974 resultados para Merchant Ships.


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Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo realizado em São Vicente, de Março a Abril de 2012 a turistas de cruzeiro. Este estudo teve como objectivo analisar o perfile a satisfação dos visitantes durante a sua estadia na ilha, para ajudar a indústria do turismo na melhoria do produto e infra-estrutura turística, e ao fazê-lo melhorar aexperiência para os cruzeiristas. O estudo foi conduzido através da revisão da literaturasobre turismo de cruzeiro, imagem do destino, elementos da oferta turística, qualidade esatisfação e sua relação com o turismo. Para a avaliação do perfil e satisfação do turistade cruzeiro, aplicou-se um questionário a uma amostra de 131 cruzeiristas, no fim dasua visita à ilha. Os resultados do questionário aplicado aos cruzeiristas evidenciaram maior satisfação com aspectos como paisagem natural, clima, simpatia da população local, oportunidadepara conhecer pessoas e limpeza urbana. Os atributos que demonstraram valores maisaltos de insatisfação são: museus, sanitários, gastronomia, sinalização, serviços derestauração e de informação turística. O perfil do cruzeirista é caracterizado pela disponibilidade em viajar, nível académico eprofissional médio alto, poder de compra médio alto e de média idade. Verificou-se que os vários sectores não estão bem organizados e integrados entre si paraatender às necessidades e desejos dos visitantes. Assim, recomenda-se uma série deactividades, tendo em vista, minimizar os aspectos negativos identificados peloscruzeiristas e integrar a oferta turística entre os vários elementos que a compõem. This research is based on the results acquired from tourists who traveled to the island of Sao Vicente on cruise ships during the months of March and April of 2012. The object of this study was to analyze the characteristics and level of satisfaction of those visiting the island of Sao Vicente, in order to help improve the tourism industry, and its infrastructure in hopes of bettering the overall experience for cruise tourists. The study emerged from a profound revision of cruise ship literature, now detailing destination images, available touristic elements, as well as quality and satisfaction ratings in relationship to tourism. In order to measure the satisfaction of the tourists we implemented a questionnaire where a sample of 131 people was surveyed at the end of their visit to the island. The questionnaire resulted in evidence detailing higher satisfaction regarding natural landscape, climate, local acceptance, ability to meet others and urban cleanliness. However, elements such as museums, sanitation, gastronomy, signage, restaurant services and travel information demonstrated higher levels of dissatisfaction. Cruise tourists are characterized as middle aged, frequent travelers with high academic and professional levels, and by their ability to consume heavily. This study verifies that various elements within the tourism sector are not well organized to satisfy the necessities and desires of cruise tourists. Therefore, an implementation of more activities is recommended for those visiting the island of Sao Vicente on cruise ships. While considering the need to minimize the negative aspects identified by the surveyed cruise tourists it is also important to integrate the offered tourist attractions within the various elements that embody tourism.


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House File 2196 required the Department of Transportation (DOT) to study the acceptance of electronic payments at its customer service sites and sites operated by county treasurers. Specifically the legislation requires the following: “The department of transportation shall review the current methods the department employs for the collection of fees and other revenues at sites operated by county treasurers under chapter 321M and at customer service sites operated by the department. In conducting its review, the department, in cooperation with the treasurer of state, shall consider providing an electronic payment option for all of its customers. The department shall report its findings and recommendations by December 31, 2008, to the senate and house standing committees on transportation regarding the advantages and disadvantages of implementing one or more electronic payment systems.” This review focused on estimating the costs of providing an electronic payment option for customers of the DOT driver’s license stations and those of the 81 county treasurers. Customers at these sites engage in three primary financial transactions for which acceptance of electronic payments was studied: paying for a driver’s license (DL), paying for a non-operator identification card (ID), and paying certain civil penalties. Both consumer credit cards and PIN-based debit cards were reviewed as electronic payment options. It was assumed that most transactions would be made using a consumer credit card. Credit card companies charge a fee for each transaction for which they are used. The amount of these fees varies among credit card companies. The estimates for credit card fees used in this study were based on the State Treasurer of Iowa’s current credit card contract, which is due to expire in September 2009. Since credit card companies adjust their fees each year, estimates were based on the 2008 fee schedule. There is also a fee for the use of PIN-based debit cards. The estimates for PIN-based debit card transactions were based on information provided by Wells Fargo Merchant Services for current fees charged by debit card networks. Credit and debit card transactions would be processed through vendor-provided hardware and software. The costs would be determined through the competitive bidding process since several vendors provide this function; therefore, these costs are not reflected in this document.


