636 resultados para Nationalism
Ps-graduao em Histria - FCLAS
This article presents a reading of the poem O canto do guerreiro written by Antonio Gonalves Dias. The aim is to show the existence of a dialogue between the literaryrepresentation of the Brazilianindigenous and the concept of natural man, by Jean Jacques Rousseau. Going beyond a reading upon a romantic nationalism view, such dialogue makes explicit the poet conscience of his hole in Brazilian Romanticism and, at same time, gives a universal dimension to his poetic work.
The presidency of Evo Morales, indigenous leader and who heads the party Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), opens a series of transformations in several dimensions. The changes in socio-economic and political power express the critic of long-term coloniality relations between a dominant white elite and an indigenous subordinate majority that deepens after national independence. Following this perspective, present in sectors of support to the government, the strategy of the MAS cannot follow the tradition of social revolutions that operated structural breaks in the mode of production and the state organization, but points to a new decolonizing revolution, cultural and political, articulating an indigenism of broad nature, flexible and open to popular social movements. This view is facing critics in sectors of the left that identify the renewal of capitalist modernization process initiated in 1952 under the leadership of the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MNR), extending citizenship and democratizing access to the state for recognition of Indians as such. From this perspective, the transformations proposed by MAS tend to favor a system restoration by diversifying its economic and social base. From the contrast provided by these two lines of interpretation, we intend to analyze the structural possibilities of the strategy of the government of Evo Morales, taking as historical reference the transformations wrought by the nationalist revolution of 1952 and the neoliberal reforms initiated in 1980.
Ps-graduao em Relaes Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
A partir da anlise de Tropical, tela pintada por Anita Malfatti em 1917, este artigo prope que a artista procedia a uma mudana em sua linguagem pictrica, afastando-se das concepes de vanguarda que adotara at ento para, aderindo ao clima de retorno ordem internacional, aproximar-se das discusses sobre o nacionalismo na arte, presentes na cena paulistana. Assim, a imagem de mulher insegura que mudou sua perspectiva por causa da crtica de Monteiro Lobato adquire outra conotao. Os modernistas teriam preferido essa interpretao a efetuar uma anlise da obra de Anita Malfatti, por meio da qual se poderia desvelar uma desero do programa vanguardista feita de forma consciente pela artista
Este artigo empreende um esforo de reintrepretao sobre o desenvolvimentismo no Brasil. Procura repens-lo a partir da trade estruturante que lhe confere sentido: um consenso ideolgico sobre as potencialidades nacionais, um estilo de reflexo sobre o pas e uma aposta no planejamento democrtico e descentralizado. A poltica econmica encarada mais como ferramenta do que um fim em si mesmo. Para tanto, acompanhou-se a trajetria Rmulo Almeida, de modo a traar o pano de fundo do Brasil desenvolvimentista entre 1946 e 1964. Um esforo de coleta de material indito produzido pelo economista baiano ao longo dos anos 1970 permitiu mostrar como ele rev sua rica trajetria de servidor pblico e oferece uma crtica poltica econmica da ditadura militar, partindo de um pensamento sistmico e de uma dialtica planejadora. Ao final, so tecidas algumas consideraes acerca das possibilidades de emergncia de uma nova perspectiva desenvolvimentista para o pas no contexto atual.
[POR] Partindo do pressuposto de que a ideia de frica , em muito, devedora do entendimento que os nacionalistas africanos tinham das suas sociedades, discute-se o contributo especfico de trs nacionalistas, conquanto um deles, Frantz Fanon no seja de origem africana, mas sim antilhana. O nacionalismo , neste contexto, entendido como parte de um movimento mais vasto, o do renascimento africano, ciclicamente evocado pelos lderes africanos e, deste modo, entendido como um movimento de longa durao (longue dure).
