994 resultados para Indicador de produtividade


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o efeito do calcário, como fornecedor de cálcio, em diferentes épocas de semeadura, na cultura do amendoim cultivar Tatu, sobre os componentes da produção e a produtividade de vagens em semeadura na época considerada seca. O experimento foi conduzido em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro, argiloso, em Selvíria, MS. Foram estudadas quatro épocas de semeadura do amendoim da seca (21/1, 4/2, 18/2 e 4/3), combinadas com quatro doses de Ca (0, 45, 90 e 135 kg ha-1 de Ca), aplicadas no sulco de semeadura, usando como fonte calcário dolomítico com PRNT de 90,1% e com teores de 21% de CaO e 18% de MgO. Foram avaliados o número de vagens por planta, o número de grãos por vagem e por planta, o peso de 100 grãos, o rendimento e a produtividade das vagens. Conclui-se que: 1) à medida que se atrasa a semeadura, há a probabilidade de ocorrer deficiência hídrica nos períodos vegetativo e reprodutivo, reduzindo a produtividade do amendoim da seca; 2) há boa produtividade de vagens quando a semeadura é realizada até o início do mês de fevereiro; 3) a resposta do amendoim da seca ao Ca é baixa em solos onde inicialmente se tem alto teor de Ca e saturação por bases considerada média, principalmente, quando a disponibilidade hídrica também é um fator limitante; 4) a aplicação de calcário no sulco de semeadura como meio de fornecimento de Ca para a cultura do amendoim é uma prática viável.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Due to the small and the round seeds represent a rather high proportion of an ear, this experiment viewed to study the effects of those factors on seed germinative performance in the field as well as on the plant traits related to grain yield. Six treatment combinations replicated five times were sown in Votuporanga/SP on 08/22/2008. Flat shaped (C) and round shaped (R) seeds were made to go through flat round and oblong hole screens which resulted in the following treatments: 1. C1: seeds remaining on the top of a 23/64 '' round hole screen, 2. C2G: 21/64 '', 3. C3M: 17/64 '' or 16/64 '', 4. R2GM: medium length seeds remaining on the top of 13 x 3/4 '' oblong hole screen, 5. R3M: medium length seeds remaining on a 12 x 3/4 '' (from 1 to 2 mm bigger than R3), and 6. R3: 12 x 3/4 ''. The soil of the experimental area was submitted to a no-till cultivation system and the rows were set 0.6 m apart from one another. Fifteen days after emergence (DAE), the plants were thinned to a population of 66,000 plants/ha. Harvest took place 115 DAE and the mean yield was of 12,498 kg ha(-1). Based on the results it was concluded that only the initial growth of the plants is significantly affected by seed size. Plant traits such as plant height, ear insertion height, culm diameter, number of grains per year, grain weight and size as well as grain yield evaluated 40 or more DAE are not significantly affected by seed size or seed shape.


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The performance evaluation it's an important procedure for recommendation of a cultivar to an specific region, because the better adapted will present superior development and bigger level of productivity. The work aimed evaluates the behavior of soybean cultivars IAC 15-1, IAC 18, IAC 20, BRS 133, FT-2000, KI-S 602 RCH, MT/BRS-55 (Uirapuru), MT/BR-45 (Paiaguas), MT/BRS-51 (Xingu), KI-S 801, MSOY 7701, MT/BR-49 (Pioneer), Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 65 (Itapoty), Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 64 (Ponta Pora), Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 61, IAC 8-2, IAC 19, Crystalline FT RCH, KI-S 702, IAC Foscarin 31, IAC-PL1 and MT/BRS-46 (Conquista), related to agronomical characteristics of plants (cycle, height, height of first beans insertion and stand) and productivity of grains, when sowed in conventional time. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replicates, and the averages compared with Tukey Test (5%). It is viable soybean production at Selviria, MS, because practically all cultivars evaluated are adapted to the soil and climate conditions of that area. To cultivar KI-S 801, the use of smaller stand to the observed in that work it can avoid lodging. Caution should be had to use cultivar MT/BRS-55 (Uirapuru).


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Effect of green manure and sowing date on the productivity of bean no-tillage in the Cerrado region. Green manure and sowing date are two important factors that influence the productivity of cultivars. The objective of this study was to evaluate the production of biomass from different vegetation covers (millet, sorghum and Brachiaria brizantha) and the accumulation of nutrients and their effects on the bean cultivars (Pearl, IAC Tuna and Carioca Precoce) at different sowing dates (6/22 and 7/6). The experiment was conducted at the experimental area of the Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp, located in Selviria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, in the 2006/2007 agricultural year. The randomized blocks design was used with four replications, and the evaluations of the coverage were: the biomass of fresh and dry matter and nutrients accumulated in plants; for the beans: cycle, final stand, number of pods/plant, number of seeds per pod, mass of 100 seeds, and productivity. It was observed that millet and sorghum showed higher productivity of fresh and dry mass, and accumulate greater quantity of nutrients in straw; the time most suitable for sowing was in June, and the late sowing of cv. Carioca Precoce did not affect their productivity, the use of Brachiaria brizantha straw in coverage provided better conditions for productivity in the bean no-tillage system.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a produtividade do maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims) enxertado sobre três porta-enxertos em área sem histórico de morte prematura de plantas. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Adamantina-SP, no período de abril de 2006 a junho de 2007, adotando-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 + 1 tratamento adicional, com quatro repetições. Os fatores avaliados foram três porta-enxertos: Passiflora edulis, P. alata e P. gibertii, em dois sistemas de enxertia, a hipocotiledonar e a convencional por garfagem tipo fenda cheia, e um tratamento adicional, sem enxertia. Utilizou-se como copa o maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims). Avaliaram-se o diâmetro do caule do porta-enxerto, o diâmetro do caule do enxerto, o comprimento de entrenó, o comprimento dos ramos secundários, o número de ramos terciários, o número de frutos, a massa média de frutos, a produtividade e as fitomassas verde e seca das plantas. Observou-se que as três espécies estudadas podem ser utilizadas como porta-enxertos para o maracujazeiro-amarelo, com diferentes níveis de compatibilidade. P. edulis demonstrou maior compatibilidade como porta-enxerto por apresentar-se superior aos demais na maioria dos parâmetros analisados. Plantas enxertadas sobre P. gibertii apresentaram menor vigor, menor crescimento vegetativo, frutos com menor massa e menor produtividade. A enxertia hipocotiledonar resultou em maior massa média de frutos e maior produtividade no maracujazeiro-amarelo.


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The use and inadequate exploitation of natural resources is restricting the occurrence of aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva F.F. & M.F. Allemao), which now is on the FAO list of endangered species. This exploitation causes a decrease in the genetic base of M. urundeuva populations, which makes it difficult to find genotypes with stability and adaptability to different growing conditions. This study aimed at estimating the genetic variation and productivity, stability and adaptability of progenies of a M. urundeuva natural population, from the Ecological Station of Paulo de Faria - SP, under different planting systems. DBH (diameter at breast height) was evaluated in four progeny tests of M. urundeuva: i) planted with Anandenanthera falcata and Guazuma ulmifolia (TP-AMA); ii) single (TP-ASO); iii) planted with annual crops (TP-SAF) and iv) planted with Corymbia citriodora (TP-EUCA), installed in Selviria-MS. The experimental design consisted of complete randomized blocks with three replications and a variable number of plants per plot in each of the four planting systems. From the joint analysis of the planting systems studied, it was found that: i) there were variations among planting systems particularly in TP-SAF; ii) only in TP-EUCA it was possible to detect variations among the progenies; iii) the effects of the genotype x environment interaction were not significant. Thereby, the harmonic mean of genotypic values (MHVG), the relative performance of genotypic values from the mean of each site (PRVG) and the harmonic mean of the relative performance of genotypic values (MHPRVG) for DBH showed, respectively: progenies with greater stability, adaptability, and stability and simultaneous adaptability within different planting systems. The use of these selection criteria provided a more refined selection of the best progenies of M. urundeuva under the different planting systems studied.


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Stress can cause economic losses due to lower weight gain and increased susceptibility of animal diseases. Among the events that cause stress in calves, stand out weaning and road transport, which can result in increased serum concentrations of adrenaline and / or cortisol. This study evaluated the influence of weaning and road transport on the leukogram of Nelore calves. With this purpose, 30 calves with seven to eight months of age, divided into three groups, the first being composed of lactating animals (GL), the second by weaning animals (GD) and the third by weaning animals subjected to road transport for four hours (GDT). The first day of weaning, but not in subsequent days, there were changes in GD and GDT leukogram compatible with the action of adrenaline, as significant increases counts of WBC and neutrophils (p < 0.05), without changing in the neutrophil lymphocytes ratio (NL). In the GDT, immediately after transport, but not in subsequent days, leukogram changes were (p < 0.05) compatible with the action of cortisol, as higher N: L ratio and decreased eosinophil count. It was concluded that, under the conditions of this experiment, there are changes in leukocytes on weaning and road transport related to the action of adrenaline and road transport, respectively, and that the WBC can be used as an indicator of stress in this species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a reprodutibilidade de uma escala odontológica para avaliação da saúde bucal de crianças e adolescentes HIV+. A amostra, com delineamento não probabilístico, constituiu-se de 27 crianças e adolescentes HIV+. A escala foi aplicada, em duas ocasiões, com intervalo de sete dias. Estimou-se a reprodutibilidade intraexaminador pela estatística Kappa. Nas questões relativas à mãe, houve concordância máxima nos itens referentes à importância da saúde bucal, hábito de escovação diária e utilização de escova dental. A procura de atendimento odontológico motivado por estética e para manutenção de hálito puro apresentou concordância boa. Nas questões relativas à criança, observou-se concordância regular nos itens referentes ao fio dental. Com relação à organização do sistema de saúde, chama atenção a dificuldade dos respondentes em relatar o local e o profissional que realizou orientações educativas preventivas. A reprodutibilidade dos domínios percepção, cuidado e promoção foi de 0,48, 0,21 e 0,64, respectivamente. Sugere-se a necessidade de reestruturação das questões componentes dos algoritmos propostos pela escala para as dimensões de percepção e cuidado, a par da necessidade da saúde bucal ser inserida em programas de atendimento a portadores HIV+.