969 resultados para MOLECULAR-WEIGHT RATIO


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Polyamide and polystyrene particles were coated with titanium dioxide films by atomic layer deposition (ALD) and then melt-compounded to form polymer nanocomposites. The rheological properties of the ALD-created nanocomposite materials were characterized with a melt flow indexer, a melt flow spiral mould, and a rotational rheometer. The results suggest that the melt flow properties of polyamide nanocomposites were markedly better than those of pure polyamide and polystyrene nanocomposites. Such behavior was shown to originate in an uncontrollable decrease in the polyamide molecular weight, likely affected by a high thin-film impurity content, as shown in gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with an energy-dispersive spectrometer. Transmission electron microscope image showed that a thin film grew on both studied polymer particles, and that subsequent melt-compounding was successful, producing well dispersed ribbon-like titanium dioxide with the titanium dioxide filler content ranging from 0.06 to 1.12wt%. Even though we used nanofillers with a high aspect ratio, they had only a minor effect on the tensile and flexural properties of the polystyrene nanocomposites. The mechanical behavior of polyamide nanocomposites was more complex because of the molecular weight degradation. Our approach here to form polymeric nanocomposites is one way to tailor ceramic nanofillers and form homogenous polymer nanocomposites with minimal work-related risks in handling powder form nanofillers. However, further research is needed to gauge the commercial potential of ALD-created nanocomposite materials. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This article is concerned with understanding the behavior of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in the injection stretch blow molding (ISBM) process where it is typically biaxially stretched to form bottles for the packaging industry. A comprehensive experimental study was undertaken, analyzing the behavior of three different grades of PET under constant width (CW), simultaneous (EB), and sequential (SQ) equal biaxial deformation. Experiments were carried out at temperature and strain rate ranges of 80–110C and 1 /s to 32 /s, respectively, to different stretch ratios. Results show that the biaxial deformation behavior of PET exhibits a strong dependency on forming temperature, strain rate, stretch ratio,deformation mode, and molecular weight. The tests were also monitored via a high speed thermal image camera which showed an increase in temperature between 5C and 15C observed depending on the stretch conditions.


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The influence of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) plasticiser content and molecular weight on the physicochemical properties of films cast from aqueous blends of poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid) was investigated using thermal analysis, swelling studies, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and attenuated total reflectance (ATR)-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. FTIR spectroscopy revealed a shift of the C{double bond, long}O peak from 1708 to 1731 cm, indicating that an esterification reaction had occurred upon heating, thus producing crosslinked films. Higher molecular weight PEGs (10,000 and 1000 Da, respectively), having greater chain length, producing hydrogel networks with lower crosslink densities and higher average molecular weight between two consecutive crosslinks. Accordingly, such materials exhibited higher swelling rates. Hydrogels crosslinked with a low molecular weight PEG (PEG 200) showed rigid networks with high crosslink densities and, therefore, lower swelling rates. Polymer:plasticizer ratio alteration did not yield any discernable patterns, regardless of the method of analysis. The polymer-water interaction parameter (?) increased with increases in the crosslink density. SEM studies showed that porosity of the crosslinked films increased with increasing PEG MW, confirming what had been observed with swelling studies and thermal analysis, that the crosslink density must be decreased as the M of the crosslinker is increased. Hydrogels containing PMVE/MA/PEG 10,000 could be used for rapid delivery of drug, due to their low crosslink density. Moderately crosslinked PMVE/MA/PEG 1000 hydrogels or highly crosslinked PMVE/MA/PEG 200 systems could then be used in controlling the drug delivery rates. We are currently evaluating these systems, both alone and in combination, for use in sustained release drug delivery devices. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in soil and vegetation following a large scale chemical fire involving 10,000 ton of polypropylene. In comparison with sites outside the plume from the fire, PAH concentrations were elevated in grass shoots (by up to 70-fold) and in soil (by up to 370-fold). The pattern of PAH dispersion under the plume was dependent on the physical-chemical properties of individual PAHs. The lighter, least hydrophobic PAHs were dispersed into the environment at greater distances than heavier, more hydrophobic PAHs. At the most distant sampling point (4.5 km) under the plume, the low molecular weight PAHs were still considerably elevated in vegetation samples compared to control sites. Dispersion appeared to be regulated by the compounds partitioning between the vapour and particulate phase, with dry particulate deposition occurring closer to the fire source than gaseous deposition. For all PAHs, the fire resulted in greater contamination of soils compared to grasses, with the relative ratio of plant/soil contamination decreasing as hydrophobicity increased.


