998 resultados para Mucosa buca


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An 11-year-old Warmblood gelding was presented for inspiratory stridor and dysphagia. Based on history and clinical examination, a solitary mass localised in the oropharynx was suspected. Due to its inaccessibility and defensive behaviour of the horse, it was difficult to visualise this mass either by upper airway endoscopy or by oral examination and the conventional imaging methods (radiology and ultrasound) provided only limited information. Fine needle aspiration cytology was suggestive of lymphoma, but the exact localisation and the extent of tissue infiltration of the tumour could only be defined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI has proved to be a very useful diagnostic tool in equine lameness investigation and, as this case illustrates, it has considerable diagnostic potential for soft tissue examination of the equine head.


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A tightly attached keratinized mucosa around endosseous dental implants is believed to be protective against peri-implant bone loss. Tension caused by buccal frena and mobile non keratinized mucosa is to avoid. This case report documents the optimization of peri-implant mucosal conditions in the upper and lower jaw. At the time of second stage surgery (re-entry) at submucosally osseointegrated dental implants an enlargement of keratinized mucosa and a thickening of soft tissue was obtained administrating a vestibuloplasty combined by a free gingival graft or a vestibuloplasty combined by an apically moved flap.


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BACKGROUND Scientific data and clinical observations appear to indicate that an adequate width of attached mucosa may facilitate oral hygiene procedures thus preventing peri-implant inflammation and tissue breakdown (eg, biologic complications). Consequently, in order to avoid biologic complications and improve long-term prognosis, soft tissue conditions should be carefully evaluated when implant therapy is planned. At present the necessity and time-point for soft tissue grafting (eg, prior to or during implant placement or after healing) is still controversially discussed while clinical recommendations are vague. OBJECTIVES To provide a review of the literature on the role of attached mucosa to maintain periimplant health, and to propose a decision tree which may help the clinician to select the appropriate surgical technique for increasing the width of attached mucosa. RESULTS The available data indicate that ideally, soft tissue conditions should be optimized by various grafting procedures either before or during implant placement or as part of stage-two surgery. In cases, where, despite insufficient peri-implant soft tissue condition (ie, lack of attached mucosa or movements caused by buccal frena), implants have been uncovered and/or loaded, or in cases where biologic complications are already present (eg, mucositis, peri-implantitis), the treatment appears to be more difficult and less predictable. CONCLUSION Soft tissue grafting may be important to prevent peri-implant tissue breakdown and should be considered when dental implants are placed. The presented decision tree may help the clinician to select the appropriate grafting technique.


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Beta-toxin (CPB) is the essential virulence factor of C. perfringens type C causing necrotizing enteritis (NE) in different hosts. Using a pig infection model, we showed that CPB targets small intestinal endothelial cells. Its effect on the porcine intestinal epithelium, however, could not be adequately investigated by this approach. Using porcine neonatal jejunal explants and cryosections, we performed in situ binding studies with CPB. We confirmed binding of CPB to endothelial but could not detect binding to epithelial cells. In contrast, the intact epithelial layer inhibited CPB penetration into deeper intestinal layers. CPB failed to induce cytopathic effects in cultured polarized porcine intestinal epithelial cells (IPEC-J2) and primary jejunal epithelial cells. C. perfringens type C culture supernatants were toxic for cell cultures. This, however, was not inhibited by CPB neutralization. Our results show that, in the porcine small intestine, CPB primarily targets endothelial cells and does not bind to epithelial cells. An intact intestinal epithelial layer prevents CPB diffusion into underlying tissue and CPB alone does not cause direct damage to intestinal epithelial cells. Additional factors might be involved in the early epithelial damage which is needed for CPB diffusion towards its endothelial targets in the small intestine.


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PURPOSE The aim of this short communication was to analyze time-dependent changes of the supraimplant mucosa architecture in the esthetic zone. MATERIALS AND METHODS Five patients underwent single-tooth replacement with implant crowns in the anterior maxilla. The supraimplant soft tissue was conditioned with fixed provisional crowns. Quadrantlike digital impressions were taken with an intraoral optical scanning device at three time points: t0, immediately after removal of the provisional (baseline); t1, after 5 minutes; and t2, after 10 minutes. To analyze time-dependent mucosal changes, the corresponding digital files were superimposed for each patient, and baseline (t0) scans were compared with t1 and t2 scans, respectively. Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used for statistical calculations with a strict level of significance at P < .01. RESULTS Mean values for supraimplant soft tissue changes were statistically significantly different after 5 minutes (5.5%; standard deviation ± 0.3%) in comparison to the results after 10 minutes (21.7%; standard deviation ± 1.8%). The direction of mucosa shrinkage showed a trend toward palatal sites. CONCLUSION Based on the findings of this analysis, changes in supraimplant mucosa architecture seem to be affected only slightly during the first 5 minutes after removal of soft tissue support.


