928 resultados para Kruger, Barbara
Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex congenital heart malformations. Rather, they depict a syndromic form of ID characterized by facial dysmorphism, ID, speech impairment, motor developmental delay with muscular hypotonia and behavioral difficulties. We thereby define a novel syndrome and significantly broaden the clinical spectrum associated with MED13L variants. A prominent feature of the MED13L neurocognitive presentation is profound language impairment, often in combination with articulatory deficits.
OBJETIVO: Identificar disfunções cardíacas precoces em pacientes assintomáticos com cardiomiopatia chagásica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 38 indivíduos masculinos, sendo o grupo controle constituído de 20 indivíduos sedentários normais e o grupo Chagas de 18 pacientes assintomáticos, portadores da doença de Chagas, com eletrocardiograma alterado e fração de encurtamento (DD) normal ao ecocardiograma. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos à avaliação da capacidade funcional máxima, com medidas do consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2max), índice de pulso de oxigênio (PO2max), ventilação máxima (VE max), freqüência cardíaca máxima (FC max), e limiar anaeróbio do VO2max (LA-VO2). A função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo foi avaliada pelo ecocardiograma convencional (ondas E e A além da relação E/A). RESULTADOS: Não ocorreram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos em relação ao DD (p=0,212) e a idade média (p=0,060). Houve diferença significativa (p<0,001) em relação aos parâmetros VO2max, PO2max, VE max, FC max, LA-VO2, onda E e relação E/A. Não houve significância (p=0,520) em relação a onda A. CONCLUSÃO: O comprometimento na função ventricular pode contribuir para as diferenças acima mencionadas, como conseqüência de disfunção sistólica e diastólica.
OBJETIVO: Determinar o valor da biópsia no diagnóstico etiológico de derrames pericárdicos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, de 1990 a 1997, 38 pacientes com derrame pericárdico, com idades variando de 3 meses a 79 anos (média 41,15± 21,78 anos). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a biópsia pericárdica, tendo como acesso a via subxifóide. RESULTADOS: A biópsia foi positiva em quatro (10,5%) casos, dois de etiologia tuberculosa e dois neoplásica (um adenocarcinoma indeterminado e um mesotelioma); no restante o diagnóstico foi de pericardite crônica inespecífica. CONCLUSÃO: Em nossa casuística a biópsia não foi um método eficaz para o diagnóstico etiológico dos derrames pericárdicos. Acreditamos que a indicação de biópsia pericárdica deva ser individualizada, especificamente nos casos de suspeita de etiologia neoplásica ou tuberculosa.
OBJETIVO: Observar, num grupo de pacientes na forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas, o aparecimento de doenças cardiovasculares e sua possível relação com a doença de base. MÉTODOS: Foram seguidos, prospectivamente, 160 pacientes por até 177 meses com avaliações clínicas trimestrais. RESULTADOS: Tornaram-se hipertensos 23 (14,4%) pacientes, sendo 21 (13,2%) com pressão arterial diastólica <110mmHg. Duas pacientes (1,2%) hipertensas tiveram acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (AVCI). Uma (0,6%) paciente teve hemorragia meníngea por ruptura de aneurisma cerebral. Quatro (2,4%) pacientes apresentaram arritmia clinicamente, dois (1,2%) extra-sístoles ventriculares, um (0,6%) extra-sístoles supraventriculares e um (0,6%) fibrilação atrial aguda. Dois (1,2%) pacientes desenvolveram coronariopatia comprovada angiograficamente, um (0,6%) com infarto agudo do miocárdio, outro com angina estável. Um (0,6%) paciente desenvolveu sinais e sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca, juntamente com o aparecimento de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS). CONCLUSÃO: A doença cardiovascular mais freqüente foi a HAS. Duas hipertensas apresentaram AVCI. As arritmias observadas não foram mais freqüentes que na população normal e a coronariopatia também ocorreu raramente, confirmando um bom prognóstico clínico a longo prazo desse grupo de pacientes.
Descrevemos um caso de derrame pericárdico idiopático em que, durante investigação diagnóstica, foi constatado ser um quilopericárdio. A linfografia mostrou aplasia parcial do ducto torácico. Realizamos uma breve revisão da etiopatogenia, quadro clínico, métodos diagnósticos complementares e possibilidades terapêuticas do quilopericárdio.
PURPOSE: To characterize patients with neoplastic pericardial disease diagnosed by clinical presentation, complementary test findings, and the histological type of tumor. METHODS: Twenty-six patients with neoplastic pericardial disease were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: Clinical manifestations and abnormalities in chest roentgenograms and electrocardiograms were frequent, but were not specific. Most patients underwent surgery. There was a high positivity of the pericardial biopsy when associated with the cytological analysis of the pericardial liquid used to determine the histological type of the tumor, particularly when the procedure was performed with the aid of pericardioscopy. CONCLUSION: The correct diagnosis of neoplastic pericardial disease involves suspicious but nonspecific findings during clinical examination and in screen tests. The suspicious findings must be confirmed through more invasive diagnostic approaches, in particular pericardioscopy with biopsy and cytological study.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze clinical and histologic findings of 50 patients with primary neoplams of the heart in a tertiary referral center. METHODS: From 1980 to 1998, we retrospectively analyzed 50 patients, 32 of whom were females, whose ages ranged from 9 to 73 years (mean age = 44.16±18 years). RESULTS: Most tumors were located in the left side of the heart (72%), myxoma being the most common (84%) histologic type. The other histologic types found were as follows: fibroma (4%), lipoma (2%), rhabdomyosarcoma (2%), hemangioma (2%), sarcoma (2%), angiosarcoma (2%), and lymphoma (2%). Diagnosis was established by echocardiography in 94% of the cases. Clinical findings were as follows: dyspnea (36%), weight loss (20%), palpitations (18%), chest pain (16%), fever (8%), and arthralgia (6%). All patients with thromboembolic phenomena (10%) had left atrial myxoma. Approximately 20% of the patients were asymptomatic at the initial clinical assessment. CONCLUSION: Primary cardiac tumors are a rare entity with diverse clinical and histologic findings, requiring, therefore, a high level of clinical suspicion.
