883 resultados para Intergroup reconciliation


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A Conciliação política foi um tema muito altercado no meado do Oitocentos no Segundo Reinado brasileiro. Este debate fora intensamente travado entre os principais partidos imperiais, Liberal e Conservador, que se alternavam no poder ao longo de quase 50 anos de comando do imperador D. Pedro II. Sobre seu governo, considerado por Joaquim Nabuco como a Grande Era Brasileira, é que este autor legou à historiografia posterior a sua obra máxima: Um Estadista do Império. Nossa dissertação parte da seguinte premissa: D. Pedro II no desejo de reinar, governar e administrar, acima dos partidos, encetou o seu Pensamento Augusto, isto é, a Conciliação. Os liberais acusavam a Conciliação de esvaziar suas propostas ao serem implementadas pelos conservadores. Estes que se encontravam no poder desde 1848, liderados pelos saquaremas, rechaçaram completamente tal ideia, pois entendiam que esta política patrocinada pela Coroa poderia enfraquecer seu partido. O Receio virou realidade, mediante algumas das medidas tomadas pelo Gabinete, pois para tal empreendimento, de compor um ministério com políticos liberais e conservadores, a Coroa contou com Honório Hermeto Carneiro Leão, Marquês de Paraná, para chefiar o primeiro gabinete conciliatório da história do Segundo Reinado enfrentando várias resistências, principalmente entre os referidos saquaremas. O sucesso do gabinete creditou-se à força, tato e prudência do Marquês e, principalmente, ao pensamento do Imperador. A partir daí a história política do Segundo Reinado tomou novas feições.


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Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da intervenção dietética individualizada sobre o diagnóstico nutricional e controle metabólico em diabéticos tipo 2 sedentários Casuística e Métodos: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico controlado e prospectivo com 80 adultos, de ambos dos sexos, com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 divididos em GI (grupo intervenção: 40 indivíduos submetidos à intervenção dietética e a utilização de hipoglicemiante) e GC (grupo controle: 40 indivíduos submetidos à medicação hipoglicemiante). Foi realizada intervenção dietética individualizada por três meses baseando-se nas recomendações da American Diabetes Association (2002). Foram analisadas as variáveis antropométricas: massa corporal total (MCT), estatura com determinação do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e perímetro da cintura (PC); as variáveis bioquímicas glicemia, colesterol total, LDL-colesterol, HDL-colesterol, triglicerídeos (TG) e hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) e as variáveis dietéticas energia, proteínas, carboidratos, lipídeos, colesterol e fibras alimentares. Para estatística inferencial foi utilizado o Anova two-way com nível de significância de 95%. Resultados: Na análise intergrupos, o GC apresentou aumento nas variáveis: MCT (Δ%=0,78; p=0,014), IMC (Δ%=0,76; p=0,012), PC (Δ%=0,75; p=0,019) enquanto que o GI apresentou redução nas variáveis: MCT (Δ%=-3,71; p<0,001), IMC (Δ%=-3,77; p<0,001), PC (Δ%=-3,98; p<0,001). Na comparação da média do IR intergrupos, observou-se diferença nas variáveis: energia (p<0,001), lipídeos (p=0,012), gorduras saturadas (p<0,001); colesterol dietético (p=0,006); fibras alimentares (p=0,001); glicemia (p<0,001), colesterol total (p<0,001), LDL-colesterol (p<0,001) e HbA1c (p<0,001).Conclusão: A intervenção dietética foi eficiente em melhorar o perfil antropométrico e o controle metabólico dos diabéticos tipo 2 sedentários.


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A presente dissertação objetiva ampliar o tratamento dogmático da modulação temporal dos efeitos da decisão que reconhece a inconstitucionalidade de atos normativos. Busca-se também abordar a perspectiva prospectiva no controle de legalidade e na aferição de juridicidade dos demais atos não normativos praticados no âmbito dos três poderes. Além de abordar os pressupostos teóricos subjacentes à abordagem prospectiva, foram analisados os sistemas de controle de constitucionalidade e os distintos regimes conferidos às situações de invalidade. Promove-se a releitura do tema de forma a reconduzir a modulação dos efeitos temporais à ponderação entre os princípios constitucionais violados pela norma que se pretende declarar inválida e os que tutelam as relações jurídicas que se formaram durante a vigência da norma declarada inválida. Discorre-se particularmente sobre o tema no Brasil, evidenciando-se que a perspectiva prospectiva não se circunscreve apenas ao regramento formal estabelecido pelas normas infraconstitucionais. Por fim, apresenta-se a modulação de efeitos como uma ferramenta valiosa de diálogo institucional, que pode permitir a conciliação dos espaços próprios dos poderes constituídos, temperando um eventual ativismo judicial. Evidencia-se que a modulação temporal de efeitos funciona como ponte entre as teorias empíricas e normativas. Vale-se de abordagens consequencialistas e institucionais sem se descurar da preocupação normativa e dogmática. Permite concomitantemente o debate mais intenso e o diálogo entre os poderes, tudo com o objetivo de se assegurar a concretização dos preceitos constitucionais de uma forma mais harmônica e sistemática.


