860 resultados para Jørgensen, Ellen Brinch: Union citizens - free movement and non-discrimination
Adult anchovies in the Bay of Biscay perform north to south migration from late winter to early summer for spawning. However, what triggers and drives the geographic shift of the population remains unclear and poorly understood. An individual-based fish model has been implemented to explore the potential mechanisms that control anchovy's movement routes toward its spawning habitats. To achieve this goal, two fish movement behaviors – gradient detection through restricted area search and kinesis – simulated fish response to its dynamic environment. A bioenergetics model was used to represent individual growth and reproduction along the fish trajectory. The environmental forcing (food, temperature) of the model was provided by a coupled physical–biogeochemical model. We followed a hypothesis-testing strategy to actualize a series of simulations using different cues and computational assumptions. The gradient detection behavior was found as the most suitable mechanism to recreate the observed shift of anchovy distribution under the combined effect of sea-surface temperature and zooplankton. In addition, our results suggested that southward movement occurred more actively from early April to middle May following favorably the spatio-temporal evolution of zooplankton and temperature. In terms of fish bioenergetics, individuals who ended up in the southern part of the bay presented better condition based on energy content, proposing the resulting energy gain as an ecological explanation for this migration. The kinesis approach resulted in a moderate performance, producing distribution pattern with the highest spread. Finally, model performance was not significantly affected by changes on the starting date, initial fish distribution and number of particles used in the simulations, whereas it was drastically influenced by the adopted cues.
Reverse discrimination – whereby member states may treat their own nationals worse than nationals of other member states by invoking a “purely internal situation” in which European law does not apply – has long been a problem within the European Economic Community turned European Union. Using as a touchstone the Zambrano case, to be decided shortly, this paper argues that introducing citizenship alters the status of individuals vis-à-vis their governments, implies equality of treatment among citizens, and should eliminate reverse discrimination. Raising examples from the United States and Canada, I show how the introduction of federal rights empowered individuals and redrew the relationship between the governments of the center and the units. Citizenship limits the power of member states to treat their own nationals worse than nationals of other member states. This does not eliminate the tension between center and unit (or federal and regional; EU and member state) law but should give extra weight to former over the latter. Jurisdictional issues remain, but the rise of Union citizenship means that EU law should grow to encompass any right protected or promoted by shared citizenship.
This thesis explores the relationship between body and architecture through a metaphorical and literal analysis of prosthetic devices. The thesis questions how the relationship between prosthetics and architecture can inform the design of a building that enables connection, movement and empowerment for its occupants. Driving questions of investigation include: How can a building enable growth, healing and wellbeing? , How can a building embody and reflect human growth and transformation? , and, How can a building enable equivalence between its users? The program of an inpatient prosthetic rehabilitation facility allows for the exploration of these questions and a study for how we can create spaces that influence rehabilitation and growth. Through body and prosthetics analysis the thesis explores what spaces are best for one to grow and develop in and study how concepts, such as connection, movement and empowerment can enable one and enhance one’s quality of life.
Scale ca. 1:7,300.
OpenLab ESEV is a project of the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (ESEV), Portugal, that aims to promote, foster and support the use of Free/Libre Software and Open Source Software, Open Educational Resources, Free Culture, Free file formats and more flexible copyright licenses for creative and educational purposes in the ESEV's domains of activity (education, arts, media). Most of the OpenLab ESEV activities are related to the teacher education and arts and multimedia programs, with a special focus on the later. In this paper, the project and some activities are presented, starting with its origins and its conceptual framework. The presented overview is intended as background for the examination of the use of Free/Libre Software and Free Culture in educational settings, specially at the higher education level, and for creative purposes. The activities developed with students and professionals generated pipelines and workflows implemented for different creative purposes, software packages used for different tasks, choices for file formats and copyright licenses. Finished and ongoing multimedia and arts projects will be presented as real case scenarios.
