932 resultados para Mount Macedon (Vic.) -- Social conditions


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This study aims to understand the changes in the improvement of economic and social conditions of small entrepreneurs who participate in solidarity groups linked to the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) "X" in Fortaleza city, Ceará, through the use of productive-guided microcredit. It is come a research in exploratory and descriptive nature, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. Data were collected from the small entrepreneurs by applying a questionnaire, as well as through structured interviews with group leaders. They were worked on issues relating to income generation, employment generation, housing and health conditions, dietary pattern and leisure activities of small entrepreneurs and their families before and after the union to solidarity groups and use of productive-guided microcredit. The research showed that the use of microcredit has interfered with social and economic life of these small entrepreneurs, generating positive effects


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The origins of agriculture and the shift from hunting and gathering to committed agriculture is regarded as one of the major transitions in human history. Archeologists and anthropologists have invested significant efforts in explaining the origins of agriculture. A period of gathering intensification and experimentation and pursuing a mixed economic strategy seems the most plausible explanation for the transition to agriculture and provides an approach to study a process in which several nonlinear processes may have played a role. However, the mechanisms underlying the transition to full agriculture are not completely clear. This is partly due to the nature of the archeological record, which registers a practice only once it has become clearly established. Thus, points of transitions have limited visibility and the mechanisms involved in the process are difficult to untangle. The complexity of such transitions also implies that shifts can be distinctively different in particular environments and under varying historical and social conditions. In this paper we discuss some of the elements involved in the transition to food production within the framework of resilience theory. We propose a theoretical conceptual model in which the resilience of livelihood strategies lies at the intersection of three spheres: the environmental, economical, and social domains. Transitions occur when the rate of change, in one or more of these domains, is so elevated or its magnitude so large that the livelihood system is unable to bounce back to its original state. In this situation, the system moves to an alternative stable state, from one livelihood strategy to another.


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Using the philosophical position of phenomenology this article examines the ways in which ideas of wildness combine with Australian Gothic tropes such as the white colonial lost child and the bush as a haunted locale to compose key features of an Australian Ecogothic. Joan Lindsay’s enigmatic novel Picnic at Hanging Rock (1967) has prompted scholars such as Lesley Kathryn Hawkes to describe how in Australian literature for both adults and children ‘the environment is far more than a setting or backdrop against which the plot takes place’ (Hawkes, 2011,67). On St Valentine’s Day in 1900 three young Australian girls and their teacher disappear from a school picnic at the ancient site of Mount Macedon in Victoria. The analysis, which focuses on Lindsay’s posthumously published chapter eighteen (1987) examines how elements of the material, sensing world combine with the mythological or sacred to connect the human protagonists with the gothic landscape they inhabit. The resulting intersubjectivity problematizes colonial ideology and unsettles notions of national identity. Using the philosophical position of phenomenology this article examines the ways in which ideas of wildness combine with Australian Gothic tropes such as the white colonial lost child and the bush as a haunted locale to compose key features of an Australian Ecogothic. Joan Lindsay’s enigmatic novel Picnic at Hanging Rock (1967) has prompted scholars such as Lesley Kathryn Hawkes to describe how in Australian literature for both adults and children ‘the environment is far more than a setting or backdrop against which the plot takes place’ (Hawkes, 2011,67). On St Valentine’s Day in 1900 three young Australian girls and their teacher disappear from a school picnic at the ancient site of Mount Macedon in Victoria. The analysis, which focuses on Lindsay’s posthumously published chapter eighteen (1987) examines how elements of the material, sensing world combine with the mythological or sacred to connect the human protagonists with the gothic landscape they inhabit. The resulting intersubjectivity problematizes colonial ideology and unsettles notions of national identity.


