925 resultados para Major cardiovascular events
RESUME Les nombreuses mines de plomb et d'argent du Valais témoignent d'une activité minière importante par le passé, sans toutefois dévoiler ni l'importance des minéralisations, ni l'ancienneté de l'exploitation. La présente recherche a pour but de comprendre pourquoi les grandes mines sont concentrées dans une région, et de déterminer la chronologie de leur exploitation. L'originalité de ce travail réside dans son interdisciplinarité, plus précisément dans l'application des méthodes minéralogiques pour résoudre une problématique historique. Afin d'évaluer les ressources minières en plomb et en argent du Valais, 57 mines et indices ont été repérés et échantillonnés. Les signatures isotopiques du Pb (74 analyses) et les compositions chimiques élémentaires (45 analyses) ont été déterminées. Les plus grandes exploitations se situent dans la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel, au Sud d'une ligne Vallée du Rhône / Val de Bagnes ainsi que dans le Lötschental. Elles sont liées, d'après leur signature isotopique de plomb, à des minéralisations d'âge calédonien (408 à 387 Ma) ou tardi-hercynien (333 à 286 Ma). À ces périodes, l'ancien continent est très lourd et subit une subsidence thermique. Des premières fractures d'extrême importance se forment. Comme il s'agit d'accidents tectoniques majeurs, des gisements de grande extension peuvent se former dans ce contexte. D'autres minéralisations se situent dans les domaines helvétiques (Massif des Aiguilles Rouges, Massif du Mont Blanc et couverture sédimentaire), couvrant une région au Nord de la Vallée du Rhône et du Val d'Entremont. D'âge post-hercynien à tardi-alpin (notons qu'il n'y a pas de minéralisations d'âge tertiaire), elles sont pour la plupart liées à des intrusions granitiques, sources de plomb juvénile. Les mines situées dans ces unités tectoniques sont nettement moins étendues que celles de la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel, ce qui permet de penser que les minéralisations correspondantes le sont également. Les périodes d'exploitation des mines peuvent être déterminées par quatre approches différentes l'archéologie minière, la lecture des textes historiques, l'étude des déchets métallurgiques et la comparaison de la signature isotopique du plomb, que l'on mesure dans un objet archéologique bien daté (monnaie, bijoux etc.), avec celles des minerais. Cette dernière méthode a été appliquée et développée dans le cadre de la présente recherche. Pour ce faire, 221 échantillons d'objet en plomb ou en argent datés entre l'Âge du Fer et le Moyen Age ont été analysés par la méthode des isotopes de plomb et comparés à environ 1800 signatures isotopiques de minerais des gisements les plus importants en Suisse et en Europe. Avant l'époque romaine et jusqu'au 1 er siècle de cette époque, le plomb provient principalement des mines de la péninsule ibérique alors en pleine activité. Un apport des mines d'Europe tempérée, notamment des Vosges, reste à confirmer. A partir du 1" siècle de notre ère, le plomb a principalement été importé en Suisse occidentale de grands centres de productions situées en Allemagne du Nord (région d'Eifel). Les mines de plomb valaisannes, notamment celles de Siviez, débutent leur exploitation en même temps, principalement pour couvrir les besoins locaux, mais également pour l'exportation jusque dans l'arc lémanique et, dans une moindre importance, au-delà. À partir du 4ème siècle, le besoin en plomb a été couvert par un apport des mines locales et par la refonte d'objets anciens. Ce changement d'approvisionnement est probablement lié aux tensions créées par les invasions germaniques durant la seconde moitié du 3' siècle ; le marché suisse n'est dès lors plus approvisionné par le nord, c'est-à-dire par la vallée du Rhin. Quant à l'argent, l'exploitation de ce métal est attestée à partir de la fin du La Tène, peu après l'apparition de ce métal dans la région valaisanne. L'échantillonnage ne couvrant pas l'époque romaine, rien n'est connu pour cette période. A partir du 5" siècle, une exploitation d'argent est de nouveau attestée. Cependant, l'exploitation d'argent des mines locales ne gagne en importance qu'à partir du Moyen Âge avec les frappes monétaires, notamment les frappes carolingiennes et épiscopales valaisannes. Les sources d'argent sont différentes selon leur utilisation : à part quelques exceptions notamment vers la fin du La Tène et au tardo-antique, les bijoux et objets de cultes ont été