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Non-pregnant, female adult rats pretreated with either phenobarbital (PB) or (beta)-naphthoflavone ((beta)NF) through short-course intraperitoneal injections were shown by sodium dithionite-reduced carbon monoxide difference spectroscopy and NADPH-cytochrome c in vitro assay to contain cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-dependent reductase associated with the microsomal fraction of colon mucosa. These two protein components of the mixed function oxidase system were released from the microsomal membrane, resolved from each other, and partially purified by using a combination of techniques including solubilization in nonionic detergent followed by ultracentrifugation, anion exchange and adsorption column chromatographies, native gel electrophoresis, polyethylene glycol fractionation and ultrafiltration.^ In vitro reconstitution assays demonstrated the cytochrome P-450 fraction as the site of substrate and molecular oxygen binding. By the use of immunochemical techniques including radial immunodiffusion, Ouchterlony double diffusion and protein electroblotting, the cytochrome P-450 fraction was shown to contain at least 5 forms of the protein, having molecular weights as determined by SDS gel electrophoresis identical to the corresponding hepatic cytochrome P-450. Estimation of total cytochrome P-450 content confirmed the preferential induction of particular forms in response to the appropriate drug pretreatment.^ The colonic NADPH-dependent reductase was isolated from native gel electrophoresis and second dimensional SDS gel electrophoresis was performed in parallel to that for purified reductase from liver. Comparative electrophoretic mobilities together with immunochemical analysis, as with the cytochrome P-450s, reconstitution assays, and kinetic characterization using artificial electron acceptors, gave conclusive proof of the structural and functional homology between the colon and liver sources of the enzyme.^ Drug metabolism was performed in the reconstituted mixed function oxidase system containing a particular purified liver cytochrome P-450 form or partially pure colon cytochrome P-450 fraction plus colon or liver reductase and synthetic lipid vesicles. The two drugs, benzo{(alpha)}pyrene and benzphetamine, which are most representative of the action of system in liver, lung and kidney, were tested to determine the specificity of the reconstituted system. The kinetics of benzo{(alpha)}pyrene hydroxylation were followed fluorimetrically for 3-hydroxybenzo{(alpha)}pyrene production. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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The stomach is thought to be protected from luminal acid by a gastric mucosal barrier that restricts the diffusion of acid into tissue. This study tested the hypothesis that the hydrophobic luminal surface of canine gastric mucosa incubated in Ussing chambers, impedes the back-diffusion of luminal acid into the tissue. Isolated sheets of mucosa were treated with cimetidine to inhibit spontaneous acid secretion, and incubated under conditions that prevented significant secretion of luminal bicarbonate. By measuring acid loss from the luminal compartment using the pH-stat technique, acid back-diffusion was continuously monitored; potential difference (PD) was measured as an index of tissue viability. Tissue luminal surface hydrophobicity was estimated by contact angle analysis at the end of each experiment. Addition of 16,16-dimethyl prostaglandin E$\sb2$ to the nutrient compartment enhanced luminal surface hydrophobicity, but did not reduce acid back-diffusion in tissues that maintained a constant PD. 10 mM salicylate at pH 4.00 in the luminal compartment reduced surface hydrophobicity, but this decrease did not occur if 1 ug/ml prostaglandin was present in the nutrient solution. Despite possessing relatively hydrophilic and relatively hydrophobic surface properties, respectively, acid back-diffusion in the absence of salicylate was not significantly different between these two groups. Neither group maintained a PD after incubation with salicylate. Lastly, radiolabelled salicylate was used to calculate the free (non-salicylate associated) acid loss in tissues incubated with salicylate and/or prostaglandin. No significant correlation was found between free acid back-diffusion and luminal surface hydrophobicity. These data do not support the hypothesis that acid back-diffusion in impeded by the hydrophobic surface presented by isolated canine gastric mucosa. ^


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El transporte de medicamentos a través de la mucosa oral ha sido objeto de particular atención, especialmente en las ultimas dos décadas. Entre las distintas regiones de la mucosa oral, la mucosa sublingual es el sitio primario utilizado para la administración de diferentes sustancias incluidos algunos tipos de antígenos. La estructura histológica de esta área muestra la existencia de numerosas células inmunocompetentes capaces de activar el sistema inmunológico. Previo a la descripción de las diferentes rutas de absorción de fármacos y experiencias sobre permeabilidad de la región sublingual, se realiza una breve reseña de la histología y anatomía del área sublingual. En este trabajo también se tratan las ventajas y desventajas de la vía sublingual y el potencial aprovechamiento de la inmunoterapia sublingual para el tratamiento de patologías sistémicas y orales.


