858 resultados para Land parcel


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The present study investigates the spatial and spectral discrimination potential for grassland patches in the inner Turku Archipelago using Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery. The spatial discrimination potential was computed through overlay analysis using official grassland parcel data and a hypothetical 30 m resolution satellite image capturing the site. It found that Landsat TM imagery’s ability to retrieve pure or near-pure pixels (90% purity or more) from grassland patches smaller than 1 hectare was limited to 13% success, compared to 52% success when upscaling the resolution to 10 x 10 m pixel size. Additionally, the perimeter/area patch metric is proposed as a predictor for the suitability of the spatial resolution of input imagery. Regression analysis showed that there is a strong negative correlation between a patch’s perimeter/area ratio and its pure pixel potential. The study goes on to characterise the spectral response and discrimination potential for the five main grassland types occurring in the study area: recreational grassland, traditional pasture, modern pasture, fodder production grassland and overgrown grassland. This was done through the construction of spectral response curves, a coincident spectral plot and a contingency matrix as well as by calculating the transformed divergence for the spectral signatures, all based on training samples from the TM imagery. Substantial differences in spectral discrimination potential between imagery from the beginning of the growing season and the middle of summer were found. This is because the spectral responses for these five grassland types converge as the peak of the growing season draws nearer. Recreational grassland shows a consistent discrimination advantage over other grassland types, whereas modern pasture is most easily confused. Traditional pasture land, perhaps the most biologically valuable grassland type, can be spectrally discriminated from other grassland types with satisfactory success rates provided early growing season imagery is used.


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1 kartta : käsinvär. ; 41,5 x 71,5 cm, lehti 46 x 74,7 cm.


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Laulusolisti ilmoittaa nimensä alkukuulutuksessa; kuulutus epäselvä.


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År 1721 stod bondhustrun Lisbeta Mickelsdotter från Pyhäjoki framför prästen i Piteå socken och redogjorde för sina upplevelser under det hemska året 1714 då ryssarna inföll i Österbotten och alla som bara kunde begav sig på flykt. Lisbeta är bara en av de tiotusentals flyktingar som under det stora nordiska kriget 1700–1721 flydde från såväl Östersjöprovinserna men framför allt från Finland till tryggheten i Sverige. I avhandlingen skildras vilka som flydde, varifrån och vart. Man kan tala om en elitens flykt där ämbetsmän och präster sökte sig västerut enligt de direktiv som Karl XII gett om att civilbefolkningen skulle söka sig bakom den egna armén. Det förekom också en bondeflykt från framför allt Österbotten och Åland. Det här var områden som p.g.a. strategiska skäl förhärjades av ryssarna. För många fanns det inget annat alternativ än att fly, antingen ut i de djupa skogarna eller västerut till Sverige. En delorsak till flykten var den order som Karl XII gett. Ryssarna föregicks av ett rykte som hade sin bakgrund i den propaganda som de svenska myndigheterna i decennier hade bedrivit. Ryssarna sågs som en grym fiende. När ämbetsverk och magistrat började packa ihop sina arkiv för en överflyttning till Sverige skedde det i smyg för att inte förorsaka oro bland den övriga befolkningen. Paniken låg hela tiden på lur och det faktum att myndigheterna gav sig av ledde till, att när ryssarna verkligen plötsligt dök upp i socknen var det många som valde att hals över huvud ge sig iväg. För att hjälpa flyktingarna ekonomiskt samlades det till förmån för flyktingarna kollekt över hela det svenska väldet. I Stockholm tillsatte myndigheterna en flyktingkommission som fick till uppgift att bland flyktingarna fördela de medel som hade samlats in. Huvudprincipen var att ju mer man hade förlorat desto större understöd skulle man få. Det var viktigt att ståndssamhället bevarades. Utanför de grupper som skulle hjälpas lämnades bl.a. köpmän och hantverkare som förväntades kunna fortsätta sin verksamhet i Sverige, gamla och orkeslösa som skulle beredas rum på fattighus samt unga och friska som skulle försörja sig genom arbete. Eftersom det var svårt att finna en försörjning och då många tvingades livnära sig genom att tigga tvingades flyktingkommissionen också ge en slant till personer som enligt kommissionens instruktion skulle lämnas utan hjälp. Det är ändå tveksamt om de små summor det stora flertalet fick egentligen hade någon betydelse för dem. Man kan konstatera att många hade det oerhört svårt under sin tid i Sverige. För mitt arbete har det viktigaste källmaterialet varit de förteckningar som flyktingkommissionen gjorde över vem som fått understöd och hur mycket som utbetalades. Av de här uppgifterna har jag byggt upp en databas med över 13 000 identifierade flyktingar. Jag har utgående från bl.a. uppgiften om identifierade individer kunnat fastställa att antalet finska flyktingar uppgick till åtminstone 30 000 personer, vilket motsvarade närmare en tiondedel av befolkningen i Finland. Efter fredsslutet 1721 återvände de flesta hem. I Österbotten möttes då en del av en överraskning då de fann att någon främmande person hade övertagit deras hemman. Det förekom under slutet av 1710-talet en inflyttning från de österbottniska finskspråkiga inlandssocknarna till de svenskspråkiga kustsocknarna. Det är ändå uppenbart att de finskspråkiga snart assimilerade sig och helt uppgick i den svenskspråkiga majoriteten.


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Author: Samuel Ehrenmalm.


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Dedicated to: Hans Maj:t Konungen.


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Digital reproduction, The National Library of Finland, Centre for Preservation and Digitisation, Mikkeli


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Myös Zonophone/Gramophone 82685.


