991 resultados para ND-YAG
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada l’ Osservatorio Vesuviano (Nàpols, Italia) entre novembre del 2006 i març del 2007. Un dels objectius principals de l’estada ha estat conèixer la tècnica analítica Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (TIMS ) per l’anàlisi d’isòtops radiogènics (Sr i Nd). Aquesta estada ha permès aprendre tant la part de preparació de les mostres, com la part d’utilització i programació de l’instrument. Inicialment en el projecte es va programar l’anàlisi dels isòtops radiogènics en laves i xenòlits de l’illa de Gran Canaria (Illes Canàries) amb l’objectiu de modelar geoquímicament el mantell terrestre sota les illes Canàries. Finalment, i a part de les mostres inicials de Gran Canaria, es van incloure mostres del volcà Vesuvi per tal de concloure un projecte iniciat el 2003 amb el Professor Giovanni Orsi i la Professora Lucia Civetta. L’estudi dels isòtops radiogènics en contextes geodinàmics tant diferents ha permès comparar la variació dels isòtops radiogènics de Sr i Nd que existeix entre volcanisme d’ intraplaca (Illes Canàries) i volcanisme en zones convergents (Vesuvi).
Geochemical and petrographical studies of lavas and ignimbrites from the Quaternary Nisyros-Yali volcanic system in the easternmost part of the Hellenic arc (Greece) reveal insight into magma generating processes. A compositional gap between 61 and 68 wt.% SiO2 is recognized that coincides with the stratigraphic distinction between pre-caldera and postcaldera volcanic units. Trace element systematics support the subdivision of Nisyros and Yali volcanic units into two distinct suites of rocks. The variation of Nd and Hf present day isotope data and the fact that they are distinct from the isotope compositions of MORB rule out an origin by pure differentiation and require assimilation of a crustal component. Lead isotope ratios of Nisyros and Yali volcanic rocks support mixing of mantle material with a lower crust equivalent. However, Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios of 0.7036-0.7048 are incompatible with a simple binary mixing scenario and give low depleted mantle extraction ages (< 0.1 Ga), in contrast with Pb model ages of 0.3 Ga and Hf and Nd model ages of ca. 0.8 Ga. The budget of fluid-mobile elements Sr and Pb is likely to be dominated by abundant hydrous fluids characterised by mantle-like Sr isotope ratios. Late stage fluids probably were enriched in CO2, needed to explain the high Th concentrations. The occurrence of hydrated minerals (e.g., amphibole) in the first post-caldera unit with the lowermost Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio of 0.7036 +/- 2 can be interpreted as the result of the increased water activity in the source. The presence of two different plagioclase phenocryst generations in the first lava subsequent to the caldera-causing event is indicative for a longer storage time of this magma at a shallower level. A model capable of explaining these observations involves three evolutionary stages. First stage, assimilation of lower crustal material by a primitive magma of mantle origin (as modelled by Nd-Hf isotope systematics). This stage ended by an interruption in replenishment that led to an increase of crystallization and, hence, an increase in viscosity, suppressing eruption. During this time gap, differentiation by fractional crystallization led to enrichment of incompatible species, especially aqueous fluids, to silica depolymerisation and to a decrease in viscosity, finally enabling eruption again in the third stage. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recent isotopic and biochronologic dating has demonstrated that the Gets nappe contains remnants of the oldest part of the oceanic crust of the Alpine Tethys. The ophiolites are associated with deep sea sediments, platform carbonates and continental crustal elements suggesting a transitional environment between continental and oceanic crust. Therefore, the ophiolites from the Gets nappe provide the opportunity to assess the nature of mantle source and the magma evolution during the final rifting stage of the European lithosphere. Trace clement analyses of mafic rocks can he divided into two sets: (1) P, Zr and Y contents are consistent with those of mid-ocean ridge basalts and REE patterns have a P-MORB affinity. (2) P,Zr Ti and Y contents are compatible with within-plate basalts and are characterized by REE spectra similar to that of T-MORB. Both have Nd isotopic compositions similar to those of synrift magma of the Red Sea and to the Rhine Graben. The model ages are in agreement with an LREE-enriched subcontinental mantle source derived from depleted mantle 800 to 900 Ma ago. Minor, trace element and Sm-Nd compositions suggest that these rocks are basaltic relies of an earliest stage of oceanic spreading i.e. an embryonic ocean. Comparison between REE patterns, Nd and Sr isotope compositions, isotopic and biochronologic ages from different Alpine Tethys ophiolites shows that samples with enriched LREE are from the older ophiolitic suites and are relies of the embryonic ocean floor. Later phases of ocean spreading are characterized by basalts that are depleted in LREE.
