826 resultados para Källén-Lehmann spectral representation


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The mass spectra of compounds of t he series (C6F5 )3-n MP~ (n = 1,2,3, M = P and As ), (C6F5>3Sb, Ph) Sb and (C6F5 )2SbPh have been studied in detail and the important modes of fragmentation were e1ucidated, a ided by metastable ions. Various trends attributed to the central atom and or the . substituent groups have been noted and, where applicable, compared to recent studies on related phenyl and pentafluorophenyl compounds of groups IV and V. The mass spectra of fluorine containing organometallic compounds exhibit characteristic migrations of fluorine to t he central atom, giving an increasing abundance of MF+, MF2+' and RMF+ (R = Ph or C6F5) ions on descending the group_ The mass spectra of pentafluorophenyl , antimony, and arsenic compounds show a greater fragmentation of the aromatic ring than those of phosphorus. The mixed phenyl pentafluorophenyl derivatives show a characteristic pattern depending on the number of phenyl grm.lps present but show t he general characteristics of both the tris(phenyl) and tris(pentafluorophenyl) compounds. The diphenyl pentafluorophenyl der ivatives show the loss of biphenyl ion as the most import ant step, the los s of phenyl t o give the i on PhMC6F5 + being of secondary importance. The ,bis(pentafluorophenyl) phenyl derivatives fragment primarily by loss of PhC6F5 to give C6F5M+ ions, the abundance of t hese increasing r apidly from phosphorus to arsenic. This species then, exhibits a characteristic fragmentation observed in the tris(penta- fluorophenyl ) compounds. However, the abundance of (C6F5)2M+ species in these compounds i s small. I ons of the type C6H4MC6F4 + and tetrafluorobiphenylene ions C6H4C6F4 + also are observed on substitution of a phenyl group for a penta- fluorophenyl group. The fully fluorinated species (C6F4)2M+ is not observed, although octafluorobiphenylene ions , (C6F4)2+' are evident in several spectra . The appearance potentials of the major ions were obtatned from the ionisation efficiency curves. Attempts were made to correlate these to the effect of the central atom in substituent groups, but the large errors involved prevented the reaching of quantitative conclusions, although it would appear that the electron is removed from the ligand in the ionisation of t he parent molecule .


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2-Carboxy-2?-methyldiphenyl sulfide was prepared by the Ullmann reaction and cyclodehydrated by sulfuric acid to afford 4-methylthioxanthone. 1-Methylthioxanthone was separated from the reaction mixture obtained upon cyclodehydration of 2-carboxy-3f-methyldiphenyl sulfide. In addition, 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-methylthioxanthone 10,10-dioxides were synthesized by oxidation of the corresponding thioxanthones. o-, m- and p-N-Tolylanthranilic acids were prepared by the Ullmann reaction and used as precursors for the preparation of 1-, 2- and 4- methyl-9-chloroacridine and finally 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-methylacridone. High resolution, 60 MHz PMR spectra were obtained on the four monomethyl isomers of xanthone, thioxanthone, thioxanthone 10,10-dioxide and acridone, and on 1-, 2- and 4-methyl-9-chloroacridine. For some compounds, coupling of all three different aromatic protons to the methyl was observed, two of the couplings typically being smaller than the third. With the large (ortho) coupling being on the order of 0.5 to 1.0 Hz, it was necessary to decouple the aromatic part of the spectrum. The magnitude of the ortho benzylic constant may be related to an incomplete Tr-bond delocalization in the molecules.


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Spatial data representation and compression has become a focus issue in computer graphics and image processing applications. Quadtrees, as one of hierarchical data structures, basing on the principle of recursive decomposition of space, always offer a compact and efficient representation of an image. For a given image, the choice of quadtree root node plays an important role in its quadtree representation and final data compression. The goal of this thesis is to present a heuristic algorithm for finding a root node of a region quadtree, which is able to reduce the number of leaf nodes when compared with the standard quadtree decomposition. The empirical results indicate that, this proposed algorithm has quadtree representation and data compression improvement when in comparison with the traditional method.


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This project evolved out of a search for ways to conduct research on “others” in a way that does not exploit, stigmatize or misrepresent their experience. This thesis is an ethnographic study in leisure research and youth work and an experiment in running a photovoice project. Photovoice is a participatory visual method that embodies the emancipatory ideal of empowering others through self-representation. The literature on photovoice lacks a comprehensive discussion on the complexity of power and representation. Postmodern theorists have proposed that participatory methods are not benign and that initiatives are acts of power in themselves that produce effects (Cook & Kothari, 2001). A Foucauldian analysis of power is used to deconstruct the researcher’s practice and reflect on why and how youth are “engaged”. This project seeks to embrace the principle of working “with” others, but also work from a postmodern perspective that acknowledges power and representation as ongoing problems.