This thesis explores two distinct parts of mitochondrial physiology: the role of mitochondria in generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and mitochondrial morphology and dynamics within cells. The first area of research is covered in Chapters 1-8. Mitochondrial biofunctionality and ROS production are discussed in Chapter 1, followed by the strategy of targeting bioactive compounds to mitochondria by linking them to lipophilic triphenylphosphonium cations (TPP) (Chapter 2). ROS sensors relevant to the research are reviewed in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents design and synthesis of novel probes for superoxide detection in mitochondria (MitoNeo-D), cytosol (Neo-D) and extracellular environment (ExCellNeo-D). The results of biological validation of MitoNeo-D and Neo-D performed in the MRC MBU in Cambridge are presented in Chapter 5. A dicationic hydrogen peroxide sensor that utilizes in situ click chemistry is discussed in Chapter 6. Preliminary work on the synthesis of mitochondria-targeted superoxide generators, which led to the development of mitochondria-targeted analogue of paraquat, MitoPQ, is presented in Chapter 7. A set of bifunctional probes (BCN-Mal, BCN-E-BCN and Mito-iTag) for assessing the redox states of protein thiols is discussed in Chapter 8 along with their biological validation. The second part of the thesis is aimed at the study of mitochondrial morphology and dynamics and is presented in Chapters 9-11. Chapter 9 provides background on the classes of fluorophores relevant to the research, the phenomenon of fluorescence quenching and the principle of photoactivation with examples of photoactivatable fluorophores. Next, the background on mitochondrial morphology and heterogeneity is presented in Chapter 10, followed by the ways of imaging and tracking mitochondria within cells by conventional fluorophores and by photoactivatable fluorophores exploiting super-resolution microscopy. Chapter 11 presents the design and synthesis of four photoactivatable fluorophores for mitochondrial tracking, MitoPhotoRhod110, MitoPhotoNIR, Photo-E+, MitoPhoto-E+, along with results of biological validation of MitoPhotoNIR. The results and discussion concludes with Chapter 12, which is a summary and suggestions for future work, followed by the chemistry experimental procedures (Chapter 13), materials and methods for biological experiments (Chapter 14) and references.
Time Estimation (Short Intervals)in Human Subjects under Free Living and Constant Routine Conditions
This study aimed to compare the resting energy expenditure (REE) of white and non-white severely obese Brazilian women. REE was examined in 83 severely obese Brazilian women (n = 58 white and 25 non-white) with mean (+/- SD) age 42.99 +/- 11.35 and body mass index 46.88 +/- 6.22 kg/m(2) who were candidates for gastric bypass surgery. Body composition was assessed by air displacement plethysmography (ADP) BOD PODO body composition system (Life Measurement Instruments, Concord, CA) and REE was measured, under established protocol, with an open-circuit calorimeter (Deltatrac II MBM-200, Datex-Ohmeda, Madison, WI, USA). There was no significant difference between the REE of white and non-white severely obese women (1,953 +/- 273 and 1,906 +/- 271 kcal/d, respectively; p = 0.48). However, when adjusted for fat free mass (MLG), REE was significantly higher in non-white severely obese women (difference between groups of 158.4 kcal, p < 0.01). REE in white women was positively and significantly correlated to C-reactive protein (PCR) (r = 0.41.8; P < 0.001) and MLG (r = 0.771; P < 0.001). In the non-white women, REE was only significantly correlated to MLG (r = 0.753; P < 0.001). The multiple linear regression analysis showed that skin color, MLG and PCR were the significant determinants of REE (R(2) = 0.55). This study showed that, after adjustment for MLG, non-white severely obese women have a higher REE than the white ones. The association of body composition inflammation factors and REE in severely obese Brazilian women remains to be further investigated.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the range of movement of the ankle and the vertical ground reaction force involved in gait among diabetic patients with and without peripheral neuropathy. Sample and Method: 36 individuals were divided into three groups: Control group - CG: 10 individuals without diabetes, Diabetic group - DG: 10 individuals with diabetes without peripheral neuropathy and Neuropathy, and Diabetic neuropathic group - DNG: 16 individuals with diabetes and peripheral diabetic neuropathy. Gait - AMTI (R) OR6/6m and range of tibiotarsal joint movement - System Vicom 640 (R) was carried out in all the participants. Results: The first and second vertical ground reaction force peaks were statistically higher in the neuropathy group, and the range of ankle motion was lower in the Diabetes and Neuropathy groups. Conclusion: The range of movement of the tibiotarsal joint is lower in diabetics, regardless of the presence or absence of peripheral neuropathy, and diabetics with peripheral neuropathy show an increase in the first and second vertical ground reaction force peaks during walking.
