933 resultados para Iridium trapping
Two methods of trapping Argentine ants in natural habitats are compared. both methods are used on the boundaries of an invaded area with the goal of assessing the spread of the invasion front. Pitfall surveys take longer to obtain results than bait surveys, but bait surveys are only a “snapshot” of the moment, with less chance of detecting Argentine ant workers. significant differences are found between the methods in terms of the number of traps occupied by Argentine ants, native ants or a combination of both. Differences in the richness of native ant species are found as well, showing that pitfall surveys are necessary to assess such richness. Despite this, no differences in the assessment of spread are found between the methods. bait surveys are an easier and faster method to assess the spread of Argentine ants, spread being one of the most important characteristics of biological invasions
The AVS is defined operationally as acid volatile sulfide, which is a controlling phase on the partition of some metallic species in sediments. A Factorial design was evaluated by means of 16 experiments and using four variables: temperature, extraction time, N2 flow, and volume of the S2- collection solution. The factors that contributed to the efficiency of the process were the extraction time and the N2 flow. Trapping of S2- was efficient in AAB. The S2- was quantified using a potentiometric procedure. Recovery tests for S2- concentrations varying from 1×10-5 to 1×10-4 mol L-1 were in the range from 93 to 116%.
Titania-supported Ir catalysts were used in the hydrogenation of furfural. Reactions were carried out in a stirred batch type reactor at 0.62MPa and 363K using a 0.10M solution of furfural in a 1:1 mixture n-heptane -ethanol as solvent. Catalysts containing 2 wt% of Ir were reduced in H2 flow at different temperatures in the range 473-773K. The catalysts were characterized by H2 chemisorption, TEM, TPR, TPD of NH3 and XPS. Conversion of furfural is higher at lower reduction temperatures, but leads to byproducts whereas reduction at higher temperatures shows selectivity to furfuryl alcohol close to 100%.
In the present work TiO2 films were formed over Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) employing cathodic electrophoretic deposition (Cathodic-EPD) and Dr. Blade Technique. The films were characterized by electrochemical techniques in order to compare their electronic properties; as well as, their photoelectrochemical behavior. The electrochemical performance showed by the films, allowed to relate the modification occurring during the Cathodic-EPD, with the partial reduction of TiO2 nanoparticles, generating Ti3+ defects. These trapping states are modifying the electronic properties of the film, and diminishing the transport of the photoelectrogenerated electrons toward ITO.
Växtoljor som utgör en förnybar naturresurs används som sådana eller i modifierade former i många industriella processer, som är av stor betydelse för vårt vardagliga liv. Växtoljor används i livsmedel, i kemiska och farmaceutiska produkter, i textilindustrin, för framställning av färgämnen och beläggningsmaterial samt som miljövänliga bränslekomponenter. Fetter och oljor hör till de äldsta kemiska komponenterna som utnyttjas av människan. De består huvudsakligen av glycerolestrar och fettsyror. Fetter och oljor har typiskt en kolkedja med kol-koldubbelbindningar samt karboxyl- och estergrupper, som kan genom hydrering eller dekarboxylering konverteras till nyttiga och miljövänliga produkter med hjälp av ädelmetallkatalysatorer. Aktivt kol (C) används som bärare på katalysatorerna. Väteaddition, d.v.s. hydrering av växtoljor har varit föremål för omfattande forskning i över hundra års tid. Hydreringen är en viktig process, för den tillämpas på produktion av fetter och margarin. Omättade fettsyror hydreras traditionellt på nickelbaserade heterogena katalysatorer. Samtidigt med