1000 resultados para Neurose virtual


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El desenvolupament de les telecomunicacions mitjanyant xarxes d"ordinadors com Internet, i la facilitat de l"ús d'aquest tipus de xarxes, incrementen la possibilitat tant de transmetre material educatiu i intercanviar experiéncies com d"obrir nous canals de comunicació i crear entorns d"aprenentatge que permetin ultrapassar les coordenades d"espai i temps en qué s"han mogut tradicionalment les institucions. La Unió Europea, en el seu intent d"apropar les diferents cultures que conformen el mapa de la nostra comunitat, s"interessa per aquest tipus de sistemes, que permeten la comunicació i l"accés a la informació independentment de l"espai i del temps.


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Apresenta modelo de biblioteca jurídica que sugere a potencialização do sistema de informações, sem a necessidade de aumento físico considerável do acervo interno. Sua estrutura, apoiada na conexão com bancos e bases de dados, redes eletrônicas de comunicação e bibliotecas informatizadas situadas interna e externamente, permitirá acesso a um conjunto de fontes e acervos muito mais amplo e diversificado do que aquele que existe internamente na forma tradicional vindo completar esta estrutura.


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Analisar os serviços de referência virtual, seus padrões e novas tecnologias que têm modificado a prática tradicional realizada no balcão de referência das bibliotecas. São descritas as principais iniciativas norte-americanas e as características de seu funcionamento.


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En los últimos años las Universidades tradicionalmente presenciales han apostado por la incorporación de la tecnología en los procesos académicos, muestra de ello es la proliferación de campus virtuales que acogen entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. La Universitat d"Andorra utiliza un entorno virtual de aprendizaje desde hace 8 años. El presente trabajo analiza los usos del entorno por parte del profesorado con el objetivo de proponer mejoras que reviertan en la mejora del aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes. Se ha seguido una metodología descriptiva que combina técnicas cuantitativas y técnicas cualitativas, se ha distribuido un cuestionario dirigido al profesorado y se han realizado dos grupos de discusión dirigidos a profesores y estudiantes respectivamente. Los resultados de este estudio han permitido identificar las necesidades de formación del profesorado de la Universitat d"Andorra y realizar un plan de acciones para la mejora del uso del entorno virtual que en el momento de hacer el estudio prácticamente se reducía a una herramienta de compartición de documentación.


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Se describen los principales problemas de los diferentes sistemas de información para la gestión de la ciencia y tecnología de los países de América Latina y el Caribe y se identifican los retos y las alternativas para promover un mayor intercambio entre países del continente. La creación de un espacio de intercambio de información de los recursos humanos que participan en los sistemas de ciencia y tecnología, a través de una metodología común denominada el CvLAC, se constituye en una respuesta a los problemas identificados. El CvLAC parte de la experiencia brasileña del CvLattes. Se describen los objetivos y resultados esperados del Proyecto del CvLAC, ejecutado con la participación de Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, México y Venezuela. Se describen los desarrollos y alternativas a partir de los datos existentes en los países participantes en el proyecto, iniciando con Colombia y Chile, destacándose las infinitas posibilidades que las nuevas tecnologías de información digital y los nuevos desarrollos, logrados en este campo, hacen posible en términos de intercambio de datos.


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Discute os aspectos filosóficos do virtual e relaciona-os com o ciberespaço. Assim, o virtual é capaz de explicar um novo modelo de realização das formas simbólicas, ou seja, aquela tomada no pólo do virtual onde a conjunção e... e... constitui-se em aliança desenhando o conhecimento sob a forma de rede e explicando a desmaterialização das obras, contra a realidade tomada no pólo da "reificação", cujo paradigma é o da materialidade. A virtualização no ciberespaço potencializa a virtualidade da linguagem produzindo formas simbólicas que são, em essência, metamórficas. O virtual opera, ainda, a desterritorialização dos signos, portanto a desmaterialização das obras, produzindo uma complexidade na representação humana, em vez de uma substituição completa das obras.


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A Plenária Virtual Permanente é um sistema de áudio e vídeo para redes digitais desenvolvido para conselhos de saúde do Brasil. O artigo aborda as discussões que subsidiaram a criação do dispositivo, a descrição do mesmo e os desafios para a inclusão digital no âmbito dessas instâncias de participação.


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Our docking program, Fitted, implemented in our computational platform, Forecaster, has been modified to carry out automated virtual screening of covalent inhibitors. With this modified version of the program, virtual screening and further docking-based optimization of a selected hit led to the identification of potential covalent reversible inhibitors of prolyl oligopeptidase activity. After visual inspection, a virtual hit molecule together with four analogues were selected for synthesis and made in one-five chemical steps. Biological evaluations on recombinant POP and FAPα enzymes, cell extracts, and living cells demonstrated high potency and selectivity for POP over FAPα and DPPIV. Three compounds even exhibited high nanomolar inhibitory activities in intact living human cells and acceptable metabolic stability. This small set of molecules also demonstrated that covalent binding and/or geometrical constraints to the ligand/protein complex may lead to an increase in bioactivity.