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This paper focuses on teaching boys, male teachers and the question of gendered pedagogies in neoliberal and postfeminist times of the proliferation of new forms of capitalism, multi-mediated technologies and the influence of globalization. It illustrates how a politics of re-masculinization and its reconstitution needs to be understood as set against changing economic and social conditions in which gender equity comes to be re-focused on boys as the ‚new disadvantaged‘. This re-framing of gender equity, it is argued, has been fuelled by both a media-inspired backlash discourse about ‚failing boys‘ and a neo-positivist emphasis on numbers derived primarily from standardized testing regimes at both global and national levels. A media-focused analysis of the proliferation of discourses about ‚failing boys‘ vis-a-vis the problem of encroaching feminization in the school system is provided to illuminate how certain truths about the influence of male teachers come to define how the terms of ensuring gender equity are delimited and reduced to a question of gendered pedagogies as grounded in sexed bodies. Historical accounts of the feminization of teaching in the North American context are also provided as a basis for building a more informed understanding of the present, particularly as it relates to the contextualization of policy articulation and enactment regarding the problem of teaching boys. In light of such historically informed and critical media analysis, it is argued that what is needed is a more informed, evidenced based policy articulation of the problem of teaching boys and a more gender sensitive reflection on the politics of masculinities in postfeminist times. (DIPF/Orig.)


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A presente dissertação de mestrado teve como fenômeno de estudo a Ênfase em Gestão do Patrimônio Socioambiental do curso de História Bacharelado da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, buscando compreender o processo de constituição e desenvolvimento desta Ênfase e suas articulações com a Educação Ambiental. Para tanto, foram elencadas três hipóteses: (a) a Ênfase em Gestão do Patrimônio Socioambiental do curso de Bacharelado em História da FURG não é estruturada e nem desenvolvida a partir das emergências da crise estrutural da qual a crise ambiental é um aspecto latente; (b) os saberes desenvolvidos na Ênfase não possibilitam que o egresso desenvolva a criticidade e a formação necessária para o cumprimento de sua função socioambiental; (c) a Educação Ambiental desenvolvida na Ênfase em Gestão do Patrimônio Socioambiental do curso de História – Bacharelado da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG não é expressão de uma ciência que se pretenda a serviço da classe trabalhadora e que se proponha a encarar os desafios das questões impostas pela crise ambiental. Em decorrência destas, foi desenvolvido um objetivo geral e três objetivos específicos, sendo eles: (a) Entender as condições sociais de crise ambiental em meio as quais surge a necessidade de gestores do patrimônio socioambiental; (b) Analisar os aspectos teóricos do campo da Educação Ambiental e a compreensão de ciência presentes na formação dos gestores do patrimônio socioambiental; (c) Identificar, no Projeto Pedagógico do curso de História Bacharelado, os aspectos políticos que demonstrem a função social do egresso. Ainda no sentido de atender ao objetivo geral foram organizadas quatro questões de pesquisa, a saber: (a) Quais as emergências da necessidade de criação da Ênfase em Gestão do Patrimônio Socioambiental no curso de História - Bacharelado da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG? (b) Que perspectiva de Educação Ambiental tem os professores da Ênfase em Gestão do Patrimônio Socioambiental do curso de História - Bacharelado da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG? (c) Que compreensão de ciência e de Educação Ambiental está vinculada à formação dos egressos da Ênfase em Gestão do Patrimônio Socioambiental do curso de História - Bacharelado da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG? (d) Quais saberes são fundamentais na formação dos gestores do patrimônio socioambiental para que compreendam os fundamentos da crise que faz emergir a necessidade da função social de tal ênfase? Nesta pesquisa foram utilizados, prioritariamente, os referenciais teóricos e epistemológicos com vinculação à compreensão de mundo marxista. Após o processo de revisão bibliográfica foram desenvolvidas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com sete professores atuantes na ênfase em estudo. Na sequência, para apreciação das informações, foi utilizado o referencial metodológico da Análise de Conteúdo de Laurence Bardin. Concluiu-se no processo de pesquisa que a ênfase se relaciona com a oferta de novas possibilidades de atuação profissional do historiador gestor. Bem como os saberes desenvolvidos na ênfase possibilitam parcialmente a constituição da criticidade dos egressos. Por fim, a Educação Ambiental desenvolvida na ênfase não pode, em sua totalidade, estar a serviço da classe trabalhadora, pois está circunscrita, no presente momento histórico, aos limites do Capital.


