993 resultados para Internet monitoring


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The fundamental role of dendritic cells (DC in initiating and directing the primary immune response is well established. Furthermore, it is now accepted that DC may be useful in new vaccination strategies for preventing certain malignant and infectious diseases. As blood DC (BDC physiology differs from that of the DC homologues generated in vitro from monocyte precursors, it is becoming more relevant to consider BDC for therapeutic interventions. Until recently, protocols for the isolation of BDC were laborious and inefficient; therefore, their use for investigative cancer immunotherapy is not widespread. In this study, we carefully documented BDC counts, yields and subsets during apheresis (Cobe Spectra), the initial and essential procedure in creating a BDC isolation platform for cancer immunotherapy. We established that an automated software package (Version 6,0 AutoPBPC) provides an operator-independent reliable source of motionuclear cells (MNC for BDC preparation. Further, we observed that BDC might be recovered in high yields, often greater than 100% relative to the number of circulating BDC predicted by blood volume. An average of 66 million (range, 17-179) BDC per 10-1 procedure were obtained, largely satisfying the needs for immunization. Higher yields were possible on total processed blood volumes of 151. BDC were not activated by the isolation procedure and, more importantly, both BDC subsets (CD11c(+)CD123(low) and CD11c(-)CD123(high)) were equally represented. Finally, we established that the apheresis product could be used for antibody-based BDC immunoselection and demonstrated that fully functional BDC can be obtained by this procedure. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Telemedicine promises to revolutionize medical care delivery in rural and remote areas. The ability to accurately evaluate physical impairment via the Internet is important to the possible future provision of Internet-based physiotherapy. This study evaluated the reliability and validity of assessing knee range of motion via the Internet. Two therapists evaluated knee angle on a single subject via two methods of assessment: the Internet and the traditional method (face-to-face). Nine random positions of the knee were chosen with the principal examiner performing 20 face-to-face and two sets of 20 Internet measures in each position (n=540). The secondary therapist performed Internet assessments only. The Internet connection was established at a readily available speed of 17 kbit/s. The Internet-based goniometer was found to be a valid tool for measuring both knee flexion and extension angles. It was shown to possess both high intra and inter-rater reliability. Difference average plots of the scores verified the consistency of measurement between both modes of assessment. The successful evaluation of the physical outcome measure of knee range of motion via the Internet assists the further development of Internet-based physiotherapy applications. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements have a wide range of applications from basic understanding of photosynthesis functioning to plant environmental stress responses and direct assessments of plant health. The measured signal is the fluorescence intensity (expressed in relative units) and the most meaningful data are derived from the time dependent increase in fluorescence intensity achieved upon application of continuous bright light to a previously dark adapted sample. The fluorescence response changes over time and is termed the Kautsky curve or chlorophyll fluorescence transient. Recently, Strasser and Strasser (1995) formulated a group of fluorescence parameters, called the JIP-test, that quantify the stepwise flow of energy through Photosystem II, using input data from the fluorescence transient. The purpose of this study was to establish relationships between the biochemical reactions occurring in PS II and specific JIP-test parameters. This was approached using isolated systems that facilitated the addition of modifying agents, a PS II electron transport inhibitor, an electron acceptor and an uncoupler, whose effects on PS II activity are well documented in the literature. The alteration to PS II activity caused by each of these compounds could then be monitored through the JIP-test parameters and compared and contrasted with the literature. The known alteration in PS II activity of Chenopodium album atrazine resistant and sensitive biotypes was also used to gauge the effectiveness and sensitivity of the JIP-test. The information gained from the in vitro study was successfully applied to an in situ study. This is the first in a series of four papers. It shows that the trapping parameters of the JIP-test were most affected by illumination and that the reduction in trapping had a run-on effect to inhibit electron transport. When irradiance exposure proceeded to photoinhibition, the electron transport probability parameter was greatly reduced and dissipation significantly increased. These results illustrate the advantage of monitoring a number of fluorescence parameters over the use of just one, which is often the case when the F-V/F-M ratio is used.


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The design of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) affords for, and itself produces, non-response situations that are not possible in FTF or telephone interaction. These system-occasioned nonresponses produce almost isomorphic stimuli to participant non-responses. Situations thus arise in which non-responses are interpersonally accountable despite agentive ambiguity. This study explores four intersections of participant-action and system-occasioned non-responses. An extension to Pomerantz's (1984b) 'pursuing a response' problems/solutions is proposed. The impact of IRC's design on its popularity is discussed in contrast to more recent chat systems. Suggestions are made for active and passive presence and non-response accounting features in future chat systems.