The prognosis of glioblastomas is still extremely poor and the discovery of novel molecular therapeutic targets can be important to optimize treatment strategies. Gene expression analyses comparing normal and neoplastic tissues have been used to identify genes associated with tumorigenesis and potential therapeutic targets. We have used this approach to identify differentially expressed genes between primary glioblastomas and non-neoplastic brain tissues. We selected 20 overexpressed genes related to cell cycle, cellular movement and growth, proliferation and cell-to-cell signaling and analyzed their expression levels by real time quantitative PCR in cDNA obtained from microdissected fresh tumor tissue from 20 patients with primary glioblastomas and from 10 samples of non-neoplastic white matter tissue. The gene expression levels were significantly higher in glioblastomas than in non-neoplastic white matter in 18 out of 20 genes analyzed: P < 0.00001 for CDKN2C, CKS2, EEF1A1, EMP3, PDPN, BNIP2, CA12, CD34, CDC42EP4, PPIE, SNAI2, GDF15 and MMP23b; and NFIA (P: 0.0001), GPS1 (P: 0.0003), LAMA1 (P: 0.002), STIM1 (P: 0.006), and TASP1 (P: 0.01). Five of these genes are located in contiguous loci at 1p31-36 and 2 at 17q24-25 and 8 of them encode surface membrane proteins. PDPN and CD34 protein expression were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and they showed concordance with the PCR results. The present results indicate the presence of 18 overexpressed genes in human primary glioblastomas that may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of these tumors and that deserve further functional investigation as attractive candidates for new therapeutic targets.
Motivated by application of current superalgebras in the study of disordered systems such as the random XY and Dirac models, we investigate gl(2\2) current superalgebra at general level k. We construct its free field representation and corresponding Sugawara energy-momentum tensor in the non-standard basis. Three screen currents of the first kind are also presented. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The prevalence of obesity is increasing throughout the workforce. Manual lifting tasks are common and can produce significant muscle loading. This study compared muscular activity between obese and non-obese subjects, using surface Electromyography (EMG), during manual lifting. Six different lifting tasks (with 5, 10 and 15 kg loads in free and constrained styles) were performed by 14 participants with different obesity levels. EMG data normalization was based on the percentage of Maximum Contraction during each Task (MCT). Muscle Activation Times (AT) before each task were also evaluated. The study suggests that obesity can increase MCT and delay muscle AT. These findings reinforce the need to develop further studies focused on obesity as a risk factor for the development of musculoskeletal disorders.
In this study, we compared a selective stop task (transition from a bimanual in-phase to a unimanual index fingers' tapping), with a non-selective stop task (stopping a bimanual in-phase tapping at all), and with a switching task (transition from in-phase to anti-phase bimanual tapping). The aim was twofold: 1) to identify the electro-cortical correlates of selective and non-selective inhibition processes and 2) to investigate which type of inhibition - selective or not - is required when switching between two bimanual motor patterns. The results revealed that all tasks led to enhanced activation (alpha power) of the left sensorimotor and posterior regions which seems to reflect an overall effort to stop the preferred bimanual in-phase tendency. Each task implied specific functional connectivity reorganizations (beta coherence) between cerebral motor areas, probably reflecting engagement in a new unimanual or bimanual movement.
Our study describes tissue-specific migration of T and B cells during a localized anti-viral immune response. After mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) injection, B lymphocytes of the draining lymph node become infected and present a retroviral superantigen to CD4(+) T lymphocytes. Infected B cells receive superantigen-mediated help in a fashion comparable to classical immune responses. To investigate the fate of T and B lymphocytes that had interacted via cognate help in the same peripheral lymph node microenvironment we adoptively transferred them into naive recipients. Here we show that MMTV-infected B cells and superantigen-stimulated T cells were programmed to migrate to distinct sites of the body. Plasmablasts but not T cells migrated to the mammary gland and activated alpha4beta1 integrins were found to have a crucial role in the migration to the mammary gland. In contrast, T cells had a much higher affinity for secondary lymphoid organs and large intestine. This demonstrates that upon antigen-driven B and T lymphocyte interaction in the local draining lymph node a subset-specific homing program for B and T lymphocytes is induced.