995 resultados para Landscape pattern


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The ability of a population to shift from one adaptive peak to another was examined for a two-locus model with different degrees of assortative mating, selection, and linkage. As expected, if the proportion of the population that mates assortatively increases, so does its ability to shift to a new peak. Assortative mating affects this process by allowing the mean fitness of a population to increase monotonically as it passes through intermediate gene frequencies on the way to a new, higher, homozygotic peak. Similarly, if the height of the new peak increases or selection against intermediates becomes less severe, the population becomes more likely to shift to a new peak. Close linkage also helps the shift to a new adaptive peak and acts similarly to assortative mating, but it is not necessary for such a shift as was previously thought. When a population shifts to a new peak, the number of generations required is significantly less than that needed to return to the original peak when that happens. The short period of time required may be an explanation for rapid changes in the geological record. Under extremely high degrees of assortative mating, the shift takes longer, presumably because of the difficulty of breaking up less favored allelic combinations.


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A method to reliably extract object profiles even with height discontinuities (that leads to 2n pi phase jumps) is proposed. This method uses Fourier transform profilometry to extract wrapped phase, and an additional image formed by illuminating the object of interest by a novel gray coded pattern for phase unwrapping. Simulation results suggest that the proposed approach not only retains the advantages of the original method, but also contributes significantly in the enhancement of its performance. Fundamental advantage of this method stems from the fact that both extraction of wrapped phase and unwrapping the same were done by gray scale images. Hence, unlike the methods that use colors, proposed method doesn't demand a color CCD camera and is ideal for profiling objects with multiple colors.


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Co-crystals of 4,4'-bipyridine and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (1 : 2) show synthon polymorphism with the former being more stable. A 2 : 1 co-crystal is pseudopolymorphic within the same structural landscape with the structural roles of the two bipyridine N-atoms being distinct, as evidenced by mimicry by 4-phenylpyridine.


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The importance of long-range prediction of rainfall pattern for devising and planning agricultural strategies cannot be overemphasized. However, the prediction of rainfall pattern remains a difficult problem and the desired level of accuracy has not been reached. The conventional methods for prediction of rainfall use either dynamical or statistical modelling. In this article we report the results of a new modelling technique using artificial neural networks. Artificial neural networks are especially useful where the dynamical processes and their interrelations for a given phenomenon are not known with sufficient accuracy. Since conventional neural networks were found to be unsuitable for simulating and predicting rainfall patterns, a generalized structure of a neural network was then explored and found to provide consistent prediction (hindcast) of all-India annual mean rainfall with good accuracy. Performance and consistency of this network are evaluated and compared with those of other (conventional) neural networks. It is shown that the generalized network can make consistently good prediction of annual mean rainfall. Immediate application and potential of such a prediction system are discussed.


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Free-living amoebae of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum aggregate when starved and give rise to a long and thin multicellular structure, the slug. The slug resembles a metazoan embryo, and as with other embryos it is possible to specify a fate map. In the case of Dictyostelium discoideum the map is especially simple: cells in the anterior fifth of the slug die and form a stalk while the majority of those in the posterior differentiate into spores. The genesis of this anterior-posterior distinction is the subject of our review. In particular, we ask: what are the relative roles of individual pre-aggregative predispositions and post-aggregative position in determining cell fate? We review the literature on the subject and conclude that both factors are important. Variations in nutritional status, or in cell cycle phase at starvation, can bias the probability that an amoeba differentiates into a stalk cell or a spore. On the other hand, isolates, or slug fragments, consisting of only prestalk cells or only prespore cells can regulate so as to result in a normal range of both cell types. We identify three levels of control, each being responsible for guiding patterning in normal development: (i) 'coin tossing', whereby a cell autonomously exhibits a preference for developing along either the stalk or the spore pathway with relative probabilities that can be influenced by the environment; (ii) 'chemical kinetics', whereby prestalk and prespore cells originate from undifferentiated amoebae on a probabilistic basis but, having originated, interact (e.g. via positive and negative feedbacks), and the interaction influences the possibility of conversion of one cell type into the other, and (iii) 'positional information', in which the spatial distribution of morphogens in the slug influences the pathway of differentiation. In the case of possibilities (i) and (ii), sorting out of like cell types leads to the final spatial pattern. In the case of possibility (iii), the pattern arises in situ.