La tesi di Marco Perez intitolata Luis Arana e i veterani di Euzkeldun Batzokija: la corrente ortodossa del nazionalismo basco, pu essere considerata come la biografia politica di uno dei personaggi pi importanti del nazionalismo basco. Il lavoro di ricerca si centra fondamentalmente sull'ispiratore del nazionalismo euskaldun (e cofondatore del Partido Nacionalista Vasco) e della corrente che ne accompagn e sostenne l'azione politica. Euzkeldun Batzokija fu il nome dato al primo circolo del PNV, fondato da Luis e Sabino Arana nel 1894. Successivamente, gli statuti del circolo e i suoi membri veterani furono presi come modello del nazionalismo primordiale (che si pretendeva definire sull'esempio dell'Ordine gesuita). Sul piano organizzativo la tesi si divide in sette capitoli che ricostruiscono il percorso politico di Luis Arana, dai primi documenti del 1879 fino alle ultime lettere inviate negli anni quaranta. Si tratta di un lungo periodo, che comprende momenti diversi della storia spagnola (dalle guerre carliste alla Guerra Civile spagnola) e del movimento aranista. In questo senso, sulla base di una generale e comparata riflessione sul nazionalismo, si analizza il movimento basco nei suoi rapporti con la modernit. Una realazione costruita attraverso concetti diacronicamente legati a un passato mitico e leggendario e comunque subalterna ai rapporti di forza tra le correnti del PNV. La corrente ortodossa fece sempre riferimento al nazionalismo originario (definito dai fratelli Arana nei primi anni del movimento) che fu un'espressione regionale del nazionalcattolicesimo spagnolo. Fu proprio Luis Arana a ricordare la finalit religiosa ed etnica del nazionalismo basco, respingendo qualsiasi aggiornamento teorico e organizzativo del PNV, intesi come una grave violazione dell'ortodossia aranista.
This article offers an account of the 50th Ghanaian independence-day celebrations during March 2007. The multi-perspective approach examines how celebrations were experienced in the Ghanaian capital Accra by the political elite and the grass roots at a variety of official and unofficial events that took place on 5 and 6 March 2007. During the festivities the authors accompanied Ghanaian friends from different political factions and thus provide close-hand accounts of political controversies over issues regarding how the nation ought to organise and celebrate its Independence Day, controversies which provide important insights into Ghanaian political culture. From this it is clear that the celebrations not only serve as expressions of national pride but also moments of critical reflection on the nation, national values and socio-political unity. These reflections, manifest as disputes about national and ethnic symbols, centre on the conditions and limits of political, social, ethnic and regional inclusiveness. At the same time, underlying such disputes are commonalities resting not on substantive symbols, cultural traits or other objectifiable characteristics, but on a Ghanaian consensus to agree on the issues at stake and on the rules of debate. Controversy thus functions not to divide but rather to strengthen national consciousness and deepen a sense of commonality that Ghanaians generally express as their commitment to unity in diversity.
Since 1900, the Yoruba people of South-western Nigeria have put its ethnic history at work in the construction of its identity in Nigeria. The exercise resulted in the creation of ethno-nationalist movements and the practice of ethnic politics, often expressed through violent attacks on the Nigerian State and some ethnic groups in Nigeria. Relying on mythological attachment to its traditions and subjective creation of cultural pride, the people created a sense of history that established a common interest among different Yoruba sub-groups in form of pan-Yoruba interest which forms the basis for the peoples imagination of nation. Through this, historical consciousness and socio-political space in which Yoruba people are located acted as instrumental forces employed by Yoruba political elites, both at colonial and post-colonial periods to demand for increasing access to political and economic resources in Nigeria. In form of nationalism, nationalist movements and ethnic politics continued in South-western Nigeria since 1900, yet without resulting to actual creation of an independent Yoruba State up to 2009. Through ethnographic data, the part played by history, tradition and modernity is examined in this paper. While it is concluded that ethno-nationalist movement and ethnic politics in Yoruba society are constructive agenda dated back to pre-colonial period, it continues to transform both in structure and function. Thus, Yoruba ethno-nationalist movement and ethnic politics is ambiguous, dynamic and complex, to the extent that it remains a challenge to State actions in Nigeria.