362 resultados para Microflora
The suitability of cow slurry as a substrate for vermicomposting by Eisenia fetida was investigated. Particular attention was given to the effects of the earthworm on the decomposition and stabilisation of the slurry; and to the interactions between E. fetida and the microflora of the substrate. Assessment of the chemical and microbiological changes in cow slurry stored under forced aeration, and subsequently in shallow trays, showed that neither method was suitable for the treatment of slurry. A comparison of two methods of vermicomposting showed that top-feeding of slurry was more efficient in promoting earthworm growth and cocoon production than the mixing of slurry with solid materials. Management practices were found to have an important influence on the efficiency of the process. An investigation o:f the effect of E. fetida. on the decomposition of slurry indicated that the presence of this earthworm enhanced the stabilisation of the substrate and increased the plant-available nitrogen content. Specific nutritional interactions were observed between E. fetida and micro-organisms in sand/cellulose microcosms. The earthworms were found to be feeding directly upon the cells of certain micro-organisms. Other species were found to be toxic to E. fetida.. A technique was developed :for the production of axenic E. fetida., and the use of such earthworms in :feeding experiments confirmed the importance of some micro-organisms in earthworm nutrition. The seeding of vermiculture beds with one such micro-organism stimulated earthworm growth and consumption of the substrate. Vermicomposted mixtures of cow slurry and spent mushroom compost were shown to have potential application as casing materials in mushroom cultivation. The findings of this study indicate the suitability of vermicomposting as a method for the stabilisation of intensively-produced cow slurry, and give some indication of the importance of micro-organisms in the nutrition of E. fetida.
The surface microflora (902 isolates) of Livarot cheeses from three dairies was investigated during ripening. Yeasts were mainly identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Geotrichum candidum was the dominating yeast among 10 species. Bacteria were identified using Biotype 100 strips, dereplicated by repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR (rep-PCR); 156 representative strains were identified by either BOX-PCR or (GTG) 55-PCR, and when appropriate by 16S rDNA sequencing and SDS-PAGE analysis. Gram-positive bacteria accounted for 65% of the isolates and were mainly assigned to the genera Arthrobacter, Brevibacterium, Corynebacterium, and Staphylococcus. New taxa related to the genera Agrococcus and Leucobacter were found. Yeast and Gram-positive bacteria strains deliberately added as smearing agents were sometimes undetected during ripening. Thirty-two percent of the isolates were Gram-negative bacteria, which showed a high level of diversity and mainly included members of the genera Alcaligenes, Hafnia, Proteus, Pseudomonas, and Psychrobacter. Whatever the milk used (pasteurized or unpasteurized), similar levels of biodiversity were observed in the three dairies, all of which had efficient cleaning procedures and good manufacturing practices. It appears that some of the Gramnegative bacteria identified should now be regarded as potentially useful in some cheese technologies. The assessment of their positive versus negative role should be objectively examined.
Background: Heterosexual HIV transmission continues to spread worldwide. Intravaginal rings (IVRs) formulated with antiretroviral drugs hold great promise for HIV prevention in women. IVRs provide the benefit of being coitally-independent and coitally-covert for an extended period. As a proof-of-concept, we tested the in vivo release of progesterone from a silicone elastomer vaginal ring device. Methods: Six female pig-tailed macaques were treated with a GnRH agonist (Lupron) prior to ring placement. Four macaques received a progesterone-loaded silicone ring, and two macaques received a blank silicone ring. Blood, vaginal swabs, CVL, and/or biopsies were collected during ring placement, and after ring removal. Results: The median plasma progesterone levels for macaques with a progesterone IVR were 13,973 pg/ml (day 3), 12,342 pg/ml (day 7), 10,112 pg/ml (day 14), 8445 pg/ml (day 21) and 8061 pg/ml (day 28), with a significant decrease from day 14 to day 21 (P = 0.0286). The median plasma progesterone levels for macaques with a blank IVR were 221±±± ±±88 pg/ml. Macaques with a progesterone IVR had CVL progesterone levels of 20,935 pg/ml (day 7), 6892 pg/ml (day 21) and 11,515 pg/ml (day 28). Macaques with a blank IVR had CVL progesterone levels of 29 �± 13 pg/ml. There were no disturbances to the normal vaginal microflora, and plasma and CVL cytokine analysis did not indicate a proinflammatory response due to ring placement. The vaginal biopsies did not display any pathology following ring removal. Overall, the IVRs were well tolerated without any indication of inflammation or significant changes in the vaginal compartment.