en partiell hydrering av fettsyrorna och fettsyraestrarna som har två dubbelbindningar pågår också isomeringsreaktioner, vilka ger cis- och transisomerer av reaktantmolekylerna. Den största nackdelen med nickelkatalysatorerna är deras giftighet samt bildning av ohälsosamma transisomerer i reaktionsprodukterna. Dessutom deaktiveras nickelkatalysatorn snabbt p.g.a. att nickeltvålar bildas i reaktionsblandningen. Platinabaserade katalysatorer lider däremot inte av dessa begränsningar. Metaller i platinagruppen i det periodiska systemet studerades i detalj för att avslöja kinetiska effekter i hydreringen av cis-metyloleat. Palladium, rutenium, rhodium, platina och iridium användes som katalytiska metaller. Metallhalten på aktivkolbärare var 1 vikt-%. De olika platinametallerna undersöktes för att kartlägga konkurrerande hydrerings- och isomeringsrutter på metallerna. Det visade sig att metallerna i andra raden av det periodiska systemet (Ru, Rh, Pd) är aktivare i isomeringsprocesserna, medan metallerna i tredje raden (Ir, Pt) har en lägre aktivitet. Pd/C valdes bland platinametallerna, för att den är attraktiv ur ekonomisk synvinkel och den är mycket aktiv och selektiv, speciellt jämfört med nickel. Tyngdpunkten i arbetet var utvecklingen av en alternativ, palladiumbaserad hydreringsteknologi som skulle ersätta den traditionella teknologin som är baserad på användningen av nickelkatalysatorer. Palladiumbaserade katalysatorer kan återcirkuleras, de är aktivare och mera resistenta mot syror och de bildar mindre mängder av skadliga transisomerer. För att denna teknologi skall bli ekonomiskt hållbar och konkurrenskraftig, måste den basera sig på de bästa möjliga katalysatorerna, vilket innebär att en optimal kombination av hög aktivitet och selektivitet samt en lång livstid för katalysatorn krävs. Därför inkluderades teknologiska aspekter kraftigt i forskningen. Mycket arbete satsades på design av palladium på en mesoporös kolbärare och undersökning av korrelationerna mellan katalysatorns egenskaper och dess aktivitet i isomeriseringsreaktionerna och i hydreringen av kol-koldubbelbindningarna i reaktantmolekylen. Katalysatorerna karakteriserades med många fysikaliska och kemiska metoder (transmissionselektronmikroskopi (TEM), röntgendiffraktion (XRD), röntgenfotoelektronspektroskopi (XPS), temperaturprogrammerad reduktion (TPR), temperaturprogrammerad desorption (TPD) av kolmonoxid, kemisorption av kolmonoxid, fysisorption av kväve). Temperaturens, vätetryckets och katalysatorkoncentrationens inverkan på fettsyra- och isomersammansättningen hos de hydrerade oljorna bestämdes under kinetiska betingelser, i frånvaro av massöverföringseffekter. Syreavspjälkning genom fullständig dekarboxylering av karboxylgruppen i fettsyramolekylen är det hittills bästa sättet att framställa miljövänlig dieselolja, eftersom linjära paraffiner fås som reaktionsprodukter och en tillsats av dyr vätgas undviks. Deoxygeneringen undersöktes systematiskt på en Pd/C-katalysator (Sibunit) genom att använda mättade fettsyror C16-C20 och C22 som råvara. Produktmolekylen blev en dieselliknande kolvätemolekyl, med en kolatom färre än i utgångsmolekylen. Lika stora dekarboxyleringshastigheter observerades för rena, mättade fettsyror. En jämförelse av deoxygenereringshastigheterna för stearin-, olein- och linolsyra som råvara vid 300oC i närvaro av 1-volymprocent väte på mesoporös Pd/C (Sibunit) avslöjade att katalysatorns aktivitet och selektivitet ökade med en ökande mättningsgrad av reaktantmolekylen. Då stearinsyra användes som utgångsmolekyl, bestod huvudprodukterna av önskade C17-kolväten, medan mängden av aromatiska C17-komponenter ökade, då olein- och linolsyra användes som utgångsmolekyler. Katalysatordeaktiveringen var relativt påfallande vid deoxygeneringen av linolsyra så att endast 3% av fettsyrorna omsattes till produkter i 330 min. Deaktiveringen orsakades av aromatiska C17-komponenter samt av fettsyradimerer, som bildades