853 resultados para Leishmaniose felina


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O Vírus da leucemia felina (FeLV) pertence à família Retroviridae, gênero Gammaretrovirus. Diferentemente de outras retroviroses, uma parcela dos gatos jovens e adultos exposta ao FeLV não apresenta antigenemia/viremia, de acordo com as técnicas convencionais de detecção viral, como isolamento em cultivo celular, imunofluorescência direta e ELISA. O emprego de técnicas de maior sensibilidade para detecção e quantificação viral, como o PCR quantitativo, permitiu a identificação de animais positivos para a presença de DNA proviral e RNA na ausência de antigenemia/viremia e, com isso, um refinamento da análise das diferentes evoluções da infecção. Assim, reclassificou-se a patogenia do FeLV em 4 categorias: infecção abortiva, regressiva, latente e progressiva. Foi possível também detectar DNA proviral e RNA em animais considerados imunes ao FeLV após vacinação. Diante disso, os objetivos desta revisão de literatura foram demonstrar as implicações da utilização de técnicas sensíveis de detecção viral na interpretação e classificação da infecção do FeLV e rever as técnicas de detecção do vírus para fins de diagnóstico. Além disso, apresentar os resultados referentes à eficácia da vacinação contra o FeLV com a utilização dessas técnicas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Recentemente, foco de leishmaniose visceral canina (CVL) foi descrito na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo - Brasil. O Hospital Veterinário - UNESP - Araçatuba, no ano de 2.000, desenvolveu 60 testes citopatológicos de casos suspeitos de leishmaniose usando aspirado por agulha fina (FNA). Os esfregaços de linfonodo foram corados pelo método de Romanowsky (Diff-Quik®) e observados em microscopia de luz. Os casos positivos mostraram formas amastigotas típicas de Leishmania livres ou em vacúolos de macrófagos. Sinais citopatológicos de reatividade do sistema linfo-histiocitário com ausência de parasitos foram também observados. Com o objetivo de implementar o diagnóstico da CVL, detectando parasitos e material antigênico nos esfregaços, aplicou-se a reação de imunofluorescência direta (IFD) usando anticorpo policlonal anti-Leishmania produzido em camundongo. Comparamos o método de IFD com a pesquisa direta do parasito em esfregaços corados pelo método de Romanowsky. Dos 60 cães com sinais clínicos da doença, o exame direto foi positivo em 50% (n=30), duvidoso em 36,7% (n=22) e negativo com reatividade do linfonodo em 13,3% (n=8). Quando os linfonodos foram submetidos a reação de IFD observamos reação positiva em 93,3% (n=56) e reação negativa em 6,7% (n=4). Nossos resultados mostraram que a reação de IFD apresentou alta sensibilidade quando comparada a pesquisa direta do parasito pela coloração de Romanowsky. A reação de IFD pode ser um método útil para confirmar os casos duvidosos da doença, onde as formas amastigotas não são identificadas com facilidade.


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Os autores relatam o 3º caso de Leishmaniose acidental em laboratório, ocorrido em aluna do curso de Biologia, que contaminou-se por ocasião da passagem de formas amastigotas de Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis de hamster infectado para hamster são. Chamam atenção de que, apesar de usar toda proteção exigida, a aluna foi mordida pelo hamster são, havendo como conseqüência, ruptura da luva e contágio através do inóculo.


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A região do litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo registrou 14, 30 e 104 casos de leishmaniose tegumentar americana nos anos de 1993, 1994 e 1995 respectivamente. Com objetivo de caracterizar a fauna e a distribuição sazonal e horária das espécies de flebotomíneos foram realizadas coletas quinzenais de formas adultas durante o período de dezembro de 1995 a novembro de 1996, utilizando-se armadilhas luminosas do tipo CDC, no interior da residência, no peridomicílio e na mata durante 12 horas a partir do crepúsculo vespertino. No peridomicílio foi utilizada, durante 6 horas também a partir do crepúsculo vespertino, armadilha de Shannon instalada a 100 metros da casa. A cada 3 meses esta armadilha foi utilizada durante 12 horas. Foram observadas flutuações das densidades populacionais, bem como as ocorrências intra e extradomiciliar das espécies predominantes. Lutzomyia intermedia foi a espécie mais abundante nas diferentes armadilhas utilizadas e nos ambientes investigados.


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Esse trabalho objetivou estimar a reposição de cães em área endêmica para leishmaniose visceral, onde a eutanásia de animais soropositivos é indicada como medida de controle, e avaliar os motivos que levaram a aquisição ou não de novos animais. Houve a reposição em 44,5% dos casos, principalmente devido à necessidade de companhia ou guarda. O principal motivo para a não-reposição foi o temor da leishmaniose visceral.


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This report aims to describe the first case allochthonous of visceral leishmanisasis (VL) in the municipality of Campo Mourao, Parana, Brazil, in a canine, Boxer breed, with eye and skin lesions, lymphadenomegaly and splenomegaly, attended at Veterinary Hospital at the Faculdade Integrado de Campo Mourao, after residing in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. The diagnosis of the disease was based on direct observation of amastigotes of Leishmania spp., in popliteal lymph nodes, suggesting that a case of VL, since the animal came from an endemic area for the disease. The migration of infected dogs from endemic regions to areas unaffected becomes a problem for public health, since it may allow the installation of new outbreaks by encouraging the spread of disease throughout the country.