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240 p. + anexos


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The importance of glacial ice habitats to harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Alaska has become increasingly apparent. However, enumerating harbor seals hauled out on ice in glacial fjords has been difficult. At Johns Hopkins Inlet in Glacier Bay, Alaska, we compared a shore-based counting method to a large-format aerial photography method to estimate seal abundance. During each aerial survey, shore-based observers simultaneously counted seals from an observation post. Both survey methods incurred errors in double-counting and missing seals, especially when ice movements caused seals to drift between survey zones. Advantages of shore-based counts included the ability to obtain multiple counts for relatively little cost, distinguish pups from adults, and to distinguish mobile seals from shadows or glacial debris of similar size. Aerial photography provided a permanent record of each survey, allowing both a reconciliation of counts in overlapping zones and the documentation of the spatial distribution of seals and ice within the fjord.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar, em microtomografia computadorizada (CT), o preparo de canais de molares inferiores com diferentes sistemas acionados a motor. Foram selecionadas 58 raízes mesiais patentes, de diâmetro anatômico correspondente a #10. Para a avaliação em TC, um anel de aço inoxidável foi confeccionado nos moldes do suporte para amostra do microtomógrafo, para que servisse de fôrma para a inclusão das raízes em resina Duralay, a fim de padronizar a posição do espécime no escaneamento inicial e final. Os canais foram preparados com os sistemas Reciproc R25 (n=16); WaveOne Primary File (n=16); Twisted File (n=14), e HyFlex (n=12). Após serem escaneados, foram reconstruídos tridimensionalmente e avaliados quantitativamente quanto à variação de volume (mm3), área de superfície (mm2) e structure model index (SMI). Foi, ainda, realizada a avaliação qualitativa das seções transversais por terço e por quadrante (MV, ML, DV, DL), sendo avaliado o toque de paredes. Os dados paramétricos foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes ANOVA e t para amostras pareadas (α=5%). Não foi observada diferença estatística nos parâmetros quantitativos avaliados para Reciproc (142,77 76,75; 42,22 19,22; e 14,68 17,69, respectivamente); WaveOne (105,09 64,82; 29,54 19,21; 14,81 9,10, respectivamente); Twisted File (111,83 43,09; 33,31 18,40; 9,16 6,57, respectivamente), e HyFlex (151,74 149,37; 43,08 41,44; 10,80 8,52, respectivamente) (p=0,423). Dentro de cada grupo, foi observada diferença significante entre os resultados pré e pós-operatórios. O teste não paramétrico de Kruskal Wallis foi aplicado para a avaliação relativa ao toque de paredes. Foi observado que o sistema HyFlex apresentou a maior porcentagem de toques (82,3 13,1), seguido por Reciproc (81,3 16,9), Twisted File (78,3 14,4) e, por fim, WaveOne (76,9 21,7) (p>0,05). Em relação aos terços não foi observada diferença significativa (p=0,424). Os resultados da avaliação dos quadrantes intergrupo não demonstraram diferenças, porém indicaram tendência do preparo em direção à parede distal no terço cervical. Ao final, pôde-se concluir que os sistemas testados se equivalem quanto ao preparo de canais mesiais de molares inferiores; porém, nenhuma das técnicas foi capaz de tocar completamente em todas as paredes do canal radicular.


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We tested the intergroup spacing hypothesis with a 13-month field study of the interaction of singing behaviour between 3 neighbouring groups of black-crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) at Mt. Wuliang, Central Yunnan, China. Neighbouring gr