via en Diels-Alderreaktion. Hydreringen av omättade fettsyror kan därför rekommenderas som ett primärt kemiskt steg i framställningen av miljövänliga dieselprodukter. Målet var också att öka förståelsen av palladiummetallernas roll i nanoskala, speciellt effekten av metallpartiklarna i katalytisk hydrering och deoxygenering. Pd/C-katalysatorer med lika stora halter av Pd syntetiserades och metallens dispersion på bärarmaterialet varierades systematiskt genom en kontrollerad uppväxt av palladiumnanopartiklar på aktiv kolbärare. Metalldispersionens effekt på hydrerings-hastigheten och cis-transförhållandet undersöktes i detalj. En optimal metalldispersion som gav den högsta dekarboxyleringshastigheten hittades. Massöverföringens inverkan på reaktionens hastighet studerades experimentellt och temperaturprogrammerad desorption av kolmonoxid från katalysatorytan undersöktes ingående. Hydrering av växtoljor genomfördes under satsvisa och kontinuerliga betingelser. Både finfördelat Pd/C och katalysatorgranulat användes i experimenten. Ett av målen med arbetet var uppskalningen av hydreringsprocesserna. Med tanke på stora produktionsvolymer var det logiskt att undersöka kontinuerliga hydrerings- och dekarboxyleringsteknologier. En kontinuerlig packad bäddreaktor studerades i laboratorieskala, vilket gav viktig information om katalysatorns långtidsstabilitet och deaktivering. Effekten av rena fettsyror och triglycerider som råvara samt metallpartikelstorleken och palladiumhalten studerades med hjälp av den kontinuerliga reaktorn. Produktionskapaciteten som erhölls med satsvis och kontinuerlig drift jämfördes. Dekarboxyleringen av stearinsyra undersöktes också i en kontinuerlig packad bädd. Omsättningsgraden blev 15% för en stabil katalysator.
In this thesis the dynamics of cold gaseous atoms is studied. Two different atomic species and two different experimental techniques have been used. In the first part of the thesis experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates of Rb-87 are presented. In these experiments the methods of laser cooling and magnetic trapping of atoms were utilized. An atom chip was used as the experimental technique for implementation of magnetic trapping. The atom chip is a small integrated instrument allowing accurate and detailed manipulation of the atoms. The experiments with Rb-87 probed the behaviour of a falling beam of atoms outcoupled from the Bose-Einstein condensate by electromagnetic field induced spin flips. In the experiments a correspondence between the phases of the outcoupling radio frequency field and the falling beam of atoms was found. In the second part of the thesis experiments of spin dynamics in cold atomic hydrogen gas are discussed. The experiments with atomic hydrogen are conducted in a cryostat using a dilution refrigerator as the cooling method. These experiments concentrated on explaining and quantifying modulations in the electron spin resonance spectra of doubly polarized atomic hydrogen. The modifications to the previous experimental setup are described and the observation of electron spin waves is presented. The observed spin wave modes were caused by the identical spin rotation effect. These modes have a strong dependence on the spatial profile of the polarizing magnetic field. We also demonstrated confinement of these modes in regions of strong magnetic field and manipulated their spatial distribution by changing the position of the field maximum.
Tässä työssä on selvitetty platinaryhmän metallien eli platinan, palladiumin, iridiumin, osmiumin, rhodiumin ja ruteniumin talteenottoa. Ensiksi on kerrottu jokaisen metallin kemiallisia ja fyysisiä ominaisuuksia, jonka jälkeen on perehdytty malmin jalostusprosessiin aina ensimmäisistä analyyseistä lopputuotteen, eli puhtaan metallin valmistamiseen. Sen jälkeen on pohdittu platinametallien kierrättämistä sekä fissiosta saatavien platinametallien kannattavuutta ja talteenottomahdollisuuksia.