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Growth response of broiler chickens to inclusion of hydrolyzed porcine mucosa (Palbio) in diets varying in total lysine content


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Palbio (PAL, Palbio 50 RD, Bioibérica, Spain) is a protein concentrate based on hydrolyzed porcine digestive mucosa dried under a fluid bed system over a soybean carrier, currently used in piglet feeds. The digestibility of PAL is very high and the product may be an excellent source of protein for young chicks. An experiment was conducted with 1,280 straight-run one-d-old Ross 308 chicks to evaluate the growth response of broilers to dietary inclusion of PAL.


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El hidrolizado de mucosa digestiva de porcino (Palbio 50 RD ® , Bioiéerica, S.A., PAL) se utiliza con resultados óptimos en la alimentación de lechones recién destetados (Lindeman el al. 2000; Corassa et al. 2007). En un trabajo reciente, Mohiti-Asli et al. (2011) observaron que la inclusión de PAL mejoraba los resultados productivos en pollos de engorde a cualquier edad. En este trabajo se demostró que los niveles más recomendables de utilización de PAL teniendo en cuenta razones productivas y económicas, era el 2,5%. En esta investigación se estudio el efecto de la inclusión de 2,5% de PAL en piensos para pollos con niveles crecientes de lisina total (LYS, 1,1 a 1,4%). El objetivo fue estudiar si los efectos beneficiosos del PAL sobre la productividad de los pollos eran independientes o no del nivel de LYS del pienso.


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La alimentación del pollo broiler durante la primera semana de vida es de creciente importancia debido a que la edad de sacrificio ha disminuido de forma constante en los últimos años. Además, consumos elevados durante la primera semana de vida mejoran el desarrollo del aparato digestivo de las aves, favoreciendo el crecimiento de las vellosidades intestinales y la eficiencia alimenticia (Lilburn, 1998, Noy et al., 2005). En los últimos años, el mercado dispone de nuevos productos de origen animal obtenidos durante el proceso de obtención de la heparina para uso farmacéutico. Uno de estos productos comerciales (Palbio 50 RD, Bioibérica S.A., Palafolls, Barcelona) está formado por la proteína hidrolizada de la mucosa digestiva de porcino limpia de contenidos intestinales, secada mediante un procedimiento especial que incluye la utilización de harina de soja como excipiente. Recientes estudios han demostrado de forma fehaciente el interés de utilizar este ingrediente en piensos de lechones de primera edad (Lindeman, et al., 2000; Corassa et al., 2007) pero los datos existentes en aves son más limitados. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los efectos de niveles crecientes de este hidrolizado proteico (PAL) sobre la productividad de pollos que recibían piensos con dos niveles diferentes de lisina total (Lys)


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Many peptide hormone and neurotransmitter receptors belonging to the seven membrane-spanning G protein-coupled receptor family have been shown to transmit ligand-dependent mitogenic signals in vitro. However, the physiological roles of the mitogenic activity through G protein-coupled receptors in vivo remain to be elucidated. Here we have generated G protein-coupled cholecystokinin (CCK)-B/gastrin receptor deficient-mice by gene targeting. The homozygous mice showed a remarkable atrophy of the gastric mucosa macroscopically, even in the presence of severe hypergastrinemia. The atrophy was due to a decrease in parietal cells and chromogranin A-positive enterochromaffin-like cells expressing the H+,K(+)-ATPase and histidine decarboxylase genes, respectively. Oral administration of a proton pump inhibitor, omeprazole, which induced hypertrophy of the gastric mucosa with hypergastrinemia in wild-type littermates, did not eliminate the gastric atrophy of the homozygotes. These results clearly demonstrated that the G protein-coupled CCK-B/gastrin receptor is essential for the physiological as well as pathological proliferation of gastric mucosal cells in vivo.


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The gastric mucosa of mammalian stomach contains several differentiated cell types specialized for the secretion of acid, digestive enzymes, mucus, and hormones. Understanding whether each of these cell lineages is derived from a common stem cell has been a challenging problem. We have used a genetic approach to analyze the ontogeny of progenitor cells within mouse stomach. Herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase was targeted to parietal cells within the gastric mucosa of transgenic mice, and parietal cells were ablated by treatment of animals with the antiherpetic drug ganciclovir. Ganciclovir treatment produced complete ablation of parietal cells, dissolution of gastric glands, and loss of chief and mucus-producing cells. Termination of drug treatment led to the reemergence of all major gastric epithelial cell types and restoration of glandular architecture. Our results imply the existence of a pluripotent stem cell for the gastric mucosa. Parietal cell ablation should provide a model for analyzing cell lineage relationships within the stomach as well as mechanisms underlying gastric injury and repair.


