970 resultados para Machine-tools - Design and construction


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Das Verfahren der Lebensmitteltrocknung wird häufig angewendet, um ein Produkt für längere Zeit haltbar zu machen. Obst und Gemüse sind aufgrund ihres hohen Wassergehalts leicht verderblich durch biochemische Vorgänge innerhalb des Produktes, nicht sachgemäße Lagerung und unzureichende Transportmöglichkeiten. Um solche Verluste zu vermeiden wird die direkte Trocknung eingesetzt, welche die älteste Methode zum langfristigen haltbarmachen ist. Diese Methode ist jedoch veraltet und kann den heutigen Herausforderungen nicht gerecht werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein neuer Chargentrockner, mit diagonalem Luftstömungskanal entlang der Länge des Trocknungsraumes und ohne Leitbleche entwickelt. Neben dem unbestreitbaren Nutzen der Verwendung von Leitblechen, erhöhen diese jedoch die Konstruktionskosten und führen auch zu einer Erhöhung des Druckverlustes. Dadurch wird im Trocknungsprozess mehr Energie verbraucht. Um eine räumlich gleichmäßige Trocknung ohne Leitbleche zu erreichen, wurden die Lebensmittelbehälter diagonal entlang der Länge des Trockners platziert. Das vorrangige Ziel des diagonalen Kanals war, die einströmende, warme Luft gleichmäßig auf das gesamte Produkt auszurichten. Die Simulation des Luftstroms wurde mit ANSYS-Fluent in der ANSYS Workbench Plattform durchgeführt. Zwei verschiedene Geometrien der Trocknungskammer, diagonal und nicht diagonal, wurden modelliert und die Ergebnisse für eine gleichmäßige Luftverteilung aus dem diagonalen Luftströmungsdesign erhalten. Es wurde eine Reihe von Experimenten durchgeführt, um das Design zu bewerten. Kartoffelscheiben dienten als Trocknungsgut. Die statistischen Ergebnisse zeigen einen guten Korrelationskoeffizienten für die Luftstromverteilung (87,09%) zwischen dem durchschnittlich vorhergesagten und der durchschnittlichen gemessenen Strömungsgeschwindigkeit. Um den Effekt der gleichmäßigen Luftverteilung auf die Veränderung der Qualität zu bewerten, wurde die Farbe des Produktes, entlang der gesamten Länge der Trocknungskammer kontaktfrei im on-line-Verfahren bestimmt. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Imaging-Box, bestehend aus Kamera und Beleuchtung entwickelt. Räumliche Unterschiede dieses Qualitätsparameters wurden als Kriterium gewählt, um die gleichmäßige Trocknungsqualität in der Trocknungskammer zu bewerten. Entscheidend beim Lebensmittel-Chargentrockner ist sein Energieverbrauch. Dafür wurden thermodynamische Analysen des Trockners durchgeführt. Die Energieeffizienz des Systems wurde unter den gewählten Trocknungsbedingungen mit 50,16% kalkuliert. Die durchschnittlich genutzten Energie in Form von Elektrizität zur Herstellung von 1kg getrockneter Kartoffeln wurde mit weniger als 16,24 MJ/kg und weniger als 4,78 MJ/kg Wasser zum verdampfen bei einer sehr hohen Temperatur von jeweils 65°C und Scheibendicken von 5mm kalkuliert. Die Energie- und Exergieanalysen für diagonale Chargentrockner wurden zudem mit denen anderer Chargentrockner verglichen. Die Auswahl von Trocknungstemperatur, Massenflussrate der Trocknungsluft, Trocknerkapazität und Heiztyp sind die wichtigen Parameter zur Bewertung der genutzten Energie von Chargentrocknern. Die Entwicklung des diagonalen Chargentrockners ist eine nützliche und effektive Möglichkeit um dei Trocknungshomogenität zu erhöhen. Das Design erlaubt es, das gesamte Produkt in der Trocknungskammer gleichmäßigen Luftverhältnissen auszusetzen, statt die Luft von einer Horde zur nächsten zu leiten.


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Computer game technology is poised to make a significant impact on the way our youngsters will learn. Our youngsters are ‘Digital Natives’, immersed in digital technologies, especially computer games. They expect to utilize these technologies in learning contexts. This expectation, and our response as educators, may change classroom practice and inform curriculum developments. This chapter approaches these issues ‘head on’. Starting from a review of the current educational issues, an evaluation of educational theory and instructional design principles, a new theoretical approach to the construction of “Educational Immersive Environments” (EIEs) is proposed. Elements of this approach are applied to development of an EIE to support Literacy Education in UK Primary Schools. An evaluation of a trial within a UK Primary School is discussed. Conclusions from both the theoretical development and the evaluation suggest how future teacher-practitioners may embrace both the technology and our approach to develop their own learning resources.


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This Handbook has been prepared by the Iowa DOT as a guide and supplement to the MUTCD. It provides in one document a large number of illustrations which can be easily adapted to specific conditions by field personnel. It is intended to supersede all previous non-conforming standards now being used throughout the state and to provide uniform guidelines for all agencies, public and private, who must conduct construction and maintenance activities on the streets and highways of the state. The illustrations contained herein serve as a quick reference for field personnel to follow, however, no amount of detailed instructions can adequately cover every situation. For this reason, sound judgment is required in using these illustrations to cover actual field conditions.