Relatively homogeneous oxygen isotope compositions of amphibole, clinopyroxene, and olivine separates (+5.2 to +5.7parts per thousand relative to VSMOW) and neodymium isotope compositions (epsilon(Nd(T)) = -0.9 to -1.8 for primary magmatic minerals and epsilon(Nd(T)) = -0.1 and -0.5 for mineral separates from late-stage pegmatites and hydrothermal veins) from the alkaline to agpaitic llimaussaq intrusion, South Greenland, indicate a closed system evolution of this igneous complex and support a mantle derivation of the magma. In contrast to the homogeneous oxygen and neodymium isotopic data, deltaD values for hand-picked amphibole separates vary between -92 and -232parts per thousand and are among the most deuterium-depleted values known from igneous amphiboles. The calculated fluid phase coexisting with these amphiboles has a homogeneous oxygen isotopic composition within the normal range of magmatic waters, but extremely heterogeneous and low D/H ratios, implying a decoupling of the oxygen- and hydrogen isotope systems. Of the several possibilities that can account for such unusually low deltaD values in amphiboles (e.g., late-stage hydrothermal exchange with meteoric water, extensive magmatic degassing, contamination with organic matter, and/or effects of Fe-content and pressure on amphibole-water fractionation) the most likely explanation for the range in deltaD values is that the amphiboles have been influenced by secondary interaction and reequilibration with D-depleted fluids obtained through late-magmatic oxidation of internally generated CH(4) and/or H(2). This interpretation is consistent with the known occurrence of abundant magmatic CH(4) in the Ilimaussaq rocks and with previous studies on the isotopic compositions of the rocks and fluids. Copyright (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd.
The kinetics of crystallization of four amorphous (or partially amorphous) melt spun Nd-Fe-B alloys induced by thermal treatment is studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy, In the range of temperatures explored experimentally, the crystallization process is thermally activated and generally proceeds in various stages. The Curie temperature and the crystallization behavior have been measured. The apparent activation energy of crystallization of most of the crystallization stages has been determined for each melt spun alloy. The explicit form of the kinetic equation that best describes the first stage of crystallization has been found. It follows in general the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Erofe'ev model, but clear deviations to that model occur for one alloy. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrates that preferentially hetereogeneous nucleation occurs at the ribbon surface which was in contact with the wheel. From crystallization kinetics results the lower part of the experimental time-temperature-transformation curves for all studied alloys are deduced and extrapolated to the high temperature limit of their range of validity, also deduced.
Microstructural and magnetic measurements of the evolution by heat treatment of initially amorphous Nd16Fe76B8 alloys prepared by melt spinning are presented. Evidence of magnetic hardening above a threshold temperature induced by magnetic isolation of the Nd2Fe14B grains is provided. A thermodynamic and kinetic explanation of local melting of the intergranular nanostructured Nd¿rich eutectic phase at temperatures below 900 K based on capillary effects is presented. A subsequent Ostwald ripening process moves Nd to wet intimately the hard magnetic grains, becoming, on cooling, a real paramagnetic isolating thin film (~2.5 nm). By using a simple analogy, it is shown that the switching magnetization field in a single¿domain crystal can be drastically affected through the exchange coupling to neighboring grains with different orientation of the easy axis. This effect should be important enough to reinforce the coercive field of polycrystalline hard magnetic materials and explains the observed enhancement from 0.9 to 1.9 T.
