956 resultados para Lichen taxonomy
This study investigates the relative importance of climate, lobe morphology and lobe interactions in determining the radial growth of individual lobes in foliose lichen thalli. The radial growth of 75 lobes from thalli of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.) Ach. and Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby) Laund. was measured over 22 successive months in relation to climatic factors. Individual lobes showed a fluctuating pattern of radial growth with alternating periods of fast and slow growth. In 17/75 (23%) of lobes studied, monthly radial growth was correlated with a climatic factor, usually total rainfall or the frequency of sunshine hours. In addition, the radial growth of 54 lobes of P. conspersa was measured over four months in relation to lobe morphology and the radial growth and morphology of adjacent lobes. Radial growth was correlated with lobe length and with the radial growth of adjacent lobes. In addition, the pattern of lobe branching appeared to be related to lobe width and to a lesser extent to lobe length and the width of adjacent lobes. The radial growth in one year of exceptionally long lobes which had grown beyond the thallus margin was similar to more normal lobes, but experimentally bisected lobes had significantly reduced radial growth compared with control lobes. These results suggested that the fluctuating pattern of radial growth in individual lobes may be determined by climate and the pattern of lobe branching. In addition, the pattern of lobe branching was related to lobe width and may be influenced by adjacent lobes.
Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. is a foliose lichen found more frequently on south facing compared with north facing rock surfaces in South Gwynedd, Wales, UK. The radial growth of thalli of P. conspersa from a north and a south facing rock surface was measured in situ at intervals of two months for 1 yr during 1990/1991. Mean annual radial growth rates were greater on the south compared with the north facing rock surface. In addition, the pattern of radial growth varied during the year with maximum growth recorded in the Feb/Mar. period especially on the south facing rock surface. The levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in individual lobes of P. conspersa collected from the same rock surfaces on 4 days (2 Jun; 7 July and 30 Nov. 1990 and 29 Mar. 1991) during 1990/1991. The total of the three carbohydrates varied between days; the levels of arbitol and ribitol being significantly lower in the 7 July sample on both north and south facing rock surfaces. In addition, the levels ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were higher on the south facing rock surface especially in the summer samples. The ratio of arabitol plus mannitol to ribitol and the mannitol/arabitol ratio varied more between days sampled than between north and south facing rock surfaces. The level of ribitol in individual thalli was positively correlated with arabitol on the north facing and with mannitol on the south facing slope. These results suggest that differences in the radial growth of P. conspersa thalli with aspect are more likely to reflect higher rates of photosynthesis on the south facing rock surface rather than large difference in the way carbohydrates were partitioned on the different surfaces. Lower radial growth rates may place P. conspersa at a competitive disadvantage on north facing rock surfaces.
Changes in the radial growth rate (RGR mm/yr) through life were studied in thalli of the foliose lichen Parmelia conspersa by two methods: (1) a cross-sectional study (Study A) in which the RGR was measured in 60 thalli from 0.2 to 13 cm in diameter, and (2) by radial growth measurements over 4.5 years of fragments, consisting of a single major lobe, which were removed from large thalli and glued to pieces of slate (Study B). Both studies suggested there was a phase of increasing RGR in small thalli followed by a more constant phase, the latter beginning at approximately a thallus radius of 6-8 mm. However, in Study B significantly increased RGR was observed during the second 6-month growth period. This phase of growth was more likely to be due to an increase in lobe width than to an effect of climate. In addition, a lobe in a large thallus with both adjacent lobes removed significantly increased in width over 1 year compared with control lobes. These results suggest that (1) mean lobe width in a thallus may be determined by the intensity of marginal competition between adjacent lobes, and (2) changes in lobe width during the life of a lichen thallus may be a factor determining the establishment of the linear phase of growth in foliose lichens. © 1992.
The relationship between the daily deposition of soredia of Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. and local climatic records was studied in the field during three periods at a site in Seattle, WA, U.S.A: (1) 11 August – 16 September 1986 (Study A); (2) 16 December – 11 January 1987 (Study B) and (3) 8 July 1988 – 30 January 1989 (Study C). The soredia were trapped on adhesive strips placed at various locations on a Prunus blireiana L. tree for 24 hr periods. A correlation matrix of the data from all three studies revealed a negative correlation between soredial deposition and relative humidity; and a positive correlation with rainfall and temperature. A multiple regression and forward stepwise regression analysis selected relative humidity as the most significant climatic variable, i.e. more soredia tended to be deposited when relative humidity was low. Analysis of individual studies by multiple regression revealed: (1) no significant relationships between soredial deposition and climate in Study A; (2) positive relationships with temperature and wind speed in Study B and (3) positive relationships with wind speed and rainfall in the summer/autumn months of Study C; in the winter months no relationships with climate were found because few soredia were deposited. The data suggest that in the field seasonal photoperiod differences combined with moderately high temperatures and high relative humidity may promote soredial formation and accumulation on thalli prior to soredia dispersal. In addition, low relative humidity may promote soredial release while wind and raindrops may be possible agents of dispersal.
