962 resultados para Low concentration
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core-scanning is a fast and nondestructive technique to assess elemental variations of unprocessed sediments. However, although the exposure time of XRF-scanning directly affects the scanning counts and total measurement time, only a few studies have considered the influence of exposure time during the scan. How to select an optimal exposure time to achieve reliable results and reduce the total measurement time is an important issue. To address this question, six geological reference materials from the Geological Survey of Japan (JLK-1, JMS-1, JMS-2, JSD-1, JSD-2, and JSD-3) were scanned by the Itrax-XRF core scanner using the Mo- and the Cr-tube with different exposure times to allow a comparison of scanning counts with absolute concentrations. The regression lines and correlation coefficients of elements that are generally used in paleoenvironmental studies were examined for the different exposure times and X-ray tubes. The results show that for those elements with relatively high concentrations or high detectability, the correlation coefficients are higher than 0.90 for all exposure times. In contrast, for the low detectability or low concentration elements, the correlation coefficients are relatively low, and improve little with increased exposure time. Therefore, we suggest that the influence of different exposure times is insignificant for the accuracy of the measurements. Thus, caution must be taken when interpreting the results of elements with low detectability, even when the exposure times are long and scanning counts are reasonably high.
In the present paper, the ecology and feeding habits of euphausiids are described. The samples were taken at the time of the NE-monsoon (1964/65) by R. V. "Meteor" in the Arabian Sea and adjacent waters. 24 species were determined. According to distribution of the species, the following marine areas can be distinguished: Arabian Sea: 24 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. tenera, E. distinguenda, Stylocheiron carinatum. Gulf of Aden: 10 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda. Red Sea: 6 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda. Gulf of Oman : 5 Species, dominant are Euphausia distinguenda, Pseudeupbaufia latifrons. Persian Gulf: 1 species - Pseudeuphausia latifrons. The total number of euphausiids indicate the biomass of this group. High densities of euphausiids (200-299 and > 300 individuals/100 m**3) occur in the innermost part of the Gulf cf Aden, in the area south of the equator near the African east coast, near Karachi (Indian west coast) and in the Persian Gulf. Comparison with data relating to production biology confirms that these are eutrophic zones which coincide with areas in which upwelling occurs at the time of the NE-monsoon. The central part of the Arabian Sea differs from adjacent waters by virtue of less dense euphausiid populations (> 199 individuals/100 m**3). Measurements relating to production biology demonstrate a relatively low concentration of primary food sources. Food material was ascertained by analysis of stomach content. The following omnivorous species were examined: Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda, E. tenera, Pseudeuphausia latifrons and Thysanopoda tricuspidata. Apart from crustacean remains large numbers of Foraminifera, Radiolaria, tintinnids, dinoflagellates were found in the stomachs. Quantitatively crustaceans form the most important item in the diet. Food selection on the basis of size and form appears to be restricted to certain genera of tintinnids. The genera Stylocheiron and Nematoscelis are predators. Only crustacean remains were found in the stomachs of Stylocheiron abbreviatum, whereas Radiolaria, Foraminifera and tintinnids occurred to some extent in Nematasceli sp. Different euphausiids in the food chain in the Arabian Sea. In omnivorous species the position is variable, since they not only feed by filtering autotrophic and heterotrophic Protista, but also by predation on zooplankton. Carnivorous species without filtering apparatus feed exclusively on zooplankton of the size of copepods. Only these species are well established as occupying a higher position in the food chain. The parasitic protozoan Tbalassomyces fagei was found on Euphausia diomedeae, E. fenera, E. distinguenda and E. sanzoi.
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is now widely used as a rapid and inexpensive tool for chemical/biochemical analysis. The method can give enormous increases in the intensities of the Raman signals of low-concentration molecular targets if they are adsorbed on suitable enhancing substrates, which are typically composed of nanostructured Ag or Au. However, the features of SERS that allow it to be used as a chemical sensor also mean that it can be used as a powerful probe of the surface chemistry of any nanostructured material that can provide SERS enhancement. This is important because it is the surface chemistry that controls how these materials interact with their local environment and, in real applications, this interaction can be more important than more commonly measured properties such as morphology or plasmonic absorption. Here, the opportunity that this approach to SERS provides is illustrated with examples where the surface chemistry is both characterized and controlled in order to create functional nanomaterials.