Comprehensive collaborative studies from our laboratories reveal the extensive biodiversity of the microflora of the surfaces of smear-ripened cheeses. Two thousand five hundred ninety-seven strains of bacteria and 2,446 strains of yeasts from the surface of the smear-ripened cheeses Limburger, Reblochon, Livarot, Tilsit, and Gubbeen, isolated at three or four times during ripening, were identified; 55 species of bacteria and 30 species of yeast were found. The microfloras of the five cheeses showed many similarities but also many differences and interbatch variation. Very few of the commercial smear microorganisms, deliberately inoculated onto the cheese surface, were reisolated and then mainly from the initial stages of ripening, implying that smear cheese production units must have an adventitious "house" flora. Limburger cheese had the simplest microflora, containing two yeasts, Debaryomyces hansenii and Geotrichum candidum, and two bacteria, Arthrobacter arilaitensis and Brevibacterium aurantiacum. The microflora of Livarot was the most complicated, comprising 10 yeasts and 38 bacteria, including many gram-negative organisms. Reblochon also had a very diverse microflora containing 8 yeasts and 13 bacteria (excluding gram-negative organisms which were not identified), while Gubbeen had 7 yeasts and 18 bacteria and Tilsit had 5 yeasts and 9 bacteria. D. hansenii was by far the dominant yeast, followed in order by G. candidum, Candida catenulata, and Kluyveromyces lactis. B. aurantiacum was the dominant bacterium and was found in every batch of the 5 cheeses. The next most common bacteria, in order, were Staphylococcus saprophyticus, A. arilaitensis, Corynebacterium casei, Corynebacterium variabile, and Microbacterium gubbeenense. S. saprophyticus was mainly found in Gubbeen, and A. arilaitensis was found in all cheeses but not in every batch. C. casei was found in most batches of Reblochon, Livarot, Tilsit, and Gubbeen. C. variabile was found in all batches of Gubbeen and Reblochon but in only one batch of Tilsit and in no batch of Limburger or Livarot. Other bacteria were isolated in low numbers from each of the cheeses, suggesting that each of the 5 cheeses has a unique microflora. In Gubbeen cheese, several different strains of the dominant bacteria were present, as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and many of the less common bacteria were present as single clones. The culture-independent method, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, resulted in identification of several bacteria which were not found by the culture-dependent (isolation and rep-PCR identification) method. It was thus a useful complementary technique to identify other bacteria in the cheeses. The gross composition, the rate of increase in pH, and the indices of proteolysis were different in most of the cheeses.