Dispersal, establishment and survival were studied in a population of Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. growing on an isolated tree (Prunus blireiana L.) at a site in North Seattle, U.S.A. Lichen propagules were trapped daily on adhesive strips pinned to various sites on the tree over a period of 36 days. Both soredia and fragments were deposited on the strips, particularly on the upper branches of the tree, with soredia being considerably more numerous than fragments. Daily variation in total soredia deposited did not correlate with 10 climatic variables including wind speed, relative humidity and average temperature. Establishment and survival of propagules were studied by introducing soredia and fragments into various sites on the bark and by observing the distribution of small thalli in different microsites. Microtopography of bark significantly influenced establishment and survival. Survival was poor on smooth bark compared with survival on algal or lichen crusts and on rough bark. Survival of soredia did not vary significantly at different locations on the tree. It is likely that colonization of the tree by H. physodes occurs largely by soredia. Colonization appears to be limited more by the range of dispersal over the tree than by differential survival over different parts of the tree.
Data on the growth curve of the lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum were obtained by measuring the radial growth rates (mm per 1.5 years) of 39 thalli from 2 to 65 mm in diameter growing in the same environment. An Aplin and Hill plot (r2 – r1 against ln r2 – ln r1) of the data and regression analyses suggested an initial phase of growth (up to a diameter of about 7 mm) in which the relative growth rate increased rapidly. This was followed by a phase in which the relative growth rate fell but the radial growth rate continued to rise (7 to 20 mm in diameter). Radial growth was then relatively constant until about 45 mm diameter and then declined. The Aplin and Hill model did not fit the data as a whole but may apply for a transient period in thalli between about 7 and 16 mm in diameter. The curve shows some similarities to that suggested by lichenometric studies but differs in showing a less steep decline in growth rate after the ‘great’ period.
Thalli of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa on a vertical slate rock surafce in South Gwynedd were signifiacntly larger at the top of the face than at the bottom. The radial growth rates of the thalli measured over 1 year were not correlated with height on the face or with variation in thallus diameter down the face. These results suggest that the lichen thalli may be older at the top than at the bottom are are consistent with the hypothesis that the lichen colonized the top of the face first and then gradually spread downwards.
Three lichen species were wetted in the field with distilled water, rainwater or water which had run off a rock surafce, during July 1974 to February 1975. The radial growth rate of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa was not influenced by the wetting treatments. The radial growth rate of P. conspersa with the distilled water was greater than the control, rainwater and runoff treatments. The radial growth rate of Physcia orbicularis was lower with rainwater and runoff treatmentss than the control and distilled water treatment. These results may be explained by the effect of wetting on the carbon balance of the lichens and by the influence of water chemistry.
Thalli of four saxicolous lichens on slate rock fragments were transplanted from rock surafces to horizontal boards and then to south-east-facing and north-west-facing rock surfaces. The radial growth rate of Physcia orbicularis and Parmelia conspersa thalli declined after transplatation to north-west-facing rock surfaces and was unchanged after transplantation to south-east-facing rock surfaces cmpared with growth rates on the boards. The radial growth rate of P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa thalli declined after transplantation to south-east-facing rock surfaces and was unchanged after transplantation to north-west-facing rock surfaces compared with grwoth rate on the boards. The radial growth rate of P. saxatilis thalli was similar on the horizontal boards, south-east-facing and north-west-facing rock surfaces. These results are dsicussed in relation to the aspect distribution of the four lichens in South Gwynedd, Wales.
The radial growth of samples of thalli of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa were measured in situ on a south-facing and a northwest-facing rock surface each month from August 1973 to July 1974. In the periods August to October 1973 and March to July 1974 the radial growth of thalli in the northwest population was greater than in the south population. In the period November 1973 to February 1974 the radial growth of thalli in the south population was greater than in the northwest population. A physiological basis for the differences in seasonal growth in the two populations was suggested. The mean annual radial growth rate (in units of mm/year) was not significantly different in the two populations. However, the variability in radial growth rate between thalli was signifiacntly larger in the northwest than in the south population. These results may be explained by genetic difference between the populations and environmental differences between the rock surfaces.