Os filmes são produzidos a partir de macromoléculas, que podem ser utilizados como embalagem, como os polissacarídeos, lipídeos e proteínas. As proteínas se destacam dos demais, pois possuem uma estrutura com 20 monômeros diferentes, que confere um amplo potencial de ligações intermoleculares. A incorporação de agentes ativos em filmes é uma alternativa como embalagem, para inibir ou retardar a multiplicação de microrganismos patógenos e deteriorantes em alimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana de filmes à base de isolado protéico de anchoita (Engraulis anchoita) – IPA adicionados de ácidos orgânicos. Para tanto, foi elaborado o IPA, pela solubilização alcalina da proteína e precipitação no ponto isoelétrico a partir de carne mecanicamente separada. O IPA foi avaliado quanto a sua composição proximal, aminoacídica e por DSC. A solução formadora dos filmes foi elaborada a partir de IPA, água, glicerol e hidróxido de sódio. As formulações dos filmes foram elaboradas segundo um planejamento fatorial 23 . Foram avaliadas as propriedades físico-químicas de resistência a tração (RT) e elongação (E); espessura, solubilidade e permeabilidade ao vapor de água (PVA); a diferença de cor (∆E*) e opacidade (Y) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) de filmes à base de IPA. Os filmes com diferentes concentrações de ácido sórbico (AS) ou ácido benzóico (AB) foram desenvolvidos a partir da condição cujo as propriedades físico-químicas foram as melhores, sendo comparados aos filmes controles. Estes, foram avaliados quanto a sua atividade antimicrobiana frente aos microrganismos Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella Enteritidis pelo método de difusão em disco, além das propriedades físico-químicas, MEV e FT-IV. Os filmes com maior atividade antimicrobiana e os filmes controle foram aplicados sobre carne bovina, inoculados com os microrganismos inibidos no método de difusão em disco e armazenados a 5°C. Estes, foram avaliados a cada 2 dias durante 12 dias de armazenamento, pela método de contagem em gotas. O IPA apresentou 88,8% de proteína e 53,3% de aminoácidos polares e temperatura de desnaturação de 62,2°C. A espessura, PVA, ∆E* e Y dos filmes não foram afetados pelas variáveis estudadas no experimento. A menor solubilidade e maior RT dos filmes ocorreram em baixa concentração de IPA, glicerol e tratamento térmico, mas a E aumentou com o acréscimo dessas variáveis. As MEV das superfícies dos filmes foram homogêneas, para aqueles com leve tratamento térmico. O aumento da concentração de AS e AB na faixa de 0,50 a 1,50% resultou na diminuição da RT e aumento da E, solubilidade, ∆E* e Y. Houve mudança da organização molecular e interações intermoleculares entre as moléculas de IPA e AB testados pela avaliação do FT-IV. As MEV revelaram microporos em filmes com 1,50% de AS, o que resultou em filmes com menor homogeneidade. A maior atividade antimicrobiana foi verificada nos filmes com 1,50% de AS e AB frente a E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes e S. Enteritidis. Estes filmes foram aplicados sobre carne bovina inoculada com E. coli O157:H7 e L. monocytogenes. Os filmes de AS frente a E. coli O157:H7 e L. monocytogenes apresentaram uma redução de 5 e 4 log UFC.g-1, respectivamente, em relação ao filme controle. O efeito do AB frente a estas bactérias, apresentou uma redução de 6 e 5 log UFC.g-1, ao final do 12° dia de armazenamento, respectivamente. Os filmes elaborados à base de IPA, adicionados de AS ou AB podem ser eficazes contra os patógenos alimentares testados.
