789 resultados para NANOCRYSTALS


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The electronic structure and Lande electron g-factors of manganese-doped HgTe quantum spheres are investigated, in the framework of the eight-band effective-mass model and the mean-field approximation. It is found that the electronic structure evolves continuously from the zero-gap configuration to an open-gap configuration with decreasing radius. The size dependence of electron g-factors is calculated with different Mn-doped effective concentration, magnetic field, and temperature values, respectively. It is found that the variations of electron g-factors are quite different for small and large quantum spheres, due to the strong exchange-induced interaction and spin-orbit coupling in the narrow-gap DMS nanocrystals. The electron g-factors are zero at a critical point of spherical radius R-c; however, by modulating the nanocrystal size their absolute values can be turned to be even 400 times larger than those in undoped cases. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2008.


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Doping difficulty in semiconductor nanocrystals has been observed and its origin is currently under debate. It is not clear whether this phenomenon is energetic or depends on the growth kinetics. Using first-principles method, we show that the transition energies and defect formation energies of the donor and acceptor defects always increase as the quantum dot sizes decrease. However, for isovalent impurities, the changes of the defect formation energies are rather small. The origin of the calculated trends is explained using simple band-energy-level models.


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Si-based photonic materials and devices, including SiGe/Si quantum structures, SOI and InGaAs bonded on Si, PL of Si nanocrystals, SOI photonic crystal filter, Si based RCE (Resonant Cavity Enhanced) photodiodes, SOI TO (thermai-optical) switch matrix were investigated in Institute of Serniconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main results in recent years are presented in the paper. The mechanism of PL from Si NCs embedded in SiO2 matrix was studied, a greater contribution of the interface state recombination (PL peak in 850 similar to 900 nm) is associated with larger Si NCs and higher interface state density. Ge dots with density of order of 10(11) cm(-2) were obtained by UHV/CVD growth and 193 nm excimer laser annealing. SOI photonic crystal filter with resonant wavelength of 1598 nm and Q factor of 1140 was designed and made. Si based hybrid InGaAs RCE PD with eta of 34.4% and FWHM of 27 nut were achieved by MOCVD growth and bonding technology between InGaAs epitaxial and Si wafers. A 16x16 SOI optical switch matrix were designed and made. A new current driving circuit was used to improve the response speed of a 4x4 SOI rearrangeable nonblocking TO switch matrix, rising and failing time is 970 and 750 ns, respectively.


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Nano-crystalline Si/SiO2 multilayers were prepared by alternately changing the ultra-thin amorphous Si film deposition and the in situ plasma oxidation process followed by the post-annealing treatments. Well-defined periodic structures can be achieved with 2.5 nm thick SiO2 sublayers. It is shown that the size of formed nano-crystalline Si is about 3 nm. Room temperature electroluminescence can be observed and the spectrum contains two luminescence bands located at 650 nm and 520 nm. In order to improve the hole injection probability, p-i-n structures containing a nanocrystalline Si/SiO2 luminescent layer were designed and fabricated on different p-type substrates. It is found that the turn-on voltage of p-i-n structures is obviously reduced and the luminescence intensity increases by 50 times. It is demonstrated that the use of a heavy-doped p-type substrate can increase the luminescence intensity more efficiently compared with the light-doped p-type substrate due to the enhanced hole injection.


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Hierarchical heterostructures of zinc antimonate nanoislands on ZnO nanobelts were prepared by simple annealing of the polymeric precursor. Sb can promote the growth of ZnO nanobelts along the [552] direction because of the segregation of Sb dopants on the +(001) and (110) surfaces of ZnO nanobelts. Furthermore, the ordered nanoislands of toothlike ZnSb2O6 along the [001](ZnO) direction and rodlike Zn7Sb2O12 along the [110](ZnO) direction can be formed because of the match relation of the lattice and polar charges between ZnO and zinc antimonate. The incorporation of Sb in a ZnO lattice induces composition fluctuation, and the growth of zinc antimonate nanoislands on nanobelt sides induces interface fluctuation, resulting in dominance of the bound exciton transition in the room temperature near-band-edge (NBE) emission at relatively low excitation intensity. At high excitation intensity, however, Auger recombination makes photogenerated electrons release phonon and relax from the conduction band to the trap states, causing the NBE emission to gradually saturate and redshift with increasing excitation intensity. The green emission more reasonably originates from the recombination of electrons in shallow traps with doubly charged V-O** oxygen vacancies. Because a V-O** center can trap a photoactivated electron and change to a singly charged oxygen vacancy V-O* state, its emission intensity exhibits a maximum with increasing excitation intensity.


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The photoluminescence correlation from a single CdSe nanocrystal under pulsed excitation is studied, and a single photon is realized at wavelength 655 nm at room temperature. The single colloidal CdSe quantum dot is prepared on a SiO2/silicon surface by a drop-and-drag technique. The long-term stability of the single-photon source is investigated; it is found that the antibunching effect weakens with excitation time, and the reason for the weakening is attributed to photobleaching. The lifetimes of photoluminescence from a single quantum dot are analyzed at different excitation times. By analyzing the probability distribution of on and off times of photoluminescence, the Auger assisted tunneling and Auger assisted photobleaching models are applied to explain the antibunching phenomenon.


