899 resultados para Neuropathy target esterase


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The Spanish Government has established post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) as mandatory for genetically modified (GM) crop varieties cultivated in Spain. In order to comply with this regulation, effects of Bt maize varieties derived from the event MON810 on the predatory fauna were monitored for two years in northeast and central Spain. The study was carried out with a randomized block design in maize fields of 3-4 ha on which the abundance of plant-dwelling predators and the activity-density of soil-dwelling predators in Bt vs. non-Bt near-isogenic varieties were compared. To this end, the plots were sampled by visual inspection of a certain number of plants and pitfall traps 6 or 7 times throughout two seasons. No significant differences in predator densities on plants were found between Bt and non-Bt varieties. In the pitfall traps, significant differences between the two types of maize were found only in Staphylinidae, in which trap catches in non-Bt maize were higher than in Bt maize in central Spain. Based on the statistical power of the assays, surrogate arthropods for PMEM purposes are proposed; Orius spp. and Araneae for visual sampling and Carabidae, Araneae, and Staphylinidae for pitfall trapping. The other predator groups recorded in the study, Nabis sp. and Coccinellidae in visual sampling and Dermaptera in pitfall trapping, gave very poor power results. To help to establish a standardized protocol for PMEM of genetically modified crops, the effect-detecting capacity with a power of 0.8 of each predator group is given.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem autoimmune disease characterized by a loss of tolerance to multiple endogenous antigens. SLE etiology remains largely unknown, despite recent insight into the immunopathogenesis of the disease. T cells are important in the development of the disease by amplifying the immune response and contributing to organ damage. Aberrant signaling, cytokine secretion, and tissue homing displayed by SLE T cells have been extensively studied and the underlying pathogenic molecular mechanisms are starting to be elucidated. T-cell-targeted treatments are being explored in SLE patients. This review is an update on the T-cell abnormalities and related therapeutic options in SLE.


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Tämä pro gradu tutkielma esittää markkinointistrategian digitaaliselle matkapuhelinpalvelulle penetroiduttaessa uusille markkinoille. MegaFon on uuden sukupolven mobiilioperaattori, jolla on lukuisia teknlogiaan perustuvia etuisuuksia puolellaan. Markkinointistrategian perusteena asiakkaat on määritelty, paikallistettu ja analysoitu. Tämän lisäksi, palvelun positiointi, hinnoittelu- ja jakelukanavavaihtoehdot on myöskin analysoitu ja määritelty. Menestystekijöihin liittyvät kysymykset, myynnin jälkeiseen toimintaan liittyvät asiat on myös tutkittu. Teoreettiset aspektit liittyvät pääsääntöisesti uuden palvelun ja palveluiden lanseeramiseen (palvelu, palvelun elinkaariajattelu), niiden markkinointistrategioihin lanseerausvaiheessa ja markkinointikanavien päättämiseen. Tutkimuksessa on selitetty MegaFonin ennustamis- ja lähestymistavat, joilla on valotettu todellista markkinatilannetta. Tämän tutkielman informaatio on kerätty useista lähteistä, kuten: yleistä aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta, sisäisiä raportteja ja Megafonin materiaalia, yhteistyökumppaneiden aineistoa, Internettia ja muuta saatavilla olevaa materiaalia. Tuloksena on määritelty päätöksenteon avainkohdat ja osaltaan perinteiset lähestymistavat on kyseenalaistettu.


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Mutations in GDAP1, which encodes protein located in the mitochondrial outer membrane, cause axonal recessive (AR-CMT2), axonal dominant (CMT2K) and demyelinating recessive (CMT4A) forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathy. Loss of function recessive mutations in GDAP1 are associated with decreased mitochondrial fission activity, while dominant mutations result in impairment of mitochondrial fusion with increased production of reactive oxygen species and susceptibility to apoptotic stimuli. GDAP1 silencing in vitro reduces Ca2+ inflow through store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) upon mobilization of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+, likely in association with an abnormal distribution of the mitochondrial network. To investigate the functional consequences of lack of GDAP1 in vivo, we generated a Gdap1 knockout mouse. The affected animals presented abnormal motor behavior starting at the age of 3 months. Electrophysiological and biochemical studies confirmed the axonal nature of the neuropathy whereas histopathological studies over time showed progressive loss of motor neurons (MNs) in the anterior horn of the spinal cord and defects in neuromuscular junctions. Analyses of cultured embryonic MNs and adult dorsal root ganglia neurons from affected animals demonstrated large and defective mitochondria, changes in the ER cisternae, reduced acetylation of cytoskeletal α-tubulin and increased autophagy vesicles. Importantly, MNs showed reduced cytosolic calcium and SOCE response. The development and characterization of the GDAP1 neuropathy mice model thus revealed that some of the pathophysiological changes present in axonal recessive form of the GDAP1-related CMT might be the consequence of changes in the mitochondrial network biology and mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum interaction leading to abnormalities in calcium homeostasis.