souvent créés à partir d'argent refondu, contrairement aux monnaies pour lesquelles l'argent provient des mines locales. On note un approvisionnement différent de ce métal pour les objets, notamment les monnaies, selon leur lieu de fabrication : on peut clairement distinguer les objets valaisans de ceux du Plateau Suisse. SUMMARY The many lead and silver mines of the Valais testify of an important mining activity in the past, without however revealing neither the importance of the mineralizations, nor the era of the exploitation. The purpose of this research is to understand why the large mines are concentrated in one region, and to determine the history of their exploitation. The uniqueness of this work lies in its interdisciplinarity, more precisely in the application of mineralogical methods to solve historical problems. In order to evaluate the lead and silver mining resources of the Valais region, 57 mines and ore deposits were located and sampled. The isotope signatures of Pb (74 analyses) and the compositions of the chemical elements (45 analyses) were determined. The largest activities are in the Siviez-Mischabel area, located in the South of the boundary formed by the Rhone, Bagnes and Lotschental valleys. According to their lead isotope signatures, they are linked to mineralizations of the Caledonian (408 to 387 my) or tardi-Hercynian (333 to 286 my) orogenies. In those times, the old continent was very heavy and underwent a thermal subsidence. First fractures of great significance were formed. Through these major tectonic events, large extended ore deposits can be formed. Other mineralizations are found in the helvetic regions situated north of the Rhone and the Entremont valley (the Aiguilles Rouges basement, Mount Blanc basement and the covering sediment). Because they are from post-hercynien to tardi-alpine age (there are no mineralizations of tertiary age), they are mainly linked to granite intrusions, the sources of juvenile lead. The mines found in these tectonic units are significantly less extensive than those of the Siviez-Mischabel area, leading to the assumption that the respective mineralizations extend accordingly. The history of exploitation of the mines can be determined by four different sources: mining archaeology, historical texts, metallurgical waste, and the comparison of the isotope signature of the lead from accurately dated archaeological objects (currency, jewels etc), with those of the ores. This last approach was applied and developed within the framework of this research. The lead isotope signatures of 221 lead or silver objects from the Iron Age to the Middle Age were compared with approximately 1800 samples of ore of the most important ore deposits in Switzerland and Europe. Before the Roman time up to the 1st century, lead comes mainly from the mines of the Iberian Peninsula then in full activity. A contribution of the mines of Central Europe, in particular of the Vosges, remains to be confirmed. From the 1st century on, lead was mainly imported into Western Switzerland from Northern Germany (Eiffel region). The lead mines in the Valais region, in particular those of Siviez, begin their exploitation at the same time, mainly to meet the local needs, but also for export to the lemanic basin and of lesser importance, beyond. As from the 4th century, the need of lead was met by the production from local mines and the recycling of old objects. This change of supply is probably related to the tensions created by the Germanic invasions during second half of the 3rd century; as a consequence, the Swiss market is not supplied any more by the north, i.e. the Rhine valley. Silver production is confirmed starting from the end of La Tene, shortly after the appearance of this metal in the Valais region. Since no objects of Roman origin were analyzed, nothing is known for this period. From the 5th century on, silver production is again confirmed. However, significant silver production from local mines starts only in the Middle Age with the coinage, in particular Carolingian and Episcopal minting from the Valais region. The sources of silver differ according to their use: besides some exceptions in particular towards the end of La Tene and the tardi-Roman, the jewels and objects of worships were often created from recycled silver, contrary to the coins the silver for which comes from the local mines. A different source of silver is observed according to the location of coin manufacture: Objects originating from the Valais region are clearly distinguished from those from the Plateau Suisse. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die grosse Zahl von Blei- und Silberminen im Wallis ist Zeugnis einer bedeutenden Bergbautätigkeit, es fehlen aber Hinweise über ihren Umfang und den Zeitraum ihrer Ausbeutung. Die vorliegende Arbeit sucht zu ergründen, warum grosse Minen sich in einer eng begrenzten Region häufen und in welchem Zeitraum sie genutzt wurden. Die Besonderheit der Studie liegt in ihrer Interdisziplinarität, genauer in der Anwendung von mineralogischen Methoden zur Beantwortung historischer Fragestellungen. Zur Beurteilung der Lagerstätten wurden von 57 Minen und Aufschlüssen Proben entnommen oder Nachweise erbracht und mittels 74 Isotopen-Analysen von Blei und 45 chemischen Gesamtanalysen ausgewertet. Die wichtigsten Vorkommen liegen in der Siviez- Mischabel- Decke südlich der Linie Rhonetal- Val de Bagnes, sowie im Lötschental. Die Bleiisotopen- Alter weisen ihre Entstehung der kaledonischen (408 - 387 Mio. J.) oder der spät- herzynischen (333 - 286 Mio. J.) Gebirgsbildungsphase zu. In dieser Periode ist die kompakte Landmasse sehr schwer und erfairt eine thermische Absenkung. Es bilden sich tektonische Brüche von kontinentaler Ausdehnung. Die grossen tektonischen Bewegungen ermöglichen die Bildung von ausgedehnten Lagerstätten. Andere Vorkommen finden sich im Bereich der Helvetischen Alpen (Aiguilles Rouges Massiv, Mont-Blanc-Massiv und Sediment-Decken) im Gebiet nördlich des Rhonetales bis zum Val d'Entremont. Altersmässig sind sie der nach-hercynischen bis zur spät-alpidischen Orogenese zuzuweisen (auffällig ist das Fehlen von Vorkommen im Tertiär) und haben sich meist in der Folge von Granit- Intrusion, dem Ursprung von primärem Blei ausgebildet. Die Bergwerke in diesem Bereich sind deutlich weniger ausgedehnt als jene in der Siviez-Mischabel-Decke und entsprechen wahrscheinlich dem geringen Umfang der zugehörigen Vorkommen. Die Nutzungsperioden der Minen können mit vier verschiedenen Methoden bestimmt werden: Minenarchäologie, Historische Quellen, Auswertung von metallischen Abfällen (Schlacken) und Vergleich der Bleiisotopen-Zusammensetzung von Erzen mit jener von zeitlich gut datierbaren archäologischen Gegenständen (Münzen, Schmuckstücke). Die letztere Methode wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit entwickelt und angewendet. Zu diesem Zweck wurden an 221 Proben von Blei- oder Silberobjekten, die in die Periode zwischen Eisenzeit und Mittelalter eingestuft werden können, Bleiisotopen- Analysen durchgeführt und mit ca. 1800 Proben aus den wichtigsten Lagerstätten der Schweiz und Europas verglichen. Vor der Römerzeit und bis ins 1. Jahrh. stammt das Blei vornehmlich aus den in jener Zeit in voller Ausbeutung begriffenen Minen der Iberischen Halbinsel. Der Beitrag von Mitteleuropa, besonders der Vogesen, muss noch bestätigt werden. Ab dem 1. Jahrh. nach Chr. wurde die Westschweiz hauptschlich mit Blei aus den grossen Produktionszentren Norddeutschlands, vorwiegend der Eifel, versorgt. In dieser Periode setzt die Ausbeutung der Bleiminen des Wallis, besonders von Siviez, ein. Sie dienen der Deckung des örtlichen Bedarfs aber auch der Ausfuhr in das Gebiet des Genfersees und in einem bescheidenen Rahmen sogar darüber hinaus. Ab dem 4. Jahrhundert wurden vermehrt alte Objekte eingeschmolzen. Dieser Wechsel der Versorgungsquellen war vermutlich eine Folge der Wölkerwanderung in der zweiten Hälfte des 3. Jahrhunderts. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt war Helvetien der Zugang zu den Versorgungsquellen des Nordens, besonders des Rheinlandes, verwehrt. Der Abbau von Silber ist ab dem Ende des La Tène nachgewiesen, nur wenig nach dem Auftreten dieses Metalls im Wallis. Über die Römerzeit können wegen dem Fehlen entsprechender Proben keine Aussagen gemacht werden. Eine erneute Abbauperiode ist ab dem 5. Jahrhundert nachgewiesen. Die Produktion der örtlichen Minen erreicht aber erst im Mittelalter eine gewisse Bedeutung mit der Prägung von Mnzen durch die Karolinger und die Walliser Bischöfe. Die Herkunft des Silbers ist abhängig von dessen Verwendung. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen in der Zeit des La Tène und der späteren Römerzeit wurde für Kunst- und Kult- Gegenstände rezykliertes Silber verwendet, für Münzprägungen neues Silber aus den örtlichen Minen. Von Einfluss auf die Herkunft war auch der Produktionsstandort: Die Objekte aus dem Wallis unterscheiden sich deutlich von jenen des Mittellandes.