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Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL) is a rare form of tegumentary leishmaniasis (TL) and 350 cases have been reported world wide. Presently in Brazil, there were 31 cases reported corresponding to 8.9% of the world cases. The state of Maranhao contributed with ten cases (32.3%) of national reports. Recently the authors had opportunity to follow two new cases of DCL, both from the countryside of that state totaling 12 cases. The parasite Leishmania L. amazonensis was incriminated in the disease, confirming the available data as being the unique species to produce DCL in this state. The therapy associating meglumine anthimoniate with paramomicine sulphate (Gabbrox®) during 90 days, showed good tolerance and favorable response, being another option for fills form of DCL that constituted a challenge to science so far.


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Chemical investigation of the cytotoxic and anti-tuberculosis active butanone extract obtained from the growth media of the marine-derived fungus Beauveria felina led to the isolation of two new destruxins, [β-MePro] destruxin E chlorohydrin (1) and pseudodestruxin C (3), along with five known cyclic depsipeptides. The structures of the new destruxin derivatives were established by analysis of spectroscopic data, while the absolute configuration of the common amino acid residues was established by Marfey's analysis. The absolute configuration of the 2(A),4(5)-5-chloro-2,4-dihydroxypentanoic acid residue in 1 could be established by application of a J-based configuration method followed by derivatization with R-MPA-Cl and NMR analysis. © Japan Antibiotics Research Association.


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Dogs that had positive and negative sera to Leishmania chagasi from the region of Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, were evaluated for the presence of anti-Neospora caninum and anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies as potential co-infecting agents. Blood samples were collected from 204 dogs and out of them 98 were carriers of leishmaniosis. Sera were tested for the presence of anti-L. chagasi antibodies by ELISA, and anti-T. gondii and anti-N. caninum by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Age, gender, and association between the presences of anti-L. chagasi antibodies and seroprevalence to N. caninum and T. gondii were analyzed by chi-square test. Out of the 204 sera investigated, 36 (17.6%) were positive for N. caninum (IFAT=50) and 75 (36.8%) to T. gondii (IFAT=16) with titers that varied from 50 to 6400 for N. caninum, and from 16 to 16384 for T. gondii. The copresence of anti-L. chagasi, N. caninum and T. gondii antibodies was observed in 17 (8.3%) dogs. Antibodies to N. caninum were observed in four (3.8%) out of 106 dogs that were negative for L. chagasi, and in 32 (32.6%) out of the 98 dogs that were positive for L. chagasi. Anti-T. gondii antibodies were found in 40 (41.0%) and in 35 (33.0%) of the 98 positive dogs and in 106 negative dogs for L. chagasi, respectively. An association between the presence of antibodies against L. chagasi and a positive response to N. caninum (p<0.001) was observed. The gender and age of the dogs did not show an association between the presence of antibodies and any of the agents studied (p>0.05), with the exception of age and presence of anti-L. chagasi antibodies, in which only a slight association was observed (p=0.038). Within this interaction, a higher number of dogs, older than four years, were positive for this agent when compared to other age groups.


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Despite the description of several cases of feline leishmaniasis around the world, little information is available about the importance of the cat as a reservoir of the disease. The aim of the present study was to determine the occurrence of leishmaniasis in cats from an endemic area for visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. Two hundred cats were included in this study. Infection was evaluated through the presence of amastigotes in stained smears from fine-needle aspirates of lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen and liver, and by antibody reactivity against Leishmania chagasi using indirect ELISA. Our results showed a prevalence of infection in 14.5% (31/200) of the feline population studied, with 4% (8/200) of positivity by parasitological diagnosis and 11.5% (23/200) by serology.


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Feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia represent important infectious diseases caused by retroviruses. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of infection by feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) in cats from the municipality of Araçatuba, São Paulo. Blood samples from 302 cats were collected and tested for the presence of antibodies against feline immunodeficiency virus and antigen of feline leukemia virus by ELISA ® Snap- Combo FIV-FeLV (IDEXX Laboratories). The frequency of FIV positivity was 5.63% (17/302) and of FeLV was 0.33% (1/302). Of the 17 cats infected with FIV, nine (52.94%) were symptomatic. There was a prevalence of FIV infection in males (p 0.0316) and cats aged between one and three years (p 0.0324).


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The aim of the present study was to perform a leishmaniasis survey in horses from Araçatuba, São Paulo, an endemic area of Brazil. Of the 466 horses tested for the presence of anti-Leishmania chagasi titers by ELISA, 68 (14.59%) were seropositive, with titers varying between 0.324 and 0.813. ELISA positive samples were also tested by immunocromatography and 19/466 (4.08%) were positive. The results of the present study indicated that equines are in contact and can attract phlebotomines, and highlight the necessity of a more accurate investigation on the role played by the horses living in endemic areas, in order to help to control the spread of the illness.


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Visceral leishmaniasis in dogs is described as a chronic disease whose main symptoms are progressive weigth loss, cachexy and dermatologic lesions. Recently, the disease has been associated to neurologic disorders. A total of 40 dogs with visceral leishmaniasis were divided into two groups. The first composed of dogs without neurological signs (n=30) and the second by dogs with neurological disorders (n=10). Brain samples were collected, stored in 10% buffered formalin and subjected to immunohistochemical examination for amastigotes forms of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi, CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes and macrophages. Imunnohistochemistry evaluation revealed no amastigote forms of the parasite. CD3+ T lymphocytes were present in 24/30 (80%) dogs without neurological signs and in all dogs from the second group (p=0.0011). CD4+ and CD8+ were rarely observed, with CD4+ immunostaining in 10/40 (25%) dogs, from which half of them had neurological disease (p=0.0090). The presence of CD8+ was detected only in 4/10 (40%) dogs from neurological group (p=0.0021). Macrophages were detected in 38/40 (95%) dogs, without significant differences between groups (p=0.7664).