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Summary: The merchant, the town and the crown : the burgher community of Turku and economic organization from the early Middle Ages to the 1570's


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Por sí sólo el hallazgo y excavación de un barco griego tardoarcaico en la costa norte de Mallorca ya constituiría una singularidad arqueológica digna de comentario; si además la aventura se materializa, como es el caso, en un excelente libro monográfico, el suceso se convierte en una fuente histórica de primer orden, que reporta un notorio avance en la comprensión del comercio empórico foceo occidental. Aunque se disponían de algunos trabajos preliminares, la presente obra culmina los esfuerzos de Xavier Nieto y Marta Santos, autores principales, pero también de treinta y cinco colaboradores que firman estudios especializados ¿tipológicos, epigráficos y analíticos¿ de muy variada metodología y extensión.


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Entrevista sobre Politica maritima y Gestion de la seguridad maritima. Enseñanzas nauticas. Especial referencia al modelo britanico de Salvamento Maritimo: SOSREP.


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El presente texto es un extracto de un trabajo prospectivo encargado por SIRC al autor para evaluar la participación de la mujer en los estudios de náutica y su posterior inserción laboral.


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In distributed energy production, permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) are often connected to the grid via frequency converters, such as voltage source line converters. The price of the converter may constitute a large part of the costs of a generating set. Some of the permanent magnet synchronous generators with converters and traditional separately excited synchronous generators couldbe replaced by direct-on-line (DOL) non-controlled PMSGs. Small directly networkconnected generators are likely to have large markets in the area of distributed electric energy generation. Typical prime movers could be windmills, watermills and internal combustion engines. DOL PMSGs could also be applied in island networks, such as ships and oil platforms. Also various back-up power generating systems could be carried out with DOL PMSGs. The benefits would be a lower priceof the generating set and the robustness and easy use of the system. The performance of DOL PMSGs is analyzed. The electricity distribution companies have regulations that constrain the design of the generators being connected to the grid. The general guidelines and recommendations are applied in the analysis. By analyzing the results produced by the simulation model for the permanent magnet machine, the guidelines for efficient damper winding parameters for DOL PMSGs are presented. The simulation model is used to simulate grid connections and load transients. The damper winding parameters are calculated by the finite element method (FEM) and determined from experimental measurements. Three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) is carried out. The results from the simulation model and 3D FEA are compared with practical measurements from two prototype axial flux permanent magnet generators provided with damper windings. The dimensioning of the damper winding parameters is case specific. The damper winding should be dimensioned based on the moment of inertia of the generating set. It is shown that the damper winding has optimal values to reach synchronous operation in the shortest period of time after transient operation. With optimal dimensioning, interferenceon the grid is minimized.