The plutonic rocks of the Basal Complex of La Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain, were studied by means of major and trace element contents and by H-O-Sr-Nd isotope compositions in order to distinguish primary magmatic characteristics and late-stage alteration products. Deciphering the effects of alteration allowed us to determine primary, plume-related compositions that indicated D- and (18)O-depletion relative to normal upper mantle, supporting the conclusions of earlier studies on the plutonic rocks of Fuerteventura and La Palma. Late-stage alteration took place during the formation of the intrusive series induced by interaction with meteoric water. Inferred isotopic compositions of the meteoric water indicate that the water infiltrated into the rock edifice at a height of about 1500 m above sea level, suggesting the existence of a subaerial volcano which was active during the intrusive activity and that it has been either distroyed or remain buried by later volcanic and landslide events.
Rare earth elements (REE), while not essential for the physiologic functions of animals, are ingested and incorporated in ppb concentrations in bones and teeth. Nd isotope compositions of modern bones of animals from isotopically distinct habitats demonstrate that the (143)Nd/(144)Nd of the apatite can be used as a fingerprint for bedrock geology or ambient water mass. This potentially allows the provenance and migration of extant vertebrates to be traced, similar to the use of Sr isotopes. Although REE may be enriched by up to 5 orders of magnitude during diagenesis and recrystallization of bone apatite, in vivo (143)Nd/(144)Nd may be preserved in the inner cortex of fossil bones or enamel. However, tracking the provenance of ancient or extinct vertebrates is possible only for well-preserved archeological and paleontological skeletal remains with in vivo-like Nd contents at the ppb-level. Intra-bone and -tooth REE analysis can be used to screen for appropriate areas. Large intra-bone Nd concentration gradients of 10(1)-10(3) are often measured. Nd concentrations in the inner bone cortex increase over timescales of millions of years, while bone rims may be enriched over millenial timescales. Nevertheless, epsilon(Nd) values are often similar within one epsilon(Nd) unit within a single bone. Larger intra-bone differences in specimens may either reflect a partial preservation of in vivo values or changing epsilon(Nd) values of the diagenetic fluid during fossilization. However, most fossil specimens and the outer rims of bones will record taphonomic (143)Nd/(144)Nd incorporated post mortem during diagenesis. Unlike REE patterns, (143)Nd/(144)Nd are not biased by fractionation processes during REE-uptake into the apatite crystal lattice, hence the epsilon(Nd) value is an important tracer for taphonomy and reworking. Bones and teeth from autochthonous fossil assemblages have small variations of +/- 1 epsilon(Nd) unit only. In contrast, fossil bones and teeth from over 20 different marine and terrestrial fossil sites have a total range of epsilon(Nd) values from -13.0 to 4.9 (n = 80), often matching the composition of the embedding sediment. This implies that the surrounding sediment is the source of Nd in the fossil bones and that the specimens of this study seem not to have been reworked. Differences in epsilon(Nd) values between skeletal remains and embedding sediment may either indicate reworking of fossils and/or a REE-uptake from a diagenetic fluid with non-sediment derived epsilon(Nd) values. The latter often applies to fossil shark teeth, which may preserve paleo-seawater values. Complementary to epsilon(Nd) values, (87)Sr/(86)Sr can help to further constrain the fossil provenance and reworking. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Los láseres de Er:YAG y de Er,Cr:YSGG por su longitud de onda son bien absorbidos, tanto por el agua que contienen los tejidos blandos como por los cristales de hidroxiapatita presentes en los tejidos duros. Estas características hacen posible que estos láseres puedan ser absorbidos por los tejidos duros. Se presentan los múltiples usos y aplicaciones que tiene esta tecnología en Odontología, tanto en cirugía de tejidos blandos, como sus aplicaciones sobre tejidos duros, como por ejemplo los tratamientos de la caries o la cirugía ósea reemplazando en ambos casos al instrumental rotatorio. Desde la incorporación de estos láseres en los tratamientos odontológicos, se ha abierto una nueva perspectiva en relación con el uso de la anestesia local. Con la utilización de esta tecnología se pueden realizar tratamientos quirúrgicos poco extensos sin necesidad de aplicar anestesia locorregional, si bien su uso más común es para diversos procedimientos de terapéutica dental.