Prodotti di IV gamma a base di frutta e verdura minimamente trattati o pronti all'uso non possono essere considerati sicuri da un punto di vista microbiologico e sono stati spesso associati a casi di tossinfezione. Per tali episodi è stato evidenziato che la qualità dell'acqua utilizzata per il lavaggio è una fase critica. D'altra parte è noto che la disinfezione è una delle fasi di lavorazione più importanti per i prodotti minimamente trattati in quanto ha effetti diretti sulla qualità dei prodotti finiti, sulla sicurezza e la loro shelf-life. Tradizionalmente, l'industria di IV gamma ha impiegato i composti derivati del cloro per la fase di disinfezione in virtù della loro efficacia, semplicità d'uso e basso costo. Tuttavia vi è una diffusa tendenza ad eliminare i prodotti a base di cloro a causa soprattutto della preoccupazione in relazione ai rischi ambientali e sanitari per il consumatore associati alla formazione di sottoprodotti alogenati cancerogeni. Tra le varie tecnologie emergenti, proposte come alternative al cloro, il plasma ha presentato buone potenzialità in virtù delle specie chimiche che lo compongono, principalmente specie reattive dell’ossigeno e dell’azoto, che sembrano essere responsabili di stress ossidativo alle cellule microbiche, con conseguenti danni per DNA, proteine e lipidi. L’obiettivo generale di questo elaborato finale è stato quello di valutare la possibilità di utilizzare la tecnologia del plasma per la decontaminazione superficiale di carote julienne. In particolare si sono presi in considerazione trattamenti diretti in cui il vegetale è stato esposto al plasma per differenti tempi compresi tra 5 e 40 minuti. Inoltre, si è utilizzo il plasma per il trattamento di acqua che è stata successivamente impiegata per il lavaggio delle carote julienne. L'efficacia di entrambe le modalità di trattamento è stata verificata nei confronti sia della microflora naturalmente contaminante le carote, sia di alcuni microrganismi patogeni che possono essere associati a tale vegetale: Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Enteritidis ed Escherichia coli.
Influence of methanogenic populations in Holocene lacustrine sediments revealed by clone libraries and fatty acid biogeochemistry.Biological characteristics of ice-associated algal communities were studied in Darnley Bay (western Canadian Arctic) during a 2-week period in July 2008 when the landfast ice cover had reached an advanced stage of melt. We found two distinct and separate algal communities: (1) an interior ice community confined to brine channel networks beneath white ice covers; and (2) an ice melt water community in the brackish waters of both surface melt ponds and the layer immediately below the ice cover. Both communities reached maximum chlorophyll a concentrations of about 2.5 mg/m**3, but with diatoms dominating the interior ice while flagellates dominated the melt water community. The microflora of each community was diverse, containing both unique and shared algal species, the latter suggesting an initial seeding of the ice melt water by the bottom ice community. Absorption characteristics of the algae indicated the presence of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) and carotenoid pigments as a photoprotective strategy against being confined to high-light near-surface layers. Although likely not contributing substantially to total annual primary production, these ice-associated communities may play an important ecological role in the Arctic marine ecosystem, supplying an accessible and stable food source to higher trophic levels during the period of ice melt.
Introdução: A doença cárie é uma das mais comum em crianças de idade pré-escolar, e desenvolve-se logo após a erupção dentária. Na literatura está descrito que para o aparecimento e desenvolvimento desta lesão é necessário a presença de um hospedeiro susceptível, microflora cariogénica, a dieta e o tempo. No entanto, a Cárie Precoce da Infância Grave não é uma lesão de progressão normal, e sim rompante e afecta crianças, até aos três anos de idade. Os hábitos que a família tem, em especial a mãe, são responsáveis pela transmissão de bactérias que podem influenciar o aparecimento de lesões de cáries nas crianças. Simples actos como o testar a temperatura da comida antes de dar à criança, limpar a chupeta com a boca e a partilha de utensílios podem aumentar o risco de Cárie Precoce da Infância. Através de uma revisão de literatura, pretende-se explorar a influência parental no aparecimento desta doença e saber se existe fundamentos para preocupação e assim efectuar uma mais adequada prevenção junto dos pais ou encarregados de educação. Metodologia: Nesta revisão narrativa de literatura fez-se a pesquisa nas bases de dados electrónicas PubMed e SciELO; recorreu-se aos repositórios bibliográficos das universidades; páginas institucionais e referências bibliográficas de artigos; livros de Medicina Dentária Preventiva e de Odontopediatria. Discussão: Os hábitos parentais como o provar ou testar a comida das crianças antes da alimentação e a partilha de talheres durante as refeições são considerados factores de risco para o aumento dos níveis de bactérias, como o Streptococcus mutans. Em relação aos hábitos como limpar a chupeta com a boca, o contacto físico intrafamiliar e dos pais beijarem os filhos há pouca evidência científica e é necessário fazer estudos mais conclusivos nestas áreas. Conclusão: Com esta revisão de literatura foi possível identificar quais os hábitos parentais que aumentam o risco dos filhos desenvolverem Cárie Precoce da Infância Grave.