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Nykyään laivan kansirakenteet suunnitellaan pääosin kantaviksi rakenteiksi, mikä edellyttää niiltä suurta lujuutta. Jatkuvasti kasvavissa risteilijöissä ja muissa suurissa aluksissa ongelmaksi muodostuu kansirakenteiden suuret jännitykset. Kansirakenteet sijaitsevat kauimpana laivan neutraaliakselilta, jolloin niissä syntyy suuria venymiä. Kansirakenteista pitää näin ollen suunnitella hyvin kestäviä tai vaihtoehtoisesti tarpeeksi lyhyitä rakenteita. Liikuntasaumojen avulla on 1950 -luvulle asti laivoissa katkaistu pitkät kansirakenteet, mutta hitsausmenetelmien kehittyessä kansirakennukset on tehty yhtenäisiksi kansirakenteiksi. Tämä on tähänastisissa risteilijöissäkin toiminut hyvin, mutta laivojen koon kasvaessa on etsittävä keinoja mahdollisiin runkorakenteiden ja varustelun lujuus- ja väsymisongelmiin. Tavoitteena oli saada aikaan työ, joka olisi hyvä ”työkalu” tuleville tutkimuksille liikuntasaumojen soveltamisessa laivarakenteisiin sekä niihin liittyviin varusteluosiin ja -rakenteisiin. Työssä tutustutaan kirjallisuustutkimuksen avulla liikuntasaumasovelluksiin ja esitellään sovelluksia eri aloilta. Kirjallisuusosuuden päätteeksi esitellään muutama laivarakennesovellus, joita löytyy hieman vanhemmista laivarakenteista. FE analyysiosuudessa tutkitaan liikuntasauman pohjan muodon vaikutusta pohjan jännitystasoihin ja liikuntasaumojen vaikutusta laivan kansirakenteiden jännitystasoihin kolmella eri liikuntasaumojen lukumäärällä. Lisäksi kansirakenteiden jännitystasoja tutkittiin kolmella kansirakenteen leveydellä. Esimerkkejä liikuntasaumoista löytyy monelta eri aloilta, joiden ominaisuuksia yhdistelemällä saavutetaan oikea ratkaisu liikuntasaumojen soveltamisessa laivojen kansirakenteisiin. Lisäksi FE -analyysistä voidaan nähdä, että liikuntasaumat laskevat jännitystasoja laivojen kansirakenteissa. Liikuntasaumojen oikea lukumäärä riippuu hyvin paljon siitä, kuinka paljon kansirakenteen jännityksiä halutaan laskea. Liikuntasauman pohjan muotoa on kehitettävä ja se on otettava myös huomioon yhtenä tärkeänä seikkana suunniteltaessa liikuntasaumoja laivojen kansirakenteisiin. Esimerkiksi vahvistelevyillä saadaan jännityksiä laskettua liikuntasauman pohjan läheisyydessä tehokkaasti.


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Vesistöissä laivojen pintaan tarttuvat eliöt ovat sekä taloudellinen että kosmeettinen ongelma. Kontrolloimattoman eliöiden kiinnittymisen seurauksena aiheutuu kitkaa, joka puolestaan hidastaa laivan nopeutta ja aiheuttaa polttoaineen kulutuksen kasvua. Tavallisesti eliöiden kiinnittymistä ehkäistään kiinnittymisenestomaalien avulla. Niiden toiminta perustuu biosidien liukenemiseen, jolloin veden ja pinnoitteen väliselle rajapinnalle muodostuu korkea biosidipitoisuus, joka estää eliöiden kiinnittymistä pinnalle. Maailmanlaajuinen orgaanisten tinayhdisteiden käyttökielto kiinnittymisen-estomaaleissa tulee voimaan vuoden 2003 alusta. Tällä hetkellä 70 % maailman laivastoista on suojattu orgaanista tinayhdistettä sisältävällä kiinnittymisenestomaalilla. Nyt onkin kasvava tarve kehittää uusia ympäristöystävällisempiä kiinnittymisenesto-pinnoitteita. Todennäköisesti tinayhdisteet tullaan korvaamaan synteettisillä orgaanisilla yhdisteillä käytettyinä yhdessä kuparin kanssa. Työn tarkoituksena oli valmistaa ympäristöystävällisempi tyydyttämätön polyesteripinnoite, joka itsessään ehkäisisi eliöiden kiinnittymistä. Kirjallisuusosassa tutustuttiin markkinoilla oleviin biosideihin, niiden myrkyllisyyteen ja vaikutuksiin ympäristölle sekä muuttuvaan lainsäädäntöön. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös tällä hetkellä markkinoilla olevia pinnoitteita ja niiden toimintamekanismeja sekä myrkyttömiä vaihtoehtopinnoitteita kiinnittymisenestoon. Kokeellinen osa koostui kahdesta osasta. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittiin biosidien sopivuutta käytettäväksi yhdessä tyydyttymättömän polyesterin kanssa. Yhteensopivuutta määritettiin applikaatiotesteillä ja pinnoitteen käyttäytymisen perusteella. Toinen vaihe oli selvittää pinnoitteen tehokkuus leväntarttumista vastaan. Tyydyttymätön polyesteri gel coat kiinnittymisenesto-ominaisuuksilla valmistettiin dispergoimalla biosideja tyydyttymättömään polyesterigeeliin. Yhteensopivuustestien tulosten perusteella huomattiin, ettei biosidien lisääminen geeliin vaikuta mainittavasti applikaatio-ominaisuuksien huononemiseen. Brookfield viskositeetin stabiilisuus jopa paranee ja yksi työssä käytetyistä biosideista parantaa pinnoitteen säänkestoominaisuuksia. Tässä työssä ei pystytty määrittämään eri biosidien välisiä eroja tehokkuudessa levää vastaan.