The objective of this study was to examine the growth of Gracilaria cervicornis cultured in a shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) pond and to determine the absorption efficiency and the kinetics parameters (Vmax, Ks e Vmax:Ks) of this macroalgae for the nutrients N-NO3-, N-NH4+ and P-PO4-3, aiming at its use as bioremediatory of eutrophicated environments. For this study, two experiments (field and laboratory) were developed. In the field study, the seaweed was examined in relation to the growth and the biomass. In the laboratory experiment, the absorption efficiency of G. cervicornis was measured through the monitoring of the concentration of the three nutrients (N-NO3-, N-NH4+ e P-PO4-3) during 5 hours and the kinetic parameters were determined through the formula of Michaelis-Menten. The results obtained in this study demonstrated that G. cervicornis benefited from the available nutrients in the pond, increasing 52.4% of its biomass value after 30 days of culture. It was evidenced that the variability of the biomass could be explained through the salinity, availability of light (transparency and solid particle in suspension) and concentration of N-NO3- in the environment. In the laboratory experiment, the highest absorption efficiency was found in the treatments with low concentration (5 µmol.L-1), being evidenced a reduction of up to 85,3%, 97,5% and 81,2% of N-NH4+, N-NO3- and P-PO43-, respectively. Regarding the kinetic parameters, G. cervicornis presented better ability in absorbing N-NH4+ in high concentrations (Vmax = 158,5 µmol g-1 dry wt h-1) and P-PO43- in low concentrations (Ks = 5 µmol.L-1 e Vmax:Ks = 10,3). The results of this study show that G. cervicornis could be cultivated in shrimp ponds, presents a good capacity of absorption for the tested nutrients and is a promising candidate for biorremediation in shrimp pond effluent
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have attracted significant attention during the past decade due to their high porosity, tunable structures, and controllable surface functionalities. Therefore many applications have been proposed for MOFs. All of them however are still in their infancy stage and have not yet been brought into the market place. In this thesis, the background of the MOF area is first briefly introduced. The main components and the motifs of designing MOFs are summarized, followed by their synthesis and postsynthetic modification methods. Several promising application areas of MOFs including gas storage and separation, catalysis and sensing are reviewed. The current status of commercialization of MOFs as new chemical products is also summarized. Examples of the design and synthesis of two new MOF structures Eu(4,4′,4′′,4′′′-(porphine-5,10,15,20-tetrayl)tetrakis(benzoic acid))·2H2O∙xDMF and Zn4O(azobenzene-4,4’-dicarboxylic acid)3∙xNMP are described. The first one contains free-base porphyrin centers and the second one has azobenzene components. Although the structures were synthesized as designed, unfortunately they did not possess the expected properties. The research idea to use MOFs as template materials to synthesize porous polymers is introduced. Several methods are discussed to grow PMMA into IRMOF-1 (Zn4O(benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3, IR stands for isoreticular) structure. High concentration of the monomers resulted in PMMA shell after MOF digestion while with low concentration of monomers no PMMA was left after digestion due to the small iii molecular weight. During the study of this chapter, Kitagawa and co-workers published several papers on the same topic, so this part of the research was terminated thereafter. Many MOFs are reported to be unstable in air due to the water molecules in air which greatly limited their applications. By incorporating a number of water repelling functional groups such as trifluoromethoxy group and methyl groups in the frameworks, the water stability of MOFs are shown to be significantly enhanced. Several MOFs inculding Banasorb-22 (Zn4O(2-trifluoromethoxybenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3), Banasorb-24 (Zn4O(2, 5-dimethylbenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3) and Banasorb-30 (Zn4O(2-methylbenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3) were synthesized and proved to have isostructures with IRMOF-1. Banasorb-22 was stable in boiling water steam for one week and Banasorb-30’s shelf life was over 10 months under ambient condition. For comparison, IRMOF-1’s structure collapses in air after a few hours to several days. Although MOF is a very popular research area nowadays, only a few studies have been reported on the mechanical properties of MOFs. Many of MOF’s applications involve high pressure conditions, so it is important to understand the behavior of MOFs under elivated pressures. The mechanical properties of IRMOF-1 and a new MOF structure Eu2(C12N2O4H6)3(DEF)0.87(H2O)2.13 were studied using diamond anvil cells at Advanced Photon Source. IRMOF-1 experienced an irriversible phase transtion to a nonporous phase followed by amorphization under high pressure. Eu2(C12N2O4H6)3(DEF)0.87(H2O)2.13 showed reversible compression under pressure up to 9.08GPa.