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The Internet has the potential for delivering innovative, interactive physical activity (PA) interventions to large numbers of people. This study was designed to test the efficacy. of ant Internet intervention that consisted of a Web site plus 12 weekly e-mail tip sheets, compared with a waiting list control group. The Internet intervention was theory based and emphasized clear, graphical presentation of PA information. Sixty-five (30 intervention and 35 control) sedentary adult employees of several large hospitals (9 men and 56 women) were randomly assigned to 1 of the 2 study arms. Of the 65 participants, 57 completed the 1-month follow-up, and 52 completed the 3-month follow-up. At both 1 and 3 months, those in the intervention group were significantly more likely to have progressed, in stage of motivational readiness for PA than participants in the control group: 1 month, chi(2)(1, N = 52) = 4.05, p


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O Cadastramento de Pr??-Projetos pela Internet agiliza e simplifica a apresenta????o de propostas de projetos com vistas ?? realiza????o de conv??nios e de outros instrumentos similares com o Minist??rio da Sa??de. As propostas s??o cadastradas na p??gina do Fundo Nacional de Sa??de (FNS), no endere??o www.fns.saude.gov.br, o que facilita as an??lises e rotinas pertinentes. Esse processo caracteriza a busca cont??nua de melhorias na qualidade dos servi??os prestados pelo FNS, o que resulta em comprometimento do usu??rio na consecu????o do projeto. Dentre os principais benef??cios obtidos, destacam-se a redu????o de custos na elabora????o de projetos para propostas eventualmente n??o aprovadas e o amplo acesso ??s institui????es, de todo o Brasil, candidatas a financiamentos no Minist??rio da Sa??de


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Obter uma Certid??o Negativa de D??bitos de Tributos e Contribui????es Federais da Pessoa Jur??dica, at?? dezembro de 1997, implicava na presen??a do contribuinte em uma Delegacia da Receita Federal. Com a implanta????o do sistema certid??o negativa na Internet isso mudou; o projeto foi desenvolvido, objetivando permitir que o contribuinte obtenha a Certid??o Negativa sem a necessidade de deslocamento, propiciando-lhe maior conforto e economia financeira, conseq??entemente, diminuindo o fluxo de contribuintes ??s Unidades da SRF. Se o contribuinte est?? em dia com suas obriga????es tribut??rias, ?? poss??vel emiti-la via Internet, no site da SRF. A Certid??o Negativa ?? imprescind??vel para que as empresas participem de licita????es, vendam im??veis ou obtenham cr??dito banc??rio. Pode ficar a cargo da entidade que exige a certid??o, verificar a situa????o fiscal do contribuinte na Internet


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Este artigo visa contribuir para as discuss??es sobre a utiliza????o da internet no processo de reestrutura????o da administra????o p??blica no anos 90. O trabalho est?? dividido em tr??s partes: a primeira ser?? destinada a fazer uma breve descri????o da internet, suas especificidades e como a administra????o p??blica poder?? utiliz??-la diante do processo de redefini????o do papel do Estado nos anos 90. A apresenta????o de uma estrat??gia simplificada de implementa????o da internet ser?? o foco da segunda parte. Os coment??rios finais e conclus??es ser??o objetos da ??ltima parte


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Este projeto refere-se ?? administra????o da home page do MARE. Contempla dois princ??pios b??sicos: informa????es atualizadas e textos ??geis, distintos daqueles existentes na imprensa tradicional. O objetivo principal ?? atender o cidad??o com servi??os e informa????es de qualidade. A grande contribui????o do projeto foi colocar em pr??tica princ??pios e conceitos que s??o a pr??pria ess??ncia da reforma administrativa proposta pelo Governo Federal como: administra????o gerencial, cobran??a de resultados e n??o de processos, atividades voltadas a oferecer servi??os de qualidade a um baixo custo e descentraliza????o das atividades


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Este projeto refere-se ?? inser????o no site do Minist??rio da Fazenda da home page do Imposto de Renda. Foram disponibilizados os programas do Imposto de Renda Pessoa F??sica e Jur??dica, bem como as principais informa????es sobre o preenchimento das declara????es. Como processo de melhoria no atendimento ao contribuinte foi disponibilizada tamb??m a entrega de declara????es via Internet. A avalia????o dos resultados tem sido muito positiva, tendo contribu??do de maneira significativa para a melhoria dos servi??os prestados


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A rede mundial de computadores (Internet) é, atualmente, fonte de informação sobre saúde para leigos e profissionais da área médica. A Rinite Alérgica é uma doença muito prevalente que chega a atingir mais de 10% da população geral, causando queda da qualidade de vida. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os princípios éticos de sites brasileiros que divulgam informações a respeito do tema "rinite alérgica". FORMA DE ESTUDO: revisional. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi feita avaliação de 173 sites brasileiros encontrados através de quatro mecanismos de busca (Google, Yahoo, Altavista e Radar Uol). Os sites foram avaliados de acordo com o Manual de Princípios Éticos para Sites de Medicina e Saúde do CREMESP (Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo), de acordo com os itens transparência, honestidade, qualidade, consentimento livre e esclarecido, privacidade, ética médica, responsabilidade e procedência. RESULTADOS: Entre os sites analisados, 149 (86,1%) não estavam de acordo como Manual de Princípios Éticos para Sites de Medicina e Saúde do CREMESP. As proporções de irregularidades entre os itens avaliados foram: qualidade (84,4%), privacidade (46,2%) honestidade (18,5%), consentimento livre e esclarecido (15,6%), responsabilidade (13,9%), transparência (12,1%), ética médica (2,3%). Havia informações inexatas em 24,3% dos sites analisados. CONCLUSÕES: A maioria dos sites estudados contendo informações sobre rinite alérgica fere os princípios éticos para sites do CREMESP. Tanto a qualidade em geral de grande parte dos sites brasileiros que abordam o tema "rinite alérgica", quanto à qualidade das informações por eles divulgadas, são insuficientes para satisfazer a médicos e pacientes.