Linezolid is used off-label to treat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in absence of systematic evidence. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis on efficacy, safety and tolerability of linezolid-containing regimes based on individual data analysis. 12 studies (11 countries from three continents) reporting complete information on safety, tolerability, efficacy of linezolid-containing regimes in treating MDR-TB cases were identified based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Meta-analysis was performed using the individual data of 121 patients with a definite treatment outcome (cure, completion, death or failure). Most MDR-TB cases achieved sputum smear (86 (92.5%) out of 93) and culture (100 (93.5%) out of 107) conversion after treatment with individualised regimens containing linezolid (median (inter-quartile range) times for smear and culture conversions were 43.5 (21-90) and 61 (29-119) days, respectively) and 99 (81.8%) out of 121 patients were successfully treated. No significant differences were detected in the subgroup efficacy analysis (daily linezolid dosage ≤600 mg versus >600 mg). Adverse events were observed in 63 (58.9%) out of 107 patients, of which 54 (68.4%) out of 79 were major adverse events that included anaemia (38.1%), peripheral neuropathy (47.1%), gastro-intestinal disorders (16.7%), optic neuritis (13.2%) and thrombocytopenia (11.8%). The proportion of adverse events was significantly higher when the linezolid daily dosage exceeded 600 mg. The study results suggest an excellent efficacy but also the necessity of caution in the prescription of linezolid.
L'athérosclérose est un processus inflammatoire chronique à l'origine des accidents cardiovasculaires qui constitue l'une des premières causes de mortalité en France. L'inflammation est le facteur essentiel dans l'initiation, la progression et l'instabilité des lésions athéromateuses à l'origine des accidents aigus. Les données récentes suggèrent que l'activation des récepteurs nucléaires PPAR (Peroxysome-Proliferator Activated Receptor) par des ligands pharmacologiques prévient le développement et la progression de l'athérosclérose et diminue de manière importante la mortalité cardiovasculaire. À côté de ces traitements pharmacologiques, l'exercice physique prévient aussi la mortalité cardiovasculaire de manière significative. L'objectif de notre premier travail a été d'explorer les effets de l'exercice physique de natation, sur le déve¬loppement des lésions athéromateuses d'une part et d'autre part, sur l'expression des récepteurs nucléaires PPAR. Nos résultats montrent que l'exercice physique de natation diminue la progression de l'athérosclérose et stimule l'expression des PPAR-γ vasculaires. De manière intéressante, lorsque le PPAR-γ est inhibé avec l'antagoniste BADGE, les effets antiathérogènes de l'exercice physique sont abolis. L'hypertension est à l'origine des complications graves telles que la rupture de plaque d'athérosclérose. L'objectif de notre deuxième travail a été d'explorer l'implication des PPAR dans la progression et la stabilité des lésions athéromateuses chez des souris ApoE-/- hypercholestérolemiques et hypertendues (2K1C), soumises à des exercices physiques (volontaire ou imposé) ou traités avec le telmisartan, un antihypertenseur. Nos résultats montrent que l'exercice physique possède différents mécanismes protecteurs. De manière similaire, l'exercice physique favorise la stabilité de lésions athéromateuses de manière comparable au traitement pharmacologique. De plus, nos résultats montrent que les souris traitées avec l'exercice imposé ou le telmisartan présentent un mécanisme comparable qui permet de réduire significativement l'expression des cytokines pro-inflammatoire et d'activer les PPAR-γ vasculaires. L'exercice volontaire favorise l'expression des marqueurs des macrophages alternatifs M2 et des cytokines anti-inflammatoires (CD 206, IL-1 Ra). L'exercice volontaire diminue significativement l'extension des lésions athéromateuses de manière comparable au telmisartan. Ces résultats montrent que l'exercice physique volontaire et l'exercice physique imposé ont deux mécanismes d'actions distincts. De plus, la surexpression des M2 en réponse à l'exercice volontaire modifie la balance inflammatoire en faveur des M2. Ce renversement de la balance au profit des macrophages alternatifs M2 est significativement corrélé à la diminution de la progression des lésions athéromateuses. Les exercices imposé et volontaire possèdent des mécanismes d'action distincts. L'exercice soumis diminue l'expression des cytokines pro-inflammatoires tandis que l'exercice volontaire augmente l'expression des cytokines anti-inflammatoires et favorise un phénotype anti-inflammatoire des macrophages M2 qui s'accompagne d'une réduction des lésions athéromateuses. - Atherosclerosis is a complex inflammatory process, leading cause of morbidity and mortality in France. Inflammation is essential in initiation, progression and atherosclerosis