906 resultados para Medicine in Literature.


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Essa dissertação tem por objetivo apresentar, de forma panorâmica, uma revisão histórica sobre o conceito de medicalização, analisando como o entendimento sobre este processo se transformou nas últimas décadas, passando de críticas mais ortodoxas, que julgavam ser este processo fruto de um imperialismo médico sobre a sociedade, às críticas contemporâneas, orientadas por uma compreensão mais nuançada a respeito do tema. Dentre as principais mudanças na leitura da medicalização, está o entendimento desta enquanto um processo interativo e coletivo, composto por inúmeros participantes-chave com interesses e papéis distintos na atualidade. Enquanto os primeiros teóricos da década 70 realçam a crítica ao controle social e malefícios da medicina, numa abordagem mais recente os indivíduos deixam de ser vistos como vítimas para protagonizarem o cenário de negociação pública acerca das fronteiras que legislam sobre os processos de saúde e doença. A noção de medicalização caminhou no sentido de uma complexidade maior, trazendo desafios que não são tão facilmente resolvíveis na conjuntura contemporânea. Ao final, destacamos como um dos desdobramentos centrais desta dissertação a pertinência atual de uma revisão mais apurada sobre o assunto, principalmente no que concerne ao tema do estreitamento da normalidade, onde o conceito de medicalização pode funcionar como uma ferramenta conceitual útil de análise. Aludimos ao exemplo da psiquiatria como um analisador nessa discussão, considerando o papel social historicamente desempenhado por esta na delimitação de fronteiras que, no fundo, ainda versam sobre antigos dilemas sobre normalidade e anormalidade. Para tanto, este estudo traz uma revisão histórica sobre o conceito de medicalização através das contribuições mais relevantes da literatura internacional.


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Este trabalho tem como objeto as trajetórias da medicina hipocrática no pensamento médico ocidental. Através da análise bibliográfica de textos e documentos, objetivou-se compreender como os conceitos de vida e do processo saúde-doença, partindo de uma mesma raiz, foram se definindo em sistemas médicos baseados em paradigmas distintos. Para tanto, inicialmente, procurou-se levantar e analisar o nascimento e desenvolvimento da medicina hipocrática, com ênfase em seu método de observação clínica e em sua proposta terapêutica. Em seguida, foi realizada a análise do histórico e das dimensões das racionalidades médicas homeopatia e biomedicina, avaliando o papel dos conceitos sobre physis, vida e vis medicatrix naturae em cada paradigma. Na abordagem dos referidos conceitos, Canguilhem e Jacob foram os principais apoios teóricos. Conclusões: para a medicina homeopática, tal como para a medicina hipocrática, o adoecer e o curar são processo de equilíbrio e desequilíbrio que fazem parte da vida do ser humano e, por isso, também considerados único e individuais. Hahnemann criou uma terapêutica baseada no reconhecimento da pessoa enferma como um indivíduo único, singular, dotado de capacidade automantenedora e autorrestauradora, levando em conta a ideia de natureza que se manifesta em singularidades plurais a cada momento e, portanto, a prescrição medicamentosa é individualizada e mobilizadora da vis medicatrix naturae. A racionalidade médica homeopática compartilha dos conceitos hipocráticos tanto em sua doutrina, quanto nos seus sistemas diagnóstico e terapêutico. Apesar de a biomedicina ter em suas bases a medicina hipocrática, ao se tornar uma ciência das doenças, não mais compartilhou dos conceitos hipocráticos que permitiriam uma abordagem de saúde positiva e de um enfoque terapêutico baseado no sujeito como um ser único. A homeopatia afirma uma medicina que tem como categoria central de seu paradigma a categoria saúde e não a doença, consideradas fenômenos da vida. A vida, assim valorizada, se colocaria no caminho da Grande Saúde, afirmando-se em seu potencial criativo e capaz de transmutar valores.


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In this work, speed of sound in 2 phase mixture has been explored using CFD-DEM (Computational Fluid Dynamcis - Discrete Element Modelling). In this method volume averaged Navier Stokes, continuity and energy equations are solved for fluid. Particles are simulated as individual entities; their behaviour is captured by Newton's laws of motion and classical contact mechanics. Particle-fluid interaction is captured using drag laws given in literature.The speed of sound in a medium depends on physical properties. It has been found experimentally that speed of sound drops significantly in 2 phase mixture of fluidised particles because of its increased density relative to gas while maintaining its compressibility. Due to the high rate of heat transfer within 2 phase medium as given in Roy et al. (1990), it has been assumed that the fluidised gas-particle medium is isothermal.The similar phenomenon has been tried to be captured using CFD-DEM numerical simulation. The disturbance is introduced and fundamental frequency in the medium is noted to measure the speed of sound for e.g. organ pipe. It has been found that speed of sound is in agreement with the relationship given in Roy et al. (1990). Their assumption that the system is isothermal also appears to be valid.


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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of six breeds of native domestic pigs from Yunnan province, southwest China, and two wild boars obtained from Sichuan, China, and Vietnam was analyzed using 20 restriction endonucleases that recognize six nucleotides. Restriction maps were made by double-digestion methods and polymorphic sites were located on the map. According to their mtDNA restriction types, all the breeds were classified into six groups. Genetic distances among groups were calculated to define their phylogenetic relationships. The relationship between the Sichuan wild boar and domestic pigs is close, while the Vietnamese wild boar is relatively far from them, so the domestic pigs in southwest China are likely to have originated from a wild pig which distributed in west China. We compare our results with previous reports in literature and discuss the relationship among Chinese pigs, Japanese pigs, and European pigs. The mtDNA cleavage pattern of the Mingguang pig digested by EcoRV was identical to that of Duroc; mutations at the EcoRI site, detected in the mtDNA of two Dahe pigs, are the same as in the Vietnamese wild boar, suggesting that mutational hot spots exist in the mtDNA of pigs.


