970 resultados para Ink


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This thesis investigated if a combination of increased under colour removal (decreasing the total ink limit), normal andincreased density and modern FM-screening could be used to provide a visually better print on uncoated and coated paperin comparison with AM-screening using the same conditions.Two different test groups (one with graphic background, the other with no graphic background) were asked to a visuallyassess the quality of the prints presented in a pair comparison using a reference image.The results show that the FM-screening did not obtain any significant visual difference in comparison with AM-screening,regardless of paper types and density levels. In general however, prints on coated paper were graded higher.


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Syftet med det tvärvetenskapliga projekt som denna forskning har ingått i, har varit att studera hinder och möjligheter för boende i småhus att börja utnyttja energi för uppvärmning på ett sätt som sparar resurser och minskar påverkan på klimatet. Projektet har fokuserat på två beslutssituationer i småhusägares liv. Den situation som presenteras här rör val av värmesystem i samband med köp av prefabricerade småhus. Småhusägares långsiktiga möjligheter att skaffa sig resurssnål och energieffektiv uppvärmning är intimt förknippad med både värmesystemets och byggnadens utformning, men även med andra aktörers uppfattningar om vad som är möjligt. Ett välplacerat hus med hög isolerstandard och utrymme för ackumulatortank ger till exempel stora möjligheter att dessutom skära ner på den inköpta energin med hjälp av solvärme. Ett rimligt stort solvärmesystem kan då uppnå femtio procent solvärmeandel på årsbasis utan att värmen lagras från sommar till vinter. De monteringsfärdiga husens fysiska form är dock noggrant planerad och förberedd långt innan husen byggs. Även små ändringar i hustillverkarnas ordersystem eller tillverkningsprocess kan därför få stora konsekvenser för företagen i termer av tid och pengar. Köpare och säljare bygger till stor del sina värmebeslut på antaganden och gissningar om varandra. Blivande husägare har mängder av beslut att fatta inför och under byggperioden. De tenderar därför att acceptera säljarens förslag på värmesystem. Dessa husförsäljare är anställda som egna konsulter och därmed beroende av att föreslå standardlösningar som har fungerat väl tidigare. Företagsledningarna, å sin sida, försöker uppskatta kommande trender i presumtiva husköpares smak och önskemål. Cirkeln sluts och alternativ till el och värmepump får svårt att ta sig in. De strängare energikraven i den senaste BBR-revideringen (Boverket 2008, 2009) tycks inte förändra denna situation nämnvärt. Både energitekniska beräkningar och intervjuer med småhustillverkare i Dalarna tyder på att de nya byggreglerna framförallt leder till en förbättring av värmepumpars effektivitet. Förbättrad isoleringsstandard och övergång från el till andra energibärare och energislag påverkas således marginellt av de nya direktiven. Studien ger exempel på hur kommunikation ofta fungerar sämre mellan individer från olika kulturella gemenskaper (såsom yrkesgemenskaper) än inom varje sådan gemenskap, och att det kan också vara svårt att nå fram till en lösning som alla är nöjda med när flera perspektiv möts. Vi visar hur det samtidigt ofta är just sådana möten, diskussioner och förhandlingar som pressar fram, eller inspirerar till, mindre eller större modifieringar av människors kunskap och tankesätt, företagens arbetssätt eller bostädernas utformning.