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We have made careful counts of the exact number of spore, stalk and basal disc cells in small fruiting bodies of Dictyostelium discoideum (undifferentiated amoebae are found only rarely and on average their fraction is 4.96 x 10(-4)). (i) Within aggregates of a given size, the relative apportioning of amoebae to the main cell types occurs with a remarkable degree of precision. In most cases the coefficient of variation (c.v.) in the mean fraction of cells that form spores is within 4.86%. The contribution of stalk and basal disc cells is highly variable when considered separately (c.v.'s upto 25% and 100%, respectively), but markedly less so when considered together. Calculations based on theoretical models indicate that purely cell-autonomous specification of cell, fate cannot account for die observed accuracy of proportioning. Cell-autonomous determination to a prestalk or prespore condition followed by cell type interconversion, and stabilised by feedbacks, suffices to explain the measured accuracy. (ii) The fraction of amoebae that differentiates into spores increases monotonically with the total number of cells. This fraction rises from an average of 73.6% for total cell numbers below 30 and reaches 86.0% for cell numbers between 170 and 200 (it remains steady thereafter at around 86%). Correspondingly, the fraction of amoebae differentiating into stalk or basal disc decreases viith total size. These trends are in accordance with evolutionary expectations and imply that a mechanism for sensing the overall size of the aggregate also plays an essential role in the determination of cell-type proportions.


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The tol-pal genes are essential for maintaining the outer membrane integrity and detergent resistance in various Gram-negative bacteria, including Salmonella. The role of TolA has been well established for the bile resistance of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium. We compared the bile resistance pattern between the S. enterica serovars Typhi and Typhimurium and observed that Typhi is more resistant to bile-mediated damage. A closer look revealed a significant difference in the TolA sequence between the two serovars which contributes to the differential detergent resistance. The tolA knockout of both the serovars behaves completely differently in terms of membrane organization and morphology. The role of the Pal proteins and difference in LPS organization between the two serovars were verified and were found to have no direct connection with the altered bile resistance. In normal Luria broth (LB), S. Typhi Delta tolA is filamentous while S. Typhimurium Delta tolA grows as single cells, similar to the wildtype. In low osmolarity LB, however, S. Typhimurium Delta tolA started chaining and S. Typhi Delta tolA showed no growth. Further investigation revealed that the chaining phenomenon observed was the result of failure of the outer membrane to separate in the dividing cells. Taken together, the results substantiate the evolution of a shorter TolA in S. Typhi to counteract high bile concentrations, at the cost of lower osmotic tolerance.


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An extensive search of the structural landscape of orcinol, 5-methyl-1,3-dihydroxybenzene, has been carried out with high throughput techniques. Polymorphs, pseudopolymorphs (solvates), and co-crystals are described. Several packing modes driven by O-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds were identified for the orcinol N-base co-crystals and their hydrates. In these several structural variations, the OH group conformations in the orcinol molecule were found to depend on the choice of co-formers and the crystallization conditions employed. The structural landscape of a molecule is properly described by a sufficiently large number of related crystal structures, and high throughput crystallization followed by rapid structure determinations enables one to access these structures efficiently. Any understanding of this landscape would enable the crystal engineer to reasonably anticipate crystal structures of benzene-1,3-diol co-crystals with N-bases.


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Positions of potential energy minima for spherical monatomic sorbates in zeolite NaY have been identified for different sizes of the sorbate. It is found that for small sorbates (sigma less than or equal to 4.96 Angstrom) there are only six adsorption sites per alpha-cage, which are located close to the inner surface of the alpha-cage. For larger sorbates, additional sites of comparable energies appear close to the 12-ring window which forms the bottleneck for intercage diffusion. Minimum energy paths between these sites have been computed. These suggest that the barriers for both intracage and intercage site-to-site migrations are comparable and decrease with increase in sorbate size. Earlier simulation studies on the diffusion of monatomic sorbates in zeolites indicated that there is a dramatic change in the nature of dependence of D on sorbate size around 4.96 Angstrom, for zeolite NaY. Therefore, the present results suggest that the dependence of D on sorbate size and the changes in the potential energy landscape are correlated. The sorbate-zeolite system is characterized by a flatter potential energy landscape when the sorbate size is large. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)51110-0].


