998 resultados para Immunohistochemical Detection


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A blocking ELISA targeting an immunodominant West Nile epitope on the West Nile Virus NS1 protein was assessed for the detection of West Nile-specific antibodies in blood samples collected from 584 sentinel chickens and 238 wild birds collected in-New Jersey from May-December 2000. Ten mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) experimentally infected with West Nile virus and six uninfected controls were also tested. The ELISA proved specific in detecting WNV antibodies in 9/10 chickens and 4/4 wild birds previously confirmed as positive by Plaque Reduction Neutralization test (PRNT) at the Center for Disease Control, Division of Vector Borne Diseases, Fort Collins, CO, USA (CDC). Nine out of the ten experimentally infected mallard ducks also tested positive for WN antibodies in the blocking ELISA, while 6/6 uninfected controls did not. Additionally, 1705 wild birds, collected in New Jersey from December 2000-November 2001 and Long Island, New York between November 1999 and August 2001 were also tested for WN antibodies by the blocking ELISA. These tests identified 30 positive specimens, 12 of which had formalin-fixed tissues available to allow detection of WN specific viral antigen in various tissues by WNV-specific immunohistochemistry. Our results indicate that rapid and specific detection of antibodies to WN virus in sera from a range of avian species by blocking ELISA is an effective strategy for WN Virus surveillance in avian hosts. In combination with detection of WN-specific antigens in tissues by immunohistochemistry (IHC) the blocking ELISA will also be useful for confirming WN infection in diseased birds.


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Background Wide testing of the aldosterone: renin ratio among hypertensive individuals has revealed primary aldosteronism to be common, with most patients normokalaemic. Some investigators, however, have reported aldosterone-producing adenoma to be rare among patients so detected. Objective To test the hypothesis that differences among reported studies in the rate of detection of aldosterone-producing adenoma (as opposed to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia) reflect differences in the procedures used for diagnosis of primary aldosteronism, and the methods used to identify aldosterone-producing adenomas. Methods In the newly established Princess Alexandra Hospital Hypertension Unit (PAHHU), we used procedures developed by Greenslopes Hospital Hypertension Unit (which reports that more than 30% of patients with primary aldosteronism have aldosterone-producing adenomas) to diagnose primary aldosteronism and determine the subtype. All patients with an increased aldosterone: renin ratio (measured after correction for hypokalaemia and while the patient was not receiving interfering medications) underwent fludrocortisone suppression testing to confirm or exclude primary aldosteronism; if they were positive, they underwent genetic testing to exclude glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism before adrenal venous sampling was used to differentiate lateralizing from bilateral primary aldosteronism. Results This approach allowed PAHHU to diagnose, within 2 years, 54 patients [only seven (13%) hypokalaemic] with primary aldosteronism. All tested negative for glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism. Aldosterone production was lateralized to one adrenal in 15 patients (31%; only six hypokalaemic) and was bilateral in 34 (69%; all normokalaemic) of 49 patients who underwent adrenal venous sampling. Among patients with lateralizing adrenal hyperplasia, computed tomography revealed an ipsilateral mass in only six and a contralateral lesion in one. Fourteen patients underwent unilateral adrenalectomy, which cured the hypertension in seven and improved it in the remainder. In patients with bilateral primary aldlosteronism, hypertension responded to spironolactone (112.5-50 mg/ day) or amiloride (2.5-10 mg/day). Conclusion When performed with careful regard to confounding factors, measurement of the aldosterone: renin ratio in all hypertensive individuals, followed by fludrocortisone suppression testing to confirm or exclude primary aldosteronism and adrenal venous sampling to determine the subtype, can result in the detection of significant numbers of patients with specifically treatable or potentially curable hypertension. (C) 2003 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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The detection of preclinical heart disease is a new direction in diabetes care. This comment describes the study by Vinereanu and co-workers in this issue of Clinical Science in which tissue Doppler echocardiography has been employed to demonstrate subtle systolic and diastolic dysfunction in Type 11 diabetic patients who had normal global systolic function and were free of coronary artery disease. The aetiology of early ventricular dysfunction in diabetes relates to complex intramyocardial and extramyocardial mechanisms. The initiating event may be due to insulin resistance, and involves abnormal myocardial substrate utilization and uncoupling of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Dysglycaemia plays an important role via the effects of oxidative stress, protein kinase C activation and advanced glycosylation end-products on inflammatory signalling, collagen metabolism and fibrosis. Extramyocardial mechanisms involve peripheral endothelial dysfunction, arterial stiffening and autonomic neuropathy. The clinical significance of the ventricular abnormalities described is unknown. Confirmation of their prognostic importance for cardiac disease in diabetes would justify routine screening for presymptomatic ventricular dysfunction, as well as clinical trials of novel agents for correcting causal mechanisms. These considerations could also have implications for patients with obesity and the metabolic syndrome.


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The production of conditional quantum states and quantum operations based on the result of measurement is now seen as a key tool in quantum information and metrology. We propose a different type of photon number detector. It functions nondeterministically, but when successful, it has high fidelity. The detector, which makes use of an n-photon auxiliary Fock state and high efficiency homodyne detection, allows a tunable trade-off between fidelity and probability. By sacrificing probability of operation, an excellent approximation to a photon-number detector is achieved.