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An acid-labile dimethaerylate acetal cross-linker,di(methacryloyloxy-l-ethoxy)methane(DMOEM), was synthesized by the reaction of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and paraformaldehyde using p-toluenesulfonic acid and toluene as catalyst and solvent, respectively. Group transfer polymerization was employed to use this cross-linker in the preparation of nine hydrolyzable polymer structures: one neat cross-linker network, one randomly cross-linked network of methyl methacrylate (MMA), and seven star-shaped polymers of MMA. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) in tetrahydrofuran (THF) confirmed the narrow molecular weight distributions of the linear polymer precursors to the stars and demonstrated the increase in molecular weight upon the addition of cross-linker for the formation of star-shaped polymers. Characterization of the star polymers in THF using static light scattering and GPC showed that the molecular weights and the number of arms of each star polymer increased with an increase in the molar ratio of cross-linker to initiator and with a decrease in the molar ratio of monomer to initiator. The star polymers with DMOEM cores bore a smaller number of arms than those cross-linked with the non-hydrolyzable commercial cross-linker ethylene glycol dimethacrylate due to the bulkier structure of DMOEM. All DMOEM-containing polymer networks and star polymers were completely hydrolyzed within 48 h using hydrochloric acid in THF.


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Different types of gels were prepared by combining poloxamines (Tetronic), i.e. poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(propylene oxide) (PEO/PPO) octablock star copolymers, and cyclodextrins (CD). Two different poloxamines with the same molecular weight (ca. 7000) but different molecular architectures were used. For each of their four diblock arms, direct Tetronic 904 presents PEO outer blocks while in reverse Tetronic 90R4 the hydrophilic PEO blocks are the inner ones. These gels were prepared by combining alpha-CD and poloxamine aqueous solutions. The physicochemical properties of these systems depend on several factors such as the structure of the block copolymers and the Tetronic/alpha-CD ratio. These gels were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), viscometry and X-ray diffraction measurements. The 90R4 gels present a consistency that makes them suitable for sustained drug delivery. The resulting gels were easily eroded: these complexes were dismantled when placed in a large amount of water, so controlled release of entrapped large molecules such as proteins (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA) is feasible and can be tuned by varying the copolymer/CD ratio


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BACKGROUND: Ras signaling regulates a number of important processes in the heart, including cell growth and hypertrophy. Although it is known that defective Ras signaling is associated with Noonan, Costello, and other syndromes that are characterized by tumor formation and cardiac hypertrophy, little is known about factors that may control it. Here we investigate the role of Ras effector Ras-association domain family 1 isoform A (RASSF1A) in regulating myocardial hypertrophy.

METHODS AND RESULTS: A significant downregulation of RASSF1A expression was observed in hypertrophic mouse hearts, as well as in failing human hearts. To further investigate the role of RASSF1A in cardiac (patho)physiology, we used RASSF1A knock-out (RASSF1A(-)(/)(-)) mice and neonatal rat cardiomyocytes with adenoviral overexpression of RASSF1A. Ablation of RASSF1A in mice significantly enhanced the hypertrophic response to transverse aortic constriction (64.2% increase in heart weight/body weight ratio in RASSF1A(-)(/)(-) mice compared with 32.4% in wild type). Consistent with the in vivo data, overexpression of RASSF1A in cardiomyocytes markedly reduced the cellular hypertrophic response to phenylephrine stimulation. Analysis of molecular signaling events in isolated cardiomyocytes indicated that RASSF1A inhibited extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 activation, likely by blocking the binding of Raf1 to active Ras.