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Os signos e as linguagens foram investigados para a organização virtual do conhecimento por meio dos mecanismos de busca. Fundamentou-se na teoria das matrizes da linguagem-pensamento, postuladas por Santaella (2005), na qual se perscrutou as linguagens sonora, visual e verbal. O objetivo da investigação foi estabelecer uma categorização dos mecanismos de busca a partir da correspondência dessas matrizes da linguagem com a indexação virtual e o modus análogo de busca. Os resultados da investigação indicam ser adequada a categorização dos mecanismos de busca sob o critério dos paradigmas semiótico da linguagem em três matrizes, dado o seu modo de ser e sua operacionalidade, sendo eles baseados em conteúdos sonoros, visuais e verbais. Sinteticamente, a sintaxe é a representação do sonoro, a forma é a representação do visível e o discurso é a representação do conhecimento verbal.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) credentialing for a EORTC study was performed using an anthropomorphic head phantom from the Radiological Physics Center (RPC; RPCPH). Institutions were retrospectively requested to irradiate their institutional phantom (INSTPH) using the same treatment plan in the framework of a Virtual Phantom Project (VPP) for IMRT credentialing. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CT data set of the institutional phantom and measured 2D dose matrices were requested from centers and sent to a dedicated secure EORTC uploader. Data from the RPCPH and INSTPH were thereafter centrally analyzed and inter-compared by the QA team using commercially available software (RIT; ver.5.2; Colorado Springs, USA). RESULTS: Eighteen institutions participated to the VPP. The measurements of 6 (33%) institutions could not be analyzed centrally. All other centers passed both the VPP and the RPC ±7%/4 mm credentialing criteria. At the 5%/5 mm gamma criteria (90% of pixels passing), 11(92%) as compared to 12 (100%) centers pass the credentialing process with RPCPH and INSTPH (p = 0.29), respectively. The corresponding pass rate for the 3%/3 mm gamma criteria (90% of pixels passing) was 2 (17%) and 9 (75%; p = 0.01), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: IMRT dosimetry gamma evaluations in a single plane for a H&N prospective trial using the INSTPH measurements showed agreement at the gamma index criteria of ±5%/5 mm (90% of pixels passing) for a small number of VPP measurements. Using more stringent, criteria, the RPCPH and INSTPH comparison showed disagreement. More data is warranted and urgently required within the framework of prospective studies.


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The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of virtual environments representing situations that are emotionally significant to subjects with eating disorders (ED). These environments may be applied with both evaluative and therapeutic aims and in simulation procedures to carry out a range of experimental studies. This paper is part of a wider research project analyzing the influence of the situation to which subjects are exposed on their performance on body image estimation tasks. Thirty female patients with eating disorders were exposed to six virtual environments: a living-room (neutral situation), a kitchen with highcalorie food, a kitchen with low-calorie food, a restaurant with high-calorie food, a restaurant with low-calorie food, and a swimming-pool. After exposure to each environment the STAI-S (a measurement of state anxiety) and the CDB (a measurement of depression) were administered to all subjects. The results show that virtual reality instruments are particularly useful for simulating everyday situations that may provoke emotional reactions such as anxiety and depression, in patients with ED. Virtual environments in which subjects are obliged to ingest high-calorie food provoke the highest levels of state anxiety and depression.


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BACKGROUND: The use of virtual reality (VR) has gained increasing interest to acquire laparoscopic skills outside the operating theatre and thus increasing patients' safety. The aim of this study was to evaluate trainees' acceptance of VR for assessment and training during a skills course and at their institution. METHODS: All 735 surgical trainees of the International Gastrointestinal Surgery Workshop 2006-2008, held in Davos, Switzerland, were given a minimum of 45 minutes for VR training during the course. Participants' opinion on VR was analyzed with a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS: Fivehundred-twenty-seven participants (72%) from 28 countries attended the VR sessions and answered the questionnaires. The possibility of using VR at the course was estimated as excellent or good in 68%, useful in 21%, reasonable in 9% and unsuitable or useless in 2%. If such VR simulators were available at their institution, most course participants would train at least one hour per week (46%), two or more hours (42%) and only 12% wouldn't use VR. Similarly, 63% of the participants would accept to operate on patients only after VR training and 55% to have VR as part of their assessment. CONCLUSION: Residents accept and appreciate VR simulation for surgical assessment and training. The majority of the trainees are motivated to regularly spend time for VR training if accessible.


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Aquest treball pretén aprofundir en com es poden aprofitar les noves eines tecnològiques per millorar l'entorn educatiu. Analitzarem de quina manera els dispositius mòbils poden ajudar a incrementar la motivació, la curiositat i la cooperació dels alumnes i, en definitiva, l'aprentatge.


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Since the earliest years after the discovery of X-rays, radiological images have been used successfully for answering medico-legal and forensic questions. The possibility to evaluate the inside of a body without actually opening it has been appreciated and used in forensic pathology since then. However, the introduction of modern cross-sectional imaging techniques into post-mortem investigations has created controversial discussions among the medico-legal community. Terms like "Virtual Autopsy" and "Necro-Radiology" have led to confusion and controversy concerning the role of radiological techniques in forensic case work. Regardless, the use of those techniques in post-mortem investigations is increasing, especially the one of Muti-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT). But also other imaging techniques such as Postmortem Angiography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging are increasingly applied. This presentation shall give an overview over the different techniques of postmortem imaging. It will critically explain their advantages and limitations in forensic death investigations compared to conventional autopsy. The role of postmortem imaging shall be discussed in order to distinguish between real state of the art and virtual reality.