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Tryckeribranschen r en ekonomiskt pressad bransch som sker nya besparingsmetoder. En av metoderna r att minska insatsvaran tryckfrg med frgreduceringsprogramvara. Rapporten undersker mjligheterna med frgreduceringssystem. Detta genom att studera hur man anvnder sig av frgreducering och hur det pverkar trycket. Studien avser besvara: Hur stor frgminskning kan man anvnda sig av utan negativa konsekvenser p bildkvalitn? Hur gr man tillvga fr att skapa den frgminskningen? verensstmmer total frgfrndring och visuell bedmning av tryck? Fr att f svar p dessa frgor togs en testform fram med ndvndiga bilder och frgflt som sedan genomgick en rad frgreduktioner. Testformen utvrderades digitalt med avseende p TAC och total frgfrndring. Drefter trycktes testformen och utvrderades visuellt av en testgrupp och uppmttes fr att visa frgfrndring efter tryck. Resultatet av underskningen visar att det gr att frgreducera tryck utan avsevrda negativa konsekvenser p bildkvalitn. En reducering frn 300 % TAC till en TAC mellan 240 % och 210 % r fullt mjlig fr att f en besparing och vara inom standard fr total frgfrndring. Detta gr att gra vldigt ltt med en programvara som Alwan CMYK Optimizer ECO, med enbart frvalda instllningar och en instlld Total Ink Limit mellan 240 % och 210 %. Resultatet visade ven en stark korrelation mellan den visuella bedmningen och den totala frgfrndring, som tyder att bde metoder r lmpliga fr bedmning av tryck.


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EFI Colorproof XF was found to be more convenient from a users aspect, and had features which are covered in the ISO 12647-7 standard (e.g. the ability to simulate screening and print margin information), which Photoshop CS3 lacked. None of the proofing systems distinguished itself in a clear way from the other; sometimes, on certain substrates, Photoshop CS3 produced most accurate colours, sometimes EFI Colorproof XF did. Further investigations need to be carried out to tell more exactly which system produce most accurate colours. Only 6 out of 34 simulation-combinations had colours within the tolerances in the standard. The result also shows that the production substrates should not be used as proofing substrates. Instead the proofing papers especially made for ink jet should be used to obtain more colour-accurate prints.


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A group, possibly administrators, pictured at a New York Trade School commencement ceremony. Photograph is black and white and contains some writing in red ink on it.


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In many creative and technical areas, professionals make use of paper sketches for developing and expressing concepts and models. Paper offers an almost constraint free environment where they have as much freedom to express themselves as they need. However, paper does have some disadvantages, such as size and not being able to manipulate the content (other than remove it or scratch it), which can be overcome by creating systems that can offer the same freedom people have from paper but none of the disadvantages and limitations. Only in recent years has the technology become massively available that allows doing precisely that, with the development in touchsensitive screens that also have the ability to interact with a stylus. In this project a prototype was created with the objective of finding a set of the most useful and usable interactions, which are composed of combinations of multitouch and pen. The project selected Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools as its application domain, because it addresses a solid and welldefined discipline with still sufficient room for new developments. This was the result from the area research conducted to find an application domain, which involved analyzing sketching tools from several possible areas and domains. User studies were conducted using Model Driven Inquiry (MDI) to have a better understanding of the human sketch creation activities and concepts devised. Then the prototype was implemented, through which it was possible to execute user evaluations of the interaction concepts created. Results validated most interactions, in the face of limited testing only being possible at the time. Users had more problems using the pen, however handwriting and ink recognition were very effective, and users quickly learned the manipulations and gestures from the Natural User Interface (NUI).


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Background: Cryptococcus neoformans causes meningitis and disseminated infection in healthy individuals, but more commonly in hosts with defective immune responses. Cell-mediated immunity is an important component of the immune response to a great variety of infections, including yeast infections. We aimed to evaluate a specific lymphocyte transformation assay to Cryptococcus neoformans in order to identify immunodeficiency associated to neurocryptococcosis (NCC) as primary cause of the mycosis.Methods: Healthy volunteers, poultry growers, and HIV-seronegative patients with neurocryptococcosis were tested for cellular immune response. Cryptococcal meningitis was diagnosed by India ink staining of cerebrospinal fluid and cryptococcal antigen test (Immunomycol-Inc, SP, Brazil). Isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with C. neoformans antigen, C. albicans antigen, and pokeweed mitogen. The amount of H-3-thymidine incorporated was assessed, and the results were expressed as stimulation index (SI) and log SI, sensitivity, specificity, and cut-off value (receiver operating characteristics curve). We applied unpaired Student t tests to compare data and considered significant differences for p<0.05.Results: The lymphotoxin alpha showed a low capacity with all the stimuli for classifying patients as responders and non-responders. Lymphotoxin alpha stimulated by heated-killed antigen from patients with neurocryptococcosis was not affected by TCD4+ cell count, and the intensity of response did not correlate with the clinical evolution of neurocryptococcosis.Conclusion: Response to lymphocyte transformation assay should be analyzed based on a normal range and using more than one stimulator. The use of a cut-off value to classify patients with neurocryptococcosis is inadequate. Statistical analysis should be based on the log transformation of SI. A more purified antigen for evaluating specific response to C. neoformans is needed.