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Target identification for tractography studies requires solid anatomical knowledge validated by an extensive literature review across species for each seed structure to be studied. Manual literature review to identify targets for a given seed region is tedious and potentially subjective. Therefore, complementary approaches would be useful. We propose to use text-mining models to automatically suggest potential targets from the neuroscientific literature, full-text articles and abstracts, so that they can be used for anatomical connection studies and more specifically for tractography. We applied text-mining models to three structures: two well-studied structures, since validated deep brain stimulation targets, the internal globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus and, the nucleus accumbens, an exploratory target for treating psychiatric disorders. We performed a systematic review of the literature to document the projections of the three selected structures and compared it with the targets proposed by text-mining models, both in rat and primate (including human). We ran probabilistic tractography on the nucleus accumbens and compared the output with the results of the text-mining models and literature review. Overall, text-mining the literature could find three times as many targets as two man-weeks of curation could. The overall efficiency of the text-mining against literature review in our study was 98% recall (at 36% precision), meaning that over all the targets for the three selected seeds, only one target has been missed by text-mining. We demonstrate that connectivity for a structure of interest can be extracted from a very large amount of publications and abstracts. We believe this tool will be useful in helping the neuroscience community to facilitate connectivity studies of particular brain regions. The text mining tools used for the study are part of the HBP Neuroinformatics Platform, publicly available at http://connectivity-brainer.rhcloud.com/.


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A study of the angular distributions of leptons from decays of J/ψ"s produced in p-C and p-W collisions at s√=41.6~GeV has been performed in the J/ψ Feynman-x region −0.341 GeV/c a significant dependence on the reference frame is found: the polar anisotropy is more pronounced in the Collins-Soper frame and almost vanishes in the helicity frame, where, instead, a significant azimuthal anisotropy arises.


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INTRODUCTION: Acute painful diabetic neuropathy (APDN) is a distinctive diabetic polyneuropathy and consists of two subtypes: treatment-induced neuropathy (TIN) and diabetic neuropathic cachexia (DNC). The characteristics of APDN are (1.) the small-fibre involvement, (2.) occurrence paradoxically after short-term achievement of good glycaemia control, (3.) intense pain sensation and (4.) eventual recovery. In the face of current recommendations to achieve quickly glycaemic targets, it appears necessary to recognise and understand this neuropathy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Over 2009 to 2012, we reported four cases of APDN. Four patients (three males and one female) were identified and had a mean age at onset of TIN of 47.7 years (±6.99 years). Mean baseline HbA1c was 14.2% (±1.42) and 7.0% (±3.60) after treatment. Mean estimated time to correct HbA1c was 4.5 months (±3.82 months). Three patients presented with a mean time to symptom resolution of 12.7 months (±1.15 months). One patient had an initial normal electroneuromyogram (ENMG) despite the presence of neuropathic symptoms, and a second abnormal ENMG showing axonal and myelin neuropathy. One patient had a peroneal nerve biopsy showing loss of large myelinated fibres as well as unmyelinated fibres, and signs of microangiopathy. CONCLUSIONS: According to the current recommendations of promptly achieving glycaemic targets, it appears necessary to recognise and understand this neuropathy. Based on our observations and data from the literature we propose an algorithmic approach for differential diagnosis and therapeutic management of APDN patients.


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We examined the effect of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION) on the activity of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) using the pupil as proxy. Eighteen patients with AION (10 unilateral, 8 bilateral) and 29 age-matched control subjects underwent chromatic pupillometry. Red and blue light stimuli increasing in 0.5 log steps were presented to each eye independently under conditions of dark and light adaptation. The recorded pupil contraction was plotted against stimulus intensity to generate scotopic and photopic response curves for assessment of synaptically-mediated ipRGC activity. Bright blue light stimuli presented monocularly and binocularly were used for melanopsin activation. The post-stimulus pupil size (PSPS) at the 6th second following stimulus offset was the marker of intrinsic ipRGC activity. Finally, questionnaires were administered to assess the influence of ipRGCs on sleep. The pupil response and PSPS to all monocularly-presented light stimuli were impaired in AION eyes, indicating ipRGC dysfunction. To binocular light stimulation, the PSPS of AION patients was similar to that of controls. There was no difference in the sleep habits of the two groups. Thus after ischemic injury to one or both optic nerves, the summated intrinsic ipRGC activity is preserved when both eyes receive adequate light exposure.


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Mast cells are important in the initiation of ocular inflammation, but the consequences of mast cell degranulation on ocular pathology remain uncharacterized. We induced mast cell degranulation by local subconjunctival injection of compound 48/80. Initial degranulation of mast cells was observed in the choroid 15 minutes after the injection and increased up to 3 hours after injection. Clinical signs of anterior segment inflammation paralleled mast cell degranulation. With the use of optical coherence tomography, dilation of choroidal vessels and serous retinal detachments (SRDs) were observed and confirmed by histology. Subconjunctival injection of disodium cromoglycate significantly reduced the rate of SRDs, demonstrating the involvement of mast cell degranulation in posterior segment disorders. The infiltration of polymorphonuclear and macrophage cells was associated with increased ocular media concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α, CXCL1, IL-6, IL-5, chemokine ligand 2, and IL-1β. Analysis of the amounts of vascular endothelial growth factor and IL-18 showed an opposite evolution of vascular endothelial growth factor compared with IL-18 concentrations, suggesting that they regulate each other's production. These findings suggest that the local degranulation of ocular mast cells provoked acute ocular inflammation, dilation, increased vascular permeability of choroidal vessels, and SRDs. The involvement of mast cells in retinal diseases should be further investigated. The pharmacologic inhibition of mast cell degranulation may be a potential target for intervention.