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This article encompasses an underlying notion of personal identities and processes of interaction, which distinguish essentialist identity from relational identity in contexts involving subjects, fields of possibilities, and cultural metamorphosis. It addresses the idea of the individual and her/his transformations: “I am who I want to be if I can be that person.” Any one of us could hypothetically have been someone else. The question of the reconstruction of individual identities is a vital aspect in the relationship between objective social conditions and what each person subjectively does with them, in terms of auto-construction. The complexity of this question reflects the idea of a cultural kaleidoscope, in which similar social conditions experienced by different individuals can produce differentiated identities. The title and structure of this text also seek to encompass the idea that in a personal life story, the subject lives between various spheres and sociocultural contexts, with a composite, mestizo, and superimposed or displaced identity, in each context. This occurs as the result of a cultural metamorphosis, which is constructed both by the individual as well as by heterogeneous influences between the context of the starting and finishing points at a given moment. This complex process of cultural metamorphosis—the fruit of interweaving subjective and objective forces—reveals a new dimension: the truly composite nature of personal identities.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, 2015.


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This study aims to understand the changes in the improvement of economic and social conditions of small entrepreneurs who participate in solidarity groups linked to the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) "X" in Fortaleza city, Ceará, through the use of productive-guided microcredit. It is come a research in exploratory and descriptive nature, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. Data were collected from the small entrepreneurs by applying a questionnaire, as well as through structured interviews with group leaders. They were worked on issues relating to income generation, employment generation, housing and health conditions, dietary pattern and leisure activities of small entrepreneurs and their families before and after the union to solidarity groups and use of productive-guided microcredit. The research showed that the use of microcredit has interfered with social and economic life of these small entrepreneurs, generating positive effects


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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El constructivismo ruso se define como una práctica artística que respondió a las demandas sociales y culturales de una nueva sociedad. Se desarrolló como movimiento vanguardista que se propuso realizar un programa de vinculación de la obra artística con la vida, dejando atrás las formas del arte burgués y abriendo nuevas posibilidades a las funciones del arte en las condiciones sociales de la Revolución. El presente trabajo se propone la actualización de ese legado, me-diante apropiaciones irónicas de algunos de sus productos, en relación con las representaciones del heroísmo y el triunfalismo, del héroe y las masas, en los procesos políticos y culturales de la actualidad. En la medida que ese género de lenguaje ha sido utilizado en otros contex-tos, y las formulas constructivistas desbordan su enclave original en otras coor-denadas geopolíticas, este proyecto procura aprovechar las formulaciones ideoestéticas que fueron sustento de las propuestas constructivistas y productivis-tas al respecto de las experimentaciones del fotomontaje, la faktura y la factogra-fia.


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Communities, neighborhoods, and other environments are currently immersed in a series of situations and problems that have favored the deterioration of social, cultural and spiritual values, which are essential for harmony with oneself, others, and the environment. Stereotypes have captured minds and settings have been reduced to indoor spaces, hemmed in by security bars and protective devices.  Peace, fraternity and happiness are diminishing.  It is at this point that the social, spiritual and professional work of specialists in the recreational field contributes to rescue and restructure society. Traditional games and singing games are then the tools used to facilitate relationships, contribute to the learning process, and exhibit skills.  They are fundamental in a person’s life since they are a social and cultural expression of how humans have adapted to their environment (Maestro, 2005).  They do not take ethnicity, age, sex or social conditions into consideration.  Traditional games are also a way of promoting health, improving motor, cognitive and emotional skills and a means of encouraging creativity and imagination and developing a sense of rhythm.  Their goal is to attain a state of personal well-being.  They are a way to release tension and accumulated energy and to get away from the daily routine.  They represent a bridge to learn about oneself, the environment, values, habits, and traditions. In this document, readers will learn how traditional games are transmitted, what their characteristics are, why they are an important tool in today’s society, how they are prepared, and how they can be revived and preserved.