plaque destabilization leading to acute cardiovascular events. Recent studies suggest that pharmacological PPAR activation prevents ΑΤΗ développement and progression and decreased cardiovascular mortality. Compared to pharmacological treatment, physical exercise also significantly prevents cardiovascular mortality. The aim of the first study was to investigate the influence of physical exercise on ATS development and PPAR expression in arterial wall. Our results had shown that physical exercise decrease ΑΤΗ progression and increase PPAR-γ expression in arterial wall. Interestingly, PPAR-γ inhibition with BADGE, a PPAR-γ antagonist abolishes these antiatherogenic effects. Hypertension increase ΑΤΗ complication such as plaque rupture. The aim of the second study were to inves¬tigate PPAR-γ implication in progression and stabilization of ΑΤΗ lesions in hypercholesterolemic and hypertensive ApoE-/- mice (2K1C) submitted to different exercises (voluntary wheel running and submitted treadmill running) or treated with telmisartan an anti-hypertensive drug. Our results shown that, physical exercise prevents ATS cardiovascular events by several mechanisms. Similarly to telmisartan, physical exercises stabilize ΑΤΗ lesion. Moreover results shown that, submitted exercise and telmisartan have an comparable mechanism. In fact, they significantly decrease pro-inflammatory cytokines expression and in the same time activated PPAR-γ expression in arterial wall. Contrary to submitted exercise, voluntary exercises increases expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-1ra and increase M2 marker CD206. These results suggest that voluntary and submitted exercise have two different mechanism of action. Moreover, M2 surexpression in response to voluntary exercise shift the inflammatory balance in favor to M2. Further, this change of balance in favor to M2, is significantly correlated to decrease of ΑΤΗ progression. Voluntary exercises significantly decreases ΑΤΗ progression in the same levels like telmisartan treatment. Voluntary and submitted exercise has two different mechanisms, submitted exercise decrease proinflammatory cytokines expression whereas voluntary exercise increase anti-inflammatory cytokines expression and promote an anti-inflammatory phenotype of macrophages M2. The shift of M1/M2 balance towards M2 decreases atherosclerosis progression.
Diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension are essential in order to reduce the mortality and the morbidity associated with this condition. The decision to treat hypertension is often based on serial office blood pressure measurements, but new non-invasive measurements such as pulse wave velocity or central blood pressure measurement using pulse wave analysis can be useful to assess the cardiovascular risk with more precision. Indeed, pulse vawe velocity, which is a marker of arterial stiffness, is an independent risk factor for future cardiovascular events. Non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies can affect both pulse wave velocity and central pressure. However, more studies are needed in order to determine if these measurements can be use as surrogate marker of cardiovascular disease.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The most recent ACC/AHA guidelines recommend high-intensity statin therapy in ischemic stroke patients of presumably atherosclerotic origin. On the contrary, there is no specific recommendation for the use of statin in patients with non-atherosclerotic stroke, e.g. strokes related to atrial fibrillation (AF). We investigated whether statin treatment in patients with AF-related stroke is associated with improved survival and reduced risk for stroke recurrence and future cardiovascular events. METHODS: All consecutive patients registered in the Athens Stroke Registry with AF-related stroke and no history of coronary artery disease nor clinically manifest peripheral artery disease were included in the analysis and categorized in two groups depending on whether statin was prescribed at discharge. The primary outcome was overall mortality; the secondary outcomes were stroke recurrence and a composite cardiovascular endpoint comprising of recurrent stroke, myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm rupture or sudden cardiac death during the 5-year follow-up. RESULTS: Among 1602 stroke patients, 404 (25.2%) with AF-related stroke were included in the analysis, of whom 102 (25.2%) were discharged on statin. On multivariate Cox-proportional-hazards model, statin treatment was independently associated with a lower mortality (hazard-ratio (HR): 0.49, 95%CI:0.26-0.92) and lower risk for the composite cardiovascular endpoint during the median 22months follow-up (HR: 0.44, 95%CI:0.22-0.88), but not with stroke recurrence (HR: 0.47, 95%CI:0.22-1.01, p: 0.053). CONCLUSIONS: In this long-term registry of patients with AF-related stroke, statin treatment was associated with improved survival and reduced risk for future cardiovascular events.