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The purpose of this research was to study the mammary lymphatic drainage under a macroscopic and mesoscopic view, comparing the vascular pattern of healthy and neoplasic mammary glands injected with drawing ink alcoholic and fluorescein solutions, in 46 mongrel female dogs. The results pointed out that the thoracic gland is drained by the axillary lymph centre, but in mammary neoplasia either superficial cervical or ventral thoracic lymph centres can be involved. Cranial and caudal abdominal glands may be drained by the axillary, inguinofemoral and popliteal lymph centres. However, the popliteal drainage is specific for the healthy caudal abdominal mammary gland. The inguinal gland can be drained by both inguinofemoral and popliteal lymph centres in both neoplasic and healthy conditions. Regarding the mammary lymphatic communications, this research demonstrated that neoplasic glands present more types of anastomosis (40.9%), than healthy glands (33.33%), and an increase in contralateral anastomosis (50%) compared with healthy ones (33%). Given the data, the mammary neoplasia can change the lymphatic drainage pattern in terms of lymph centres and vascular arborization, thus forming new drainage channels and recruiting a larger number of lymph nodes. Lastly, some comments were made about the severity of a specific neoplasic mammary gland and conditions to be considered before making a decision in terms of the most adequate operative procedure, and suggestions for further investigations.


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The need for sustainability in the exploitation of natural resources in coastal areas has been out in recent years, as well as the social and cultural sustainability of traditional communities in these regions. Coastal and estuarine wild areas are influenced directly or indirectly by a set of human activities such as artisanal fishing. Therefore, there is a demand for an integrated design of these areas and according to the landing values, a pattern of unsustainable development of national marine fishing activity. The study was conducted in the coastal community of Praia da Pipa, Tibau do Sul municipality, RN, between june 2009 and june 2010 and aimed to characterize the fishery performed, its socio-economic strategies and fishing areas, as well as to identify ichthyofauna, to assess the sustainability of the major resources and to identify cultural traits related to artisanal fisheries, their problems and prospects; linking tradition and the present fishing activity carried out in the community. For this study, a total of 67 structured interviews were collected, including qualitative and quantitative data. A total of 133 fish landings and direct observations were performed. Informants were identified according to one of the following categories: fishermen, vessel masters and members of the local population with offspring. Applications SPSS 10.0, Paint.Ink and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 were used for tabulation and analysis of results. Local fishermen are, on average, 25 years fishing, have 40 years old and the average monthly income is up to 03 minimum wages. The local fleet consists of 20 vessels, that uses different line sizes and types of networks, operating in 21 fishing grounds and showing a reduction in the vessel numbers by 66% in the last decade. We recorded 76 species of fish, captured by the local fleet and the top 5 were quantitatively analyzed serra spanish mackarel (Scomberomorus brasiliensis), little tunny (Euthynnus alleteratus), yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus), red snapper (Lutjanus analis) and common snook (Centropomus undecimalis), accounting for 46,5% of production in the period. The capture of these species was composed mostly of adults. Data analysis showed a significant decrease of the local fishing activity over the last decade due to the weakness displayed by the political-social category, the devaluation of local knowledge and the emergence of new sources of income through increased tourism. The characteristics of the fishing community suggest it to pass through significant changes as the appreciation of their cultural and traditional aspects. We identified a tendency to sustainability of main species caught, suggesting that public policies to be adopted locally comply with the current characteristics of fishing undertaken in the community and knowledge of fishermen related to the environment, allowing environmental, as well as social and cultural sustainability of the community involved.