CONCLUSIONS: Our data establish RASSF1A as a novel inhibitor of cardiac hypertrophy by modulating the extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 pathway.


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Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo estudar e modificar as propriedades funcionais das proteínas de soja de forma a otimizar e diversificar a sua aplicação industrial. Para tal, foram propostas e estudadas quatro estratégias: i) extração do isolado de proteínas de soja (IPS) a partir de diferentes matérias-primas, ii) adição de galactomananas (GM) com graus de ramificação e massas moleculares diferentes, iii) hidrólise enzimática controlada das proteínas de soja, iv) processamento por alta pressão hidrostática. O estudo e a interpretação da influência destas estratégias sobre as propriedades funcionais das proteínas de soja, nomeadamente, na capacidade gelificante e emulsionante, foram realizados recorrendo fundamentalmente a ensaios reológicos dinâmicos a baixas deformação, espectroscopia de infravermelho, electroforeses, calorimetria diferencial de varrimento e ensaios de microscopia confocal de varrimento laser. O estudo da extração e caracterização dos isolados de proteínas de soja obtidos a partir de diferentes matérias-primas permitiu concluir que as caraterísticas físico-químicas dos isolados são dependentes da origem da matéria-prima de extração e da severidade dos tratamentos industriais prévios à extração do isolado. Contudo, as propriedades viscoelásticas dos géis obtidos por aquecimento controlado não foram significativamente distintas embora tenha sido possível relacionar o grau de agregação com a diminuição da temperatura de gelificação e com o aumento inicial dos módulos viscoelásticos. As alterações sofridas pelos isolados de origem comercial mostraram ser irreversíveis resultando em géis menos rígidos e com maior caráter viscoso. A adição de galactomanana alterou significativamente o mecanismo de gelificação induzido termicamente das proteínas de soja, bem como as propriedades viscoelásticas dos géis e a microestrutura dos géis, demonstrando-se a ocorrência de separação de fases, em virtude da incompatibilidade termodinâmica entre os biopolímeros, resultando em géis mais rígidos e no decréscimo da temperatura de gelificação. A extensão destas alterações foi dependente da massa molecular, grau de ramificação e da razão IPS/GM. O efeito da hidrólise enzimática por ação da bromelina, nas propriedades gelificantes e emulsionantes das proteínas de soja, mostrou ser dependente do grau de hidrólise (GH). Valores de GH inferiores a 15 % melhoraram as propriedades gelificantes das proteínas de soja. Por outro lado, o aumento do GH teve um efeito negativo nas propriedades emulsionantes, o qual foi atenuado por adição da goma de alfarroba, com efeito positivo na gelificação das proteínas de soja. A concentração crítica limite de compatibilidade entre os hidrolisados de proteína de soja e a goma de alfarroba aumentou com o decréscimo do GH e da massa molecular do polissacacrídeo. O efeito da AP sobre as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais dos IPS foi influenciado pela origem do isolado e pelas condições de tratamento. O processamento até 100 MPa desencadeou um aumento da atividade emulsionante e considerável melhoria da capacidade gelificante. Contudo, valores de pressão superiores promoveram a desnaturação das proteínas constituintes dos isolados, resultando no decréscimo da temperatura de gelificação e numa re-associação das subunidades proteicas, diminuindo a elasticidade dos géis finais. Os resultados sugeriram que as alterações nas proteínas de soja promovidas durante o tratamento por AP constituem um fator limitante para o desdobramento e re-associação durante o aquecimento térmico, necessários para a formação e fortalecimento de gel formado. O processamento por AP influenciou a estrutura secundária e a microestrutura das amostras. A presença de GA teve um papel baroprotetor. Assim, com este trabalho demonstrou-se que com as estratégias seguidas para manipulação das propriedades funcionais de proteínas de soja, nomeadamente através da adição de um polissacarídeo com propriedades estruturais controladas, da adequada combinação da adição de um polissacarídeo neutro com a hidrólise controlada das proteínas ou com tratamento por alta pressão, é possível a criação de novas funcionalidades, com utilidade no desenvolvimento de novas formulações alimentares, permitindo expandir a aplicação destas proteínas vegetais.