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Provisioning along pedestrian trails by tourists much increased the nutrient quality and patchiness of food (NqPF)for Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt Emei in spring and summer. In the habitat at a temperate-subtropical transition zone, the mncaque's NqPF could be ordered in a decreasing rank from spring summer to autumn to winter With the aid of a radio-tracking system, I collected ranging data on a multigroup community in three 70-day periods representing the different seasons in 1991-92, Rank-order correlation on the data show that with the decline of NqPF; the groups tended to increase days away from the trail, their effective range size (ERS) their exclusive area (EA) and the number of days spent in the EA, and reduced their group/community density and the ratio of the overlapped range to the seasonal range (ROR). In icy/snowy winter; the macaques searched for mature leaves slowly and carefully in the largest seasonal range with a considerable portion that was nor used in other seasons. Of the responses, the ROR decreased with the reduction in group/community density; and the ERS was the function of both group size (+) and intergroup rank (-) when favorite food was highly clumped. All above responses were clearly bound to maximize foraging effectiveness and minimize energy expenditure, and their integration in term of changes in time and space leads to better understanding macaque ecological adaptability. Based on this study and previous work on behavioral and physiological factors, I suggest a unifying theory of intergroup interactions. Ir! addition, as the rate of behavioral interactions,was also related to the group density, I Waser's (1976) gas model probably applies to behavioral, as well as spatial, data on intergroup interactions.


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Social dilemmas are defined as such situations in which short-term individual and long-term collective interests are at odds (Hardin, 1968; Messick & Brewer, 1983). Severe social problems lead more and more researchers to pay attention to the issue of social dilemmas. Until now, research has widely examined the factors influencing cooperation in social dilemmas, and provided solutions to social dilemmas. In the need of theory development, previous research generally simplified the situation of realistic social dilemmas. Therefore, few studies have explored the issue of cooperation in social dilemmas in an intergroup situation. On the other hand, there has been little empirical attention for such issues in countries outside of United States and Western Europe. To meet this gap, the present study grounded itself in social identity theories and examined the effect of unequal group status on behavioral decision making in social dilemmas. To this end, the study designed three experiments to examine how individuals with different group status response psychologically and behaviorally to cooperation in intragroup and intergroup social dilemmas. In experiment 1, the study examined how independent and interdependent self- construals affect cooperative behavior in an intragroup social dilemma. The results showed that when individuals were primed with interdependent (as opposed to independent) self-construal, they consistently contributed highly, regardless of context manipulation. In contrast, those primed with independent self-construal contributed less in the investment game but only when placed in a context where group members were encouraged to think about their individual (versus shared) fate. Results supported the idea that independent self-construal in a low interdependent context produces the most competitive behavior and that this effect was partially mediated by the feeling of interaction within a group. In experiment 2, the study examined how the effect of group status on different level of cooperation in a nested social dilemma was moderated by individual status, and what roles ingroup and superordinate identifications played in the above effect. Results found that individuals in higher status groups tended to allocate more to private account and less to subgroup account compared to those in lower status group; individuals in higher status groups allocated more to higher level accounts than to private account, whereas those in lower status acted in a reverse way. The results indicated that group status (compared to individual status) exerted a positive influence on behavioral decision making in social dilemmas, with higher group status contributing more to subgroup as well as collective interests. Results also found that the effect of group status and/or individual status on cooperation in social dilemmas was moderated by sex. As for individual status, results showed that the effect of individual status on subgroup interest was significantly moderated only by the combination of higher ingroup identification and lower superordinate identification. In experiment 3, the study explored how group stability and cognitive categorization interactively influenced the relationship between group status and behavioral decision making in a social dilemma. Results did not support the prediction that group status and stability interactively affected behavioral decision-making in social dilemmas. However, it was found that this relationship was moderated by which level individuals categorized themselves at. When categorization at the individual level was salient, individuals in high status group contributed more to subgroup account than those in low status group if they perceived a stable status hierarchy; whereas they contributed more to private account and less to collective account if they perceived that the status was instable. On the other hand, when categorization at the subgroup level was salient, individuals in high status group contributed less to collective account than those in low status group if they perceived that the status was stable; whereas they contributed less to private account and more to subgroup account if they perceived an instable status relation. In summary, the present study suggests that cooperation with ingroup forms the basis of social harmony, and higher status for everyone in any given group is a necessary for social development. On the other hand, individuals in higher status group tend to be more selfish once they realize that their current status hierarchy is unstable. However, activating their collective identity will to some degree increase the level of their cooperation with the collective. The study thus provides psychological explanations on how to construct group harmony and management suggestions on how to solve social conflicts.