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This paper carries the rather weighty title of "Evolution of Design Practice at the Iowa State Highway Commission for the Determination of Peak Discharges at .Bridges and Culverts." Hopefully, this evolving process will lead to a more precise definition of a peak rate of runoff for a selected recurrence interval at a particular site. In this paper the author will relate where the Highway Commission has been, is now, and will be going in this art of hydrology. He will then offer some examples at a few sites in Iowa to illustrate the use of the various methods. Finally, he will look ahead to some of the pitfalls still lying in wait for us.


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The investigations for this report were initiated in October, 1967, to perform the following: l. Review the current Iowa State Highway Commission roadway geometric design standards and criteria for conformance with national policies and recent research findings with special attention to high way safety. 2. Review the current Iowa State Highway Commission roadway lighting design standards and criteria for conformance with national policies and recent research findings with special attention to high way safety


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias na Especialidade de Ciências Biológicas e Biomédicas


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This document presents an Enterprise Application Integration based proposal for research outcomes and technological information management. The proposal addresses national and international science and research outcomes information management, and corresponding information systems. Information systems interoperability problems, approaches, technologies and integration tools are presented and applied to the research outcomes information management case. A business and technological perspective is provided, including the conceptual analysis and modelling, an integration solution based in a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) and the integration platform to execute the proposed solution. For illustrative purposes, the role and information system needs of a research unit is assumed as the representative case.


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Shearing is the process where sheet metal is mechanically cut between two tools. Various shearing technologies are commonly used in the sheet metal industry, for example, in cut to length lines, slitting lines, end cropping etc. Shearing has speed and cost advantages over competing cutting methods like laser and plasma cutting, but involves large forces on the equipment and large strains in the sheet material. The constant development of sheet metals toward higher strength and formability leads to increased forces on the shearing equipment and tools. Shearing of new sheet materials imply new suitable shearing parameters. Investigations of the shearing parameters through live tests in the production are expensive and separate experiments are time consuming and requires specialized equipment. Studies involving a large number of parameters and coupled effects are therefore preferably performed by finite element based simulations. Accurate experimental data is still a prerequisite to validate such simulations. There is, however, a shortage of accurate experimental data to validate such simulations. In industrial shearing processes, measured forces are always larger than the actual forces acting on the sheet, due to friction losses. Shearing also generates a force that attempts to separate the two tools with changed shearing conditions through increased clearance between the tools as result. Tool clearance is also the most common shearing parameter to adjust, depending on material grade and sheet thickness, to moderate the required force and to control the final sheared edge geometry. In this work, an experimental procedure that provides a stable tool clearance together with accurate measurements of tool forces and tool displacements, was designed, built and evaluated. Important shearing parameters and demands on the experimental set-up were identified in a sensitivity analysis performed with finite element simulations under the assumption of plane strain. With respect to large tool clearance stability and accurate force measurements, a symmetric experiment with two simultaneous shears and internal balancing of forces attempting to separate the tools was constructed. Steel sheets of different strength levels were sheared using the above mentioned experimental set-up, with various tool clearances, sheet clamping and rake angles. Results showed that tool penetration before fracture decreased with increased material strength. When one side of the sheet was left unclamped and free to move, the required shearing force decreased but instead the force attempting to separate the two tools increased. Further, the maximum shearing force decreased and the rollover increased with increased tool clearance. Digital image correlation was applied to measure strains on the sheet surface. The obtained strain fields, together with a material model, were used to compute the stress state in the sheet. A comparison, up to crack initiation, of these experimental results with corresponding results from finite element simulations in three dimensions and at a plane strain approximation showed that effective strains on the surface are representative also for the bulk material. A simple model was successfully applied to calculate the tool forces in shearing with angled tools from forces measured with parallel tools. These results suggest that, with respect to tool forces, a plane strain approximation is valid also at angled tools, at least for small rake angles. In general terms, this study provide a stable symmetric experimental set-up with internal balancing of lateral forces, for accurate measurements of tool forces, tool displacements, and sheet deformations, to study the effects of important shearing parameters. The results give further insight to the strain and stress conditions at crack initiation during shearing, and can also be used to validate models of the shearing process.


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The interdisciplinary relationship between industrial design and mechanical engineering is sensitive. This research focuses on understanding how one can positively mediate this relation, in order to foster innovation. In this paper, technology is considered for this role since it has, in some historical moments, served as an integrator of these two disciplines, in processes that led to innovation. By means of an extensive literature review, covering three different periods of technological development, both disciplines’ positioning in society and their link with technology are analyzed and compared. The three case studies selected help to illustrate, precisely, the technology positioning between both disciplines and society. Literature assumes that industrial design is rooted in the rise of criticism against both the machine and the mechanized production. This is an opposing approach to the current paradigm, in which design plays a fundamental role in adapting technology to society. Also, the social problems caused by the mechanized and massive production triggered the mechanical engineering emergence, as a professionalized discipline. Technology was intrinsically connected with both industrial design and mechanical engineering emergence and subsequent evolution. In the technology conflict with society lays the reform and regulation for design practice, in its broadest sense.