BACKGROUND: After cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), acquired coagulopathy often leads to post-CPB bleeding. Though multifactorial in origin, this coagulopathy is often aggravated by deficient fibrinogen levels. OBJECTIVE: To assess whether laboratory and thrombelastometric testing on CPB can predict plasma fibrinogen immediately after CPB weaning. PATIENTS / METHODS: This prospective study in 110 patients undergoing major cardiovascular surgery at risk of post-CPB bleeding compares fibrinogen level (Clauss method) and function (fibrin-specific thrombelastometry) in order to study the predictability of their course early after termination of CPB. Linear regression analysis and receiver operating characteristics were used to determine correlations and predictive accuracy. RESULTS: Quantitative estimation of post-CPB Clauss fibrinogen from on-CPB fibrinogen was feasible with small bias (+0.19 g/l), but with poor precision and a percentage of error >30%. A clinically useful alternative approach was developed by using on-CPB A10 to predict a Clauss fibrinogen range of interest instead of a discrete level. An on-CPB A10 ≤10 mm identified patients with a post-CPB Clauss fibrinogen of ≤1.5 g/l with a sensitivity of 0.99 and a positive predictive value of 0.60; it also identified those without a post-CPB Clauss fibrinogen <2.0 g/l with a specificity of 0.83. CONCLUSIONS: When measured on CPB prior to weaning, a FIBTEM A10 ≤10 mm is an early alert for post-CPB fibrinogen levels below or within the substitution range (1.5-2.0 g/l) recommended in case of post-CPB coagulopathic bleeding. This helps to minimize the delay to data-based hemostatic management after weaning from CPB.
OBJECTIVE: Blood-borne biomarkers reflecting atherosclerotic plaque burden have great potential to improve clinical management of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease and acute coronary syndrome (ACS). APPROACH AND RESULTS: Using data integration from gene expression profiling of coronary thrombi versus peripheral blood mononuclear cells and proteomic analysis of atherosclerotic plaque-derived secretomes versus healthy tissue secretomes, we identified fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4) as a biomarker candidate for coronary artery disease. Its diagnostic and prognostic performance was validated in 3 different clinical settings: (1) in a cross-sectional cohort of patients with stable coronary artery disease, ACS, and healthy individuals (n=820), (2) in a nested case-control cohort of patients with ACS with 30-day follow-up (n=200), and (3) in a population-based nested case-control cohort of asymptomatic individuals with 5-year follow-up (n=414). Circulating FABP4 was marginally higher in patients with ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (24.9 ng/mL) compared with controls (23.4 ng/mL; P=0.01). However, elevated FABP4 was associated with adverse secondary cerebrovascular or cardiovascular events during 30-day follow-up after index ACS, independent of age, sex, renal function, and body mass index (odds ratio, 1.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-2.5; P=0.02). Circulating FABP4 predicted adverse events with similar prognostic performance as the GRACE in-hospital risk score or N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide. Finally, no significant difference between baseline FABP4 was found in asymptomatic individuals with or without coronary events during 5-year follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Circulating FABP4 may prove useful as a prognostic biomarker in risk stratification of patients with ACS.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Thromboxane prostaglandin receptors have been implicated to be involved in the atherosclerotic process. We assessed whether Terutroban, a thromboxane prostaglandin receptor antagonist, affects the progression of atherosclerosis, as measured by common carotid intima-media thickness and carotid plaques. METHODS: A substudy was performed among 1141 participants of the aspirin-controlled Prevention of Cerebrovascular and Cardiovascular Events of Ischemic Origin with Terutroban in Patients with a History of Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (PERFORM) trial. Common carotid intima-media thickness and carotid plaque occurrence was measured during a 3-year period. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics did not differ between Terutroban (n=592) and aspirin (n=549) treated patients and were similar as in the main study. Mean study and treatment duration were similar (28 and 25 months, respectively). In the Terutroban group, the annualized rate of change in common carotid intima-media thickness was 0.006 mm per year (95% confidence interval, -0.004 to 0.016) and -0.005 mm per year (95% confidence interval, -0.015 to 0.005) in the aspirin group. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in the annualized rate of change of common carotid intima-media thickness (0.011 mm per year; 95% confidence interval, -0.003 to 0.025). At 12 months of follow-up, 66% of Terutroban patients had no emergent plaques, 31% had 1 to 2 emergent plaques, and 3% had ≥3 emergent plaques. In the aspirin group, the corresponding percentages were 64%, 32%, and 4%. Over time, there was no statistically significant difference in the number of emergent carotid plaques between treatment modalities (rate ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.77-1.07). CONCLUSIONS: Compared with aspirin, Terutroban did not beneficially affect progression of carotid atherosclerosis among well-treated patients with a history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attacks with an internal carotid stenosis <70%. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://www.controlled-trials.com. Unique identifier: ISRCTN66157730.