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Este trabalho abordou a valorização de um subproduto da indústria de lacticínios (soro de queijo) através da alteração do funcionamento de processos habitualmente utilizados no contexto do tratamento biológico. Foi avaliada a fermentação acidogénica deste subproduto para maximizar a conversão do seu elevado teor de matéria orgânica em ácidos orgânicos voláteis (AOV) que actualmente são produtos com elevada procura, nomeadamente para produção de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA). Em ensaios descontínuos e semi-contínuos foi caracterizada a produção e composição de AOV a partir de soro de queijo variando a razão food-to-microorganism (F/M) e a concentração de alcalinidade. Recorrendo à modelação dos resultados através de superfícies de resposta, demonstrou-se que condições de F/M = 4 gCQO g-1SSV combinadas com uma adição elevada de alcalinidade (8 g L-1 expresso como CaCO3) resultaram na conversão de 72% da CQO alimentada em AOV. O acetato e o butirato foram os AOV predominantes (60%), mas elevadas razões F/M combinadas com elevadas alcalinidades promoveram o alongamento da cadeia carboxílica, tendo sido produzidos AOV de maior massa molecular (iso-valerato e n-caproato). O processo de fermentação acidogénica foi posteriormente desenvolvido em modo contínuo num reactor MBBR acidogénico operado a longo prazo. Cargas orgânicas entre 30 e 50 gCQO L-1d-1 permitiram obter um grau de acidificação máximo de 68% no efluente fermentado. Foi ainda demonstrado que uma adição dinâmica de alcalinidade (0 – 4,8 g CaCO3 L-1) nestas condições estimulou a produção de AOV de cadeia ímpar (propionato e n-valerato) até 42%. O efluente acidificado no processo anaeróbio foi usado como substrato em reactores SBR operados para selecção de culturas microbianas mistas acumuladoras de PHA, nos quais foi aplicado um regime de alimentação dinâmica em condições aeróbias (“fartura-fome”). Estes sistemas operaram também a longo prazo, e demonstraram ser capazes de remover mais de 96% da CQO alimentada e simultaneamente convertê-la em PHA, até 36% do peso celular seco. A velocidade de remoção de substrato (valor máximo de 1,33 gCQO g-1SSV h-1) foi proporcional ao teor de polímero acumulado, evidenciando o estabelecimento de uma fase de “fome” prolongada que estimulou a selecção de microrganismos com elevada capacidade de acumulação de PHA. Além disso, o teor molar de hidroxivalerato (HV) no copolímero produzido [P(HB-co-HV)] foi directamente proporcional ao teor de AOV de cadeia ímpar (propionato e n-valerato) presente no soro fermentado que serviu de substrato. Uma estratégia de operação do reactor SBR com variação da carga orgânica, aliada ao regime “fartura-fome” estabelecido, permitiu ainda simular a realidade dos processos de tratamento biológico de efluentes, nos quais a composição e concentração inicial de matéria orgânica variam frequentemente. Este modo de operação do sistema estimulou notavelmente o processo de selecção de culturas acumuladoras de PHA tendo resultado num aumento da acumulação de PHA de 7% para 36%. Os resultados demonstraram com sucesso a possibilidade de valorização do soro de queijo através de eco-biotecnologia, contribuindo para uma mudança de paradigma no tratamento convencional de efluentes: ao invés de serem eliminados enquanto poluentes, os componentes orgânicos presentes neste subproduto industrial podem assim ser convertidos em materiais de valor acrescentado.