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Two vitellins, VtA and VtB, were purified from the eggs of Dysdercus koenigii by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. VtA and VtB have molecular weights of 290 and 260 kDa, respectively. Both Vts are glycolipoproteinaceous in nature. VtA is composed of three polypeptides of M-r 116, 92 and 62 kDa while VtB contained an additional subunit of M-r 40 kDa. All subunits except the 116-kDa subunit are glycolipopolypeptides. Polyclonal antibody raised against VtA (anti-VtA antibody) cross-reacted with VtB and also with vitellogenic haemolymph and ovaries and pre-vitellogenic fat bodies, but not with haemolymph from either adult male, fifth instar female, or pre-vitellogenic females demonstrating sex and stage specificity of the Vts. Immunoblots in the presence of anti-VtA revealed two proteins (of 290 and 260 kDa) in both vitellogenic haemolymph and pre-vitellogenic fat bodies that are recognised as D. koenigii Vgs. In newly emerged females, Vgs appeared on day 1 in fat bodies and on day 3 in haemolymph and ovaries. Vg concentration was maximum on day 2 in fat body, day 4 in haemolymph and day 7 in ovary. Although the biochemical and temporal characteristics of these proteins show similarity to some hemipterans, they are strikingly dissimilar with those of a very closely related species. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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A homologue of the segment polarity gene Cubitus interruptus from Bombyx Mori, (BmCi) has been cloned and characterized. This region harbouring Zn2+ finger motif is highly conserved across species. In B. Mori, BmCi RNA expression was first detected at stage 6 of embryogenesis, which reached maximum levels at stage 21C and was maintained until larval hatching. The segmentally reiterated striped pattern of transcript distribution in stage 21C embryos was in conformity with its predicted segment polarity nature. BmCi was expressed in the fore- and hind-wing discs, ovaries, testes and gut during fifth larval intermolt, reminiscent of its expression domains in Drosophila. Besides, BmCi expression was seen in the. anterior part of the middle silkglands in late embryonic stages, and this pattern was maintained during larval development. The transition from third to fourth and fifth larval intermolts was accompanied by an increase in the transcript levels in the middle silkglands. Our results demonstrate the presence of a novel expression domain for Ci in Bombyx. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Many interesting features of the dynamics of simple liquids near the glass transition may be understood in terms of properties of the free-energy landscape obtained from numerical studies of a model free-energy functional. Main results obtained from this approach are summarized and a list of references to relevant publications is provided. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A partial genomic clone of Bombyx mori homologue of the segment polarity gene Cubitus interruptus (BmCi), encoding the conserved zinc finger domain and harbouring two introns, has been characterized. BmCi was expressed in the silkglands of B. mori from embryonic to the late larval stages(3rd, 4th and 5th intermoults). The expression was confined to the anterior region of the middle silkglands, overlapping with the domain of sericin-2 expression and excluding the domains of Bm invected expression, namely the middle and posterior regions of the middle silkglands. In the wing discs, the expression was restricted to the anterior compartment, which increased from 4th to 5th larval intermoults and declined later in the pupal wing buds. In gonadal tissues (both ovaries and testes) BmCi was expressed from the larval to pupal stages. The transcripts were localized to the sperm tubes containing spermatogonia in the testis of Bombyx larvae. BmCi expression, however, was not detected in any of these tissues during the moulting stages. Expression of Ci in the wing discs and gonads is evolutionarily conserved, while the silkgland represents a novel domain. Our results imply that BmCi is involved in the specification and maintenance of micro-compartment identity within the middle silkglands.


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Segmental dynamic time warping (DTW) has been demonstrated to be a useful technique for finding acoustic similarity scores between segments of two speech utterances. Due to its high computational requirements, it had to be computed in an offline manner, limiting the applications of the technique. In this paper, we present results of parallelization of this task by distributing the workload in either a static or dynamic way on an 8-processor cluster and discuss the trade-offs among different distribution schemes. We show that online unsupervised pattern discovery using segmental DTW is plausible with as low as 8 processors. This brings the task within reach of today's general purpose multi-core servers. We also show results on a 32-processor system, and discuss factors affecting scalability of our methods.