Os sedimentos podem atuar tanto como acumuladores quanto como fontes de poluentes. Em função das atividades portuárias locais estarem em ritmo de crescimento pela ampliação do porto de Rio Grande (RS), estudos que mostrem a situação do local investigado são importantes a fim de prever o aporte do ferro nesse ambiente. Neste trabalho, a especiação química do ferro e a determinação da concentração do metal total e dissolvido em amostras de águas intersticiais no sedimento do Saco do Mendanha (RS) foram avaliadas, utilizando a Voltametria Adsortiva de Redissolução Catódica com o ligante 2,3-Dihidroxinaftaleno. O objetivo principal desse trabalho foi validar a metodologia analítica para realizar a especiação química do ferro em águas intersticiais, o que englobou a faixa linear de trabalho, limites de detecção e de quantificação, a exatidão e precisão. O Limite de Detecção encontrado foi de 0,11 nmol L-1 . Foram determinadas as concentrações de ferro total, dissolvido e lábil em três frações distintas: na interface água/sedimento, entre 0 e -5 cm; e entre -15 e -20 cm de profundidade na coluna sedimentar. Nas amostras analisadas, a concentração de ferro lábil encontrada foi entre 4,64 – 135,37 µmol L-1 ; a concentração do metal dissolvido foi de 6,25 – 322,70 µmol L-1 e de ferro total entre 83,36 – 390,30 µmol L-1 . A concentração do metal lábil em comparação com a fração dissolvida e total indica a presença de complexos estáveis entre o metal e a matéria orgânica natural presente na água intersticial, tornando dessa forma, o metal menos biodisponível para a biota local. Durante os meses de amostragem do sedimento, foi observada variação da concentração do metal, onde no mês de abril ocorreu o maior aporte do metal da coluna d’água para o sedimento. Essa transferência do metal para o sedimento pode estar relacionada pela forte mudança na salinidade no local de amostragem, passando de 16 no mês de fevereiro para 33 no mês de abril e para próximo de zero nos meses de agosto e novembro de 2009.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, 2015.
In this review, we detail the efforts performed to couple the purification and the immobilization of industrial enzymes in a single step. The use of antibodies, the development of specific domains with affinity for some specific supports will be revised. Moreover, we will discuss the use of domains that increase the affinity for standard matrices (ionic exchangers, silicates). We will show how the control of the immobilization conditions may convert some unspecific supports in largely specific ones. The development of tailor-made heterofunctional supports as a tool to immobilize–stabilize–purify some proteins will be discussed in deep, using low concentration of adsorbent groups and a dense layer of groups able to give an intense multipoint covalent attachment. The final coupling of mutagenesis and tailor made supports will be the last part of the review.
The remediation of paracetamol (PA), an emerging contaminant frequently found in wastewater treatment plants, has been studied in the low concentration range (0.3–10 mg L−1) using as adsorbent a biomass-derived activated carbon. PA uptake of up to 100 mg g−1 over the activated carbon has been obtained, with the adsorption isotherms being fairly explained by the Langmuir model. The application of Reichemberg and the Vermeulen equations to the batch kinetics experiments allowed estimating homogeneous and heterogeneous diffusion coefficients, reflecting the dependence of diffusion with the surface coverage of PA. A series of rapid small-scale column tests were carried out to determine the breakthrough curves under different operational conditions (temperature, PA concentration, flow rate, bed length). The suitability of the proposed adsorbent for the remediation of PA in fixed-bed adsorption was proven by the high PA adsorption capacity along with the fast adsorption and the reduced height of the mass transfer zone of the columns. We have demonstrated that, thanks to the use of the heterogeneous diffusion coefficient, the proposed mathematical approach for the numerical solution to the mass balance of the column provides a reliable description of the breakthrough profiles and the design parameters, being much more accurate than models based in the classical linear driving force.