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Ocular pathologies are among the most debilitating medical conditions affecting all segments of the population. Traditional treatment options are often ineffective, and gene therapy has the potential to become an alternative approach for the treatment of several pathologies. Methacrylate polymers have been described as highly biocompatible and are successfully used in medical applications. Due to their cationic nature, these polymers can be used to form polyplexes with DNA for its delivery. This work aims to study the potential of PDMAEMA (poly(2-(N,N’-dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate)) as a non viral gene delivery system to the retina. The first part of this work aimed to study the potential for gene delivery of a previously synthesized PDMAEMA polymer of high molecular weight (354kDa). In the second part, we synthesized by RAFT a PDMAEMA with a lower molecular weight (103.3kDa) and similarly, evaluated its ability to act as a gene delivery vehicle. PDMAEMA/DNA polyplexes were prepared at 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 20 nitrogen/phosphorous (N/P) ratio for the 354kDa PDMAEMA and at 5 and 7.5 for the 103.3kDa PDMAEMA. Dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements confirmed the nanosize and positive charge of polyplexes for all ratios and for both polymers. Both high and low Mw PDMAEMA were able to efficiently complex and protect DNA from DNase I degradation. Their cytotoxicity was evaluated using a non-retinal cell line (HEK293) and a retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cell line (D407). We have found that cytotoxicity of the free polymer is concentration and time dependent, as expected, and negligible for all the concentrations of the PDMAEMA-DNA polyplexes. Furthermore, for the concentrations to be used in vivo, the 354kDa PDMAEMA showed no signs of inflammation upon injection in the intravitreal space of C57BL/6 mice. The transfection efficiency, as evaluated by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, showed that the D407 retinal cells were transfected by polyplexes of both high and low Mw PDMAEMA, but with varied efficiency, which was dependent on the N/P ratio. Althogether, these results suggest that PDMAEMA is a feasible candidate for non-viral gene delivery to the retina, and this work constitutes the basis of further studies to elucidate the bottleneck in transfection and further optimization of the material.


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La maladie cœliaque ou sprue cœliaque est une intolérance au gluten. Il s’agit d’une maladie inflammatoire de l’intestin liée à l’ingestion de gluten chez des personnes génétiquement susceptibles. Ce désordre présente une forte prévalence puisqu’il touche 1 % de la population mondiale. En l’état actuel des choses, il n’existe aucun outil pharmacologique pour traiter ou pallier à cette maladie. Cependant, grâce aux avancées dans la compréhension de sa pathogenèse, de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques ont été identifiées. À l’heure actuelle, le seul traitement efficace consiste à suspendre la consommation de l’agent pathogène, à savoir le gluten. Le gluten est un ensemble de protéines de stockage des céréales contenu dans le blé, l’orge et le seigle. Le gluten du blé se subdivise en gluténines et gliadines. Ce sont ces dernières qui semblent les plus impliquées dans la maladie cœliaque. Les gliadines et ses protéines apparentées (i.e. sécalines et hordéines, respectivement dans le seigle et l’orge) sont riches en prolines et en glutamines, les rendant résistantes à la dégradation par les enzymes digestives et celles de la bordure en brosse. Les peptides résultant de cette digestion incomplète peuvent induire des réponses immunitaires acquises et innées. L’objectif principal de cette thèse était de tester un nouveau traitement d’appoint de la maladie cœliaque utile lors de voyages ou d’évènements ponctuels. Dans les années 80, une observation italienne montra l’inhibition de certains effets induits par des gliadines digérées sur des cultures cellulaires grâce à la co-incubation en présence de mannane: un polyoside naturel composé de mannoses. Malheureusement, ce traitement n’était pas applicable in vivo à cause de la dégradation par les enzymes du tractus gastro-intestinales du polymère, de par sa nature osidique. Les polymères de synthèse, grâce à la diversité et au contrôle de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques, se révèlent être une alternative attrayante à ce polymère naturel. L’objectif de cette recherche était d’obtenir un polymère liant la gliadine, capable d’interférer dans la genèse de la maladie au niveau du tube digestif, afin d’abolir les effets délétères induits par la protéine. Tout d’abord, des copolymères de type poly (hydroxyéthylméthacrylate)-co-(styrène sulfonate) (P(HEMA-co-SS)) ont été synthétisés par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par transfert d’atome (ATRP). Une petite bibliothèque de polymères a été préparée en faisant varier la masse molaire, ainsi que les proportions de chacun des monomères. Ces polymères ont ensuite été testés quant à leur capacité de complexer la gliadine aux pH stomacal et intestinal et les meilleurs candidats ont été retenus pour des essais cellulaires. Les travaux ont permis de montrer que le copolymère P(HEMA-co-SS) (45:55 mol%, 40 kDa) permettait une séquestration sélective de la gliadine et qu’il abolissait les effets induits par la gliadine sur différents types cellulaires. De plus, ce composé interférait avec la digestion de la gliadine, suggérant une diminution de peptides immunogènes impliqués dans la maladie. Ce candidat a été testé in vivo, sur un modèle murin sensible au gluten, quant à son efficacité vis-à-vis de la gliadine pure et d’un mélange contenant du gluten avec d’autres composants alimentaires. Le P(HEMA-co-SS) a permis de diminuer les effets sur les paramètres de perméabilité et d’inflammation, ainsi que de moduler la réponse immunitaire engendrée par l’administration de gliadine et celle du gluten. Des études de toxicité et de biodistribution en administration aigüe et chronique ont été réalisées afin de démontrer que ce dernier était bien toléré et peu absorbé suite à son administration par la voie orale. Enfin des études sur des échantillons de tissus de patients souffrants de maladie cœliaque ont montré un bénéfice therapeutique du polymère. L’ensemble des travaux présentés dans cette thèse a permis de mettre en évidence le potentiel thérapeutique du P(HEMA-co-SS) pour prévenir les désordres reliés à l’ingestion de gluten, indiquant que ce type de polymère pourrait être exploité dans un avenir proche.


