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One of the greatest challenges in urological oncology is renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which is the third leading cause of death in genitourinary cancers. RCCs are highly vascularized and respond positively to antiangiogenic therapy. Endostatin (ES) is a fragment of collagen XVIII that possesses antiangiogenic activity. In this study, we examined the potential of ES-based antiangiogenic therapy to activate tumor-associated endothelial cells in metastatic RCC (mRCC). Balb/c-bearing Renca cells were treated with NIH/3T3-LendSN or, as a control, with NIH/3T3-LXSN cells. The T-cell subsets and lymphocyte populations of tumors, mediastinal lymph nodes and the spleen were assessed by flow cytometry. The expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) was assessed by real-time PCR, flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry analysis. ES gene therapy led to an increase in the percentage of infiltrating CD4-interferon (IFN)-gamma cells (P<0.05), CD8-IFN-gamma cells (P<0.01) and CD49b-tumor necrosis factor-alpha cells (P<0.01). In addition, ES therapy caused an increase at the mRNA level of ICAM-1 (1.4-fold; P<0.01) and VCAM-1 (1.5-fold) (control vs treated group; P<0.001). Through flow cytometry, we found a significant increase in the CD34/ICAM-1 cells (8.1-fold; P<0.001) and CD34/VCAM-1 cells (1.6-fold; P<0.05). ES gene therapy induced a significant increase in both T CD4 and CD8 cells in the lymph nodes and the spleen, suggesting that ES therapy may facilitate cell survival or clonal expansion. CD49b cells were also present in increased quantities in all of these organs. In this study, we demonstrate an antitumor inflammatory effect of ES in an mRCC model, and this effect is mediated by an increase in ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression in tumor-associated endothelial cells.
During their evolution, animals have developed a set of cysteine-rich peptides capable of binding various extracellular sites of voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC). Sea anemone toxins that target VGSCs delay their inactivation process, but little is known about their selectivities. Here we report the investigation of three native type 1 toxins (CGTX-II, delta-AITX-Bcg1a and delta-AITX-Bcg1b) purified from the venom of Bunodosoma cangicum. Both delta-AITX-Bcg1a and delta-AITX-Bcg1b toxins were fully sequenced. The three peptides were evaluated by patch-clamp technique among Nav1.1-1.7 isoforms expressed in mammalian cell lines, and their preferential targets are Na(v)1.5 > 1.6 > 1.1. We also evaluated the role of some supposedly critical residues in the toxins which would interact with the channels, and observed that some substitutions are not critical as expected. In addition, CGTX-II and delta-AITX-Bcg1a evoke different shifts in activation/inactivation Boltzmann curves in Nav1.1 and 1.6. Moreover, our results suggest that the interaction region between toxins and VGSCs is not restricted to the supposed site 3 (S3-54 linker of domain IV), and this may be a consequence of distinct surface of contact of each peptide vs. targeted channel. Our data suggest that the contact surfaces of each peptide may be related to their surface charges, as CGTX-II is more positive than delta-AITX-Bcg1a and delta-AITX-Bcg1b. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We extend our earlier results delineating the supersymmetry reach of the CERN Large Hadron Collider operating at a center-of-mass energy root s = 7 TeV to integrated luminosities in the range 5-30 fb(-1). Our results are presented within the paradigm minimal supergravity model or constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model. Using a six-dimensional grid of cuts for the optimization of signal to background ratio-including missing E-T-we find for m((g) over tilde) similar to m((q) over tilde) an LHC 5 sigma supersymmetry discovery reach of m((g) over tilde) similar to 1:3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 TeV for 5, 10, 20, and 30 fb(-1), respectively. For m((q) over tilde) >> m((g) over tilde), the corresponding reach is instead m((g) over tilde) similar to 0: 8, 0.9, 1.0, and 1.05 TeV, for the same integrated luminosities.
