977 resultados para Knowledge creating


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The 2nd International Conference on "Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society" was organised by IET, the Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation, at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of "Universidade Nova de Lisboa" (FCT-UNL), and took place on January 26 and 27 of 2009 with the support of the European project WORKS-Work Organisation Re-structuring in the Knowledge Society (financed by the European Commission, and co-ordinated by HIVA Leuven)


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Medieval


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Introduction: bronchial asthma is a chronic disease that affects a high percentage of adolescents, with a significant restriction of daily activities, and is a cause of school absenteeism. The relationships between adolescents and asthma disease in school were assessed, with a view to improving knowledge about the asthmatic adolescent. Methods: a survey was conducted in the Lisbon metropolitan area, covering urban (Lisbon) and rural (Lourinh˜a ) zones and including 1879 students and 81 teachers from the 7th to 9th high school years. The study groups were asthmatic students, their peers, and teachers. A self-administered questionnaire was applied to collect information. The results were compared with a reference group of 91 asthmatic students attending our Department of Immunoallergy-Hospital Dona Estefânia. Cotinine urinary measurements were made in a sample of asthmatics and a control group. Results: the prevalence of current asthma among students was 10%. Estimates of asthma annual burden among 7th to 9th year students from Lisbon and Lourinh˜a high schools included 4,307 days missed from school, 4,148 medical consultations and a minimum of 351 hospital emergency care and 80 hospital admissions. Exposure to passive smoking was not significantly different between asthmatic students and theirs peers. Cotinine urinary measurements did not discriminate between exposed and non-exposed individuals. Cigarette smoking was almost as common among adolescent asthmatics (5.4%) as it was in non-asthmatic subjects (6.7%). However, 55% of asthmatics mentioned active and passive smoking as an asthma exacerbating factor. Asthmatic students, theirs peers and teachers showed a deficient knowledge about asthma (mean group scores: 17.6; 14.2 and 17.7 of a possible 30), particularly in the areas related to asthma recognition and its management. Asthmatics attending our Allergy Department had the highest scores. All groups showed tolerance in the sense of a positive and understanding attitude toward a person with asthma. However, traditional beliefs about asthma disease (dependence, inferiority...) were confirmed. A positive correlation between knowledge levels and tolerance attitudes was found. Conclusion: in view of the dimension of the asthma problem in adolescence and its social and economic impact, it is justifiable to assess the need for the implementation of asthma education programs in schools in order to improve asthma management by the adolescents and their schools.


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OCEANS 2003. Proceedings (Volume:1 )


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Desde sempre o Homem procurou automatizar tarefas repetitivas. Tanto na indústria como no sector doméstico ou de comércio estão constantemente a surgir novos equipamentos procurando aumentar o nível de automação de diversas tarefas. A necessidade de empresas criadoras de produtos inovadores se manterem concorrenciais obrigou à adopção de métodos de projecto e planeamento mais estruturados e eficientes que eliminem os desperdícios tanto de material como de tempo. Diversas construções em termos orçamentais e o aumento da procura de produtos de alta qualidade a baixo custo deu origem a um novo tipo de programas, os programas de simulação virtual. Tal como na indústria, também na investigação nas Instituições de Ensino Superior se procuram adoptar os métodos de trabalho mais eficientes possíveis. Uma parte dos programas de simulação robótica utilizados hoje em dia na investigação no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto estão concebidos em linguagem C. Embora esta linguagem seja extremamente capaz, existem métodos mais adequados de simulação que aceleram o processo de modelação permitindo a visualização do movimento e simulação de diversas situações potencialmente criticas sem existir a necessidade de construção de um protótipo funcional do robô. Durante o último ano, este projecto permitiu construir um modelo de um robô quadrúpede num programa de simulação virtual chamado Simmechanics™. Embora haja já algum trabalho desenvolvido nesta área, constatou-se que a informação existente possuía algumas lacunas. Com o trabalho desenvolvido preparou-se esta dissertação que pretende clarificar algumas questões que surgem na modelação de um robô. Neste documento explica-se como modelar um robô de corpo flexível, modelar as pernas e as respectivas juntas da anca e do joelho assim como também se apresenta a modelação de um contacto com o solo recorrendo a um modelo descrito na literatura. Este documento foi escrito a pensar no leitor, procurando-se explicar de forma simples mas concisa os diversos passos necessários para construir um modelo virtual de um robô. O autor espera, desta forma, ajudar futuros colegas que pretendam trabalhar com o Simmechanics™ a mais facilmente se integrarem com o programa aumentando desta forma o declive da curva de aprendizagem e permitindo um maior aproveitamento desta ferramenta.


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Intelligent wheelchairs (IW) are technologies that can increase the autonomy and independence of elderly people and patients suffering from some kind of disability. Nowadays the intelligent wheelchairs and the human-machine studies are very active research areas. This paper presents a methodology and a Data Analysis System (DAS) that provides an adapted command language to an user of the IW. This command language is a set of input sequences that can be created using inputs from an input device or a combination of the inputs available in a multimodal interface. The results show that there are statistical evidences to affirm that the mean of the evaluation of the DAS generated command language is higher than the mean of the evaluation of the command language recommended by the health specialist (p value = 0.002) with a sample of 11 cerebral palsy users. This work demonstrates that it is possible to adapt an intelligent wheelchair interface to the user even when the users present heterogeneous and severe physical constraints.