During a diagnostic investigation in a 40-year-old male with pericardial effusion associated with hypothyroidism, cholesterol pericarditis was detected. We report a brief review on the etiopathogeny, clinical findings, and therapeutical possibilities of this entity.
OBJECTIVE: To identify and associate potential electrocardiographic and echocardiographic changes in patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease during long-term follow-up. METHODS: One hundred sixty patients underwent standard electrocardiography and two-dimensional guided M-mode echocardiography for left ventricular ejection fraction determination. Patients were followed up for 98.6±30.4 months, undergoing repeat electrocardiographic studies at 6-month intervals and echocardiographic studies at 12-month intervals. RESULTS: Based on the electrocardiographic findings, the patients were divided into group I, 125 patients (78.6%) with normal electrocardiograms throughout follow-up, and group II, 34 patients (21.3%) who developed electrocardiographic changes. Group II was further divided into group IIA (9 patients, 5.6%) with permanent electrocardiographic changes, group IIB (14 patients, 8.8%) with transitory electrocardiographic changes, and group IIC (11 patients, 6.9%) with changes appearing only on the final electrocardiogram. Left ventricular ejection fractions remained normal in the entire population studied and did not differ among groups. CONCLUSION: The indeterminate form of Chagas' disease clearly represents a benign condition with a favorable long-term prognosis. Although some patients develop electrocardiographic changes, left ventricular systolic function is well preserved.
OBJECTIVE: To assess, in a prospective way, the experience with video-assisted pericardioscopy obtained in patients with pericardial effusion of unclear etiology in the preoperative period. METHODS: From January 1998 to June 2000, 20 patients were operated upon with the aid of video-assisted pericardioscopy. On echocardiography, 17 of these patients had significant pericardial effusion, and 3 had moderate pericardial effusion. Video-assisted pericardioscopy was performed through a small incision of the Marfan type. RESULTS: The diagnosis of pericardial effusion was established as follows: idiopathic in 9 (45%) patients, neoplastic in 4 (20%), resulting from hypothyroidism in 3 (15%), tuberculous in 2 (10%), due to cholesterol in 1 (5%), and chylopericardial in 1 (5%). The biopsy was positive in 30% of the patients, and the etiology could not be defined in 45% of the patients. CONCLUSION: Video-assisted pericardioscopy proved to be a method with low morbidity and a high index of diagnostic positivity. A high percentage of pericardial effusions are caused by viral infections, which are not diagnosed through current methods, being, therefore, classified as idiopathic.
Prenatally depressed women (N=47) were randomly assigned to a group that received massage twice weekly from their partners from 20 weeks gestation until the end of pregnancy or a control group. Self-reported leg pain, back pain, depression, anxiety and anger decreased more for the massaged pregnant women than for the control group women. In addition, the partners who massaged the pregnant women versus the control group partners reported less depressed mood, anxiety and anger across the course of the massage therapy period. Finally, scores on a relationship questionnaire improved more for both the women and the partners in the massage group. These data suggest that not only mood states but also relationships improve mutually when depressed pregnant women are massaged by their partners.
To assess anxiety, depression and relationship satisfaction in both women and men during pregnancy, the State Anxiety Inventory (STAI), The Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) and The Relationship Questionnaire (RQ) were administered during the second trimester to a sample of 59 pregnant women and their partners. Anxious pregnant women rated their relationships as less positive. Depressed pregnant women also rated their relationships as less positive. The women’s anxiety scores were predictive of their positive and negative relationship scores. The women and their partners’ negative relationship scores were also predictive of each others’ negative relationship scores. These results highlight the importance of targeting anxiety as well as depression, and pregnant women as well as their partners in prenatal intervention programs.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a potencial associação entre a capacidade funcional máxima (VO2max), fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) e a classe funcional (CF) pela NYHA em pacientes com cardiomiopatia chagásica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 104 homens, com idade média de 40.3± 9.0 anos (variação: de 18 a 65), com diagnóstico estabelecido de cardiomiopatia chagásica. A FEVE e VO2max foram classificadas em três categorias: FEVE <0.30, 0.30< FEVE <0.50, e FEVE > 0.50 e VO2max <10, 10
OBJETIVO: Avaliar se a capacidade de exercício está relacionada à dimensão atrial esquerda (DAE) em pacientes com endomiocardiofibrose biventricular. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 38 pacientes sendo 25 mulheres, com idade média 37,5 ± 11,5 anos (variação de 11 a 59 anos), todos em ritmo sinusal, divididos nos grupos A (12 pacientes) e B (26 pacientes) de acordo com a classe funcional da NYHA na internação. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à ergoespirometria para a obtenção do consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2 max) e tiveram a dimensão atrial esquerda determinada pela ecocardiografia. RESULTADOS: VO2 max de 21,8±4,8 ml.kg-1.min-1 e 13,7±3,5 ml.kg.-1. min-1, e dimensão atrial esquerda de 3,7±0,7cm e 4,4± 0,7cm para os grupos A e B, respectivamente. Foi encontrada correlação significativa e inversa entre VO2max e a DAE nos grupos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: O aumento da dimensão do átrio esquerdo acha-se associado ao comprometimento da capacidade de exercício em pacientes com endomiocardiofibrose. Nossos achados levam a permitir a utilização da dimensão atrial esquerda para estimar um índice de capacidade funcional, mais complexo e difícil de avaliar, como o VO2max.