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The TRAF-interacting protein (TRAIP) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase required for cell proliferation. TRAIP mRNA is downregulated in human keratinocytes after inhibition of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling. Since E2F transcription factors are downstream of PI3K/AKT/mTOR we investigated whether they regulate TRAIP expression. E2F1 expression significantly increased the TRAIP mRNA level in HeLa cells. Reporter assays with the 1400bp 5'-upstream promoter in HeLa cells and human keratinocytes showed that E2F1-, E2F2- and E2F4-induced upregulation of TRAIP expression is mediated by 168bp upstream of the translation start site. Mutating the E2F binding site within this fragment reduced the E2F1- and E2F2-dependent promoter activities and protein-DNA complex formation in gel shift assays. Abundance of TRAIP mRNA and protein was regulated by the cell cycle with a peak in G2/M. Expression of GFP and TRAIP-GFP demonstrated that TRAIP-GFP protein has a lower steady-state concentration than GFP despite similar mRNA levels. Cycloheximide inhibition experiments indicated that the TRAIP protein has a half-life of around four hours. Therefore, the combination of cell cycle-dependent transcription of the TRAIP gene by E2F and rapid protein degradation leads to cell cycle-dependent expression with a maximum in G2/M. These findings suggest that TRAIP has important functions in mitosis and tumorigenesis.


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OBJECTIVE: Studies suggest that smoking may be a risk factor for the development of microvascular complications such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between smoking and DPN in persons with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A systematic review of the PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane clinical trials databases was conducted for the period from January 1966 to November 2014 for cohort, cross-sectional and case-control studies that assessed the relationship between smoking and DPN. Separate meta-analyses for prospective cohort studies and case-control or cross-sectional studies were performed using random effects models. RESULTS: Thirty-eight studies (10 prospective cohort and 28 cross-sectional) were included. The prospective cohort studies included 5558 participants without DPN at baseline. During follow-up ranging from 2 to 10 years, 1550 cases of DPN occurred. The pooled unadjusted odds ratio (OR) of developing DPN associated with smoking was 1.26 (95% CI 0.86-1.85; I(2) = 74%; evidence grade: low strength). Stratified analyses of the prospective studies revealed that studies of higher quality and with better levels of adjustment and longer follow-up showed a significant positive association between smoking and DPN, with less heterogeneity. The cross-sectional studies included 27,594 participants. The pooled OR of DPN associated with smoking was 1.42 (95% CI 1.21-1.65; I(2) = 65%; evidence grade: low strength). There was no evidence of publication bias. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking may be associated with an increased risk of DPN in persons with diabetes. Further studies are needed to test whether this association is causal and whether smoking cessation reduces the risk of DPN in adults with diabetes.


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We studied the clinical, electrophysiological, and pathological features, outcome, and frequency of anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (a-TNF) medications-induced neuropathies (ATIN) in patients with inflammatory disorders. Of 2,017 patients treated with a-TNF medication, 12 patients met our inclusion criteria for a prevalence of 0.60% and an incidence of 0.4 cases per 1,000 person-years. The median time from a-TNF medication treatment to ATIN was 16.8 months (range 2-60 months). Six patients had focal or multifocal peripheral neuropathies. The other six had generalized neuropathies. For all, a-TNF medication was stopped. Seven patients received immunoglobulin infusions. ATIN outcome was favorable in all but one patient. ATINs are rare and heterogeneous neuropathies. In 10 patients, the neuropathy was "inflammatory", suggesting that it could be due to systemic pro-inflammatory effects of a-TNF agents.


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Upon infection, antigen-specific naive CD8 T cells are activated and differentiate into short-lived effector cells (SLECs) and memory precursor cells (MPECs). The underlying signaling pathways remain largely unresolved. We show that Rictor, the core component of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2), regulates SLEC and MPEC commitment. Rictor deficiency favors memory formation and increases IL-2 secretion capacity without dampening effector functions. Moreover, mTORC2-deficient memory T cells mount more potent recall responses. Enhanced memory formation in the absence of mTORC2 was associated with Eomes and Tcf-1 upregulation, repression of T-bet, enhanced mitochondrial spare respiratory capacity, and fatty acid oxidation. This transcriptional and metabolic reprogramming is mainly driven by nuclear stabilization of Foxo1. Silencing of Foxo1 reversed the increased MPEC differentiation and IL-2 production and led to an impaired recall response of Rictor KO memory T cells. Therefore, mTORC2 is a critical regulator of CD8 T cell differentiation and may be an important target for immunotherapy interventions.