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En 1989, la Pologne, la Hongrie, la Tchécoslovaquie et la République démocratique allemande (RDA) furent secouées par des mouvements de protestations qui précipitèrent la dissolution de leur régime communiste. Il est souvent admis, dans l’historiographie comme dans la mémoire populaire, que les intellectuels, dont plusieurs écrivains, ont joué un rôle déterminant lors de ces bouleversements. Or, l’analyse de la révolution en Allemagne de l’Est et des prises de position de son intelligentsia littéraire démontre qu’une telle conclusion s’applique mal à cet État : les auteurs phares de la RDA, qui se sont pourtant présentés pendant et après la révolution comme des victimes et des opposants au régime, n’ont jamais partagé les revendications anticommunistes de leurs concitoyens et ont conservé un discours socialiste. Ce mémoire entend expliquer cette réaction particulière des écrivains les mieux établis de l’Allemagne de l’Est – soit Christa Wolf, Heiner Müller, Stefan Heym, Volker Braun et Christoph Hein. En étudiant leurs textes non fictifs et en analysant la relation qu’ils entretenaient avec le régime, la population et l’idéologie promue en RDA, nous démontrerons que ces auteurs avaient développé, avant l’ouverture du mur de Berlin, une stratégie d’action alliant loyauté socialiste et critique de l’autoritarisme, ce qui leur avait permis de cumuler un important capital social et culturel. À l’automne 1989 et lors du processus de réunification allemande, l’intelligentsia littéraire a en fait agi en fonction de cette même stratégie ; celle-ci, toutefois, n’était pas adaptée aux nouvelles conditions sociales.


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Contemporary Central American fiction has become a vital project of revision of the tragic events and the social conditions in the recent history of the countries from which they emerge. The literary projects of Sergio Ramirez (Nicaragua), Dante Liano (Guatemala), Horacio Castellanos Moya (El Salvador), and Ramon Fonseca Mora (Panama), are representative of the latest trends in Central American narrative. These trends conform to a new literary paradigm that consists of an amalgam of styles and discourses, which combine the testimonial, the historical, and the political with the mystery and suspense of noir thrillers. Contemporary Central American noir narrative depicts the persistent war against social injustice, violence, criminal activities, as well as the new technological advances and economic challenges of the post-war neo-liberal order that still prevails throughout the region. Drawing on postmodernism theory proposed by Ihab Hassan, Linda Hutcheon and Brian MacHale, I argued that the new Central American literary paradigm exemplified by Sergio Ramirez’s El cielo llora por mí, Dante Liano’s El hombre de Montserrat, Horacio Castellanos Moya’s El arma en el hombre and La diabla en el espejo, and Ramon Fonseca Mora’s El desenterrador, are highly structured novels that display the characteristic marks of postmodern cultural expression through their ambivalence, which results from the coexistence of multiple styles and conflicting ideologies and narrative trends. The novels analyzed in this dissertation make use of a noir sensitivity in which corruption, decay and disillusionment are at their core to portray the events that shaped the modern history of the countries from which they emerge. The revolutionary armed struggle, the state of terror imposed by military regimes and the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime, are among the major themes of these contemporary works of fiction, which I have categorized as perfect examples of the post-revolutionary post-modernism Central American detective fiction at the turn of the 21st century.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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En 1989, la Pologne, la Hongrie, la Tchécoslovaquie et la République démocratique allemande (RDA) furent secouées par des mouvements de protestations qui précipitèrent la dissolution de leur régime communiste. Il est souvent admis, dans l’historiographie comme dans la mémoire populaire, que les intellectuels, dont plusieurs écrivains, ont joué un rôle déterminant lors de ces bouleversements. Or, l’analyse de la révolution en Allemagne de l’Est et des prises de position de son intelligentsia littéraire démontre qu’une telle conclusion s’applique mal à cet État : les auteurs phares de la RDA, qui se sont pourtant présentés pendant et après la révolution comme des victimes et des opposants au régime, n’ont jamais partagé les revendications anticommunistes de leurs concitoyens et ont conservé un discours socialiste. Ce mémoire entend expliquer cette réaction particulière des écrivains les mieux établis de l’Allemagne de l’Est – soit Christa Wolf, Heiner Müller, Stefan Heym, Volker Braun et Christoph Hein. En étudiant leurs textes non fictifs et en analysant la relation qu’ils entretenaient avec le régime, la population et l’idéologie promue en RDA, nous démontrerons que ces auteurs avaient développé, avant l’ouverture du mur de Berlin, une stratégie d’action alliant loyauté socialiste et critique de l’autoritarisme, ce qui leur avait permis de cumuler un important capital social et culturel. À l’automne 1989 et lors du processus de réunification allemande, l’intelligentsia littéraire a en fait agi en fonction de cette même stratégie ; celle-ci, toutefois, n’était pas adaptée aux nouvelles conditions sociales.