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Elders lose independence and wellbeing, accompanied by decreased functions in terms of hearing, vision, strength and coordination abilities. These factors contribute to balance difficulties that eventually lead to falls. The injuries due to falls, at this age, are risky, since most of the times may cause a significant – and permanent – decrease of quality of life or, in extreme cases, death. In this context, a fall detection system can bring an added value to assist elderly people.This paper describes a system consisting of a wearable sensor unit, a smartphone and a website. When the sensor detects a fall it sends an alert using the smartphone via Bluetooth 4.0, to notify the family members or stakeholders. The sensor device includes an inertial unit, a barometer, and a temperature and humidity sensor. The website displays the log of previous falls and enables the configuration of emergency contact numbers. The proposed fall detection system is one of multiple components within a larger project under development that offers a holistic perspective on falls; the complete wearable solution will also feature, among others, physical protection (minimizing the impact of falls that occur).


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In this paper we present a method for real-time detection and tracking of people in video captured by a depth camera. For each object to be assessed, an ordered sequence of values that represents the distances between its center of mass to the boundary points is calculated. The recognition is based on the analysis of the total distance value between the above sequence and some pre-defined human poses, after apply the Dynamic Time Warping. This similarity approach showed robust results in people detection.


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In the context of an e ort to develop methodologies to support the evaluation of interactive system, this paper investigates an approach to detect graphical user interface bad smells. Our approach consists in detecting user interface bad smells through model-based reverse engineering from source code. Models are used to de ne which widgets are present in the interface, when can particular graphical user interface (GUI) events occur, under which conditions, which system actions are executed, and which GUI state is generated next.


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The aims of this study were a) to assess the ability of primary care doctors to make accurate ratings of psychiatric disturbance and b) to evaluate the use of a case-finding questionnaire in the detection of psychiatric morbidity. The estudy took place in three primary care clinics in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, during a six-month survey. A time sample of consecutive adult attenders were asked to complete a case-finding questionnaire for psychiatric disorders (the Self Report Questionnaire - SRQ) and a subsample were selected for a semi-structured psychiatric interview (the Clinical Interview Schedule - CIS). At the end of the consultation the primary care doctors were asked to assess, in a standardized way, the presence or absence of psychiatric disorder; these assessments were then compared with that ratings obtained in the psychiatric interview. A considerable proportion of minor psychiatric morbidity remained undetected by the three primary care doctors: the hidden morbidity ranged from 22% to 79%. When these were compared to those of the case-finding questionnaire, they were consistently lower, indicating that the use of these instruments can enhance the recognition of psychiatric disorders in primary care settings. Four strategies for adopting the questionnaire are described, and some of the clinical consequences of its use are discussed.


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A series of studies in the field of Epidemiological Psychiatry have been performed over the last two decades, and these have focused on the ability of primary care physicians to detect emotional disorders in the patients that attend their practices. The scientific methodology utilized in these studies is the subject of this review, which contains a discussion concerning: a) interviewer awareness bias; b) accuracy of the instruments and c) medical and psychological concepts involved in defining minor emotional disorders. Suggestions for change in the methodology are made in each of the sections of the review.


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In this paper we present results on the optimization of multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructures that can be used as optical transducers for fluorescent proteins detection using the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer approach. Double structures composed by pin based aSiC:H cells are analyzed. The color discrimination is achieved by ac photocurrent measurement under different externally applied bias. Experimental data on spectral response analysis, current-voltage characteristics and color and transmission rate discrimination are reported. An electrical model, supported by a numerical simulation gives insight into the device operation. Results show that the optimized a-SiC:H heterostructures act as voltage controlled optical filters in the visible spectrum. When the applied voltages are chosen appropriately those optical transducers can detect not only the selective excitation of specimen fluorophores, but also the subsequent weak acceptor fluorescent channel emission.


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In this paper we present an amorphous silicon device that can be used in two operation modes to measure the concentration of ions in solution. While crystalline devices present a higher sensitivity, their amorphous counterpart present a much lower fabrication cost, thus enabling the production of cheap disposable sensors for use, for example, in the food industry. The devices were fabricated on glass substrates by the PECVD technique in the top gate configuration, where the metallic gate is replaced by an electrolytic solution with an immersed Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Silicon nitride is used as gate dielectric enhancing the sensitivity and passivation layer used to avoid leakage and electrochemical reactions. In this article we report on the semiconductor unit, showing that the device can be operated in a light-assisted mode, where changes in the pH produce changes on the measured ac photocurrent. In alternative the device can be operated as a conventional ion selective field effect device where changes in the pH induce changes in the transistor's threshold voltage.


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Cryptosporidium sp., a coccidian parasite usually found in the faeces of cattle, has been recently implicated as an agent of human intestinal disease, mainly in immunocompromised patients. In the study realized, by an indirect immunofluorescence technique, specific immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) have been demonstrated in human serum against Cryptosporidium oocysts. Purified oocysts were used as antigens in the indirect immunofluorecence assay. After analyzing this test in sera from selected groups of patients, the frequency of both specific IgG and IgM of immunocompetent children who were excreting oocysts in their faeces was 62% and in children with negative excretion of oocysts was 20% and 40%, respectively. In adults infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and who were excreting Cryptosporidium in their stools, the frequency was 57% for IgG but only 2% for IgM. Twenty three percent of immunocompromised adults with not determined excretion of oocysts in their stools had anti-Cryptosporidium IgG in their sera. Children infected with human immunodeficiency virus had no IgM and only 14% had IgG detectable in their sera. The indirect immunoflorescence assay, when used with other parasitological techniques appears to be useful for retrospective population studies and for diagnosis of acute infection. The humoral immune response of HIV positive patients to this protozoan agent needs clarification.