1000 resultados para Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834
O precoceno II aplicado topicamente em ninfas de 4ª estádio, nas dosagens de 200, 300 e 400 micron-grama/1 micron-litro de acetona, proporcionou o aparecimento de adultóides, em diferentes percentagens com as seguintes características: tegumento alterado, aparelho bucal deformado, asas braquípteras, tarsos trímeros, ocelos, evidentes e genitália externa com estruturas desenvolvidas e deformadas; genitália interna em estágio intermediário entre ninfas de 4§ e 5§ estádios. Os adultóides apresentaram um período de sobrevivência inversamente proporcional à dosagem aplicada, variando de 3 a 22 dias, não tendo se alimentado devido as alterações.
Aquest Treball Final de Carrera de la Llicenciatura de Periodisme de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU té un doble objectiu: a)dur a terme una aproximació teòrico-filosòfica a la proposta cultural de Charles Taylor, i així aprofundir en l'examen dels elements centrals de la seva bibliografia -sobre tot en els pressupòsits antropològics i socials més destacats, així com també en el seu peculiar "ideal d'autenticitat"-; i b)projectar els dits fonaments teòrics en un apartat de naturalesa pràctica, com a forma de concretar la proposta del pensador nord-americà en algun dels fenòmens més interessants de la realitat mediàtica i cultural espanyola. Així, ens vam decidir per un dels programes televisius que més èxit ha tingut al nostre país als darrers temps: Operación Triunfo, donat que en tractar-se d'un concurs vinculat als somnis i a les aspiracions més profundes dels individus que hi participen, té una relació molt més estreta amb l'ideal d'autenticitat. A més, la justificació fonamental d'aquest estudi es basa en el fet que l'aportació filosòfica de Taylor és molt profitosa respecte a la situació cultural actual pels següents dos motius: a) la seva obra presenta una veritable i complerta proposta en positiu, basada en raons i arguments molt clars, que a més porten una esperança de recuperació a la societat occidental; i b) la seva crítica a la Modernitat no és totalment destructiva sinó que més aviat es basa en una comprensió correcta i una recuperació adequada del sentit originari d'algunes de les fonts morals que defineixen la nostra cultura.
This works examines the influence of mating on ovarian follicle development in Triatoma infestans. The observations were carried out on both virgin and mated females, wich were killed at various times after their emergence. There was no difference in the ovarian development of both experimental groups during the first gonadotrofic cycle. By the 7th day mated females as well as virgn females showed vitellogenic oocytes. The coriogenesis and ovulation process began on the 13th day after imaginal moulting. However we could observe that egg-laying was dependent on mating. Mated females laid eggs whereas virgin females did not lay eggs. However ovarian production was significantly greater in the mated females. It is suggested that in T. infestans mating stimulates egg-laying but it does not influence the oogenesis and ovulation process.
La Mancomunitat de Municipis de l’Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (MMAMB) i Logisim en col•laboració amb el Departament de Geografia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) i el Laboratori de Càlcul de la Facultat de Informàtica de Barcelona (LCFIB), porten a terme la migració de la guia de carrers dels municipis de l’AMB al format de cartografia mundial lliure de OpenStreetMap (OSM), creant un servidor de dades geoespacials propi que contindrà els mateixos components i eines que l’estructura original de OSM, permetent l’edició, sincronització i actualització d’aquestes dades per part de diferents usuaris dels ajuntaments.
This paper compares the predation pressure that ducks and chickens exert on triatomines. For the tests, these birds were placed in individual boxes together with a known number of Triatoma infestans and left to interact from 6 p.m. till the next morning, involving a long lasting period of complete darkness limited by two short-term periods of semi-darkness. There was a shelter which could prevent the bugs from being predated. The number of live and dead triatomines was recorded, considering missing bugs as predated by the birds. Ducks exhibited a greater predatory activity than chickens, that could be due to a long term active period at night while chickens sleep motionless from sunset to dawn. Surviving triatomines that had fed on chickens outnumbered those fed on ducks suggesting that these were less accessible to the triatomine biting. If ducks are better than chickens to detect and eat bugs and to interfere with their feeding in the field, an increase in duck number might help to diminish triatomine density. Further research is needed to determine the feasibility of application of these experimental results.
Triatoma infestans is the triatomine that presents the greatest dispersion area in South America. However, it is not known whether the original characteristics of this insect remained in its long dispersion process. The purpose of this work was to study comparatively the external male genitalia of insects from different populations of T. infestans, two from Brazil (Minas Gerais and Bahia) and one from Bolivia (Cochabamba Valley), and to investigate the correlation between the morphological and behavioral variations. Differences were observed in one of the structures of the external genitalia (endosoma process) that could be used to characterize the insects from the three populations studied.
L'oeuvre de Charles d'Orléans ne garde guère de traces des vingt-cinq ans passés dans les prisons anglaises. Ses poésies sont une mise en scène du moi, destinée à des amis qui goûtent son jeu avec les métaphores, les clins d'oeil intertextuels. Son moi se construit au fil d'un dialogue avec ses prédécesseurs, ses contemporains, puis est façonné par l'image qu'on s'en fait au fil des siècles. Les différentes facettes de cette subjectivité en mouvement font l'objet de la présente étude. La première partie examine ce que Charles d'Orléans doit à la tradition ; la seconde offre une lecture interne de ses poésies ; la troisième les situe dans le paysage littéraire de l'époque ; la quatrième étudie leur réception. Les articles réunis ici ont été retravaillés en profondeur, la réflexion revue et élargie : de nombreuses pages sont inédites, certains chapitres réécrits de fond en comble.
There are two vectors of Chagas disease in Chile: Triatoma infestans and Mepraia spinolai. We studied the feeding behavior of these species, looking for differences which could possibly explain the low impact of the latter species on Chagas disease. Both species used thermal cues to locate their feeding source and consumed a similar volume of blood which was inversely related to the body weight before the meal and directly related to the time between meals. The average time between bites were 6.24 and 10.74 days. The average bite of M. spinolai lasted 9.68 min, significantly shorter than the 19.46 min for T. infestans. Furthermore, while T. infestans always defecated on the host, this behavior was observed in M. spinolai in only one case of 27 (3.7%). The delay between the bites and defecation was very long in M. spinolai and short in T. infestans. These differences may affect the reduced efficiency of transmission of Chagas infection by M. spinolai.
The flight initiation of T. infestans, the main vector of Chagas disease in the Southern Cone countries of Latin America, and of the closely-related species T. melanosoma was studied in laboratory. The results demonstrated that after the beginning of observations the peak of the flight activity was about 14 days after feeding in both species and it was usually more marked in the females than in the males, but there were no significant differences in the flight behaviour of the two species.