A doença periodontal é caracterizada como um conjunto de condições inflamatórias, de carater crônico ou agudo, e de origem bacteriana, que começa por afetar o tecido gengival e pode levar, com o tempo, à perda dos tecidos de suporte dos dentes. As reações inflamatórias e imunológicas à placa bacteriana representam as características predominantes da gengivite e da periodontite. A reação inflamatória é visível, microscópica e clinicamente, no periodonto afetado e representa a reação do hospedeiro à microbiota da placa e seus produtos. O processo de infecção no sulco periodontal leva, inicialmente, a formação de uma mucosite periodontal, que pode ser definida como uma inflamação dos tecidos moles periodontáis, sem ocasionar perda óssea, sendo reversível, se o seu diagnóstico for atempado. Os processos inflamatórios e imunológicos atuam nos tecidos gengivais para proteger contra o agressãoes microbianas, impedindo os microrganismos de se disseminarem ou invadirem os tecidos. Em alguns casos, essas reações de defesa do hospedeiro podem ser prejudiciais porque também são passíveis de danificar as células e estruturas vizinhas do tecido conjuntivo. Além disso, as reações inflamatórias e imunológicas cuja extensão alcança níveis mais profundos do tecido conjuntivo, além da base do sulco, podem envolver o osso alveolar nesse processo destrutivo. Assim, tais processos defensivos podem, paradoxalmente, ser os responsáveis pela maior parte da lesão tecidual observada na gengivite e na periodontite. O objectivo desse trabalho é fazer uma revisão de literatura específica sobre a etiologia da doença periodontal respectivamente. Serão descritos os principais agentes microbianos que estão relacionados com a doença periodontal e a forma como influenciam o desenvolvimento da doença, procurando desta forma contribuir para a procura de tratamentos mais eficientes.
O iogurte é um produto lácteo que é obtido a partir da acidificação controlada ou espontânea do leite, sendo o seu processo de fermentação desencadeado pela ação de culturas láticas. Este produto apresenta propriedades benéficas para a saúde, como é o caso da regulação do balanço da microflora intestinal, melhoramento da resposta imunitária, redução dos sintomas alérgicos, redução do colesterol sérico e níveis séricos de glicose. Em relação à alga S. platensis, esta apresenta benefícios cardiovasculares, é eficaz no tratamento de certas alergias, cancro, doenças virais, hiperglicemia, imunodeficiência e processos inflamatórios. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo desenvolver um iogurte suplementado com a microalga Spirulina platensis, com posterior caracterização do produto final, em termos físico-químicos, microbiológicos e sensoriais. Foram efetuadas várias experiências de receitas de iogurte até chegar à formulação final, tendo sido testadas diversas variantes. Na avaliação da qualidade físico-química, o iogurte produzido com Spirulina apresentou ao longo do tempo sempre valores mais elevados nos seguintes parâmetros: teor de proteína bruta, teor de lactose, teor de fibras e hidratos de carbono. Foram detetadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os parâmetros e o tipo de iogurte nos seguintes casos: teor de matéria gorda, teor de proteína bruta, teor de humidade, hidratos de carbono, valor energético e pH. Foram detetadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os parâmetros e o tempo de produção apenas no teor de cinzas. Na avaliação da qualidade microbiológica, o iogurte produzido com Spirulina não se destacou por apresentar valores mais elevados. Quando avaliados os fatores tipo de iogurte e tempo de produção, não foram detetadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas em nenhum dos parâmetros microbiológicos. Na avaliação da qualidade sensorial, no iogurte produzido com leite meio gordo com lactose, foi possível verificar que todos os parâmetros sensoriais analisados e as amostras de iogurte são independentes. Em relação ao iogurte produzido com leite meio gordo sem lactose, verificou-se que os parâmetros doce e ácido não são independentes das amostras de iogurte. Em termos de preferência, 71% dos provadores escolheram o iogurte com agar. Relativamente à prova afetiva, não foram detetadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a amostra preferida e qualquer um dos fatores avaliados (idade e género do provador). Em termos de preferência, 66% dos provadores escolheram o iogurte sem lactose. No que diz respeito à prova triangular, não foram detetadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as escolhas da amostra diferente e amostra preferida em relação ao género do provador. Apesar de 63% dos provadores terem preferido a amostra com 0 dias, apenas 44% conseguiram distinguir entre o iogurte com 0 dias e com 30 dias, o que sugere que mesmo ao fim de 1 mês, o iogurte continua agradável. Com base em todos os resultados obtidos, conclui-se que o iogurte produzido com S. platensis é um produto inovador e saudável, pelos inúmeros benefícios presentes no iogurte, conjugados com os benefícios da microalga.