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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The defense reactions against biological (Histoplasma capsulatum and Escherichia coli) and non-biological materials (China ink and nylon thread) were tested in vivo in third instar larvae of Dermatobia hominis. The cellular defense performed by larval hemocytes was observed under electron microscopy. China ink particles were phagocytosed by granular cells 5 h after injection. E. coli cells were internalized by granular cells as early as 5 min after injection and totally cleared 180 min post-injection, when many hemocytes appeared disintegrated and others in process of recovering. H. capsulatum yeasts provoked, 24 h after being injected, the beginning of nodule formation. Nylon thread was encapsulated 24 h after the introduction into the hemocoel. Our results suggest that granular cells were the phagocytic cells and also the responsible for the triggering of nodule and capsule formation. In the presence of yeasts cells and nylon thread, they released their granules that chemotactically attracted the plasmatocytes that on their turn, flattened to surround and isolate the foreign material.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivou-se neste estudo verificar anatmica e radiograficamente a existncia de comunicao entre a bolsa do osso navicular (BN) e a articulao interfalangeana distal (AID), estabelecendo sua freqncia e forma e identificando as estruturas anatmicas envolvidas no processo. Desta forma, foram utilizadas 140 peas anatmicas de membros torcicos e plvicos de eqinos. Com o auxlio de fluoroscpio, foi injetada uma mistura de contraste iodado, Neoprene ltex e corante na BN dos membros direito e na AID dos membros esquerdos, com subseqentes exposies radiogrficas. Constatadas comunicaes, identificavam-se as estruturas e os locais envolvidos, mediante tcnica de dissecao. Verificou-se, em duas observaes, comunicao entre a BN e a AID, aps injeo de contraste iodado, ltex e corante na bolsa do osso navicular, sendo um no membro torcico direito (MTD) e outro no membro plvico direito (MPD). Comunicao entre a AID e a bainha do tendo do msculo flexor profundo do dedo (BTMFPD) ocorreu em uma pea, pertencente ao membro torcico esquerdo (MTE). Comunicao entre a BN e a BTMFPD foi observada na pea de um membro torcico direito. Variaes morfolgicas nas extremidades laterais da BN, constituindo projees que se estendiam at o tero proximal da falange mdia, sendo mais pronunciada na face lateral do que na medial, ocorreram em cinco membros. Mediante a administrao de contraste iodado, ltex e corante na AID, nenhuma comunicao foi observada entre a AID e a BN.


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Discoloration of non-vital teeth is an esthetic deficiency frequently requiring bleaching treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the cervical base efficacy in order to prevent or to minimize the leakage along the root canal filling and into the dentinal tubules. Thirty-eight extracted single-root human teeth were used, which were biomechanically prepared, filled, and divided into three experimental groups: G1, a cervical base was applied (3 mm of thickness) below the cemento-enamel junction, with resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (Vitremer); G2, the base was done with glass-ionomer cement (Vidrion R); and G3 (Control), did not receive any material as base. A mixture of sodium perborate and hydrogen peroxide 30% was placed inside the pulp chamber for 3 days, and the access opening was sealed with Cimpat. This procedure was repeated thrice. Soon after this, a paste of calcium hydroxide was inserted into the pulp chamber for 14 days. All teeth were covered with two layers of sticky wax, except the access opening, and immersed in blue India Ink for 5 days. The results did not show statistically significant differences between the three groups concerning the leakage inside the dentinal tubules. Regarding the apical direction, a statistical difference (ANOVA P < 0.05) was observed among the experimental group G1 and control group G3. No statistically significant difference was observed between G2 and G3 groups. Therefore, the placement of a cervical base before internal bleaching procedures is still recommended.