The acceleration of solar energetic particles (SEPs) by flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) has been a major topic of research for the solar-terrestrial physics and geophysics communities for decades. This thesis discusses theories describing first-order Fermi acceleration of SEPs through repeated crossings at a CME-driven shock. We propose that particle trapping occurs through self-generated Alfvén waves, leading to a turbulent trapping region in front of the shock. Decelerating coronal shocks are shown to be capable of efficient SEP acceleration, provided seed particle injection is sufficient. Quasi-parallel shocks are found to inject thermal particles with good efficiency. The roles of minimum injection velocities, cross-field diffusion, downstream scattering efficiency and cross-shock potential are investigated in detail, with downstream isotropisation timescales having a major effect on injection efficiency. Accelerated spectra of heavier elements up to iron are found to exhibit significantly harder spectra than protons. Accelerated spectra cut-off energies are found to scale proportional to (Q/A)1.5, which is explained through analysis of the spectral shape of amplified Alfvénic turbulence. Acceleration times to different threshold energies are found to be non-linear, indicating that self-consistent time-dependent simulations are required in order to expose the full extent of acceleration dynamics. The well-established quasilinear theory (QLT) of particle scattering is investigated by comparing QLT scattering coefficients with those found via full-orbit simulations. QLT is found to overemphasise resonance conditions. This finding supports the simplifications implemented in the presented coronal shock acceleration (CSA) simulation software. The CSA software package is used to simulate a range of acceleration scenarios. The results are found to be in agreement with well-established particle acceleration theory. At the same time, new spatial and temporal dynamics of particle population trapping and wave evolution are revealed.
In this Thesis, we study various aspects of ring dark solitons (RDSs) in quasi-two-dimensional toroidally trapped Bose-Einstein condensates, focussing on atomic realisations thereof. Unlike the well-known planar dark solitons, exact analytic expressions for RDSs are not known. We address this problem by presenting exact localized soliton-like solutions to the radial Gross-Pitaevskii equation. To date, RDSs have not been experimentally observed in cold atomic gases, either. To this end, we propose two protocols for their creation in experiments. It is also currently well known that in dimensions higher than one, (ring) dark solitons are susceptible, in general, to an irreversible decay into vortex-antivortex pairs through the snake instability. We show that the snake instability is caused by an unbalanced quantum pressure across the soliton's notch, linking the instability to the Bogoliubov-de Gennes spectrum. In particular, if the angular symmetry is maintained (or the toroidal trapping is restrictive enough), we show that the RDS is stable (long-lived with a lifetime of order seconds) in two dimensions. Furthermore, when the decay does take place, we show that the snake instability can in fact be reversible, and predict a previously unknown revival phenomenon for the original (many-)RDS system: the soliton structure is recovered and all the point-phase singularities (i.e. vortices) disappear. Eventually, however, the decay leads to an example of quantum turbulence; a quantum example of the laminar-to-turbulent type of transition.
In vitro tests were carried out on the pathogenicity of nine isolates of the predatory fungi of the genus Monacrosporium (5 M. sinense isolates, 3 M. appendiculatum and 1 M. thaumasium isolate) for a phytonematode (second stage juveniles from Meloidogyne incognita, race 3), a free-living nematode (Panagrellus spp), and two gastrointestinal parasitic nematodes of cattle (infective larvae of Cooperia punctata and Haemonchus placei). A suspension containing 2,000 nematodes from each species was added to Petri dishes containing fungi and grown on 2% water-agar medium at 25oC in the dark for up to 7 days. The dishes were examined every other day for 7 days and predation-free nematodes were counted. The results showed that the free-living nematodes, Panagrellus spp, were the most susceptible (P<0.05), followed by the phytonematode M. incognita, while the controls were ³98.5% viable. However, a variable susceptibility of the nematodes to different fungi was observed. This indicates that the use of predatory fungi for the environmental control of nematodes will be limited by the multiplicity of nematodes in the environment and their differential susceptibility to fungal isolates of the same genus.