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This research systematically compared Chinese undergraduates with American undergraduates on four kinds of attributional bias: correspondent bias, siuational overattribution, intergroup attributional bias and self-serving attributional bias, and examined the effect of the implicit theories reflecting the cultures on attributional bias. First is analyzed three pairs of opposite implicit theories: dispositionalist theory and situationalist theory, generality and particularity, stressing the positive evaluation of self and despising the positive evaluation of self. It developed the Modern Implicit Theories Inventory and Traditional Implicit Theories Inventory to measure these implicit theories, and the results showed these inventories had satisfactory validity and reliability, and they were suitable for the group comparison of Chinese implicit theories with European-American. At the same time through the test it found Chinese undergraduates agreed all these opposite implicit theories more than American undergraduates. Second, it studied Chinese and American undergraduates' attributional accuracy on locus of causality. The results showed: Chinese and American undergraduates both had the correspondent bias under the different salient situational constraints, and the degree of Chinese and American undergraduates' correspondent bias under the different salient situational constraints had no significant difference' Chinese and American undergraduates both showed the situational overattribution; Chinese undergraduates had more the correspondent bias and situational overattribution than American undergraduates. Third, on the research of Chinese and American undergraduates' intergroup attributional bias, it found Chinese and American undergraduates both had no intergroup attributional bias among kin, friends and strangers, while they both show some favorable outcome effects for these three group actors. The favorable outcome effects were significant on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality and controllability for strangers' behavior, and stability for kin and friends' behavior rating by Chinese undergraduates, and stability for friends' behavior rating by American undergraduates. Fourth, it explored Chinese and American undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias, and the result indicated that Chinese and American undergraduates both showed significant self-serving attributional bias: for outcome effects, Chinese undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias were reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability, controllability and globality, and American undergraduates were reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and globality; for categorization effects, both Chinese and American undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias were reflected on attributional difference between self's negative behavior and others', but Chinese undergraduates were embodied on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and globality while American undergraduates were reflected on the attributional dimensions of stability and globality. It also found Chinese undergraduates had more self-serving attributional bias than American undergraduates. This was reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and controllability for outcome effects, and for categorization effects, locus of causality, stability and globality rating for self and others' negative behavior. All studies indicated that Chinese and American undergraduates' implicit theories had no significant effects on all their four attributional bias. These findings' potentially important implications were discussed and the further research was suggested.


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This study describes relocation experiences of older people moving to supported housing in Scotland focusing on the nature of support. Using mixed methods, Phase one involved a Scottish cross-sectional survey of all people aged 65 and over moving into Coburg (Scotland) Housing Association supported accommodation during the first six months of 2008. A total of 122 respondents were included in the survey (59% response rate). People moved locally at advanced ages with moderate disability levels to achieve more manageable housing and support, suggesting ‘assistance migration’. Expectations were high, with many seeing it as a new start in life and generally positive views of moving were reported. In Phase two, five in-depth multiple-perspective longitudinal case studies were conducted to explore the experience of relocation into supported housing. In each case an older person, primary carer and the housing manager - all women – were interviewed over six months following relocation. Analysis was undertaken using a thematic framework approach (Ritchie et al., 2003). Findings suggested older women acted with agency to adapt to their new lives; recreating ‘normality’ through organising space and routines. It is argued that returning to normality formed the overarching objective of the older women as they sought to feel ‘in place’. Responsibilities for meeting assistance needs were often implicit, contested and shifting, leading to fragile, uncertain and transitory arrangements. Drawing on recent advances in developmental psychology it is argued ‘longings’ of older people, and others, to achieve an optimal life can relate and motivate towards actions such as relocation. Yet, personal ‘longings’ can be prioritised differently and may result in disputes over goal setting and ways needs are met. Further, utopian ideals must be reconciled with the reality of daily life. Policy and practitioners could adopt broader, dignity based objectives to assist older people to identify ways of aiding such reconciliation.


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This dissertation explores the complexity of the understanding and practice of the Eucharist in the United Church of Christ as revealed in a textual analysis of the UCC Book of Worship (1986) and a qualitative study of five representative UCC congregations. Little has been written on this topic, save for several brief articles on the history of the theology of the sacrament in the two bodies that merged to form the UCC in 1957: the Congregational Christian Churches (CC) and the Evangelical and Reformed Church (E&R). This dissertation advances the topic through a practical-theological study that brings into critical conversation contemporary eucharistic practices in five congregations and a historical theological analysis of liturgical traditions in the UCC and antecedent denominations. Through this conversation, the study articulates common themes of a UCC eucharistic theology and explores implications for ongoing theology and practice in the denomination. The introduction explicates the methodology employed in this study, guided by Don Browning's work. The first two chapters present the findings of the focus group interviews and an interpretation of those results respectively. Chapter three analyzes the eucharistic liturgies in three historic books of worship used in the E&R heritage. In chapter four, two of the antecedent resources utilized in the CC tradition are analyzed. The short-lived Hymnal of the United Church of Christ, published in 1974, includes liturgies that would find fuller expression in the 1986 Book of Worship. That hymnal is examined in chapter five. Chapter six interprets the two services of "Word and Sacrament" found in the Book of Worship. Chapter seven offers a comparative analysis of the focus group findings and the theology inherent in the Book of Worship. The final chapter offers strategic recommendations for revised theory and practice. The conclusion points toward areas for further research: it propels a critical conversation around the notion of covenant, Christ's presence in the meal, and who can receive and officiate at the Eucharist. This dissertation concludes that the UCC lives within a balance of multiple, complementary theologies and challenges the denomination to make stronger connections between the meal and mission, reconciliation, and tradition.