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High chromium content in kimberlite indicator minerals such as pyrope garnet and diopside is often correlated with the presence of diamonds. In this study, kimberlite indicator minerals were examined using visible light reflectance spectroscopy to determine if chromium content can be correlated with spectral absorption features. The depth of absorption features in the visible spectral region were correlated with the molecular percentage of chromium and other first series transition metal elements obtained by electron microprobe data. In the visible part of the spectrum, chromium is evident by 3 absorption features in the pyrope reflectance spectrum; one isolated and narrow feature at the wavelength 689 nm was used to correlate with the chromium mol %. The isolation of this feature in the pyrope spectra is advantageous since it is not directly affected by other proximal absorption bands that could be caused by other transition metals. Analysis of the feature indicates that as grain volume increases the depth of the absorption feature will also increase. Clustering grain volumes into fractions yields better correlation between absorption depth and mol % chromium. Other types of garnet (almandine, grossular, spessartine) and kimberlite indicator minerals (olivine, diopside, chromite, ilmenite) were analyzed to determine if other absorption features could be used to predict the proportion of specific transition metal elements. Diopside in particular illustrates the same isolated chromium absorption feature as pyrope and may indicate mol percent but needs further study with larger sample sets.


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This thesis critically examines the online marketing tactics of 10 (English language) Canadian cosmetic surgery clinics’ websites that offer Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery (FGCS), specifically, labiaplasty (labial reduction) and vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening). Drawing on a qualitative Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis (MCDA) and a feminist-informed social constructionist framework (Lazar, 2007), I examine how FGCS discourses reiterate and reinforce heteronormative sexual scripts for women, and impose restrictive models of femininity through the pathologization of genital diversity and the appropriation of postfeminist and neoliberal discourses of individual choice and empowerment. I explore feminist analyses of the links between FGCS and contemporary Western women’s postfeminist subjectivity, and the reconfiguration of women’s sexual agency, to better understand what these contemporary shifts may mean for women’s sexual anxiety and expression. My analysis highlights several discourses that organize the online marketing material of Canadian FGCS websites, including: the pathologization of genital diversity; restrictive models of femininity; heteronormative sexual scripts; neoliberal and post-feminist rhetorics of individual choice and empowerment; and psychological and sexual transformation. Overall, these discourses undermine acceptance of women’s genital diversity, legitimize the FGCS industry and frame FGCS as the only viable solution to alleviate women’s genital and sexual distress despite the lack of evidence regarding the long-term benefits and risks of these procedures, and the recommendations against FGCS by professional medical organizations.


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This paper proves a new representation theorem for domains with both discrete and continuous variables. The result generalizes Debreu's well-known representation theorem on connected domains. A strengthening of the standard continuity axiom is used in order to guarantee the existence of a representation. A generalization of the main theorem and an application of the more general result are also presented.


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This paper derives the ARMA representation of integrated and realized variances when the spot variance depends linearly on two autoregressive factors, i.e., SR SARV(2) models. This class of processes includes affine, GARCH diffusion, CEV models, as well as the eigenfunction stochastic volatility and the positive Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models. We also study the leverage effect case, the relationship between weak GARCH representation of returns and the ARMA representation of realized variances. Finally, various empirical implications of these ARMA representations are considered. We find that it is possible that some parameters of the ARMA representation are negative. Hence, the positiveness of the expected values of integrated or realized variances is not guaranteed. We also find that for some frequencies of observations, the continuous time model parameters may be weakly or not identified through the ARMA representation of realized variances.


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Many unit root and cointegration tests require an estimate of the spectral density function at frequency zero at some process. Kernel estimators based on weighted sums of autocovariances constructed using estimated residuals from an AR(1) regression are commonly used. However, it is known that with substantially correlated errors, the OLS estimate of the AR(1) parameter is severely biased. in this paper, we first show that this least squares bias induces a significant increase in the bias and mean-squared error of kernel-based estimators.


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This paper presents a new model of voter behaviour under methods of proportional representation (PR). We abstract away from rounding, and assume that a party securing k percent of the vote wins exactly k percent of the available seats. Under this assumption PR is not manipulable by any voter aiming at maximisation of the number of seats in the parliament of her most preferred party. However in this paper we assume that voters are concerned, first and foremost, with the distribution of power in the post-election parliament. We show that, irrespective of which positional scoring rule is adopted, there will always exist circumstances where a voter would have an incentive to vote insincerely. We demonstrate that a voter’s attitude toward uncertainty can influence her incentives to make an insincere vote. Finally, we show that the introduction of a threshold - a rule that a party must secure at least a certain percentage of the vote in order to reach parliament - creates new opportunities for strategic voting. We use the model to explain voter behaviour at the most recent New Zealand general election.