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L’utilizzo di nanomateriali, ovvero una nuova classe di sostanze composte da particelle ultrafini con dimensioni comprese fra 1 e 100 nm (American Society for Testing Materials - ASTM), è in costante aumento a livello globale. La particolarità di tali sostanze è rappresentata da un alto rapporto tra la superficie e il volume delle particelle, che determina caratteristiche chimico-fisiche completamente differenti rispetto alle omologhe macrosostanze di riferimento. Tali caratteristiche sono tali da imporre una loro classificazione come nuovi agenti chimici (Royal Society & Royal Academy of Engineering report 2004). Gli impieghi attuali dei nanomateriali risultano in continua evoluzione, spaziando in diversi ambiti, dall’industria farmaceutica e cosmetica, all’industria tessile, elettronica, aerospaziale ed informatica. Diversi sono anche gli impieghi in campo biomedico; tra questi la diagnostica e la farmacoterapia. È quindi prevedibile che in futuro una quota sempre maggiore di lavoratori e consumatori risulteranno esposti a tali sostanze. Allo stato attuale non vi è una completa conoscenza degli effetti tossicologici ed ambientali di queste sostanze, pertanto, al fine di un loro utilizzo in totale sicurezza, risulta necessario capirne meglio l’impatto sulla salute, le vie di penetrazione nel corpo umano e il rischio per i lavoratori conseguente al loro utilizzo o lavorazione. La cute rappresenta la prima barriera nei confronti delle sostanze tossiche che possono entrare in contatto con l’organismo umano. Successivamente agli anni ‘60, quando si riteneva che la cute rappresentasse una barriera totalmente impermeabile, è stato dimostrato come essa presenti differenti gradi di permeabilità nei confronti di alcuni xenobiotici, dipendente dalle caratteristiche delle sostanze in esame, dal sito anatomico di penetrazione, dal grado di integrità della barriera stessa e dall’eventuale presenza di patologie della cute. La mucosa del cavo orale funge da primo filtro nei confronti delle sostanze che entrano in contatto con il tratto digestivo e può venir coinvolta in contaminazioni di superficie determinate da esposizioni occupazionali e/o ambientali. È noto che, rispetto alla cute, presenti una permeabilità all’acqua quattro volte maggiore, e, per tale motivo, è stata studiata come via di somministrazione di farmaci, ma, ad oggi, pochi sono gli studi che ne hanno valutato le caratteristiche di permeazione nei confronti delle nanoparticelle (NPs). Una terza importante barriera biologica è quella che ricopre il sistema nervoso centrale, essa è rappresentata da tre foglietti di tessuto connettivo, che assieme costituiscono le meningi. Questi tre foglietti rivestono completamente l’encefalo permettendone un isolamento, tradizionalmente ritenuto completo, nei confronti degli xenobiotici. L’unica via di assorbimento diretto, in questo contesto, è rappresentata dalla via intranasale. Essa permette un passaggio diretto di sostanze dall’epitelio olfattivo all’encefalo, eludendo la selettiva barriera emato-encefalica. Negli ultimi anni la letteratura scientifica si è arricchita di studi che hanno indagato le caratteristiche di assorbimento di farmaci attraverso questa via, ma pochissimi sono gli studi che hanno indagato la possibile penetrazione di nanoparticelle attraverso questa via, e nessuno, in particolar modo, ha indagato le caratteristiche di permeazione delle meningi. L’attività di ricerca svolta nell’ambito del presente dottorato ha avuto per finalità l’indagine delle caratteristiche di permeabilità e di assorbimento della cute, della mucosa del cavo orale e delle meningi nei confronti di alcune nanoparticelle, scelte fra quelle più rappresentative in relazione alla diffusione d’utilizzo a livello globale. I risultati degli esperimenti condotti hanno dimostrato, in vitro, che l’esposizione cutanea a Pt, Rh, Co3O4 e Ni NPs determinano permeazione in tracce dei medesimi metalli attraverso la cute, mentre per le TiO2 NPs tale permeazione non è stata dimostrata. È stato riscontrato, inoltre, che la mucosa del cavo orale e le meningi sono permeabili nei confronti dell’Ag in forma nanoparticellare.