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Overlay networks have emerged as a powerful and highly flexible method for delivering content. We study how to optimize throughput of large, multipoint transfers across richly connected overlay networks, focusing on the question of what to put in each transmitted packet. We first make the case for transmitting encoded content in this scenario, arguing for the digital fountain approach which enables end-hosts to efficiently restitute the original content of size n from a subset of any n symbols from a large universe of encoded symbols. Such an approach affords reliability and a substantial degree of application-level flexibility, as it seamlessly tolerates packet loss, connection migration, and parallel transfers. However, since the sets of symbols acquired by peers are likely to overlap substantially, care must be taken to enable them to collaborate effectively. We provide a collection of useful algorithmic tools for efficient estimation, summarization, and approximate reconciliation of sets of symbols between pairs of collaborating peers, all of which keep messaging complexity and computation to a minimum. Through simulations and experiments on a prototype implementation, we demonstrate the performance benefits of our informed content delivery mechanisms and how they complement existing overlay network architectures.


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Aims and objectives: This study represents the first sustained quantitative and qualitative attempt to involve both Republicans and Loyalists in an investigation of the impact of imprisonment and the role of politically motivated former prisoners in the process of conflict transformation in Northern Ireland. The overall aim of the project is to examine the ways in which groups of former prisoners are involved in peace-building and conflict transformation work and to evaluate the constraints and impediments placed upon their activities by the effects of the imprisonment process, politically motivated release and residual criminalisation. In pursuing the evaluation of the role of politically motivated former prisoners working within and without their own communities, the research has six specific objectives: To trace the evolution and development of former prisoner groups; To evaluate the impacts of imprisonment and release on the personal lives of former prisoners; To assess the constraints imposed on former prisoners as agents of change by the residual criminalisation arising from their status; To determine the potential of the former prisoner community in challenging intra-community tensions and evaluate their potential and actual contribution to conflict transformation at the inter-community level; To compare and contrast the effectiveness of Loyalist and Republican former prisoners as agents of change within their own communities; To explore the notion of former prisoners as agents of social and communal transformation within broader political processes through grounding the knowledge and practical experience of the former prisoner community within the broader conceptual context of conflict transformation.


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Introduction: Older individuals are particularly vulnerable to potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP), drug related problems (DRPs) and adverse drug reactions (ADRs). A number of different interventions have been proposed to address these issues. However to-date there is a paucity of well-designed trials examining the impact of such interventions. Therefore the aims of this work were to: (i) establish a baseline PIP prevalence both nationally and internationally using the STOPP, Beers and PRISCUS criteria, (ii) identify the most comprehensive method of assessing PIP in older individuals, (iii) develop a structured pharmacist intervention supported by a computer decisions support system (CDSS) and (iv) examine the impact of this intervention on prescribing and incidence of ADRs. Results: This work identified high rates of PIP across all three healthcare settings in Ireland, 84.7% in the long term care, 70.7% in secondary care and 43.3% in primary care being reported. This work identified that for a comprehensive assessment of prescribing to be undertaken, an amalgamation of all three criteria should be deployed simultaneously. High prevalences of DRPs and PIP in older hospitalised individuals were identified. With 82.0% and 76.3% of patients reported to have at least one DRP or PIP instance respectively. The structured pharmacist intervention demonstrated a positive impact on prescribing, with a significant reduction MAI scores being reported. It also resulted in the intervention patients’ having a reduced risk of experiencing an ADR when compared to the control patients (absolute risk reduction of 6.8 (95% CI 1.5% - 12.3%)) and the number needed to treat = 15 (95% CI 8 - 68). However the intervention was found to have no significant effect on length of stay or mortality rate. Conclusion: This work shows that PIP is highly prevalent in older individuals across three healthcare settings in Ireland. This work also demonstrates that a structured pharmacist intervention support by a dedicated CDSS can significantly improve the appropriateness of prescribing and reduce the incidence of ADRs in older acutely ill hospitalised individuals.