Les pistolets à impulsion électrique (PIE) sont de plus en plus fréquemment utilisés en Europe ces dernières années, le modèle le plus connu étant le Taser®. Les connaissances scientifiques concernant les PIE et leurs effets potentiels restent toutefois limitées. Nous avons conduit une revue de littérature afin d'évaluer les implications potentielles de leur utilisation en termes de sécurité, de morbidité et de mortalité. Une exposition unique chez un individu sain peut généralement être considérée comme peu dangereuse. Les sujets à risque de complications sont les individus exposés à de multiples décharges, les personnes sous l'influence de substances psychoactives, ceux qui montrent des signes d'agitation extrême, ou encore les individus présentant des comorbidités médicales. L'éventail des complications pouvant survenir lors de leur exposition est large et inclut les lésions provoquées par les impacts des électrodes, les traumatismes liés à la chute induite par la paralysie transitoire ou des complications cardiovasculaires. Dans ce contexte, les personnes exposées doivent être examinées attentivement, et les éventuelles lésions traumatiques doivent être exclues. The use of electronic control devices (ECD), such as the Taser®, has increased in Europe over the past decade. However, scientific data concerning the potential health impact of ECD usage remains limited. We reviewed the scientific literature in order to evaluate the safety, mortality, and morbidity associated with ECD use. Exposure of a healthy individual to a single ECD electroshock can be considered generally safe. Complications can, however, occur if the patient is subject to multiple electroshocks, if the patient has significant medical comorbidities, or when exposure is associated with drug abuse or agitated delirium. The broad spectrum of potential complications associated with ECD exposure includes direct trauma caused by the ECD electrodes, injuries caused by the transient paralysis-induced fall, and cardiovascular events. An ECD-exposed patient requires careful examination during which traumatic injuries are actively sought out.
Long-term treatment of hypercholesterolemia with statins diminishes the risk of cardiovascular events. Statins are recommended in secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. In the absence of preexisting cardiovascular disease, the decision to start a statin or not is most often made by the general practitioner and his patient. An interactive decision aid, developed by the Mayo Clinic, has just been translated in French and adapted to the Swiss epidemiology of cardiovascular risk factors, with the aim of promoting shared decision-making. This paper reviews the conditions and potential benefits of shared decision-making about statin therapy in primary prevention.
Elevated concentrations of albumin in the urine, albuminuria, are a hallmark of diabetic kidney disease and are associated with an increased risk for end-stage renal disease and cardiovascular events. To gain insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying albuminuria, we conducted meta-analyses of genome-wide association studies and independent replication in up to 5,825 individuals of European ancestry with diabetes and up to 46,061 without diabetes, followed by functional studies. Known associations of variants in CUBN, encoding cubilin, with the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) were confirmed in the overall sample (P = 2.4 × 10(-10)). Gene-by-diabetes interactions were detected and confirmed for variants in HS6ST1 and near RAB38/CTSC. Single nucleotide polymorphisms at these loci demonstrated a genetic effect on UACR in individuals with but not without diabetes. The change in the average UACR per minor allele was 21% for HS6ST1 (P = 6.3 × 10(-7)) and 13% for RAB38/CTSC (P = 5.8 × 10(-7)). Experiments using streptozotocin-induced diabetic Rab38 knockout and control rats showed higher urinary albumin concentrations and reduced amounts of megalin and cubilin at the proximal tubule cell surface in Rab38 knockout versus control rats. Relative expression of RAB38 was higher in tubuli of patients with diabetic kidney disease compared with control subjects. The loci identified here confirm known pathways and highlight novel pathways influencing albuminuria.
AIMS: Clinical trials suggest that intracoronary delivery of autologous bone marrow-derived cells (BMCs) 1-7 days post-acute myocardial infarction (AMI) may improve left ventricular (LV) function. Earlier time points have not been evaluated. We sought to determine the effect of intracoronary autologous BMC on LV function when delivered within 24 h of successful reperfusion therapy. METHODS AND RESULTS: A multi-centre phase II randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial. One hundred patients with anterior AMI and significant regional wall motion abnormality were randomized to receive either intracoronary infusion of BMC or placebo (1:1) within 24 h of successful primary percutaneous intervention (PPCI). The primary endpoint was the change in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) between baseline and 1 year as determined by advanced cardiac imaging. At 1 year, although LVEF increased compared with baseline in both groups, the between-group difference favouring BMC was small (2.2%; 95% confidence interval, CI: -0.5 to 5.0; P = 0.10). However, there was a significantly greater myocardial salvage index in the BMC-treated group compared with placebo (0.1%; 95% CI: 0.0-0.20; P = 0.048). Major adverse events were rare in both treatment groups. CONCLUSION: The early infusion of intracoronary BMC following PPCI for patients with AMI and regional wall motion abnormality leads to a small non-significant improvement in LVEF when compared with placebo; however, it may play an important role in infarct remodelling and myocardial salvage. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00765453 and EudraCT 2007-002144-16.