The growth rates of thalli of foliose saxicolous lichens before and after the linear phase of growth were measured in 1973. Changes in the radial growth rate (measured as mm/year) with thallus size in the prelinear phase (thalli less than approximately 1.5 cm in diameter) were consistent with the hypothesis that early growth of these lichens is loagarithmic. When growth in the prelinear phase was measured as a relative growth rate (measured as sq cm/sq cm/year) there was a rapid rise in growth rate until about 3 mm thallus diameter and then a decline in growth rate. The radial growth rate of non-fragmenting thalli when compared with fragmenting thalli at different stages of fragmentation suggested that radial growth rate does not significantly decline after fragmentation of the thallus. This result is not consistent with a postlinear phase in the radial growth of a lichen thallus.
One of the most widely distributed species of crustose lichen is Rhizocarpon geographicum. This unusual organism comprises yellow-green 'areolae' growing on the surface of a non-lichenised hypothallus that extends beyond the margin of the areolae to form a ring. This article describes the general structure of R. geographicum, how the areolae and hypothallus are formed, why the species grows so slowly, and whether it can inhibit its neighbours by releasing allelochemicals.
Lichens, a symbiotic association between a filamentous fungus and an alga, are often dominant in stressful environments such as the surfaces of rock and tree bark. Under these conditions, lichens experience extremes of temperature, moisture supply, and low availability of nutrients. As a consequence, lichens sequester a high proportion of their carbon production for stress resistance rather than for growth. Hence, as a group lichens are particularly slow growing organisms with many species growing at less than 2mm per year and some at less than 0.5mm per year. Whether or not competition occurs between lichen thalli in these communities is controversial. This article discusses the evidence that competition occurs between lichens on rock and tree bark and assesses whether competitive effects are likely to be important in structuring these communities.
Carbohydrates in the hypothallus and areolae of the crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC
Carbohydrate concentrations in the marginal hypothallus and areolae of the crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. were measured in north Wales, U.K. using gas chromatography. Ribitol, arabitol, and mannitol were the most abundant carbohydrates while a- glucose ß-glucose, fructose, sucrose, and trehalose were present in smaller amounts. The concentrations of arabitol, ribitol, mannitol, fructose, and a-glucose were greater in the areolae while the concentration of trehalose was greater in the hypothallus. Concentrations of carbohydrates varied little between sample days. Concentrations of polyols in the hypothallus were not correlated with those in the areolae. These results suggest: 1) the hypothallus has a lower demand for carbohydrates than the areolae or there is limited transport from areolae to hypothallus, 2) increased trehalose in the non-lichenised hypothallus may be an adaptation to withstand stress and desiccation, and 3) polyols are partitioned differently in the hypothallus and areolae.
Certain species of crustose lichens have concentrically zoned margins which probably represent yearly growth rings. These marginal growth rings offer an alternative method of studying annual growth fluctuations, establishing growth rate-size curves, and determining the age of thalli for certain crustose species. Hence, marginal growth rings represent a potentially valuable, unexploited, tool in lichenometry. In a preliminary study, we measured the widths of the successive marginal rings in 25 thalli of Ochrolechia parella (L.) Massal., growing at a maritime site in north Wales. Mean ring widths of all thalli varied from a minimum of 1.02 mm (the outermost ring) to a maximum of 2.06 mm (the third ring from the margin). There is some suggestion that marginal ring width and thallus size are positively correlated; and hence that growth rates increase in larger thalli in this small population. In a further study on recently exposed bedrock adjacent to Breidalon, SE Iceland, we examined the potential for using marginal growth rings to estimate thallus age of a lichen tentatively identified as a Rhizocarpon (possibly R. concentricum (Davies) Beltram.) and thus confirm the timing of surface exposure (c. 50 years). Collectively, these results suggest: 1) the measurement of marginal rings is a possible alternative method of studying the growth of crustose lichens; 2) O. parella may grow differently to other crustose species, exhibiting a rapidly increasing radial growth rate in thalli >40 mm; 3) where lichens with marginal rings grow on recently exposed surfaces (<60 yrs), minimum age estimates can be made using growth rings as an in situ indication of lichen growth rate; 4) it is suggested that this phenomenon could provide a valuable, previously unexploited, in situ lichenometric-dating tool in areas lacking calibration control.