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This paper explores the relationship between the expatriates’ knowledge acquisition (KA) and their career development after an international assignment (IA). The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of expatriates in KA and transfer within International Portuguese multinational corporations. Furthermore, with this empirical study we try to analyse how the knowledge that is acquired and transferred translates into a basis for career development after the IA. This phenomenon has a special relevance in the Portuguese context, because this country is known a growing process of globalization in recent years. Furthermore, (a) there are no empirical studies concerning knowledge transfer and career development of repatriates from Portuguese companies; (b) little is known about the repatriates’ contributions to their home company after IA. This paper is one of the first to focus specifically on the repatriates’ role in KA and transfer from the host company to their Portuguese home company. A qualitative research methodology is used, specifically through an exploratory case study approach, which examines how knowledge management (KM) acquisition or transferring during IA are important for the repatriates’ career development in the Portuguese home company. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews to 42 Portuguese international assignees and 18 organizational representatives from nine Portuguese companies. Preliminary results show that KA and transfer made by Portuguese expatriates contributes directly to their career development. Moreover, evidence reveals that not all repatriates were promoted after their IA; rather some repatriates were even demoted after their IA. Furthermore, the results obtained suggest that the type of knowledge which acquired or transferred plays a central role in the career development after repatriation. According to these results, the paper discusses the major theoretical and practical implications. Suggestions for future research are also presented.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess mental health knowledge, attitude and practices among health care workers in Belize before and immediately after a competency based training program in mental health. A baseline Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey was given to health personnel, mainly nurses, working primary and secondary care. The intervention was a 13-week face-to-face training course for health care professionals with the objective of increasing their competency in mental health and reducing stigma. After the training a post intervention KAP survey was conducted among the original respondents. 88 health care workers completed the baseline survey and 61 of those respondents completed the post-intervention questionnaire. The results showed that the level of knowledge of the participants had improved by the training intervention and that in general, the intervention was effective in correcting some misconceptions about mental illness and reducing stigmatizing attitudes among the participants.


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Num contexto de crescente complexidade e disponibilidade de informação, a gestão do capital intelectual assume cada vez mais preponderância como vantagem competitiva para as empresas que procuram maximizar o valor gerado. Esta investigação usa como metodologia príncipal o VAIC (coeficiente intelectual do valor adicionado), para assim estudar a existência de relação entre capital intelectual e a performance bolsista e financeira das empresas do PSI20. O VAIC é decomposto nos seus três indicadores de eficiência, tais como: capital humano, capital estrutural e capital físico. Os dados contemplam quinze empresas e nove anos de análise (2003 - 2011). Elaborou-se uma abordagem que recorre à utilização de técnicas econométricas para reduzir potênciais falhas no tratamento de dados em painel. Os resultados da análise demonstram uma relação positiva entre a aposta em capital intelectual a performance bolsista e financeira, ou seja, a utilização e gestão eficientes do capital intelectual contribuem de forma significativa na avaliação bolsista e financeira das empresas do PSI20.


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A crowdsourcing innovation intermediary performs mediation activities between companies that have a problem to solve or that seek a business opportunity, and a group of people motivated to present ideas based on their knowledge, experience and wisdom, taking advantage of technology sharing and collaboration emerging from Web2.0. As far as we know, most of the present intermediaries don´t have, yet, an integrated vision that combines the creation of value through community development, brokering and technology transfer. In this paper we present a proposal of a knowledge repository framework for crowdsourcing innovation that enables effective support and integration of the activities developed in the process of value creation (community building, brokering and technology transfer), modeled using ontology engineering methods.


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The objective of the paper is to help to understand recent changes in the structure of R&D activities, by analyzing data on the expenditure of the business sector in research and development (R&D). The results are framed in an international context, through comparison with indicators from the most developed countries, divided by technological intensity and economic activity. The study reveals that the indicators of Portuguese R&D expenditure in the business sector are closely linked both to fiscal policy and to high foreign direct investment in knowledge-intensive industries. It also links these indicators to phenomena such as the abundance of skilled labor in pharmaceutical industries and the government intervention in some sectors of the economy (namely health and rail transportation).


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A integração contínua é uma prática no desenvolvimento de software que já existe há algum tempo mas ainda não é muito conhecida nem usada. Esta prática no desenvolvimento de software surgiu com a programação extrema e tem evoluído ao longo dos últimos anos, adaptando-se às novas tecnologias. O estudo aqui apresentado pretende essencialmente mostrar a real importância e o valor acrescido que a integração contínua pode trazer a um projeto de desenvolvimento de software. O trabalho aqui exposto surge no âmbito de um projeto interno, realizado pelo autor na empresa Konkconsulting, cuja finalidade se prende com o conhecimento mais aprofundado da integração contínua e com o levantamento das necessidades e criação de soluções, de modo a conseguir a sua utilização nos produtos que irão ser desenvolvidos pela empresa. Nesta dissertação, é proposto um conjunto de ferramentas para responder às necessidades imediatas da empresa na implementação de integração contínua num dos seus projetos. Estas ferramentas devem ser de simples e de fácil utilização, de modo a ajudar os programadores durante os desenvolvimentos e responder às necessidades da utilização da integração contínua em um projeto a ser desenvolvido pela empresa, mas ao mesmo tempo, podendo ser facilmente incorporadas em futuros projetos.


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Urticaria, defined by the presence of wheals and/or angioedema,is a common condition in children, prompting parents to consult physicians. For its successful management, paediatric-specific features must be taken into account, regarding the identification of eliciting triggers and pharmacological therapy. This review systematically discusses the current best-available evidence on spontaneous acute and chronic urticaria as well as physical and other urticaria types in children. Potential underlying causes, namely infections, food and drug hypersensitivity, autoreactivity and autoimmune or other conditions, and eliciting stimuli are considered, with practical recommendations for specific diagnostic approaches. Second-generation antihistamines are the mainstay of pharmacological treatment aimed at relief of symptoms, which require dose adjustment for paediatric use. Other therapeutic interventions are also discussed. In addition, unmet needs are highlighted, aiming to promote research into the paediatric population, ultimately aiming at the effective management of childhood urticaria.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica