953 resultados para Industries -- Accidents -- Mesures de seguretat


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Pour permettre à une femme enceinte de continuer à travailler en toute sécurité, l'OProma (ordonnance du Département fédéral de l'économie sur les activités dan- gereuses ou pénibles en cas de grossesse et de maternité) est entrée en vigueur en 2001. Cette loi concerne les employeurs, les médecins traitants, les gynécologues et les travailleuses enceintes et précise comment certains travaux, substances, ou micro- organismes peuvent faire courir un risque potentiel à la mère et à son enfant et comment ces risques doivent être évalués et traités. Le but de l'étude est d'évaluer, par le biais de questionnaires, l'état des connaissances des mesures légales de protection de la maternité au travail en général et plus spécifi- quement de l'OProma, chez 76 femmes enceintes suivies à la consultation d'obstétrique du CHUV (questionnaires administrés en face à face) et chez 87 gynécologues du CHUV et installés en Suisse romande (questionnaire on line). Les objectifs sont : déterminer la prévalence de la connaissance de ces dispositions légales, évaluer les facteurs person- nels pouvant influencer la connaissance de ces dernières, les raisons possibles du manque d'information et les mesures pouvant être prises pour améliorer cet état de fait. Concernant les femmes enceintes, 68% savent qu'il existe des mesures légales et 32% connaissent l'OProma, surtout par le biais de l'employeur et de l'entourage. L'unique facteur personnel significatif influençant la connaissance des mesures légales est le niveau de formation. Concernant les gynécologues, 95% savent qu'il existe des mesures légales et 47% connaissent l'existence de l'ordonnance, surtout dans le cadre de la formation continue. Les facteurs personnels significatifs sont l'âge et leurs années d'expérience pro- fessionnelle. Les deux populations trouvent que le manque d'information provient d'une méconnaissance de ces dispositions légales chez les employeurs. Les gynécologues re- connaissent aussi leurs lacunes et se sentent mal informés. Pour améliorer le manque d'information, les femmes demandent à en être informées par leur gynécologue. Les gy- nécologues désirent plus d'information et de formation sur la thématique. Il en ressort que les deux populations ont une bonne connaissance de l'existence de me- sures légales en général mais l'OProma spécifiquement est peu connue. Les gynécologues la connaissent mieux que les femmes enceintes, ce qui est loin d'être suffisant. Chez les femmes enceintes, le niveau de formation a été choisi dans cette étude comme indica- teur pour la classe sociale. L'appartenance à une classe sociale plus élevée induit une meilleure connaissance des mesures légales et de l'OProma. Chez les gynécologues, les médecins plus âgés et donc plus expérimentés connaissent mieux les mesures légales et l'OProma. Probablement, un médecin avec plus de pratique, la globalité de la patiente avec sa problématique sociale sera mieux prise en considération, en comparaison à un jeune médecin plus focalisé sur les problèmes somatiques. Il y a encore des efforts à faire concernant la formation des gynécologues et des em- ployeurs à propos de ce sujet. En effet, ces derniers se doivent d'assurer à la travailleuse enceinte une grossesse sans danger.


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A hazardous materials accident can occur anywhere. Communities located near chemical manufacturing plants are particularly at risk. However, hazardous materials are transported on our roadways, railways and waterways daily, so any area is considered vulnerable to an accident.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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IPI is comprised of three divisions. Private Sector funds are handed over to the General Fund. Traditional Industries and Farms funds are managed by IPI. The auditor of the state provides oversight on policies, procedures, and compliance with state law. Each year, the auditor is responsible for providing the Governor, legislature, Director of Corrections, and the public the findings of their comprehensive audits. IPI has received a clean bill of health and has not been cited for any violations in ten (10) years. IPI operates under the guidance of an advisory board, comprised of seven members. The advisory board meets at least four (4) times per year at a location of the board‟s choice, generally at a different prison each quarter. The board reviews the financials, policies, approves any new private sector ventures and offers comprehensive guidance on issues that will impact correctional industries as well as the public and local businesses. Each member serves for two (2) years and may be re-appointed. IPI has found that retaining board members has helped immensely with the continuity of transition and has afforded IPI with superb leadership and guidance. IPI is 100% self-funding. We receive no appropriations from the general fund. We hire our staff, pay their salaries, and pay the stipend of the offenders. We pay for our raw materials, equipment, and construct our buildings all from the proceeds of our sales. We operate with a revolving fund and retain any earnings at year-ends. The retained earnings are used for expansion of our work programs.


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Using a matched sample of 1091 inmates released between April 1,1999 and June 30, 2001, Prison Industries Enhancement Certification Program (PIECP) participants re-enter society more successfully than Traditional Industries (TI) or other than work (OTW) releasees in terms of employment. The primary findings of this research are that Iowa state prison inmates who worked in open-market jobs in PIECP were found to be significantly more successful in post-release employment. That is to say, they became tax-paying citizens quicker and remain in that status longer than TI and OTW releasees. Additionally, PIECP releasees were incarcerated post release at a slower rate than OTW releasees.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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Tort claims resulting from alleged highway defects have introduced an additional element in the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of highways. A survey of county governments in Iowa was undertaken in order to quantify the magnitude and determine the nature of this problem. This survey included the use of mailed questionnaires and personal interviews with County Engineers. Highway-related claims filed against counties in Iowa amounted to about $52,000,000 during the period 1973 through 1978. Over $30,000,000 in claims was pending at the end of 1978. Settlements of judgments were made at a cost of 12.2% of the amount claimed for those claims that had been disposed of, not including costs for handling claims, attorney fees, or court costs. There was no clear time trend in the amount of claims for the six-year period surveyed, although the anount claimed in 1978 was about double the average for the preceding five years. Problems that resulted in claims for damages from counties have generally related to alleged omissions in the use of traffic control devices or defects, often temporary, resulting from alleged inadequacies in highway maintenance. The absence of stop signs or warning signs often has been the central issue in a highway-related tort claim. Maintenance problems most frequently alleged have included inadequate shoulders, surface roughness, ice o? snow conditions, and loose gravel. The variation in the occurrence of tort claims among 85 counties in Iowa could not be related to any of the explanatory variables that were tested. Claims hppeared to have occurred randomly. However, using data from a subsample of 11 counties, a significant relationship was shown probably to exist between the amount of tort claims and the extensiveness of use of wcirning signs on the respective county road systems. Although there was no indication in any county that their use of warning signs did not conform with provisions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Federal Highway Administration, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1978), many more warning signs were used in some counties than would be required to satisfy this minimum requirement. Sign vandalism reportedly is a problem in all counties. The threat of vandalism and the added costs incurred thereby have tended to inhibit more extensive use of traffic control devices. It also should be noted that there is no indication from this research of a correlation between the intensiveness of sign usage and highway safety. All highway maintenance activities introduce some extraordinary hazard for motorists. Generally effective methodologies have evolved for use on county road systems for routine maintenance activities, procedures that tend to reduce the hazard to practical and reasonably acceptable levels. Blading of loose-surfaced roads is an examples such a routine maintenance activity. Alternative patterns for blading that were investigated as part of this research offered no improvements in safety when compared with the method in current use and introduced a significant additional cost that was unacceptable, given the existing limitations in resources available for county roads.