The present study was designed to evaluate the time course changes in peripheral markers of oxidative stress in a chronic HgCl2 intoxication model. Twenty male adult Wistar rats were treated subcutaneously daily for 30 days and divided into two groups of 10 animals each: Hg, which received HgCl2 (0.16 mg kg-1 day-1), and control, receiving the same volume of saline solution. Blood was collected at the first, second and fourth weeks of Hg administration to evaluate lipid peroxidation (LPO), total radical trapping antioxidant potential (TRAP), and superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and catalase (CAT). HgCl2 administration induced a rise (by 26%) in LPO compared to control (143 ± 10 cps/mg hemoglobin) in the second week and no difference was found at the end of the treatment. At that time, GST and GPx were higher (14 and 24%, respectively) in the Hg group, and Cu,Zn-SOD was lower (54%) compared to control. At the end of the treatment, Cu,Zn-SOD and CAT were higher (43 and 10%, respectively) in the Hg group compared to control (4.6 ± 0.3 U/mg protein; 37 ± 0.9 pmol/mg protein, respectively). TRAP was lower (69%) in the first week compared to control (43.8 ± 1.9 mM Trolox). These data provide evidence that HgCl2 administration is accompanied by systemic oxidative damage in the initial phase of the process, which leads to adaptive changes in the antioxidant reserve, thus decreasing the oxidative injury at the end of 30 days of HgCl2 administration. These results suggest that a preventive treatment with antioxidants would help to avoid oxidative damage in subjects with chronic intoxication.
The objective of the present study was to determine the acute effect of hemodialysis on endothelial venous function and oxidative stress. We studied 9 patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), 36.8 ± 3.0 years old, arterial pressure 133.8 ± 6.8/80.0 ± 5.0 mmHg, time on dialysis 55.0 ± 16.6 months, immediately before and after a hemodialysis session, and 10 healthy controls matched for age and gender. Endothelial function was assessed by the dorsal hand vein technique using graded local infusion of acetylcholine (endothelium-dependent venodilation, EDV) and sodium nitroprusside (endothelium-independent venodilation). Oxidative stress was evaluated by measuring protein oxidative damage (carbonyls) and antioxidant defense (total radical trapping antioxidant potential - TRAP) in blood samples. All patients were receiving recombinant human erythropoietin for at least 3 months and were not taking nitrates or a-receptor antagonists. EDV was significantly lower in ESRD patients before hemodialysis (65.6 ± 10.5) vs controls (109.6 ± 10.8; P = 0.010) and after hemodialysis (106.6 ± 15.7; P = 0.045). Endothelium-independent venodilation was similar in all comparisons performed. The hemodialysis session significantly decreased TRAP (402.0 ± 53.5 vs 157.1 ± 28.3 U Trolox/µL plasma; P = 0.001). There was no difference in protein damage comparing ESRD patients before and after hemodialysis. The magnitude of change in the EDV was correlated negatively with the magnitude of change in TRAP (r = -0.70; P = 0.037). These results suggest that a hemodialysis session improves endothelial venous function, in association with an antioxidant effect.
A preliminary analysis by GC-MS comparing the mass spectrum of the compounds with the Wiley 275 L mass spectral data base was used to identify the fatty acids and mainly, some volatile compounds responsible for the flavor of the roasted coffee oil. The oil was obtained by mechanical expelling of Brazilian beans (Coffea arabica) roasted at 238ºC for 10 minutes. Different sample preparation methodologies such as headspace, adsorbent suction trapping and esterification were used. It was possible to identify pyrazines, pyridines, furan derivatives and other compounds not reported in the literature.