Xyloglucan is a major structural polysaccharide of the primary (growing) cell wall of higher plants. It consists of a cellulosic backbone (beta-1,4-linked glucosyl residues) that is frequently substituted with side chains. This report describes Aspergillus nidulans strain A773 recombinant secretion of a dimeric xyloglucan-specific endo-beta-1,4-glucanohydrolase (XegA) cloned from Aspergillus niveus. The ORF of the A. niveus xegA gene is comprised of 714 nucleotides, and encodes a 238 amino acid protein with a calculated molecular weight of 23.5 kDa and isoelectric point of 4.38. The optimal pH and temperature were 6.0 and 60 degrees C, respectively. XegA generated a xyloglucan-oligosaccharides (XGOs) pattern similar to that observed for cellulases from family GH12, i.e., demonstrating that its mode of action includes hydrolysis of the glycosidic linkages between glucosyl residues that are not branched with xylose. In contrast to commercial lichenase, mixed linkage beta-glucan (lichenan) was not digested by XegA, indicating that the enzyme did not cleave glucan beta-1,3 or beta-1,6 bonds. The far-UV CD spectrum of the purified enzyme indicated a protein rich in beta-sheet structures as expected for GH12 xyloglucanases. Thermal unfolding studies displayed two transitions with mid-point temperatures of 51.3 degrees C and 81.3 degrees C respectively, and dynamic light scattering studies indicated that the first transition involves a change in oligomeric state from a dimeric to a monomeric form. Since the enzyme is a predominantly a monomer at 60 degrees C. the enzymatic assays demonstrated that XegA is more active in its monomeric state. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background Mature carotid plaques are complex structures, and their histological classification is challenging. The carotid plaques of asymptomatic and symptomatic patients could exhibit identical histological components. Objectives To investigate whether matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), tissue inhibitor of MMP (TIMP), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) have different expression levels in advanced symptomatic carotid plaques, asymptomatic carotid plaques, and normal tissue. Methods Thirty patients admitted for carotid endarterectomy were selected. Each patient was assigned preoperatively to one of two groups: group I consisted of symptomatic patients (n = 16, 12 males, mean age 66.7 ± 6.8 years), and group II consisted of asymptomatic patients (n = 14, 8 males, mean age 67.6 ± 6.81 years). Nine normal carotid arteries were used as control. Tissue specimens were analyzed for fibromuscular, lipid and calcium contents. The expressions of MMP-9, TIMP-1 and COX-2 in each plaque were quantified. Results Fifty-eight percent of all carotid plaques were classified as Type VI according to the American Heart Association Committee on Vascular Lesions. The control carotid arteries all were classified as Type III. The median percentage of fibromuscular tissue was significantly greater in group II compared to group I (p < 0.05). The median percentage of lipid tissue had a tendency to be greater in group I than in group II (p = 0.057). The percentages of calcification were similar among the two groups. MMP-9 protein expression levels were significantly higher in group II and in the control group when compared with group I (p < 0.001). TIMP-1 expression levels were significantly higher in the control group and in group II when compared to group I, with statistical difference between control group and group I (p = 0.010). COX-2 expression levels did not differ among groups. There was no statistical correlation between MMP-9, COX-2, and TIMP-1 levels and fibrous tissue. Conclusions MMP-9 and TIMP-1 are present in all stages of atherosclerotic plaque progression, from normal tissue to advanced lesions. When sections of a plaque are analyzed without preselection, MMP-9 concentration is higher in normal tissues and asymptomatic surgical specimens than in symptomatic specimens, and TIMP-1 concentration is higher in normal tissue than in symptomatic specimens.
Most cases of sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism present disturbances in a single parathyroid gland and the surgery of choice is adenomectomy. Conversely, hyperparathyroidism associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1) is an asynchronic, asymmetrical multiglandular disease and it is surgically approached by either subtotal parathyroidectomy or total parathyroidectomy followed by parathyroid auto-implant to the forearm. In skilful hands, the efficacy of both approaches is similar and both should be complemented by prophylactic thymectomy. In a single academic center, 83 cases of hyperparathyroidism/ multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 were operated on from 1987 to 2010 and our first surgical choice was total parathyroidectomy followed by parathyroid auto-implant to the non-dominant forearm and, since 1997, associated transcervical thymectomy to prevent thymic carcinoid. Overall, 40% of patients were given calcium replacement (mean intake 1.6 g/day) during the first months after surgery, and this fell to 28% in patients with longer follow-up. These findings indicate that several months may be needed in order to achieve a proper secretion by the parathyroid auto-implant. Hyperparathyroidism recurrence was observed in up to 15% of cases several years after the initial surgery. Thus, long-term follow-up is recommended for such cases. We conclude that, despite a tendency to subtotal parathyroidectomy worldwide, total parathyroidectomy followed by parathyroid auto-implant is a valid surgical option to treat hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Larger comparative systematic studies are needed to define the best surgical approach to hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.
Die Alzheimer Krankheit ist eine fortschreitendende Demenzerkrankung von der in Deutschland ca. 1,6 Millionen Menschen betroffen sind. Im Gehirn der Patienten finden sich sogenannte amyloide Plaques, deren Hauptbestandteil das Aβ-Protein ist. Dieses Peptid ist ein Spaltprodukt des APP-Proteins (engl. amyloid precursor protein). APP ist das namensgebende Mitglied der APP-Proteinfamilie zu der neben APP die beiden APP-Homologen APLP1 und APLP2 (engl. amyloid precursor like protein) gehören. Obwohl inzwischen über die pathologische Rolle dieser Proteinfamilie bei der Alzheimer Krankheit vieles bekannt ist, bleiben die physiologischen Funktionen dieser Proteine bisher größtenteils ungeklärt. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt erstmals einen APLP1-spezifischen Effekt auf die Ausbildung von Filopodien. Sowohl das humane als auch das murine APLP1 induzierten nach transienter Überexpression die Bildung zahlreicher filopodialer Fortsätze auf der Membran von PC12-Zellen. Vergleichbare Resultate konnten mit beiden APLP1-Proteinen auch auf der Membran von embryonalen (E18.5), cortikalen Neuronen der Ratte gezeigt werden. Dass APLP1 einen derartigen Effekt auf Neuronen und PC12-Zellen zeigt, begründet die Annahme, dass APLP1 in vivo eine Funktion bei der Entwicklung und Differenzierung von Neuronen übernimmt. Anhand von Versuchen mit deletierten APLP1-Proteinen und APLP1/APLP2-Chimärproteinen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die von Exon 5 und Exon 6 codierten Bereiche des APLP1 für die Induktion der Filopodien essentiell sind. Unter Einbeziehung von in ihrer räumlichen Struktur bereits bekannten Domänen und aufgrund von Homologievergleichen der primären Aminosäuresequenz dieser Region mit entsprechenden Bereichen der APP- bzw. APLP2-Proteine wurde die wahrscheinliche Lage der Filopodien-induzierenden Domäne innerhalb des von Exon 6 codierten Bereiches diskutiert. Es konnte ferner gezeigt werden, dass die untersuchte Induktion von Filopodien durch die sogenannte α-Sekretierung moduliert werden kann. Unter den gewählten Versuchsbedingungen war nur membranständiges APLP1, nicht aber sekretiertes APLP1 in der Lage, Filopodien zu induzieren. Abschliessend wurden Ergebnisse gezeigt, die erste Einblicke in Signalkaskaden erlauben, die von APLP1 angesteuert werden und so die Enstehung der Filopodien auslösen. Bezüglich des primären Prozesses der Signalkaskade, der Bindung von APLP1 an einen bisher unbekannten Rezeptor, wurde die Möglichkeit diskutiert, ob APP oder APLP2 oder sogar APLP1 selbst als Rezeptor fungieren könnten. Die beobachteten Prozesse nach Überexpression von APLP1 entsprechen vermutlich einer physiologischen Funktion bei der Differenzierung von Neuronen, die mit der Interaktion einer extrazellulär gelegenen Domäne mit einem Rezeptor beginnt, die Aktivierung einer Signalkaskade zur Akrinreorganisation zu Folge hat und die Entstehung filopodialer Strukturen auslöst.
In this thesis, a systematic analysis of the bar B to X_sgamma photon spectrum in the endpoint region is presented. The endpoint region refers to a kinematic configuration of the final state, in which the photon has a large energy m_b-2E_gamma = O(Lambda_QCD), while the jet has a large energy but small invariant mass. Using methods of soft-collinear effective theory and heavy-quark effective theory, it is shown that the spectrum can be factorized into hard, jet, and soft functions, each encoding the dynamics at a certain scale. The relevant scales in the endpoint region are the heavy-quark mass m_b, the hadronic energy scale Lambda_QCD and an intermediate scale sqrt{Lambda_QCD m_b} associated with the invariant mass of the jet. It is found that the factorization formula contains two different types of contributions, distinguishable by the space-time structure of the underlying diagrams. On the one hand, there are the direct photon contributions which correspond to diagrams with the photon emitted directly from the weak vertex. The resolved photon contributions on the other hand arise at O(1/m_b) whenever the photon couples to light partons. In this work, these contributions will be explicitly defined in terms of convolutions of jet functions with subleading shape functions. While the direct photon contributions can be expressed in terms of a local operator product expansion, when the photon spectrum is integrated over a range larger than the endpoint region, the resolved photon contributions always remain non-local. Thus, they are responsible for a non-perturbative uncertainty on the partonic predictions. In this thesis, the effect of these uncertainties is estimated in two different phenomenological contexts. First, the hadronic uncertainties in the bar B to X_sgamma branching fraction, defined with a cut E_gamma > 1.6 GeV are discussed. It is found, that the resolved photon contributions give rise to an irreducible theory uncertainty of approximately 5 %. As a second application of the formalism, the influence of the long-distance effects on the direct CP asymmetry will be considered. It will be shown that these effects are dominant in the Standard Model and that a range of -0.6 < A_CP^SM < 2.8 % is possible for the asymmetry, if resolved photon contributions are taken into account.
The IABP-SHOCK-trial was a morbidity-based randomized controlled trial in patients with infarction-related cardiogenic shock (CS), which used the change of the quantified degree of multiorgan failure as determined by APACHE II score over a 4-day period as primary outcome measure. The prospective hypothesis was that adding IABP therapy to "standard care" would improve CS-triggered multi organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). The primary endpoint showed no difference between conventionally managed cardiogenic shock patients and those with IABP support. In an inflammatory marker substudy, we analysed the prognostic value of interleukin (IL)-1β, -6, -7, -8, and -10 in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock.
BACKGROUND: Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) is considered to be the main inhibitor of fibrinolysis in sepsis. However, the contribution of TAFI to the inhibition of fibrinolysis in sepsis is currently unknown. METHODS: TAFI antigen and PAI-1 levels were measured in severe sepsis (n = 32) and septic shock (n = 8) patients. In addition, TAFI antigen levels had been determined in 151 controls. RESULTS: Septic patients had significantly (p < 0.0001) decreased TAFI levels (median: 78.9% [range: 32.4-172.6]) as compared to controls (108.1% [35.9-255.4]). TAFI levels were equal in septic shock and severe sepsis (68.9% [32.4-172.6] vs. 82.5% [32.7-144.9], p = 0.987) as well as in survivors and non-survivors (87.1% [32.7-172.6] vs. 65.8% [32.4-129.5], p = 0.166). PAI-1 levels were significantly (705.5 ng/ml [131-5788]) higher in septic shock as in severe sepsis patients (316.5 ng/ml [53-1311], p = 0.016) and were equal in survivors and non-survivors (342 ng/ml [53-1311] vs. 413 ng/ml [55-5788], p = 0.231). TAT/PAP ratio (R((TAT/PAP))) reflecting the dysbalance between coagulation and fibrinolysis was calculated. R((TAT/PAP)) significantly increased with fatality and was significantly dependent on PAI-1, but not on TAFI. PAI-1 levels (570.5 ng/ml [135-5788]) and R((TAT/PAP)) (1.6 [0.3-6.1]) were significantly (p = 0.008 and p = 0.047) higher in patients with overt DIC as compared to patients without overt DIC (310 ng/ml [53-1128] and 0.6 [0.1-4.3]), whereas no difference was found for TAFI levels (68.9% [32.7-133.2] vs. 86.4% [32.4-172.6], p = 0.325). CONCLUSIONS: Although inhibition in sepsis is mediated by both, PAI-1 might be involved early in the sepsis process, whereas TAFI might be responsible for ongoing fibrinolysis inhibition in later stages of sepsis.