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La technique de trempage («dip-coating») est un procédé rapide et efficace pour former des films minces de copolymères à blocs (CPB) d’épaisseur et de nano-morphologies variées. Très peu d’études ont toutefois porté sur le trempage des CPB supramoléculaires et/ou photosensibles. Le trempage du CPB poly(styrène-b-4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) a premièrement été étudié avec des petites molécules (PM) d’acide 1-naphtoïque (NCOOH) et de 1-naphtol (NOH) capables de former des ponts hydrogène (ponts H) avec le bloc P4VP dans 4 solvants (tétrahydrofurane (THF), p-dioxane, toluène et chloroforme). Le ratio d’incorporation (RI) molaire PM/VP dans les films trempés augmente avec la vitesse de retrait mais sa variation dépend fortement du solvant et de la PM utilisés. Le RI et la morphologie des films minces dépendent de la possibilité (ou non) du solvant à former des ponts H avec la PM et de sa sélectivité au bloc de PS menant (ou non) à des micelles de P4VP/PM en solution dont la rigidité influence l’état cinétique du système en film mince. La dépendance en une courbe en V de l’épaisseur des films en fonction la vitesse de retrait définit deux régimes, nommés régimes capillaire et de drainage. Ces régimes influencent différemment le RI et la morphologie finale. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés aux complexes de PS-P4VP avec des azobenzènes (AB) photosensibles, le 4-hydroxy-4’-butyl-azobenzène (BHAB) et le 4-hydroxy-4’-cyano-azobenzène (CHAB). Ces AB peuvent non seulement former des ponts H avec le bloc P4VP mais aussi s'isomériser entre les formes trans et cis sous illumination. Les expériences avec PS-P4VP/BHAB dans le THF et le toluène ont révélé que l'irradiation pendant le trempage permet de provoquer une transition entre les morphologies sphérique et cylindrique à basses vitesses de retrait. Ces transitions sont expliquées par l’augmentation du ratio molaire BHAB/VP pris dans les films sous illumination et par le plus grand volume des isomères BHAB-cis par rapport aux BHAB-trans. L'irradiation permet également de moduler l'épaisseur des films sans égard à la présence des AB. Finalement, des solutions de PS-P4VP/CHAB et PS-P4VP/BHAB dans le THF avec un CPB de masse molaire plus élevée ont été étudiées afin de comprendre l’effet d'un temps de demi-vie plus court de l’AB et de la présence de micelles en solution. Le photocontrôle morphologique perd de son efficacité avec le CHAB car l’augmentation du RI de CHAB dans les films illuminés par rapport aux films non irradiés est moins prononcée que pour les complexes de BHAB. Le choix du PS-P4VP est également important puisque la présence de micelles dans les solutions de THF du PS-P4VP(36,5k-16k), même si elle n’influence pas les RI BHAB/VP, fige davantage la morphologie sphérique en solution par rapport à une solution non-micellaire de PS-P4VP(24k-9,5k), limitant les possibilités de transition morphologique.