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Groupe de recherche sur le système nerveux central, Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle, Département de physiologie.


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Soit G un groupe algébrique semi-simple sur un corps de caractéristique 0. Ce mémoire discute d'un théorème d'annulation de la cohomologie supérieure du faisceau D des opérateurs différentiels sur une variété de drapeaux de G. On démontre que si P est un sous-groupe parabolique de G, alors H^i(G/P,D)=0 pour tout i>0. On donne en fait trois preuves indépendantes de ce théorème. La première preuve est de Hesselink et n'est valide que dans le cas où le sous-groupe parabolique est un sous-groupe de Borel. Elle utilise un argument de suites spectrales et le théorème de Borel-Weil-Bott. La seconde preuve est de Kempf et n'est valide que dans le cas où le radical unipotent de P agit trivialement sur son algèbre de Lie. Elle n'utilise que le théorème de Borel-Weil-Bott. Enfin, la troisième preuve est attribuée à Elkik. Elle est valide pour tout sous-groupe parabolique mais utilise le théorème de Grauert-Riemenschneider. On présente aussi une construction détaillée du faisceau des opérateurs différentiels sur une variété.


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L'apprentissage machine (AM) est un outil important dans le domaine de la recherche d'information musicale (Music Information Retrieval ou MIR). De nombreuses tâches de MIR peuvent être résolues en entraînant un classifieur sur un ensemble de caractéristiques. Pour les tâches de MIR se basant sur l'audio musical, il est possible d'extraire de l'audio les caractéristiques pertinentes à l'aide de méthodes traitement de signal. Toutefois, certains aspects musicaux sont difficiles à extraire à l'aide de simples heuristiques. Afin d'obtenir des caractéristiques plus riches, il est possible d'utiliser l'AM pour apprendre une représentation musicale à partir de l'audio. Ces caractéristiques apprises permettent souvent d'améliorer la performance sur une tâche de MIR donnée. Afin d'apprendre des représentations musicales intéressantes, il est important de considérer les aspects particuliers à l'audio musical dans la conception des modèles d'apprentissage. Vu la structure temporelle et spectrale de l'audio musical, les représentations profondes et multiéchelles sont particulièrement bien conçues pour représenter la musique. Cette thèse porte sur l'apprentissage de représentations de l'audio musical. Des modèles profonds et multiéchelles améliorant l'état de l'art pour des tâches telles que la reconnaissance d'instrument, la reconnaissance de genre et l'étiquetage automatique y sont présentés.


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We provide a representation theorem for risk measures satisfying (i) monotonicity; (ii) positive homogeneity; and (iii) translation invariance. As a simple corollary to our theorem, we obtain the usual representation of coherent risk measures (i.e., risk measures that are, in addition, sub-additive; see Artzner et al. [2]).


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Les humains communiquent via différents types de canaux: les mots, la voix, les gestes du corps, des émotions, etc. Pour cette raison, un ordinateur doit percevoir ces divers canaux de communication pour pouvoir interagir intelligemment avec les humains, par exemple en faisant usage de microphones et de webcams. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à déterminer les émotions humaines à partir d’images ou de vidéo de visages afin d’ensuite utiliser ces informations dans différents domaines d’applications. Ce mémoire débute par une brève introduction à l'apprentissage machine en s’attardant aux modèles et algorithmes que nous avons utilisés tels que les perceptrons multicouches, réseaux de neurones à convolution et autoencodeurs. Elle présente ensuite les résultats de l'application de ces modèles sur plusieurs ensembles de données d'expressions et émotions faciales. Nous nous concentrons sur l'étude des différents types d’autoencodeurs (autoencodeur débruitant, autoencodeur contractant, etc) afin de révéler certaines de leurs limitations, comme la possibilité d'obtenir de la coadaptation entre les filtres ou encore d’obtenir une courbe spectrale trop lisse, et étudions de nouvelles idées pour répondre à ces problèmes. Nous proposons également une nouvelle approche pour surmonter une limite des autoencodeurs traditionnellement entrainés de façon purement non-supervisée, c'est-à-dire sans utiliser aucune connaissance de la tâche que nous voulons finalement résoudre (comme la prévision des étiquettes de classe) en développant un nouveau critère d'apprentissage semi-supervisé qui exploite un faible nombre de données étiquetées en combinaison avec une grande quantité de données non-étiquetées afin d'apprendre une représentation adaptée à la tâche de classification, et d'obtenir une meilleure performance de classification. Finalement, nous décrivons le fonctionnement général de notre système de détection d'émotions et proposons de nouvelles idées pouvant mener à de futurs travaux.