BACKGROUND: Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is being scaled up in developing countries. We compared baseline characteristics and outcomes during the first year of HAART between HIV-1-infected patients in low-income and high-income settings. METHODS: 18 HAART programmes in Africa, Asia, and South America (low-income settings) and 12 HIV cohort studies from Europe and North America (high-income settings) provided data for 4810 and 22,217, respectively, treatment-naive adult patients starting HAART. All patients from high-income settings and 2725 (57%) patients from low-income settings were actively followed-up and included in survival analyses. FINDINGS: Compared with high-income countries, patients starting HAART in low-income settings had lower CD4 cell counts (median 108 cells per muL vs 234 cells per muL), were more likely to be female (51%vs 25%), and more likely to start treatment with a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) (70%vs 23%). At 6 months, the median number of CD4 cells gained (106 cells per muL vs 103 cells per muL) and the percentage of patients reaching HIV-1 RNA levels lower than 500 copies/mL (76%vs 77%) were similar. Mortality was higher in low-income settings (124 deaths during 2236 person-years of follow-up) than in high-income settings (414 deaths during 20,532 person-years). The adjusted hazard ratio (HR) of mortality comparing low-income with high-income settings fell from 4.3 (95% CI 1.6-11.8) during the first month to 1.5 (0.7-3.0) during months 7-12. The provision of treatment free of charge in low-income settings was associated with lower mortality (adjusted HR 0.23; 95% CI 0.08-0.61). INTERPRETATION: Patients starting HAART in resource-poor settings have increased mortality rates in the first months on therapy, compared with those in developed countries. Timely diagnosis and assessment of treatment eligibility, coupled with free provision of HAART, might reduce this excess mortality.
To investigate mechanisms by which angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibition increases insulin sensitivity, spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rats were treated with or without ramipril (1 mg/kg per day) for 12 weeks. Insulin binding and protein levels of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), p85-subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (p85) and Src homology 2 domain-containing phosphatase-2 (SHP2) were then determined in hindlimb muscle and liver. Additionally, protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) activities towards immobilized phosphorylated insulin receptor or phosphorylated IRS-1 of membrane (MF) and cytosolic fractions (CF) of these tissues were measured. Ramipril treatment increased IRS-1-protein content in muscle by 31+/-9% (P<0.05). No effects were observed on IRS-1 content in liver or on insulin binding or protein expression of p85 or SHP2 in both tissues. Ramipril treatment also increased dephosphorylation of insulin receptor by muscle CF (22.0+/-1.0%/60 min compared to 16.8+/-1.5%/60 min; P<0.05), and of IRS-1 by liver MF (37.2+/-1.7%/7.5 min compared to 33.8+/-1.7%/7.5 min; P<0.05) and CF (36.8+/-1.0%/7.5 min compared to 33.2+/-1.0%/7.5 min; P<0.05). We conclude that the observed effects of ACE-inhibition by ramipril on the protein expression of IRS-1 and on PTPase activity might contribute to its effect on insulin sensitivity.