1000 resultados para Lausanne, cathédrale, restauration, pierre
[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 2. Quelques définitions et indicateurs de consommation utilisés au niveau international ( Tabac, alcool, drogues illégales, médicaments, cyberdépendance). 3. Indicateurs sociodémographiques. 4. Tabac. 5. Alcool. 6. Drogues illégales. 7. Médicaments. 8. Cyberdépendance. 9. AMIS (Addiction Monitoring in Switzerland) et l'Enquête CoRoIAR (COntinuous ROlling survey on Addictive behaviours and related Risks). 10. Abréviations. 11. Annexes.
Since 2007, the Interdisciplinary Ethics Platform (Ethos) of the University of Lausanne is leading an interdisciplinary reflection on the organ donation decision. On this basis, the project "Organ transplantation between the rhetoric of the gift and a biomedical view of the body" studies the logics at stake in the organ donation decision-making process. Results highlight many tensions within practices and public discourses in the field of organ donation and transplantation and suggest lines of inquiry for future adjustments.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57128
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57132
Comprend : Notice sur Pierre-Édouard Chambalu