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Procurador reial i nobiliari, cosmògraf, joier, lapidari, mercader i escriptor, i al capdavall, un ciutadà català honrat, en Ferrer (Vidreres, ~1445 – Blanes, 1529) va marxar de ben jove, primer, a la cort de Nàpols, al servei del rei en Ferran I, i després a la cort de Sicília, al servei de la reina na Joana de Sicília. Acabada aquesta peripècia italiana va tornar a Blanes al servei del vescomte de Cabrera i de Bas fins que va morir a la mateixa vila al 1529. Un seu criat, disset anys més tard, va editar uns papers esparsos que havia trobat a can Ferrer, les (sic) Sentèncias cathòlicas del diví poeta Dant florentí, compilades per lo prudentíssim mossèn Jaume Ferrer de Blanes, incloent-hi tres parts. La primera, Conclusions, és un sumari destinat a mostrar (sic) «Entre totas las cosas necessàries a l’home per aconseguir lo seu fi y beatitut eterna principalment són tres»; la segona, Meditació, és una reflexió a fi d’il•luminar els misteris sobre la passió i mort de Jesucrist a (sic) «lo santíssim loch de Calvari»; la tercera, Letras, és un conjunt de dotze documents, entre cartes i d’altres textos, «fetas a mossèn Jaume Ferrer, respostes e regles per ell ordenades en cosmographia y en art de navegar». En Ferrer, home de grans recursos, fa un recorregut per tots els coneixements que havia acumulat al llarg de la seva vida, de Dant Alighieri a Ptolemeu i del marquès de Santillana a Albert Gran o a Aristòtil, fent servir fragments de la Commedia, dels Proverbios, de la Bíblia i de moltes altres autoritats científiques i filosòfiques, en català, italià, espanyol, llatí i, també, set mots en arameu


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The purpose of the METKU Project (Development of Maritime Safety Culture) is to study how the ISM Code has influenced the safety culture in the maritime industry. This literature review is written as a part of the Work Package 2 which is conducted by the University of Turku, Centre for Maritime Studies. The maritime traffic is rapidly growing in the Baltic Sea which leads to a growing risk of maritime accidents. Particularly in the Gulf of Finland, the high volume of traffic causes a high risk of maritime accidents. The growing risks give us good reasons for implementing the research project concerning maritime safety and the effectiveness of the safety measures, such as the safety management systems. In order to reduce maritime safety risks, the safety management systems should be further developed. The METKU Project has been launched to examine the improvements which can be done to the safety management systems. Human errors are considered as the most important reason for maritime accidents. The international safety management code (the ISM Code) has been established to cut down the occurrence of human errors by creating a safety-oriented organizational culture for the maritime industry. The ISM Code requires that a company should provide safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment and establish safeguards against all identified risk. The fundamental idea of the ISM Code is that companies should continuously improve safety. The commitment of the top management is essential for implementing a safety-oriented culture in a company. The ISM Code has brought a significant contribution to the progress of maritime safety in recent years. Shipping companies and ships crews are more environmentally friendly and more safety-oriented than 12 years ago. This has been showed by several studies which have been analysed for this literature research. Nevertheless, the direct effect and influence of the ISM Code on maritime safety could not be isolated very well. No quantitative measurement (statistics/hard data) could be found in order to present the impacts of the ISM Code on maritime safety. In this study it has been discovered that safety culture has emerged and it is developing in the maritime industry. Even though the roots of the safety culture have been established there are still serious barriers to the breakthrough of the safety management. These barriers could be envisaged as cultural factors preventing the safety process. Even though the ISM Code has been effective over a decade, the old-established behaviour which is based on the old day’s maritime culture still occurs. In the next phase of this research project, these cultural factors shall be analysed in regard to the present safety culture of the maritime industry in Finland.