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Soitinnus: lauluäänet (4).


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The time required to regrowth a forest in degraded areas depends on how the forest is removed and on the type of land use following removal. Natural regeneration was studied in abandoned old fields after intensive agricultural land use in areas originally covered by Brazilian Atlantic Forests of the Anchieta Island, Brazil in order to understand how plant communities reassemble following human disturbances as well as to determine suitable strategies of forest restoration. The fields were classified into three vegetation types according to the dominant plant species in: 1) Miconia albicans (Sw.) Triana (Melastomataceae) fields, 2) Dicranopteris flexuosa (Schrader) Underw. (Gleicheniaceae) thickets, and 3) Gleichenella pectinata (Willd.) Ching. (Gleicheniaceae) thickets. Both composition and structure of natural regeneration were compared among the three dominant vegetation types by establishing randomly three plots of 1 x 3 m in five sites of the island. A gradient in composition and abundance of species in natural regeneration could be observed along vegetation types from Dicranopteris fern thickets to Miconia fields. The gradient did not accurately follow the pattern of spatial distribution of the three dominant vegetation types in the island regarding their proximity of the remnant forests. A complex association of biotic and abiotic factors seems to be affecting the seedling recruitment and establishment in the study plots. The lowest plant regeneration found in Dicranopteris and Gleichenella thickets suggests that the ferns inhibit the recruitment of woody and herbaceous species. Otherwise, we could not distinguish different patterns of tree regeneration among the three vegetation types. Our results showed that forest recovery following severe anthropogenic disturbances is not direct, predictable or even achievable on its own. Appropriated actions and methods such as fern removal, planting ground covers, and enrichment planting with tree species were suggested in order to restore the natural forest regeneration process in the abandoned old fields.


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This study evaluated the contribution of agroforestry (AFS) and traditional systems to carbon sequestration and nutrient reserves in plants, litter and soil. The study was carried out in the semiarid region of Brazil in a long-term experiment on an experimental farm of the goat and sheep section of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). Two agroforestry systems were investigated: agrosilvopastoral (ASP) and forest-pasture areas (SP) as well as traditional agriculture management (TM), two areas left fallow after TM (six fallow years - F6 and nine fallow years - F9) and one area of preserved Caatinga vegetation (CAT). Soil, litter and plants were sampled from all areas and the contents of C, N, P, K, Ca and Mg per compartment determined. The AFS (ASP and SP) had higher nutrient stocks than the traditional and intermediate stocks compared to the preserved Caatinga. In the ASP, a relevant part of the nutrients extracted by crops is returned to the system by constant inputs of litter, weeding of herbaceous vegetation and cutting of the legume crops. After fallow periods of six and nine years, carbon and nutrient stocks in the compartments soil, litter and herbaceous plants were similar to those of the preserved Caatinga (CAT), but still lower than under natural conditions in the woody vegetation.


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The aim of this study was to identify, by multivariate statistical technique, the physic, chemical and biological variables that best characterize the quality of surface waters in two small rural catchments with different land uses (eucalyptus silviculture (SC) vs. pasture and extensive livestock (LC)) located in Rosário do Sul, RS - Brazil. Monitoring was conducted during the months of August 2011 to August 2012 and the following parameters were analyzed: Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, SO42-, Cl-, pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, alkalinity, suspended and dissolved solids, biochemical oxygen demand , total coliforms, Escherichia coli and temperature, flow and rainfall. Through the use of FA/PCA, it was found that the model best fit to express water quality of in LC that was composed of five factors which account for 83.5% of the total variance, while for SC, four factors accounted for 85.12% of the variance. In LC, the five main factors were, respectively, soluble salts, diffuse pollution, solid, and both anthropogenic and organic factors. In SC, the four factors were namely: soluble salts, mineral, nutritional and diffuse pollution factors. The results of this study showed that by replacing the traditional soil usage (pasture and livestock) with planted forest, diffuse pollution was attenuated but, however, it did not result in major changes in the physical-chemical and biological characteristics of the water. Another point to note is that factorial analysis did not result in a large reduction in the number of variables, once the best model fit occurred with the addition of 15 of 18 analyzed variables (LC) and 17 of 18 analyzed variables (SC).


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The use conflicts are determined by the inadequate occupations of the soil, as it is the case of soil occupation inside of permanent preservation areas. This study aimed to determine the classes of the soil use and if there are conflicts inside of permanent preservation areas along the drainage network of the Água Fria Stream watershed, located in Bofete city - São Paulo, Brazil. It locates geographically between the coordinates: 48°09'30" to 48°18'30" longitude WGr., 22°58'30" to 23°04'30" latitude S, with an area of 15242.84 ha. The map of soil use was elaborated through the interpretation directly in the computer screen of satellite digital image. In the orbital data, the study area is inserted in the quadrant A, of image TM/Landsat - 5, orbit 220, point 76, passage 9/8th/2007. The Geographical Information System used was CartaLinx. The conflict areas of the watershed were obtained from the crossing between the maps of soil use and of PPAs. The results allowed the conclusion that more than half of the area (51.09%) is occupied by pastures, reflex of sandy soils and low fertility. It was also verified that although almost half of the watershed is covered with some type of vegetation (48.78% of natural forest /reforestation), it has approximately a third of permanent preservation areas used inappropriately by pastures (88.15%), reforestation (10.42%) and exposed soil (1.43%), totaling 343.07ha of conflicting areas, in a total of 993.26 ha of PPAs.