The Paratethys evolved as a marginal sea during the Alpine-Himalayan orogeny in the Oligo-Miocene. Sediments from the northern Alpine Molasse Basin, the Vienna, and the Pannonian Basins located in the western and central part of the Paratethys thus provide unique information on regional changes in climate and oceanography during a period of active Alpine uplift Oxygen isotope compositions of well-preserved phosphatic fossils recovered from the sediments support deposition under sub-tropical to warm-temperate climate with water temperatures of 14 to 28 degrees C for the Miocene. delta(18)O values of fossil shark teeth are similar to those reported for other Miocene marine sections and, using the best available estimates of their biostratigraphic age, show a variation until the end of the Badenian similar to that reported for composite global record. The (87)Sr/(86)Sr isotope ratios of the fossils follow the global Miocene seawater trend, albeit with a much larger scatter. The deviations of (87)Sr/(86)Sr in the samples from the well-constrained seawater curve are interpreted as due to local input of terrestrially-derived Sr. Contribution of local sources is also reflected in the epsilon(Nd) values, consistent with input from ancient crystalline rocks (e.g., Bohemian Massif and/or Mesozoic sediments with epsilon(Nd) < -9. On the other hand, there is evidence for input from areas with Neogene volcanism as suggested by samples with elevated epsilon(Nd) values >-7. Excluding samples showing local influence on the water column, an average epsilon(Nd) value of -7.9 +/- 0.5 may be inferred for the Miocene Paratethys. This value is indistinguishable from the epsilon(Nd) value of the contemporaneous Indian Ocean, supporting a dominant role of this ocean in the Western and Central Paratethys. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Complexes with the composition Ln(NO3)3.2DTPO.4H2O (Ln = Nd and Er) were synthesized and characterized by infrared and visible absorption spectra (solid state and solution). The results of the absorption spectra in the solid state suggest that metal-ligand bonds are essentially electrostatic in all complexes. The absorption spectra of the nitrate salt solution presented smaller values of the oscillator strength when compared to the spectra of the complexes in the same solvent.
A polarizabilidade representa a facilidade de distorção da configuração eletrônica de uma espécie, quando condicionada a interação de um campo elétrico. A diversidade de aplicações tem motivado experimentos sistemáticos para a obtenção dos valores de polarizabilidade dipolo. Neste trabalho foram avaliados os parâmetros ópticos e polarizabilidades eletrônicas dos compostos Nd(TMS)3.9H2O e Nd(TMS)(3)5BPMU.2H2O, onde TMS = trifluorometanossulfonato e BPMU = bis(pentametileno)uréia, na presença dos solventes acetonitrila e metanol. Foram registrados os espectros nas regiões referente as transições hipersensitivas 4I9/2 -> 4G7/2, ²G9/2 e 4I9/2 -> 4G5/2, ²G7/2. Em ambas as transições, quando o meio é acetonitrila, os compostos apresentam valores de polarizabilidades mais elevados, resultantes de uma maior interação do ambiente químico em torno do íon central, favorecido por este solvente.
Physico-chemical properties of 3,4-dimethoxybenzoates of Co(II), Cu(II), La(III) and Nd(III) were studied. The complexes were obtained as hydrated or anhydrous polycrystalline solids with a metal ion-ligand mole ratio of 1 : 2 for divalent ions and of 1 : 3 in the case of trivalent cations. Their colours depend on the kind of central ion: pink for Co(II) complex, blue for Cu(II), white for La(III) and violet for Nd(III) complexes. The carboxylate groups in these compounds are monodentate, bidentate bridging or chelating and tridentate ligands. Their thermal decomposition was studied in the range of 293-1173 K. Hydrated complexes lose crystallization water molecules in one step and form anhydrous compounds, that next decompose to the oxides of respective metals. 3,4 - Dimethoxybenzoates of Co(II) is directly decomposed to the appropriate oxide and that of Nd(III) is also ultimately decomposed to its oxide but with the intemediate formation of Nd2O2CO3.. The magnetic moment values of 3,4-dimethoxybenzoates determined in the range of 76-303 K change from 4.22 µB to 4.61 µB for Co(II) complex , from 0.49 µB to 1.17 µB for Cu(II) complex , and from 2.69 µB to 3.15 µB for Nd(III) complex.