977 resultados para Muikku-Werner, Pirkko
AIM: Inulin clearance (Cin) is the gold standard for assessing glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Other methods are based on the plasma creatinine concentration (Pcreat), creatinine clearance (Ccreat), the Haycock-Schwartz formula and the plasma concentration of cystatin C (PcysC), a 13 kDa basic protein produced at a constant rate by all nucleated cells. The present prospective study was thus designed to evaluate the reliability of PcysC as a marker of GFR in comparison with that of Pcreat, Ccreat and the Haycock-Schwartz formula, using Cin as the gold standard. METHODS: Ninety-nine children (51 m/48 f), with a median age of 8.3 y (1.0-17.9) were studied. Using a cut-off for Cin of 100 ml/min per 1.73 m2, 54 children (54.5%) had impaired GFR. Those with normal GFR were comparable for age, height, weight and body mass index. RESULTS: Logistic regression, ROC analysis and linear regression all showed that Ccreat was the best parameter to discriminate between impaired and normal GFR, followed by the Haycock-Schwartz formula, PcysC, and finally Pcreat, each one being significantly more predictive than the next. CONCLUSION: GFR is better assessed by the Haycock-Schwartz formula than by PcysC or Pcreat alone. It is therefore concluded that when urine collection is not possible, simply measuring the child's Pcreat and height is the best, easiest and cheapest way to assess GFR.
BACKGROUND: Fractional flow reserve (FFR) has become an established tool for guiding treatment, but its graded relationship to clinical outcomes as modulated by medical therapy versus revascularization remains unclear. OBJECTIVES: The study hypothesized that FFR displays a continuous relationship between its numeric value and prognosis, such that lower FFR values confer a higher risk and therefore receive larger absolute benefits from revascularization. METHODS: Meta-analysis of study- and patient-level data investigated prognosis after FFR measurement. An interaction term between FFR and revascularization status allowed for an outcomes-based threshold. RESULTS: A total of 9,173 (study-level) and 6,961 (patient-level) lesions were included with a median follow-up of 16 and 14 months, respectively. Clinical events increased as FFR decreased, and revascularization showed larger net benefit for lower baseline FFR values. Outcomes-derived FFR thresholds generally occurred around the range 0.75 to 0.80, although limited due to confounding by indication. FFR measured immediately after stenting also showed an inverse relationship with prognosis (hazard ratio: 0.86, 95% confidence interval: 0.80 to 0.93; p < 0.001). An FFR-assisted strategy led to revascularization roughly half as often as an anatomy-based strategy, but with 20% fewer adverse events and 10% better angina relief. CONCLUSIONS: FFR demonstrates a continuous and independent relationship with subsequent outcomes, modulated by medical therapy versus revascularization. Lesions with lower FFR values receive larger absolute benefits from revascularization. Measurement of FFR immediately after stenting also shows an inverse gradient of risk, likely from residual diffuse disease. An FFR-guided revascularization strategy significantly reduces events and increases freedom from angina with fewer procedures than an anatomy-based strategy.
Explicitly correlated coupled-cluster calculations of intermolecular interaction energies for the S22 benchmark set of Jurecka, Sponer, Cerny, and Hobza (Chem. Phys. Phys. Chem. 2006, 8, 1985) are presented. Results obtained with the recently proposed CCSD(T)-F12a method and augmented double-zeta basis sets are found to be in very close agreement with basis set extrapolated conventional CCSD(T) results. Furthermore, we propose a dispersion-weighted MP2 (DW-MP2) approximation that combines the good accuracy of MP2 for complexes with predominately electrostatic bonding and SCS-MP2 for dispersion-dominated ones. The MP2-F12 and SCS-MP2-F12 correlation energies are weighted by a switching function that depends on the relative HF and correlation contributions to the interaction energy. For the S22 set, this yields a mean absolute deviation of 0.2 kcal/mol from the CCSD(T)-F12a results. The method, which allows obtaining accurate results at low cost, is also tested for a number of dimers that are not in the training set.