The general objective of this study was to contribute to the understanding of the chemical evolution of fluids that percolate through carbonate rocks of the Jandaíra Formation. The oxidation and reduction conditions in which grains, source and cement were formed was investigated using the cathodoluminescence technique (CL). The study area is located in the west part of the Potiguar Basin (Fazenda Belém field) and Rosário Ledge (Felipe Guerra municipality, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). The analysis of thin sections of carbonate rocks under CL revealed that grains (allochemical or not) and diagenetic products (micritization, dolomitization, neomorphism and cementation) exhibit since absence of luminescence the various luminescence colors (yellow, orange, red, brown, and blue) in a variety of intensities. As pure calcite shows dark blue luminescence, the occurrence of different luminescence colors in calcite crystals suggest one or more punctual crystal defects such as free electron, free space and impurity. The dyeing of thin sections with alizarin and potassium ferrocyanide revealed the absence of ferrous carbonate in the different lithotypes of Jandaíra Formation. Therefore, the different colors and intensities of CL observed in these rocks are probably caused by the presence of ion activators such as Mn2+ and is not an activator/inhibitor combination. In the same way, the absence of luminescence is very probably caused by the absence of activator ions and not due to the low concentration of inhibitor ions such as Fe2+. The incorporation of Mn2+ in the different members of the Jandaíra Formation must have been controlled by the redox state of the depositional environment and diagenesis. Therefore, it is possible that the luminescent members have been formed (e.g.,ooids) or have been modified (gastropod neomorphism) under reduction conditions in the depositional environments, in subsurface during the burial, or, in the case of Rosario Ledge samples , during the post-burial return to surface conditions. As regards the sudden changes from low to moderate and to strong luminescence, these features should indicate the precipitation of a fluid with chemical fluctuations, which formed the frequent zonations in the block cement of the Rosario Ledge samples. This study suggests that the different intensities and colors of CL should be correlated with the Mn2+ and Fe2+ contents, and stable isotopes of samples to determine the salinity, temperature, pH e Eh conditions during deposition
Purpose: To investigate the effect of withaferin A (WFA) on the proliferation and migration of brain endothelial cells. Methods: BALB-5023 mouse microvascular cells were treated with a range of withaferin A (WFA) concentrations from 10 to 100 ng/mL. Dojindo’s CCK-8 cell proliferation kit was used for the analysis of cell proliferation. Transwell cell culture inserts were used to determine the migration potential of WFAtreated endothelial cells. Absorbance was measured at 450 nm on an enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA) reader. Results: The results revealed a significant increase in the proliferation and migration of endothelial cells following treatment with a low concentration (30 ng/mL) of WFA compared with the higher concentration (> 10 ng/mL). The effect was further enhanced when WFA was used in combination with soluble Fas ligand (sFasL). Autocrine signaling of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) by endothelial cells was significantly increased following treatment with WFA or in combination with sFasL. WFA increased the expression of Fas on endothelial cells, suggesting the involvement of sFasL in the proliferation and migration of brain endothelial cells. Conclusion: Thus, WFA promotes the proliferation and migration of endothelial cells through increase in the expression of Fas and secretion of VEGF.
Nowadays, most of the hydrocarbon reserves in the world are in the form of heavy oil, ultra - heavy or bitumen. For the extraction and production of this resource is required to implement new technologies. One of the promising processes for the recovery of this oil is the Expanding Solvent Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (ES-SAGD) which uses two parallel horizontal wells, where the injection well is situated vertically above the production well. The completion of the process occurs upon injection of a hydrocarbon additive at low concentration in conjunction with steam. The steam adds heat to reduce the viscosity of the oil and solvent aids in reducing the interfacial tension between oil/ solvent. The main force acting in this process is the gravitational and the heat transfer takes place by conduction, convection and latent heat of steam. In this study was used the discretized wellbore model, where the well is discretized in the same way that the reservoir and each section of the well treated as a block of grid, with interblock connection with the reservoir. This study aims to analyze the influence of the pressure drop and heat along the injection well in the ES-SAGD process. The model used for the study is a homogeneous reservoir, semi synthetic with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast and numerical simulations were performed using the STARS thermal simulator from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The operational parameters analyzed were: percentage of solvent injected, the flow of steam injection, vertical distance between the wells and steam quality. All of them were significant in oil recovery factor positively influencing this. The results showed that, for all cases analyzed, the model considers the pressure drop has cumulative production of oil below its respective model that disregards such loss. This difference is more pronounced the lower the value of the flow of steam injection