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Anti-lipopolysaccharide factors are small proteins that bind and neutralize lipopolysaccharide and exhibit potent antimicrobial activities. This study presents the molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the first ALF isoform (Pp-ALF1; JQ745295) identified from the hemocytes of Portunus pelagicus. The full length cDNA of Pp-ALF1 consisted of 880 base pairs encoding 293 amino acids with an ORF of 123 amino acids and contains a putative signal peptide of 24 amino acids. Pp-ALF1 possessed a predicted molecular weight (MW) of 13.86 kDa and theoretical isoelectric point (pI) of 8.49. Two highly conserved cysteine residues and putative LPS binding domain were observed in Pp-ALF1. Peptide model of Pp-ALF1 consisted of two α-helices crowded against a four-strand β-sheet. Comparison of amino acid sequences and neighbor joining tree showed that Pp-ALF1 has a maximum similarity (46%) to ALF present in Portunus trituberculatus followed by 39% similarity to ALF of Eriocheir sinensis and 38% similarity to ALFs of Scylla paramamosain and Scylla serrata. Pp-ALF1 is found to be a new isoform of ALF family and its characteristic similarity with other known ALFs signifies its role in protection against invading pathogens.


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play a major role in innate immunity. Penaeidins are a family of AMPs that appear to be expressed in all penaeid shrimps. Penaeidins are composed of an N-terminal proline-rich domain, followed by a C-terminal domain containing six cysteine residues organized in two doublets. This study reports the first penaeidin AMP sequence, Fi-penaeidin (GenBank accession number HM243617) from the Indian white shrimp, Fenneropenaeus indicus. The full length cDNA consists of 186 base pairs encoding 61 amino acidswith an ORF of 42 amino acids and contains a putative signal peptide of 19 amino acids. Comparison of F. indicus penaeidin (Fi-penaeidin) with other known penaeidins showed that it shared maximum similarity with penaeidins of Farfantepenaeus paulensis and Farfantepenaeus subtilis (96% each). Fi-penaeidin has a predicted molecular weight (MW) of 4.478 kDa and theoretical isoelectric point (pI) of 5.3


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Hepcidin is a family of short cysteine-rich antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) participating in various physiological functions with inevitable role in host immune responses. Present study deals with identification and characterisation of a novel hepcidin isoform from coral fish Zanclus cornutus. The 81 amino acid (aa) preprohepcidin obtained from Z. cornutus consists of a hydrophobic aa rich 22 mer signal peptide, a highly variable proregion of 35 aa and a bioactive mature peptide with 8 conserved cysteine residues which contribute to the disulphide back bone. The mature hepcidin, Zc-hepc1 has a theoretical isoelectric point of 7.46, a predicted molecular weight of 2.43 kDa and a net positive charge of ?1. Phylogenetic analysis grouped Z. cornutus hepcidin with HAMP2 group hepcidins confirming the divergent evolution of hepcidin-like peptide in fishes. Zc-hepc1 can attain a b-hairpin-like structure with two antiparallel b-sheets. This is the first report of an AMP from the coral fish Z. cornutus.