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Atom probe tomography was used to study the redistribution of platinum during Ni(10 at.%Pt) silicidation of n-doped polycrystalline Si. These measurements were performed after the two annealing steps of standard salicide process both on a field-effect transistor and on unpatterned region submitted to the same process. Very similar results are obtained in unpatterned region and in transistor gate contact. The first phase to form is not the expected δ-Ni2Si but the non stoichiometric θ-Ni2Si. Pt redistribution is strongly influenced by this phase and the final distribution is different from what is reported in literature. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The enhancing effect of lanthanum on gene expression of recombinant allophycocyanin (rAPC), a potential antitumor medicine, in Pichia pastoris was studied. PCR and sequence analysis were used in order to prove whether the APC gene had integrated into the yeast genome. The expression level of the recombinant allophycocyanin (rAPC) in BMMY medium containing LaCl3 was detected by ELISA method. The recombinant allophycocyanin was determined by Western blot. The results show that the recombinant Pichia pastoris chromosome contained allophycocyanin gene. Expression efficiency of rAPC gene in Pichia pastoris was promoted by proper LaCl3 concentration like 2, 5, 10 mmol (.) L-1, among which 5 mmol (.) L-1 was the most effective. The highest expression yield of rAPC in the BMMY medium containing 5 mmol (.) L-1 LaCl3 was 4.4 mg (.) L-1 at 48 h, that was increased by 110% compared with 2.1 mg (.) L-1 of control, in the meantime, the optimum culture time is shortened from 72 to 48 h. The result of western blot analysis indicates that the rAPC consisted of two kinds of subunits with molecular weight of 19 and 21 kDa respectively.


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Medicina Dentária


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In professional sports there are in general three steps required to improve performance namely task definition, training and performance assessment. This process is iteratively repeated and feedback generated from quantitative performance measurement is in turn used for task redefinition. Task definition can be achieved in a number of ways including via video streaming or indeed and as is more common, by listening to coaching staff. However non-subjective performance evaluation is difficult due to the complexity of the movements involved. When considering the subset of sports where precision accuracy and repeatability are a necessity this problem becomes inherently more difficult to solve. Until recently sports such as martial arts, fencing and darts, where the smallest deviation from a prescribed movement goal can result in large outcome error, were deemed too difficult to characterise fully. Advances in technology, as illustrated by this study, now make this type of physiometry possible.


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This dissertation examines the use of animals in Ælfric’s Lives of Saints and Catholic Homilies, outlining the transmission process of various sources of animal knowledge available to and used by Ælfric. The contexts in which Ælfric uses animals, which sources he uses in these passages and how he deviates from his source material (if at all) combine to illustrate how Anglo-Saxon authors could weave classical, biblical, early Christian and local knowledge together and incorporate the different traditions in their own work.


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The aim of this thesis is to provide an original and extensive study of Colm Tóibín as the “secular revisionist who acknowledges Catholicism as an enduring element of Irish society” (Ryan, Ireland and Scotland 251). Tóibín is uniquely placed to interpret many aspects of Ireland in the latter half of the twentieth century and I will argue that intertwined with his revisionism of Irish history is a reimagining of Ireland and Catholicism in fictive terms. An extensive amount of material from Tóibín’s time as a journalist and travel writer will feature in my research because it validates my argument concerning his prolonged engagement with Catholicism. Similarly, a broad range of Tóibín’s prose will be studied because it affords opportunities for an exploration of a literary Catholic oeuvre in his fiction. Therefore, I am emphasizing that a crucial linkage of Catholicism is identifiable throughout Tóibín’s diverse canon of work. However, I will argue that divergences of attitude and mode can be found in how Tóibín depicts Catholicism in his journalism and fiction. My argument identifies Tóibín’s recurrent journalistic questioning of the Church’s teaching and leadership but I classify a benignity towards Catholicism in his travel writing and fiction. Overall, Tóibín’s fiction merits significant status in this thesis because of the representations of Catholicism in the work of a writer who has been short-listed three times for The Booker Prize.


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Based on the experience that today's students find it more difficult than students of previous decades to relate to literature and appreciate its high cultural value, this paper argues that too little is known about the actual teaching and learning processes which take place in literature courses and that, in order to ensure the survival of literary studies in German curricula, future research needs to elucidate for students, the wider public and, most importantly, educational policy makers, why the study of literature should continue to have an important place in modern language curricula. Contending that students' willingness to engage with literature will, in the future, depend to a great extent on the use of imaginative methodology on the part of the teacher, we give a detailed account of an action research project carried out at University College Cork from October to December 2002 which set out to explore the potential of a drama in education approach to the teaching and learning of foreign language literature. We give concrete examples of how this approach works in practice, situate our approach within the subject debate surrounding Drama and the Language Arts and evaluate in detail the learning processes which are typical of performance-based literature learning. Based on converging evidence from different data sources and overall very positive feedback from students, we conclude by recommending that modern language departments introduce courses which offer a hands-on experience of literature that is different from that encountered in lectures and teacher-directed seminars.


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Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is a clinical product comprising a mixture of Portland cement and bismuth oxide which is currently used as a root−filling material in dentistry. It has good biological compatibility, is capable of promoting both osteogenesis and cementogensis, and is finding increasing use in endodontic therapy. It is dimensionally stable, and provides an acceptable and durable seal for endodontically treated teeth. This article reviews the chemistry and applications of MTA, and highlights the fact that very little is currently known about the hydration chemistry, phase evolution and stability of this cement in physiological environments. However, biological effects of MTA have been well documented and are considered in detail. The article concludes that this material is a useful addition to the range of materials available for clinical application in endodontics.