The objective of this study was to examine the growth of Gracilaria cervicornis cultured in a shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) pond and to determine the absorption efficiency and the kinetics parameters (Vmax, Ks e Vmax:Ks) of this macroalgae for the nutrients N-NO3-, N-NH4+ and P-PO4-3, aiming at its use as bioremediatory of eutrophicated environments. For this study, two experiments (field and laboratory) were developed. In the field study, the seaweed was examined in relation to the growth and the biomass. In the laboratory experiment, the absorption efficiency of G. cervicornis was measured through the monitoring of the concentration of the three nutrients (N-NO3-, N-NH4+ e P-PO4-3) during 5 hours and the kinetic parameters were determined through the formula of Michaelis-Menten. The results obtained in this study demonstrated that G. cervicornis benefited from the available nutrients in the pond, increasing 52.4% of its biomass value after 30 days of culture. It was evidenced that the variability of the biomass could be explained through the salinity, availability of light (transparency and solid particle in suspension) and concentration of N-NO3- in the environment. In the laboratory experiment, the highest absorption efficiency was found in the treatments with low concentration (5 µmol.L-1), being evidenced a reduction of up to 85,3%, 97,5% and 81,2% of N-NH4+, N-NO3- and P-PO43-, respectively. Regarding the kinetic parameters, G. cervicornis presented better ability in absorbing N-NH4+ in high concentrations (Vmax = 158,5 µmol g-1 dry wt h-1) and P-PO43- in low concentrations (Ks = 5 µmol.L-1 e Vmax:Ks = 10,3). The results of this study show that G. cervicornis could be cultivated in shrimp ponds, presents a good capacity of absorption for the tested nutrients and is a promising candidate for biorremediation in shrimp pond effluent
The interest in carbon nanomaterials with high transparency and electrical conductivity has grown within the last decade in view of a wide variety of applications, including biocompatible sensors, diagnostic devices and bioelectronic implants. The aim of this work is to test the biocompatibility of particular nanometer-thin nanocrystalline glass-like carbon films (NGLC), a disordered structure of graphene flakes joined by carbon matrix (Romero et al., 2016). We used a cell line (SN4741) from substantia nigra dopaminergic cells derived from transgenic mouse embryo cells (Son et al., 1999). Some cells were cultured on top of NGLC films (5, 20 and 80 nm) and other with NGLC nanoflakes (approx. 5-10 mm2) in increasing concentrations: 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 μg/ml, during 24 h, 3 days and 7 days. Cells growing in normal conditions were defined under culture with DMEM supplemented with 10% FCS, Glucose (0,6%), penicillin-streptomycin (50U/ml) and L-glutamine (2mM) at 5%CO2 humidified atmosphere. Nanoflakes were resuspended in DMEM at the stock concentration (2 g/l). The experiments were conducted in 96 well plates (Corning) using 2500 cells per well. For MTT analysis, the manufacturer recommendations were followed (Roche, MTT kit assay): a positive control with a 10% Triton X-100 treatments (15 minutes) and a negative control without neither Triton X-100 nor NGLC. As apoptosis/necrosis assay we used LIVE/DEAD® Viability/Cytotoxicity Assay Kit (Invitrogen). In a separate experiment, cells were cultured on top of the NGLC films for 7 days. Primary antibodies: anti-synaptophysin (SYP, clone SY38, Chemicon) and goat anti-GIRK2 (G-protein-regulated inward-rectifier potassium channel 2 protein) (Abcom) following protocol for immunofluorescence. WB for proteins detection performed with a polyclonal anti-rabbit proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Results demonstrated the biocompatibility with different concentration of NGLC varying the degree of survival from a low concentration (1 mg/ml) in the first 24 h to high concentrations (20-50 g/ml) after 7 days as it is corroborated by the PCNA analysis. Cells cultured on top of the film showed after 7 days axonal-like alignment and edge orientation as well as net-like images. Neuronal functionality was demonstrated to a certain extent through the analysis of coexistence between SYP and GIRK2. In conclusion, this nanomaterial could offer a powerful platform for biomedical applications such as neural tissue engineering