Cardiovascular mortality is 15 to 30 times higher in patients with chronic kidney disease than in the age-adjusted general population. Even minor renal dysfunction predicts cardiovascular events and death in the general population. In patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease the annual cardiovascular event and death rate is even higher. The abnormalities in coronary and peripheral artery function in the different stages of chronic kidney disease and in renovascular disease are still poorly understood, nor have the cardiac effects of renal artery revascularization been well characterized, although considered to be beneficial. This study was conducted to characterize myocardial perfusion and peripheral endothelial function in patients with chronic kidney disease and in patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease. Myocardial perfusion was measured with positron emission tomography (PET) and peripheral endothelial function with brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation. It has been suggested that the poor renal outcomes after the renal artery revascularization could be due to damage in the stenotic kidney parenchyma; especially the reduction in the microvascular density, changes mainly evident at the cortical level which controls almost 80% of the total renal blood flow. This study was also performed to measure the effect of renal artery stenosis revascularization on renal perfusion in patients with renovascular disease. In order to do that a PET-based method for quantification of renal perfusion was developed. The coronary flow reserve of patients with chronic kidney disease was similar to the coronary flow reserve of healthy controls. In renovascular disease the coronary flow reserve was, however, markedly reduced. Flow-mediated dilatation of brachial artery was decreased in patients with chronic kidney disease compared to healthy controls, and even more so in patients with renovascular disease. After renal artery stenosis revascularization, coronary vascular function and renal perfusion did not improve in patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease, but in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis, flow-mediated dilatation improved. Chronic kidney disease does not significantly affect coronary vascular function. On the contrary, coronary vascular function was severely deteriorated in patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease, possibly because of diffuse coronary artery disease and/or diffuse microvascular disease. The peripheral endothelial function was disturbed in patients with chronic kidney disease and even more so in patient with atherosclerotic renovascular disease. Renal artery stenosis dilatation does not seem to offer any benefits over medical treatment in patients with renovascular disease, since revascularization does not improve coronary vascular function or renal perfusion.
Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease which may cause obstructions of the coronary, cerebral and peripheral arteries. It is typically multifactorial, most often dependent on risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, sedentarism, and obesity. It is the single main cause of death in most developed countries due to myocardial infarction, angina, sudden death, and heart failure. Several epidemiological studies suggest that moderate alcohol intake, especially red wine, decrease cardiac mortality due to atherosclerosis. The alcohol effect is described by a J curve, suggesting that moderate drinkers may benefit while abstainers and heavy drinkers are at higher risk. Experimental studies indicate that most beneficial effects of drinking are attributable to flavonoids that are present in red wine, purple grape juice and several fruits and vegetables. The mechanisms include antiplatelet actions, increases in high-density lipoprotein, antioxidation, reduced endothelin-1 production, and increased endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression which causes augmented nitric oxide production by endothelial cells. These findings lead to the concept that moderate red wine drinking, in the absence of contraindications, may be beneficial to patients who are at risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular events. Moreover, a diet based on fruits and vegetables containing flavonoids may be even more beneficial.
The higher incidence of cardiovascular events in the morning is accompanied by an increased vascular tone. However, there are few published studies designed to evaluate the diurnal variation of vascular and endothelial parameters in healthy subjects. In the present investigation, we evaluated the diurnal variation in brachial artery diameter (BAD), flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and endothelium-independent dilation (NFMD) in a homogeneous sample of healthy non-smoker young men. Fifty subjects aged 20.8 ± 0.3 years (range: 18 to 25 years) were investigated by brachial artery ultrasound. Exclusion criteria were female gender and evidence of clinically significant health problems, including obesity. Volunteers were asked to rest and avoid fat meals as well as alcoholic beverages 48 h before and until completion of the evaluations. BAD, FMD and NFMD were measured at 7 am, 5 pm, and 10 pm and tested by repeated measures ANOVA. BAD was smaller at 7 am (mean ± SEM, 3.8 ± 0.1 mm) in comparison with 5 pm (3.9 ± 0.1) and 10 pm (4.0 ± 0.1 mm; P < 0.001). FMD values did not change significantly during the day, while NFMD increased more at 7 am (18.5 ± 1.1%), when compared to 15.5 ± 0.9% at 10 pm and 15.5 ± 0.9% at 5 pm (P = 0.04). The physiological state of vasoconstriction after awakening, with preserved capability to dilate in the morning, should be considered to be part of the healthy cardiovascular adaptation before considering later life risk factors and endothelial dysfunction.