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A stoichiometric Gd2O3-x thin film has been grown on a silicon (10 0) substrate with a low-energy dual ion-beam epitaxial technique. Gd2O3-x shares Gd2O3 structures although there are many oxygen deficiencies in the film. The photoluminescence (PL) measurements have been performed in a temperature range 5-300 K. The detailed characters of the peak position, the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) and the peak intensity at different temperature were reported. An anomalous intensity behavior of the PL spectra has been observed, which is similar to that of some other materials such as porous silicon and silicon nanocrystals in silicon dioxide. Therefore, we suggest that the nanoclusters with the oxygen deficiencies contribute to the PL emission and employ the model of singlet-triplet exchange splitting of exciton to discuss the four peaks observed in the experiment. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The optical properties of quantum rods in the absence and presence of the magnetic field are studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The two-dimensional (2D) and 1D transition dipoles of wurtzite quantum rods are investigated. It is found that the transition dipoles change from 2D to 1D as the aspect ratio of the ellipsoid increases, in agreement with the experimental results. The linear polarization factors of optical transitions of quantum rods with critical aspect ratio are zero at every orientation of the wave propagation. So quantum rods with critical aspect ratio have isotropic transition dipoles. Due to the 2D or 1D transition dipoles, the linear polarization factors of optical transitions of quantum rods change from negative or positive values to zero as the orientation of the wave propagation changes from the x axis of the crystal structure to the z axis, in agreement with the experimental results. Under magnetic field applied along the z axis of the crystal structure, the negative linear polarization factors in the 2D transition dipole case decrease as the magnetic field increases, while under magnetic field applied along the x axis, the negative linear polarization factors increase as the magnetic field increases. The antisymmetric Hamiltonian is very important to these effects of the magnetic field. It is found that quantum rods with a given radius at a given temperature have dark excitons in a range of aspect ratio. The dimensions along the x, y axes of the crystal structure play opposite roles to the dimension along the z axis on the dark exciton phenomenon. Dark excitons become bright under appropriate magnetic field.


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The composite films of the nanocrystalline GaAs1-xSbx-SiO2 have been successfully deposited on glass and GaSb substrates by radio frequency magnetron co-sputtering. The 10K photoluminescence (PL) properties of the nanocrystalline GaAs1-xSbx indicated that the PL peaks of the GaAs1-xSbx nanocrystals follow the quantum confinement model very closely. Optical transmittance spectra showed that there is a large blue shift of optical absorption edge in nanocrystalline GaAs1-xSbx-SiO2 composite films, as compared with that of the corresponding bulk semiconductor, which is due to the quantum confinement effect.


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Erbium-doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon suboxide films containing silicon clusters (a-SiOx:H) were prepared. The samples exhibited photoluminescence (PL) peaks at around 750nm and 1.54 mu m, which could be assigned to the electron-hole recombination in silicon clusters and the intra-4f transition in Er3+, respectively. We compared annealing behaviors of Si clusters and Er3+ emission and found that Si clusters emission depends strongly upon crystallinity of Si clusters, whereas Er3+ emission is not sensitive to whether it is Si nanocrystals (nc-Si) or amorphous Si (a-Si) clusters. The erbium-doped a-SiOx:H films containing either a-Si clusters or nc-Si have the same kind of Er3+ -emitting centers. Based on these results, it is concluded that a-Si clusters can play the same role on Er3+ excitation as nc-Si. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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ZnO nanocrystals were synthesized by hydrolysis in methanol. X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence spectra confirm that good crystallized ZnO nanoparticles were formed. Utilizing those ZnO nanoparticles and poly [2- methoxy-5 - (3',7'-dimethyloctyloxy)- 1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MDMO-PPV), light emitting devices with indium tin oxide (ITO)/poly(3,4-oxyethyleneoxy-thiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS)/ ZnO:MDMO-PPV/Al and ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MDMO-PPV/Al structures were fabricated. Electrolummescence (EL) spectra reveal that EL yield of hybrid MDMO-PPV and ZnO nanocrystals devices increased greatly as compared with pristine MDMO-PPV devices. The current-voltage characteristics indicate that addition of ZnO nanocrystals can facilitate electrical injection and charge transport. The decreased energy barrier to electron injection is responsible for the increased efficiency of electron injection. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Compared to conjugated polymer poly[2-methoxy-5- (3',7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MDMO-PPV) solar cells, bulk heterojunction solar cells composed of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocrystals and MDMO-PPV have a better energy conversion efficiency, However, ultraviolet (UV) light deteriorates the performance of solar cells composed of ZnO and MDMO-PPV. We propose a model to explain the effect of UV illumination on these ZnO:MDMO-PPV solar cells. According to this model, the degradation from UV illumination is due to a decrease of exciton dissociation efficiency, Our model is based on the experimental results such as the measurements of current density versus voltage, photoluminescence, and photocurrent.


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We deduce the eight-band effective-mass Hamiltonian model for a manganese-doped ZnSe quantum sphere in the presence of the magnetic field, including the interaction between the conduction and valence bands, the spin-orbit coupling within the valence bands, the intrinsic spin Zeeman splitting, and the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and magnetic ion in the mean-field approximation. The size dependence of the electron and hole energy levels as well as the giant Zeeman splitting energies are studied theoretically. We find that the hole giant Zeeman splitting energies decrease with the increasing radius, smaller than that in the bulk material, and are different for different J(z) states, which are caused by the quantum confinement effect. Because the quantum sphere restrains the excited Landau states and exciton states, in the experiments we can observe directly the Zeeman splitting of basic states. At low magnetic field, the total Zeeman splitting energy increases linearly with the increasing magnetic field and saturates at modest field which is in agreement with recent experimental results. Comparing to the undoped case, the Zeeman splitting energy is 445 times larger which provides us with wide freedom to tailor the electronic structure of DMS nanocrystals for technological applications.


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One-Hundred Talent Plan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 60925016;National High Technology Research and Development program of China 2009AA034101


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Nation Natural Science Foundation of China 50672079 60676027 60837001 60776007; National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) 2007CB613404; China-MOST International Sci & Tech Cooperation and Exchange 2008DFA51230