1000 resultados para Liberty Revolution


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In this article it is examined the work Persepolis, animation movie which summarizes the four volumes of the homonymous work launched in the form of comics in France, between 2000 and 2003. Narrated by the author Marjane Satrapi, it portraits the 15 years following the events of 1979 in Iran, from her personal perspective. Belonging to a left-wing social group, westernized according to the Iranian standards, she saw its utopias die as the Islamic Revolution won. However, during an auto exile in Vienna in her teen ages, she realized that the vaunted western liberty also charged its price. Considering Persepolis narrative literally as a look into perspective, it is debated the political and social aspects of the relationship east / west in a particular relation with the work of Edward Said.


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The article discusses the trajectory of Manuel Luis da Veiga which, as a merchant in Portugal (where he was born) invested to install a factory in Pernambuco after the arrival of Real Family in the Rio de Janeiro, considering the changes, in these days, in the Portuguese Empire. It focuses the political sociabilities, remarking the role of Veiga in the court and his writings on political economy, understanding both as two linked dimensions of his social practice. It points out that his trajectory shows a deeply changing world in terms of paradigms, impossible to be understood simply in patterns of what was old or new in the beginning of XIX century.


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Le pietre artificiali ed i cementi artistici utilizzati durante la stagione Liberty rappresentano tutt’oggi un patrimonio artistico non ancora sufficientemente studiato. In seguito ad una ricerca bibliografica su testi e riviste dei primi anni del Novecento, è stata eseguita una ricognizione del patrimonio architettonico emiliano-romagnolo, al fine di valutarne i materiali e le tipologie di degrado più diffuse. Le città e le zone oggetto di studio sono state: Bologna, Ferrara, Modena e provincia, Reggio Emilia, Parma, Firenze, la Romagna e le Marche settentrionali. Tra gli edifici individuati sono state analizzate le decorazioni e gli intonaci di tre edifici ritenuti particolarmente significativi: il villino Pennazzi (noto anche come Villa Gina) a Borgo Panigale (Bologna), villa Verde a Bologna e l’ex-albergo Dorando Pietri a Carpi. Da tali edifici sono stati selezionati campioni rappresentativi delle diverse tipologie di decorazioni in pietra artificiale e successivamente sono stati caratterizzati in laboratorio tramite diffrattometria a raggi x (XRD), termogravimetria (TGA), microscopio ottico in sezioni lucide, microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM) e porosimetria ad intrusione di mercurio (MIP). In particolare per Villa Verde sono state formulate e caratterizzate diverse tipologie di malte variando il tipo di legante ed il rapporto acqua/cemento, al fine di garantire la compatibilità fisico-meccanica con il supporto negli interventi di risarcimento delle lacune previsti nel restauro. L’attività sperimentale svolta ha permesso di mettere a punto un vero e proprio protocollo diagnostico per il restauro di questo tipo di decorazioni che potrà essere utilizzato sia nei casi di studio analizzati che per ogni futuro intervento.


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In the early decades of the twentieth century, as Japanese society became engulfed in war and increasing nationalism, the majority of Buddhist leaders and institutions capitulated to the status quo. One notable exception to this trend, however, was the Shinkō Bukkyō Seinen Dōmei (Youth League for Revitalizing Buddhism), founded on 5 April 1931. Led by Nichiren Buddhist layman Seno’o Girō and made up of young social activists who were critical of capitalism, internationalist in outlook, and committed to a pan-sectarian and humanist form of Buddhism that would work for social justice and world peace, the league’s motto was “carry the Buddha on your backs and go out into the streets and villages.” This article analyzes the views of the Youth League for Revitalizing Buddhism as found in the religious writings of Seno’o Girō to situate the movement in its social and philosophical context, and to raise the question of the prospects of “radical Buddhism” in twenty-first century Japan and elsewhere.


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Neuroeconomics is a rapidly growing new research discipline aimed at describing the neural substrate of decision-making using incentivized decisions introduced in experimental economics. The novel combination of economic decision theory and neuroscience has the potential to better examine the interactions of social, psychological and neural factors with regard to motivational forces that may underlie psychiatric problems. Game theory will provide psychiatry with computationally principled measures of cognitive dysfunction. Given the relatively high heritability of these measures, they may contribute to improving phenotypic definitions of psychiatric conditions. The game-theoretical concepts of optimal behavior will allow description of psychopathology as deviation from optimal functioning. Neuroeconomists have successfully used normative or near-normative models to interpret the function of neurotransmitters; these models have the potential to significantly improve neurotransmitter theories of psychiatric disorders. This paper will review recent evidence from neuroeconomics and psychiatry in support of applying economic concepts such as risk/uncertainty preference, time preference and social preference to psychiatric research to improve diagnostic classification, prevention and therapy.