Postharvest treatments with nano-silver (NS) alleviate bacteria-related stem blockage of some cut flowers to extend their longevity. Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus) is a commercially important cut flower species. For the first time, the effects of NS pulses on cut gladiolus ‘Eerde’ spikes were investigated towards reducing bacterial colonization of and biofilm formation on their stems. As compared with a deionized water (DIW) control, pulse treatments with NS at 10, 25 and 50 mg L−1 for 24 h significantly (P ≤ 0.05) prolonged the vase life of cut gladiolus spikes moved into vases containing DIW. The NS treatments enhanced floret ‘opening rate’ and ‘daily ornamental value’. Although there were no significant differences among NS treatments, a 25 mg L−1 NS pulse treatment tended to give the longest vase life and the best ‘display quality’. All NS pulse treatments significantly improved water uptake by and reduced water loss from flowering spikes, thereby delaying the loss of water balance and maintaining relative fresh weight. Fifty (50) mg L−1 NS pulse-treated cut gladiolus spikes tended to exhibit the most water uptake and highest water balance over the vase period. However, there was no significant difference between 25 and 50 mg L−1 NS pulse treatments. Observations of stem-end bacterial proliferation during the vase period on cut gladiolus spikes either with or without NS pulse treatments were performed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). As compared to the control treatment, they revealed that the 25 mg L−1 NS pulse treatment effectively inhibited bacterial colonization and biofilm formation on the stem-end cut surface and in the xylem vessels, respectively. In vitro culture of the bacterial microflora and analysis of biofilm architecture using CLSM revealed that NS treatment restricted bacterial biofilm formation. After static culture for 24 h at 35 °C with 25 mg L−1 NS in the medium, no biofilm form or structure was evident. Rather, only limited bacterial cell number and scanty extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) material were observed. In contrast, mature bacterial biofilm architecture comprised of abundant bacteria interwoven with EPS formed in the absence of NS.
Alvinella pompejana is a polychaetous annelid that inhabits high temperature environments associated with active deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise. A unique and diverse epibiotic microflora with a prominent filamentous morphotype is found associated with the worm's dorsal integument. A previous study established the taxonomic positions of two epsilon proteobacterial phylotypes, 13B and 5A, which dominated a clone library of 16S rRNA genes amplified by PCR from the epibiotic microbial community of an A. pompejana specimen. In the present study deoxyoligonucleotide PCR primers specific for phylotypes 13B and 5A were used to demonstrate that these phylotypes are regular features of the bacterial community associated with A. pompejana. Assaying of other surfaces around colonies of A. pompejana revealed that phylotypes 13B and 5A are not restricted to A. pompejana. Phylotype 13B occurs on the exterior surfaces of other invertebrate genera and rock surfaces, and phylotype 5A occurs on a congener, Alvinella caudata. The 13B and 5A phylotypes were identified and localized on A. pompejana by in situ hybridization, demonstrating that these two phylotypes are, in fact, the prominent filamentous bacteria on the dorsal integument of A. pompejana. These findings indicate that the filamentous bacterial symbionts of A. pompejana are epsilon Proteobacteria which do not have an obligate requirement for A. pompejana.
