-2 to H2O2 and further reduction of H2O2 to H2O. The first 2-electron reduction of O-2 to H2O2 passes through superoxide intermediate by 1-electron reduction of oxygen. Kinetic results suggest that the initial 1-electron reduction of oxygen to HO2 is the rate-determining step of ORR on gold surfaces. The chronoamperometric and ROE studies show a potential dependent change in the number of electrons on gold electrode. The oxygen reduction reaction on boron-doped diamond (BOO) seems to proceed via a direct 4-electron process. The reduction of oxygen on the glassy carbon (GC) electrode is a single step, irreversible, diffusion limited 2-electron reduction process to peroxide. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Détermination de l'activité du calcium par la méthode d'effusion de Knudsen. Calcul, à partir de la distribution mesurée pour l'aluminium entre l'alliage et du fer pur, de l'activité de l'aluminium dans des alliages riches en calcium. Détermination en combinant les deux méthodes, des activités des deux composants et de l'énergie de Gibbs de mélange pour tout le domaine de composition. Calcul et analyse du facteur de structure concentration-concentration


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The steady natural convection flow on a horizontal cone embedded in a saturated porous medium with non-uniform wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux and suction/injection has been investigated. Non-similar solutions have been obtained. The nonlinear couple differential equations under boundary layer approximations governing the flow have been numerically solved. The Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are found to depend on the buoyancy forces, suction/injection rates, variation of wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux, Lewis number and the non-Darcy parameter.


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Reactions of bis(isonitrosoethylacetoacetato)palladium(II), Pd(IEAA)2,with straight chain non-bulky alkylamines, RNH2(R = CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7or n-C4H9) in the mole ratio 1:1 gave bis (B-alkylisonitrosoethylacetoacetateimino)Palladium(II), Pd(R-IEAI)2. In this reaction the coordinated carbonyl groups of Pd(IEAA)2 undergo condensation with amines fo rming Schiff bases (>CNR). On the other hand, the reactions of Pd(IEAA)2 with a large excess of amine yielded N-alkylamido bridgedisonitrosoethylacetoacetatedipalladium(II), μ-(NHR)2[Pd(IEAA)]2 complexes. The complexes are characterized by elemental analyses, magnetic susceptib ility, i.r., p.m.r. and in some cases, nitrogen 1s X-ray photoelectron and mass spectral studies.