Kirjallisessa osassa tarkastellaan eri antioksidantteja ja niiden toimintamekanismeja, sekä luonnollisten kasviuutteiden mahdollisia käyttökohteita elintarviketeollisuudessa. Lisäksi perehdytään tarkemmin miten eri antosyaniinien rakenne vaikuttaa niiden antioksidanttikapasiteettiin neljällä eri mittausmenetelmällä. Valitut menetelmät ovat DPPH (Radical Scavenging Capacity Assay), ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity), TEAC (Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity) ja FRAP (The ferric reducing antioxidant power). Luonnollisiin antioksidantteihin kuuluvat C-, E-, ja A-vitamiinit, tietyt mineraalit ja esimerkiksi marjojen sisältämät polyfenoliset yhdisteet. Yleisimpiin synteettisiin antioksidantteihin kuuluvat butyylihydroksianisoli, butyylihydroksitolueeni, tertiäärinen butyylihydrokinoni ja propyyligallaatti. Antosyaniinien rakenteella, erityisesti B-renkaan hydroksyyliryhmillä, on suuri vaikutus antosyaniinien antioksidanttikapasiteettiin. Delfinidiini on yksi yleisimmistä antosyanidiineista ja sen B-renkaassa esiintyy kolme hydroksyyliryhmää. Hydroksyyliryhmiensä ansioista sillä on korkein kapasiteetti DPPH-, FRAP- ja TEAC-menetelmillä mitattuna, mutta kirjallisuuden perusteella ORAC-menetelmällä näin ei ole. Antosyanidiineihin sitoutuva sokeri vaikuttaa kapasiteettiin joko positiivisesti tai negatiivisesti. Sokeriyksiköiden lisääntyminen rakenteessa puolestaan alentaa kapasiteettia kaikilla mittausmenetelmillä. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin eri menetelmillä uutettujen kasvi-, marja-, ja mausteuutteiden antioksidanttikapasiteettia muunneltua TRAP-menetelmää käyttäen (Total Radical-Trapping Antioxidant Parameter). Muunnellulle TRAP-menetelmälle optimoitiin sopivat Trolox-standardilaimennokset, mittausparametrit ja suoritustapa. Korkeimmat antioksidanttikapasiteetit määritettiin mustaherukan marjalle ja lehdelle, männyn petulle, puolukan lehdelle ja mausteneilikan kukalle. Näiden uutteiden korkeat antioksidanttikapasiteetit johtuvat niiden korkeista polyfenolipitoisuuksista, joiden on todettu aikaisemmissakin tutkimuksissa olevan yhteydessä korkeampiin antioksidanttikapasiteetteihin. Mausteneilikan kukalla oli ylivoimaisesti korkein antioksidanttikapasiteetti, jopa 20–100 kertaa korkeampi kuin muilla näytteillä. Mausteneilikan kukka sisältää paljon eugenolia ja fenolisia yhdisteitä. Eugenolin on todettu olevan jopa viisi kertaa aktiivisempi antioksidantti kuin α-tokoferoli. Monille muillekin marjoille, lehdille ja mausteille mitattiin korkeat antioksidanttikapasiteetit.
A number of synthetically useful ring systems can be prepared via the intramolecular insertion of a metal-stabilized carbenoid into a heteroaromatic systems. The chemical outcome of these reactions are dependent not only on the nature of the heteroatom but also on the length of the aliphatic tether linking the carbenoid moiety with the aromatic fragment. Our work with furanyl and thienyl systems containing a single methylene tether have allowed for some rather atypical chemistry. For example, treatment of l-diazo-3-(2-thienyl)-2-propanone (6) with catalytic rhodium (II) acetate yields 5,6- dihydro-4^-cyclopenta[Z>]thiophen-5-one (3) while, the isomeric l-diazo-3-(3-thienyl)-2- propanone(15) gives a spiro-disulphide (20). Novel chemistry was also exhibited in the analogous furanyl systems. While treatment of l-diazo-3-(3-furanyl)-2-propanone (52) with Rh2(OAc)4 resulted in the expected 2-(4-Oxo-2-cyclopentenyliden)acetaldehyde (54), isomeric l-diazo-3-(2- furanyl)-2-propanone (8) undergoes vinylogous Wolff rearrangement to give a mixture of 6a-methyl-2,3,3a,6a-tetrahydrofuro[2,i-^>]furan-2-one (44) and 2-(2-methyl-3-furyl)acetic acid (43). Rhodium acetate catalyzed decomposition of l-diazo-3-(3-benzofuranyl)-2- propanone (84) and l-diazo-3-(2-benzofuranyl)-2-propanone (69)also allows for vinylogous Wolff rearrangement, a chemistry unseen in benzofuranyl systems with longer tethers. A number of interesting products were isolated from the trapping of intermediate ketenes. Decomposition of l-diazo-3-(3-benzothienyl)-2-propanone (100) resulted in the formation of 2,3-dihydro-l//-benzo[^]cyclopenta[^thiophen-2-one (102). However, in addition to (102), a dimer was also generated from the decomposition of l-diazo-3-(2- benzothienyl)-2-propanone (109). The insight into the mechanistic underpinnings of the above reactions are provided by molecular modeling at a PM3 level.