Background: The microflora hypothesis may be the underlying explanation for the growth of inflammatory disease. In addition to many known affecting factors, knowing the gut microbiota of healthy newborns can help to understand the gut immunity and modulate it. Objectives: This study examined the microbiota of healthy newborns from urban regions. Patients and Methods: We enrolled 128 full-term newborns, born at Seoul St. Mary and St. Paul hospital from January 2009 to February 2010. All 143 samples of feces were cultivated in six culture plates to determine the amounts of total bacteria, anaerobes, gram-positive bacteria, coliforms, lactobacilli, and bifidobacteria. The samples were evaluated with a bivariate correlation between coliforms and lactobacilli. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis with HhaI and MspI and a clustering analysis were performed for determination of diversity. Results: Bacteria were cultured in 61.5% of feces in the following order: anaerobes, gram-positive bacteria, lactobacilli, coliform, and bifidobacteria. The growth of total bacteria and lactobacilli increased in feces defecated after 24 hours of birth (P < 0.001, P = 0.008) and anaerobes decreased (P = 0.003). A negative correlation between the growth of lactobacilli and coliforms was found (r = -463, P < 0.001). Conclusions: This study confirms that bacterial colonization of healthy newborns born in cities is non-sterile, but has early diversification and inter-individuality.
Purpose: To investigate the effect of ampicillin on rat intestinal microflora and liver in the presence of high carbohydrate and protein diets. Methods: Male Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups. The first group served as the control, the second group was treated with ampicillin (50 mg/kg for 3 weeks) and fed with a standard diet, while the third and fourth groups were treated with the same dose of ampicillin and fed with acarbohydrateand protein-rich diets, respectively, to observe the effect of diet on gut flora and liver. Fecal specimens were collected and used for qualitative determination of gut microbiota composition. Serum hepatospecific markers (AST, ALT and ALP) were estimated. The antioxidant status of liver tissues was estimated for GSH, MDA, GST, LDH and vitamin C l, in addition to sodium and potassium. Results: Administration of orogastric dose of ampicillin for 3 weeks induced inhibition of E.coli, yeasts, total anaerobes, and anaerobic lactobacilli with new growth of P. vulgaris and K. pneumonia. The levels of serum AST, ALT and ALP showed significant (p ˂ 0.05) increase to 163, 112.38 and 115.35 %, respectively in ampicillin-treated animals, compared to control. Also significant (p ˂ 0.05) increase in lipid peroxidation (120 %) and LDH (111 %) coupled with significant (p ˂ 0.05) decrease in glutathione (74.57 %), vitamin C (63.49 %) and glutathione S-transferase (41.51 %) were observed in ampicillintreated groups. No significant variation (p ˂ 0.05) in sodium and potassium levels were found between control and the treated group after 3 weeks of treatment. Conclusion: These results confirm that extended ampicillin therapy disrupts gut flora, which results in liver injury; hence, overuse of antibiotics should be avoid.
Probiotics are living microorganisms which, when ingested in certain amounts, have a positive impact on human health, mainly due to their roles in improving the balance of the intestinal microflora. On the other hand, the prebiotic are food ingredients that may also have a positive impact in the improvement of the intestinal flora. These components, which fall into the category of fibers, are not digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract, and therefore reach the colon where they stimulate the growth and/or the activity of some types of bacteria. The term synbiotic is used for products that contain both probiotics and prebiotics, thus taking advantage of both the addition of beneficial bacteria and the encouragement of the growth of resident beneficial bacteria. The present chapter aims to review the scientific literature related to prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics, including their identification, properties and health benefits.
A microflora presente nos cachos de uva abriga microrganismos que podem promover a fermentação, conferir propriedades organolépticas agradáveis ao produto final e também impedir que outros agentes microbianos se desenvolvam na superfície das bagas, em especial, os fungos fitopatogênicos. Problemas fitopatológicos comprometem tanto aspectos econômicos quanto a qualidade do produto final. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de leveduras killer com relação ao controle de fungos fitopatogênicos Botrytis cinerea, Glomerella cingulata e Penicillium expansum.